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Posts posted by Vagrant.7206

  1. @Chaith.8256 said:

    @coro.3176 said:Not in the sense that it breaks the build or anything, but that amount of cleanse effectively means you can't play condi engi (or any condi build that isn't mesmer or scourge) in pvp because there will be opponents that you can't ever hope to touch with condi damage except with an unreasonable amount of focus or luck.

    Very easily fixed by a number adjustment

    Edit: There are still many problems with playing a non-necro/mesmer condi class in PvP.

    Things like Conversion Holo and Firebrand exist, the condi hate is pretty real. However, no matter how insane a few builds can stack condition removal, there will be ways for condi builds to carve out viability by countering the prominent builds that have no/little condi removal.

    Overall, I think the way condi is applied and condi cleanses work needs to be changed. The system of removing a whole stack of condi at once is a weird holdover from GW1.

  2. @plushiesoda.8150 said:engineer should never have any type of bow, they´re different concepts after all. While i´d love to see a ranged option what engineer truly needs is a support elite

    Have you never watched Arrow? Bows with different bolt types could totally be an engineer thing.

    @FrizzFreston.5290 said:Throwing maces around is a totally valid idea.

    Would be a hilarious animation to see maces bonking people in the head then bouncing to a nearby enemy's head.

    @"Adamantium.3682" said:I could definitely get behind dual maces, aesthetically would be a great fit. They could easily make them ranged too, nothing immediately comes to mind on how... but it never stopped them with hammer, dagger, staff, axe, or greatsword. Maybe more I can't remember.

    It's simple.


  3. @stone cold.8609 said:I blame the hobo sack appearance that the kits had when the game first launched. Anyone else remember these? I know that they put me off engineer for a while!

    Part of the reason I never ran kits when I started playing. Those things were ugly as sin.

  4. @coro.3176 said:Been messing around with P/P a bit lately. It's still godawful. Most builds just completely shrug off my conditions like I'm not even there. I can be fighting on a point, landing every single one of my skills and make exactly zero progress toward killing my opponent. As an aside, has the slow autoattack actually gotten worse lately or am I just noticing it more? Feels like Pistol 1 is taking AGES. Are they ever going to fix that to be the 0.5s it should be?

    I haven't played my condi engi in PvP in so long, I haven't noticed. But last I remember, it does feel close to 1 second for pistol autoattack, despite it listing 0.5 secs.

  5. @Faaris.8013 said:

    @"Tabootrinket.2631" said:Thief life in a nutshell :

    -other professions : " Thieves are OP nerf them the hell up "
    • thief : " Oh ok, can I get in your team then ? "
    • other professions : " What ? Hell no thieves are useless "
    • thief : " wait what ? Yeah so can we get some improvements to be more useful to the team ? "
    • other professions : " What ? No thieves are more than fine as they are. "
    • thief : "Huuh... so why don't you accept me in your team ? "
    • other professions : "thieves are useless "

    Funnily accurate ^^

    In fractals, there are groups that either tolerate thieves or refuse them completely. Never does anyone welcome or ask for a thief. Not even for skipping stuff because mesmer can do that too, and better. When I'm not insta-kicked as thief, people are usually surprised after the run how well thief can do. They also think the class is easy to play because we don't have difficult rotations like weaver or holosmith. The basics are easy, but it takes a lot of practice to get really good, like with other classes. I have more than 2000 hours on my thief now, and there's still room for improvement.

    To be fair, most fractal groups don't ask for specific DPS classes. They just ask for DPS. I know nobody asks for me on my engineer.

  6. @Echoherb.6528 said:Thing is, I played engi 5 years ago. I just returned to the game and it seems exactly the same but weaker. Holosmith just seems like an entirely different profession completely, and I have yet to try out scrapper, but it doesn't seem to be doing so well according to what people are saying. Hopefully engi will be getting some much needed love.

    Core is weaker, because they keep nerfing it to try and nerf holosmith. I don't understand their logic, as it just makes things worse for bringing up the rest of the class.

  7. @"Nirvana.8659" said:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29690/pvp-wvw-skill-split-release/p1

    take this reason why so few peoples play the engineer as an example :

    -reduce damage between 40-15% on 3 skills of the Holosmith , the only semi-viable dps spec we have at moment-Increase the damage of the mortar skills of 40% more or less , a very slow kit usefull more for teh combos tahn for his actual hit capacity (in WvW your hits will get reflected a lot in zerg fights , and when i say a lot i mean 60-70% of the times with all the reflection/projectile destruction skills going on there)-Some reduced CD from pistol skills , things we were asking from years for the no-sense (look at pistol 5...come on) , but now totally useless since our conditions are nothing compared to other classes (even ranger and theives can now apply a more efficient condi BURST in pvp and WvW compared to us.

