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Posts posted by Vagrant.7206

  1. @praqtos.9035 said:

    @"mortrialus.3062" said:Like the ammo recharge should go down to 15 seconds on recharge and the full mantra cooldown should be 40 seconds on recharge.40 seconds ?!?!?!?! To save ths aids immob proc? Are you okay there?Mantra of Daze and Mantra of Pain should probably be turned into Projectiles with travel time as well, just to add some counterplay to the abilities.Yes, sure, why bother interrupting close to instant skills, lets just make it slow moving projectile and make it 3 time worse than distracting daggers that has inbuild power block, 3 charges recharging automatically, you are genius ! /sAlso I get the whole randomness is part of the flavor for Chaos themed skills, but randomly pulsing daze on Chaos Storm (Aegis too for that matter) is just too much high value randomness that this game was always trying to get away from.Improvisation ?


    Learn it, love it, live it.

    @"ZhouX.8742" said:Stow your weapon and bait rupts and don't mindlessly spam 4Headdddddddddddddddddddd

    Nerf CI though

    Dazes from mesmers are different from other interrupts because they last significantly longer. For example, compare to headshot on thief pistol offhand. The daze on that skill is 1/4 of a second, which serves as an interrupt, but doesn't prevent the enemy from taking actions. I'd be in favor of more of these kinds of interrupts than what we have now.

    Obviously, with the right traits, thief steal can be a long-lasting daze too. Knockdowns, floats, launches, etc all act as interrupts as well, but often feature way less randomness when compared to mesmer dazes. Consider Diversion shatter -- it's a 1 second daze, but it can be upwards of 3s of daze depending on where the illusions/phantasms are when it's activated.

  2. The scourge or mirage bit makes sense. There's a specific rotation you run with those builds, doesn't require nearly as much thought as any other class. They also are stronger when put together.

    The asura thing might make sense if their goal is avoid attention in matches. Are they tiny asura, or large asura?

  3. @Stand The Wall.6987 said:so adaptive armor would equal to 200 barrier per second, making it another dead gm trait.bulwark gyro is the problem, change it from self pulse to other allies.if holo leap cd was increased and heal turret nerfed, then holo would be fine.

    Bulwark gyro's mechanic is a problem, but adaptive armor is pretty stronk against non-spike builds. I'd like to see the other GM traits in the scrapper line more useful, because all scrapper is is a tank right now. IMO adaptive armor should have double the cooldown, and 33% more barrier. This would make it less able to withstand heavy pressure, better withstand spike, and still be good against condi.

    • Kinetic Stabilizers using F-gyro is way too situation-specific. The 10% bonus is hard to trigger reliably without speccing specifically for stability, and the boost doesn't make such speccing worth it
    • Applied force often only works with specifically designed builds that are generally one-shot gimmicks.

    I'd like to see these two GMs have more general purpose.

    As for the other changes to holo in the OP...

    • Holographic shockwave CD increase wouldn't change as much as you think it would, so by all means. The limiting factor on holographic shockwave is the heat generation, not the cooldown.
    • Corona Burst is needed to stay in melee range currently. Holos already get knocked around quite a bit with corona burst as is, and this would further hurt stability. If you increased stability duration to compensate, this might be justified.
    • Increasing the cooldown on Photon Forge would certainly be more punishing for people who spam, although it might limit playstyles as someone previously mentioned. I'm ambivalent on this.
  4. @mortrialus.3062 said:

    @"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:

    @"coro.3176" said:I can only offer my opinion on why I personally don't play PvP any more. It's quite simple:

    I want to play condi engi. I don't want to play bunker scrapper or holosmith.

    Condi engi is not viable .. at all. like, not even a little.

    So I don't play.

    In the past, the difference between the "meta" builds and "off-meta" builds was small. Like, sure there was one best spec, but the rest of the possibilities were all roughly 80-90% as effective as the meta spec.

    Now, it feels like the meta builds are a full 200% better than off-meta builds. It's a difference that can't really be overcome except by extreme skill differential, and that doesn't make for fun gameplay.

    Trying to make condi engi work in today's meta is like pulling teeth. I know, because I've seen people try it and I always feel bad when I wreck them on a meta engi build. :-\

    Not really, just make pistol skills overpowered and make tool kit do much more conditions than just confusion and bleed.

    Powercreeping everything up to the existing powercreep is kind of the opposite idea from the OP. If you want defined roles, that is not how you do it.

    Buffing something that was always below the power curve to begin with and thus was hardly uses isn't power creep by definition.

    Pre-HoT, condi engi was fine.

    Didn't it still use Rifle for the Quality of Life and get most of it's damage out of kits though? It's been a while but I think that was how it worked.

    It was usually dual pistols, flamethrower kit, tool kit, elixir s, and Supply Crate, I believe. I think Healing Turret too.

  5. @mortrialus.3062 said:

    @"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:

    @"coro.3176" said:I can only offer my opinion on why I personally don't play PvP any more. It's quite simple:

    I want to play condi engi. I don't want to play bunker scrapper or holosmith.

    Condi engi is not viable .. at all. like, not even a little.

    So I don't play.

    In the past, the difference between the "meta" builds and "off-meta" builds was small. Like, sure there was one best spec, but the rest of the possibilities were all roughly 80-90% as effective as the meta spec.

    Now, it feels like the meta builds are a full 200% better than off-meta builds. It's a difference that can't really be overcome except by extreme skill differential, and that doesn't make for fun gameplay.

    Trying to make condi engi work in today's meta is like pulling teeth. I know, because I've seen people try it and I always feel bad when I wreck them on a meta engi build. :-\

    Not really, just make pistol skills overpowered and make tool kit do much more conditions than just confusion and bleed.

    Powercreeping everything up to the existing powercreep is kind of the opposite idea from the OP. If you want defined roles, that is not how you do it.

    Buffing something that was always below the power curve to begin with and thus was hardly uses isn't power creep by definition.

    Pre-HoT, condi engi was fine.

  6. @"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:

    @"coro.3176" said:I can only offer my opinion on why I personally don't play PvP any more. It's quite simple:

    I want to play condi engi. I don't want to play bunker scrapper or holosmith.

    Condi engi is not viable .. at all. like, not even a little.

    So I don't play.

    In the past, the difference between the "meta" builds and "off-meta" builds was small. Like, sure there was one best spec, but the rest of the possibilities were all roughly 80-90% as effective as the meta spec.

    Now, it feels like the meta builds are a full 200% better than off-meta builds. It's a difference that can't really be overcome except by extreme skill differential, and that doesn't make for fun gameplay.

    Trying to make condi engi work in today's meta is like pulling teeth. I know, because I've seen people try it and I always feel bad when I wreck them on a meta engi build. :-\

    Not really, just make pistol skills overpowered and make tool kit do much more conditions than just confusion and bleed.

    Powercreeping everything up to the existing powercreep is kind of the opposite idea from the OP. If you want defined roles, that is not how you do it.

  7. @"coro.3176" said:I can only offer my opinion on why I personally don't play PvP any more. It's quite simple:

    I want to play condi engi. I don't want to play bunker scrapper or holosmith.

    Condi engi is not viable .. at all. like, not even a little.

    So I don't play.

    In the past, the difference between the "meta" builds and "off-meta" builds was small. Like, sure there was one best spec, but the rest of the possibilities were all roughly 80-90% as effective as the meta spec.

    Now, it feels like the meta builds are a full 200% better than off-meta builds. It's a difference that can't really be overcome except by extreme skill differential, and that doesn't make for fun gameplay.

    Trying to make condi engi work in today's meta is like pulling teeth. I know, because I've seen people try it and I always feel bad when I wreck them on a meta engi build. :-\

  8. @Vieux P.1238 said:

    @Vieux P.1238 said:Open world pvp in dead map's only. I mean really dead maps. That will work.Open world pvp will fail if there's no reason why to pvp in it. So incentive should be focused on collecting limited amount of resources per day per zones.

    Now see the greed take over & create war on it's own.

    It would work.

    If it's well implemented, there is no reason why PVE's can't keep on enjoying leveling & Questing with out having PVP players ganking them at every turn. As i said above.Have the pvp zones exclusively implemented in dead maps. & Dead maps there are a lot in the world of Tyria. Have does maps be farming maps to be harvest for it's limited resources. It has to be limited so players feel they must compete blood & sweat to win it. You can solo & you can compete as guilds doing rounds. Nay sayers should be more open to this idea instead of shutting it down right away. Especially when my idea explicitly protects players that only wants to be questing with out having gankers on there head all the time.