    This would be fine to promote the skill/build diversity , too bad aside from holosmith we can just go play a failed tank with not even enough self sustain for WvW roaming , or we can go play a core class with....ehm nothing?!

    Now , with the "small" dps increase on theif....basically untouched insane self sustain/hight DPS druid build that is becoming more and more out of control , untouched mesmers redicously easy-mode oneshot build going on at moment , tell me if it's easyer understand why so few peoples play engineer.The balance team is completely disconnected from the class , i think they make balance based on the roaming videos they see on youtube : so if a decent engineer makes a video going around stomping complete noobs that are walking clueless in WvW...they nerf engineer :D .

    My opinions...just my opinions...calm down (to the engy white knights out there ).

    It's pretty apparent to me that ArenaNet's balance team doesn't have anybody who mains engineer on it. I made some suggestions to hopefully temper the nerfs with buffs elsewhere. I hope they actually listen to my suggestions.

  8. @mauried.5608 said:Ive never bothered with any kind of optimization nor do I worry about the speed of levelling as the entire purpose of playing the game is simply to consume my time in an enjoyable way.Why does the game have to be played in the fastest possible way?

    It doesn't. But for most people it makes the game boring to have fights more grindy.

  9. @mauried.5608 said:Its sad that in this game everyone seems so fixated on maximum dps, kill monsters as quick as possible, and get as many rewards as possible in the least possible time, that the concept of playing the game just for fun is totally lost.Which is why I play Engineers because they are fun.

    It's not particularly fun for engineer when your build isn't optimized. Leveling can be really slow going.

  10. @Echoherb.6528 said:

    @Echoherb.6528 said:Is it because it's complicated? Elementalists are complicated but there's way more of those. Is it the theme? I can kind of see people wanting more of a magically themed class in this kind of game, but at the same time there are plenty of warriors and thieves. Is it because they are difficult to play? Once again I think ele is also very difficult to play and I see a lot of those. I'm curious what's causes so few people to play them.

    Several reasons:
    • Unintuitive design
      • By that I mean that primary weapons are weak, most of your real damage is in your kits, or PF.
    • Aesthetically different from other classes (tech instead of magic)
    • The interesting skills and traits are objectively worse than the boring ones.
    • Except for PF, not a very flashy class.
    • Takes more effort to get the same result other classes get
    • Lack of effort from ANet devs to keep the class up to date. Lots of traits and skills have languished for years with no real change.

    Makes sense, especially the part about interesting skills being worse and it not being a flashy class (no clue what "PF" is). Although I still see more warriors and thiefs and those aren't very flashy classes either.

    PF is photon forge.

    And yes, but warrior and thief both have visually unique methods of standing out. Engineer is the least visually distinct class (explosions are probably the flashiest things besides photon forge).

  11. @Echoherb.6528 said:Is it because it's complicated? Elementalists are complicated but there's way more of those. Is it the theme? I can kind of see people wanting more of a magically themed class in this kind of game, but at the same time there are plenty of warriors and thieves. Is it because they are difficult to play? Once again I think ele is also very difficult to play and I see a lot of those. I'm curious what's causes so few people to play them.

    Several reasons:

    • Unintuitive design
      • By that I mean that primary weapons are weak, most of your real damage is in your kits, or PF.
    • Aesthetically different from other classes (tech instead of magic)
    • The interesting skills and traits are objectively worse than the boring ones.
    • Except for PF, not a very flashy class.
    • Takes more effort to get the same result other classes get
    • Lack of effort from ANet devs to keep the class up to date. Lots of traits and skills have languished for years with no real change.
  12. @Crossaber.8934 said:

    @Mikeskies.1536 said:At most, Full Counter needs its range reduced to 240 units, Revenue Counter needs to lose its Resistance, and Last Stand needs a 60 sec ICD.

    I don't see a need of last stand nerf, the other 2 sounds reasonable.

    But i rather see revenue counter remove 2 conditions instead of copy 5 conditions to enemies, as if there is not enough condi spam already...

    A last stand nerf would be pretty dang nice, considering that resistance already grants them immunity to a lot of control effects.

  13. @crewthief.8649 said:

    @Vagrant.7206 said:

    @Kaga.7629 said:From the very first beta preview weekend I've been saying it, people are going to complain about full counter. First week , back when deadeyes could still glitch-snipe from stealth and Scourges were still at 100% dumbness people were complaining about full counter. Now that
    balance is out, scourges are still 75% of what they were, and Full counter now legit hits like a wet noodle.