    "should"... No we shouldn't and neednt be open to a game mode we won't like.

    limited resources between players is not a gw2 concept.

    and dead maps have pvers trying to complete story steps.

    If you want actual pvp, and not just to gank people.. go to the 2 modes designed for it.

    The point of open world pvp is competitiveness. Gw2 concept was GUILD WARS! Not casual playing. But that's what we got in the end.Competition between guilds has to have incentive other then the trash we see in WvW. Fighting for resources that is harvested in a areais an exact reflection of real life. Where the Elites are fighting for Oil & Uranium & gold.Fighting for limited resources in an area means gone for X amount of time. Could be 3 hours or could be a day. Time factor should depend on the hour of time population is around to play.Dead maps questing should just be removed anyway. Cuz it's boring & dead! Push all Quest to more populated pve'r maps. There fixed!

    AS i said, it wont interfere in your casual PVE playing in the world maps. But plz stop crying about how it would affect you when it wont even interfere with your playing.

    Everyone will tell you that WvW is badly implemented. Reason why most servers are dead. & if they do an open World pvp they might as well kill off WvW. Spvp is another story.You all need to calm down. Open world pvp done right wont interfere with your casual playing. If you don't feel like pvp'ing in it, don't! You can keep on casually playing your pve with out interference.

    Geez so many cryers...

    If you created a new map for this purpose, whatever. I'd get done with whatever I needed and leave. But old maps have many parts integrated into them, and it isn't fun to deal with gankers when you just want to PvE.

  9. @toxic.3648 said:

    @Vagrant.7206 said:I'm not sure @"mortrialus.3062" should be concerned about his tone when there's people making
    because they want to insult somebody. There is a little something called civilityso civility is what u used here i presume?I enjoy watching you make an engineer just to take a screenshot. :smile:me telling u u arent a engi main is basically the same

    Very different. One statement is teasing somebody else. The other statement is calling someone a liar or a fraud.

    @toxic.3648 said:

    Feel free to downplay or insult me on every little thing I say. I hope the forum moderators read your posts. :smile:im not downplaying or insulting u mate. im proving u wrong, and have done so on numerous occasions now. not to mention ive read alot of the things that u have posted which have led me to believe that u arent a engi main since often times u got no clue on what traits/skills actually do on the class u surposedly main.

    No, you haven't done so on "numerous" occasions. You proved me wrong on one thing, which I agreed I was objectively wrong on. How that gets conflated to me being wrong on everything, I don't know. But I don't appreciate being called "no true scotsman" because you don't like me.

    @toxic.3648 said:i like to think im as objectively about the class i play and not afraid to admit if it is infact overperforming.which is why i always comes to these kind of threads to give my 2 cents on the class i main to give a clear picture on what actually is possible to do on holo or engi as a whole and what is not possible (or overexaggirated)

    I very literally said, just a few posts up, that Holo is OP in absolute terms. It's the relative OP'ness that's at debate. I don't personally believe that holo is any less or more OP than a lot of the current meta elite specs.

    And I am trying to be objective as well. I assume most people are. But when you mix insults with your arguments, I don't care what your argument is.

  10. @Twilight Tempest.7584 said:Just wanted to say...

    @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    Condi mesmer doesn't do damage anymoreHuh??? Condi mesmers probably the second most used condi build after Scourge

    ^This is like saying "boats are probably the second most used means of overseas travel after planes."

    Something being a distant second in a situation with only two options really isn't saying much about the second's efficacy.

    People criticize engineer's rifle all the time. Even though it's only 1 of 2 Core Engi MH weapons, and the other is trash.

    But yeah... condi as a whole needs a revamp.

  11. Only if you ignore all of the buffs you can have in WvW.

    WvW allows food, monuments, and mounts. It also doesn't discriminate by skill level, which makes it really hard to tell the real matchup of something based on video edits.

    @mortrialus.3062 said:--snip--

    I'll see your rant and raise you a
    . Please, "do the math".