    First balance pass isn't out. Last patch was a bugfix. And it doesn't hit like a wet noodle, unless you're comparing against other SB's.

    @Kaga.7629 said:Also do remember that warriors in general have received a ton of nerfs ALREADY before just before PoF hit, including Defy pain being cut in half and all cleanse from specialisation bursts becoming lvl1 instead of 3 ( for cleansing purposes, that's a straight up 66% nerf on the cleanse). Which pretty much made the previous spec no longer worth it unless you pve.

    The defy pain change wasn't a nerf so much as "Combat stopping for 4 seconds is really kitten while the warrior vents his frustration."

    @Kaga.7629 said:There's a very big difference between lynchmobbing warriors back to the stone age YET AGAIN and doing actual, small iterations changes to get things just right. And already by "bug fixing" Full counter damage 50% of the immediate salt is gone. I dont think they need to push the recharge on FC above the 8 sec there was in beta.prev . My money would be more on a 7.5sec recharge if anything , just a nudge higher than what's the current number ( which is 6.75 sec).

    Have you played any classes other than warrior? I'm not talking about scourge, btw.

    We don't all have tons of blocks, evades, mobility, CC, good passive healing, and immunity stacked into one. Right now SB is all that and a bag of chips! On the upper divisions, I've seen SB's only go down with 3 people focusing on them, and they were dealing out a healthy dose of damage in return. No class has that kind of tankability/damage/healing rolled into one. Even dragonhunter at its most powerful could take maybe 2 poorly skilled people.

    I think you're misrepresenting how strong DHs were at one point in time. I know you weren't addressing me with your post, but I do agree that SB needs some adjustment, i'm just not certain there's a need for such hyperbole. The spec will be adjusted, you and I both know that.

    I'm actually not being hyperbolic -- I've seen highly skilled warriors tank three people. Rangers in particular seem vulnerable to SB, and I've seen an SB tank three rangers focusing him... and win against all three. The only time I've seen SB's get taken down by individual players were scourges (which are broken in a different way) or more-skilled SB's. I've been able to do it a few times as a holosmith, but only if I'm kiting them like CRAZY. I cannot hold a point against an SB to save my life. And when I encounter an SB by myself... I just try to pull him off the point so a teammate can cap or so that he can't cap. I can't do too much else by myself.

    Most of the time I see SB's, they're 1v2'ing and holding their own. If there's a ranger though, usually the ranger gets killed.

  14. @Kaga.7629 said:From the very first beta preview weekend I've been saying it, people are going to complain about full counter. First week , back when deadeyes could still glitch-snipe from stealth and Scourges were still at 100% dumbness people were complaining about full counter. Now that FIRST PASS balance is out, scourges are still 75% of what they were, and Full counter now legit hits like a wet noodle.

    First balance pass isn't out. Last patch was a bugfix. And it doesn't hit like a wet noodle, unless you're comparing against other SB's.

    @Kaga.7629 said:Also do remember that warriors in general have received a ton of nerfs ALREADY before just before PoF hit, including Defy pain being cut in half and all cleanse from specialisation bursts becoming lvl1 instead of 3 ( for cleansing purposes, that's a straight up 66% nerf on the cleanse). Which pretty much made the previous spec no longer worth it unless you pve.

    The defy pain change wasn't a nerf so much as "Combat stopping for 4 seconds is really dumb while the warrior vents his frustration."

    @Kaga.7629 said:There's a very big difference between lynchmobbing warriors back to the stone age YET AGAIN and doing actual, small iterations changes to get things just right. And already by "bug fixing" Full counter damage 50% of the immediate salt is gone. I dont think they need to push the recharge on FC above the 8 sec there was in beta.prev . My money would be more on a 7.5sec recharge if anything , just a nudge higher than what's the current number ( which is 6.75 sec).

    Have you played any classes other than warrior? I'm not talking about scourge, btw.

    We don't all have tons of blocks, evades, mobility, CC, good passive healing, and immunity stacked into one. Right now SB is all that and a bag of chips! On the upper divisions, I've seen SB's only go down with 3 people focusing on them, and they were dealing out a healthy dose of damage in return. No class has that kind of tankability/damage/healing rolled into one. Even dragonhunter at its most powerful could take maybe 2 poorly skilled people.

  15. @blindrage.6158 said:I would prefer a long range (1200+) staff idea with either a technomancer or golemancer type theme. Something that combines magic and tech would be awesome, and is something I feel is seriously lacking in this game so far. Outside of story driven things, such as the asura racial story, you don't see much "magitech" in use by the main characters much.

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