    It's too high skill cap for most warriors to utilize properly.

    It's a single button.

    Did I stutter?

    why be rude??

    He's joking about the intelligence level of warriors. Not being rude to me.


    The real answer is that being able to have the high amount of healing per second Healing Signet provides with 0 cast time or fear of being interrupted is extremely ideal for Spellbreaker's playstyle. No matter what you're doing, hiding behind shield wall, chaining dodge rolls and evades, going on the offense it's like you're perpetually healing for a full healing skill value quietly in the background and zero fear of being interrupted at a crucial moment, unless you really need the resistance. And that overcomes how strong Mending has been boosted too while no one was looking.

    When you see warriors divorced from that play style, or running non-meta builds like Core Warrior or
    , builds where they're trying not be under fire 100% of the time they're often running Mending because it is genuinely an extremely strong heal.

    And if you're good enough to toss just one hololeap, jump shot, or Holographic Shockwave into Heal Turret it beats Mending, too.

    Aye, that is true. But that boosts the casting time of all this healing up to what... 2.5 seconds of casting time? That's a pretty long time for a healing skill.

    If we're talking about interruption, healing turret provides many opportunities for enemies to interrupt:
    1. Initial cast can be interrupted.

    This is the case with most healing skills.
    1. Turret overcharge can be interrupted with sufficient cleave damage (try putting HT down in the middle of a Reaper's spin2win, you'll see what I mean). If this happens, the engineer effectively only gets 2,520 from their heal, weaker than literally every other heal in the game.
    2. The blast of the water field can be stopped if the turret is destroyed before detonation.

    Outside of literally running into a reaper's Death Spiral under what circumstances is your healing turret getting cleaved out before the 0.5 seconds the over charge happens?
    1. Warrior Arc Divider/Whirlwind Attack
    2. Soulbeast Maul/Worldly Impact

    So against some of the most universally agreed most ridiculous pure damage power creep in the game.
    1. Any time the enemy team is focusing meSo in exactly the same time most other builds will just straight up die because they can't resustain the way Holosmith can.
    2. Other holos can do itOk.
    3. Well-timed shatter mesLike through a 3 clone mind wrack? You realize against a turret you can't crit that's mathematically impossible with just shatters right?
    4. Certain ele skill combos can do itLike fresh air ele? Fresh air ele is killing your heal turret in .50 second it takes to auto overcharge?
    5. Basically, any sufficiently hefty damage skill(s) with cleave can do it.

    @mortrialus.3062 said:You realize turrets still operate on 2012 rules in that they are structures that can't be critically hit and can't suffer conditions?

    5,980 is A LOT of health when your critical strike chance, and thus ferocity, and also your condition damage and expertise might as well be zero.

    Correct. And it still happens frequently enough that I have to be cautious what the enemy is doing before I lay down the healing turret. I often have to wait until I'm certain the burst is over.Personally speaking I can attest that by the time Healing Turret loads onto the screen, they have both gotten 6k+ healing and there is no way I can stop them in time to prevent Detonate Healing Turret.

    I'm not saying that it always happens under all these circumstances. The most reliable, as I mentioned, is reaper spin2win. But I have seen it happen in all the circumstances I mentioned.

    @mortrialus.3062 said:

    1. Any leap or blast can be interrupted, depends on the skill.

    Both core Engineer and Holosmith have a lot of abilities to make that more safe.
    1. Regen can be corrupted, stripped, or stolen.I suppose but that's also the least impactful aspect of the skill.

    Yes, this is true.

    My point is, if you want to talk about counterplay, Healing Turret has way more counterplay than many other healing skills. There are several opportunities to interrupt the process, and I've seen many players unintentionally and intentionally doing it.

    Healing turret has the same amount of counter play every other healing skill in the game gets as far as I can tell, personally.

    As an engineer main, I respectfully disagree.

    @mortrialus.3062 said:Seriously not a joke for reals: Does any of this upset you? Shadowpass has been talking about how I engage in personal attacks and don't argue truthfully and it's genuinely got me insecure, second guessing everything I post because aside from the odd joking and sarcastic response I think should be obvious I feel like I'm very dry and factual.

    Your tone can be... kind of frustrating? But not upsetting.

    My only problem with many of the complaints about OP'ness (for any class, not just engineer) is they often boil down to strict math without any consideration for the actual gameplay or the class design. Or they lean the other way, with a really frustrated player who can't verbalize what pisses them off. Sort of like that guy screaming about the auto attacks for mesmer, without the context for how mesmer plays.

    Because I'll definitely tell you that Holosmith is OP. This is absolutely true. The problem is that most of the elite specs are also OP, and I'm not sure how far ahead of the OP curve holosmith is. It has more diversity in build options, which does suggest it is more OP than not. But, engineer is also designed to have more tools at its disposal too. I would like to see it nerfed, along with all the other meta elite specs.

  12. Only if you ignore all of the buffs you can have in WvW.

    WvW allows food, monuments, and mounts. It also doesn't discriminate by skill level, which makes it really hard to tell the real matchup of something based on video edits.

    @mortrialus.3062 said:--snip--

    I'll see your rant and raise you a
    . Please, "do the math".

    It's too high skill cap for most warriors to utilize properly.

    It's a single button.

    Did I stutter?

    why be rude??

    He's joking about the intelligence level of warriors. Not being rude to me.


    The real answer is that being able to have the high amount of healing per second Healing Signet provides with 0 cast time or fear of being interrupted is extremely ideal for Spellbreaker's playstyle. No matter what you're doing, hiding behind shield wall, chaining dodge rolls and evades, going on the offense it's like you're perpetually healing for a full healing skill value quietly in the background and zero fear of being interrupted at a crucial moment, unless you really need the resistance. And that overcomes how strong Mending has been boosted too while no one was looking.

    When you see warriors divorced from that play style, or running non-meta builds like Core Warrior or
    , builds where they're trying not be under fire 100% of the time they're often running Mending because it is genuinely an extremely strong heal.

    And if you're good enough to toss just one hololeap, jump shot, or Holographic Shockwave into Heal Turret it beats Mending, too.

    Aye, that is true. But that boosts the casting time of all this healing up to what... 2.5 seconds of casting time? That's a pretty long time for a healing skill.

    If we're talking about interruption, healing turret provides many opportunities for enemies to interrupt:
    1. Initial cast can be interrupted.

    This is the case with most healing skills.
    1. Turret overcharge can be interrupted with sufficient cleave damage (try putting HT down in the middle of a Reaper's spin2win, you'll see what I mean). If this happens, the engineer effectively only gets 2,520 from their heal, weaker than literally every other heal in the game.
    2. The blast of the water field can be stopped if the turret is destroyed before detonation.

    Outside of literally running into a reaper's Death Spiral under what circumstances is your healing turret getting cleaved out before the 0.5 seconds the over charge happens?
    1. Warrior Arc Divider/Whirlwind Attack
    2. Soulbeast Maul/Worldly Impact
    3. Any time the enemy team is focusing me
    4. Other holos can do it
    5. Well-timed shatter mes
    6. Certain ele skill combos can do it
    7. Basically, any sufficiently hefty damage skill(s) with cleave can do it.

    @mortrialus.3062 said:You realize turrets still operate on 2012 rules in that they are structures that can't be critically hit and can't suffer conditions?

    5,980 is A LOT of health when your critical strike chance, and thus ferocity, and also your condition damage and expertise might as well be zero.

    Correct. And it still happens frequently enough that I have to be cautious what the enemy is doing before I lay down the healing turret. I often have to wait until I'm certain the burst is over.

    @mortrialus.3062 said:

    1. Any leap or blast can be interrupted, depends on the skill.

    Both core Engineer and Holosmith have a lot of abilities to make that more safe.
    1. Regen can be corrupted, stripped, or stolen.I suppose but that's also the least impactful aspect of the skill.

    Yes, this is true.

    My point is, if you want to talk about counterplay, Healing Turret has way more counterplay than many other healing skills. There are several opportunities to interrupt the process, and I've seen many players unintentionally and intentionally doing it.

  13. @mortrialus.3062 said:

    What happens in wvw happens in pvp

    Only if you ignore all of the buffs you can have in WvW.

    WvW allows food, monuments, and mounts. It also doesn't discriminate by skill level, which makes it really hard to tell the real matchup of something based on video edits.

    @mortrialus.3062 said:--snip--

    I'll see your rant and raise you a
    . Please, "do the math".

    It's too high skill cap for most warriors to utilize properly.

    It's a single button.

    Did I stutter?

    why be rude??

    He's joking about the intelligence level of warriors. Not being rude to me.


    The real answer is that being able to have the high amount of healing per second Healing Signet provides with 0 cast time or fear of being interrupted is extremely ideal for Spellbreaker's playstyle. No matter what you're doing, hiding behind shield wall, chaining dodge rolls and evades, going on the offense it's like you're perpetually healing for a full healing skill value quietly in the background and zero fear of being interrupted at a crucial moment, unless you really need the resistance. And that overcomes how strong Mending has been boosted too while no one was looking.

    When you see warriors divorced from that play style, or running non-meta builds like Core Warrior or
    , builds where they're trying not be under fire 100% of the time they're often running Mending because it is genuinely an extremely strong heal.

    And if you're good enough to toss just one hololeap, jump shot, or Holographic Shockwave into Heal Turret it beats Mending, too.

    Aye, that is true. But that boosts the casting time of all this healing up to what... 2.5 seconds of casting time? That's a pretty long time for a healing skill.

    If we're talking about interruption, healing turret provides many opportunities for enemies to interrupt:

    1. Initial cast can be interrupted.
    2. Turret overcharge can be interrupted with sufficient cleave damage (try putting HT down in the middle of a Reaper's spin2win, you'll see what I mean). If this happens, the engineer effectively only gets 2,520 from their heal, weaker than literally every other heal in the game.
    3. The blast of the water field can be stopped if the turret is destroyed before detonation.
    4. Any leap or blast can be interrupted, depends on the skill.
    5. Regen can be corrupted, stripped, or stolen.

    So yes, I don't deny that healing turret is powerful. But when you compare it to mending and healing signet on warrior, it has just as much, if not more counterplay.

  14. @Solori.6025 said:

    @Vagrant.7206 said:"Striking a foe while
    stealthed triggers Invisible Analysis."

    Is that what you mean?


    I enjoy watching you make an engineer just to take a screenshot. :smile:

    And alright you got me on that. So now what's your point about reveal?

    I think the point was going back to @Crab Fear.1624 and @Trevor Boyer.6524 's post about engineer having the tools of most classes in one build.And Toxic proving that even reveal is in fact a tool they have access to.

    This is true. I'm not denying that engineer has access to some of the most tools in its arsenal. Part of its design.

  15. @Burnfall.9573 said:

    What happens in wvw happens in pvp

    Only if you ignore all of the buffs you can have in WvW.

    WvW allows food, monuments, and mounts. It also doesn't discriminate by skill level, which makes it really hard to tell the real matchup of something based on video edits.

    @mortrialus.3062 said:--snip--

    I'll see your rant and raise you a
    . Please, "do the math".

    It's too high skill cap for most warriors to utilize properly.

    It's a single button.

    Did I stutter?

    why be rude??

    He's joking about the intelligence level of warriors. Not being rude to me.

  16. @mortrialus.3062 said:

    What happens in wvw happens in pvp

    Only if you ignore all of the buffs you can have in WvW.

    WvW allows food, monuments, and mounts. It also doesn't discriminate by skill level, which makes it really hard to tell the real matchup of something based on video edits.

    @mortrialus.3062 said:--snip--

    I'll see your rant and raise you a
    . Please, "do the math".

    It's too high skill cap for most warriors to utilize properly.

    It's a single button.

  17. @toxic.3648 said:

    @"Vagrant.7206" said:The only unblockable people have been complaining about is Prime Light Beam. Don't play coy. // Generally speaking, you can't trigger that trait at will. You have to CC a stealthed target for it to work.

    thats because u werent clear on what u meant. and again u are wrong on the reveal. u can HIT a stealthed target to reveal AND CC them to get a reveal. basically 2 reveals in 1 trait. with this im referring to my earlier post again

    mate im beginning to question if u even play engi by this point.

    "Striking a foe while you're stealthed triggers Invisible Analysis."

    Is that what you mean?

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