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Posts posted by Kalavier.1097

  1. 17 hours ago, EdwinLi.1284 said:

    Yep, the Tyrian Alliance is basically this world's version of a United Nation.

    Though as I said it is still very underfunded and very low on support right now because each Race and country are having personal issues they need to deal with first before they can actually invest in it properly.

    I would say less "They can't invest in it" and more of, especially going forward, each nation/group (Quaggan, Hylek, Skritt, etc) will have to be able to ensure their own safety. So you could easily turn and write in things that keep X group from directly interacting with whatever the plot is. Maybe the charr were exploring a new deep mine and accidentally found an old branded nest, so they are working to clean up that mess before it even reaches the surface. So on, so forth.

    12 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    You might be assuming a bit more... collective direction for the norn than is really present. I suspect it's less a case of calculated decision-making, and more that individual norn are making their own decisions, and more norn are interested in exploring the old homeland than the big picture.

    Well, Hoelbrek/the lodges in general have shown the Norn are changing and evolving over time culturally. They are seeing the benefits of strength in numbers and community.

    Idunno how it's worded because of limited game time currently but it could be everything from Knut actively going "Hey, Bob's going up north beyond Bjora Marches, anybody wanna go with him? Could be dangerous!" to just a group of Norn ending up meeting up near Bjora and all nodding at each other "Going north?"

    12 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    In addition to this, ArenaNet has a track record of friendly forces having more of a representative sample rather than showing their full range of capabilities ingame, because in practice most players don't really care what precisely their NPC allies are doing, unless it's explicitly related to a mechanic. We've seen Seraph warriors, guardians, engineers, and because it became a mechanic in Drizzlewood, mesmers. There are miniatures of a Seraph medic in light armour (might have been intended to be a monk, or might be an elementalist healer similar to the Priestesses of Dwayna) and an archer in medium armour (probably intended to be a ranger). The queen's champions that appeared during the first Jubilee also had a wide range of abilities. It's likely that the Krytan military has members of all the core professions, although some might be low in number - significant magical support has always been a component of human armies in the lore.

    There are Seraph archers (Using medium armor, not the heavy armor npcs we see), Seraph Juggernauts, Seraph Heavy Guard, Seraph mage, and Seraph medic (also Seraph recruit)

    I'd say the medic is probably a monk, as the Dwayna Priests/priestesses are monks or elementalists ingame. 

    Likewise, we've seen some npcs using weapon combos we can't get. I think it was Lionguard and Vigil feature medium armor people using pistol+warhorn. 

  2. 1 hour ago, EdwinLi.1284 said:

    Not only that but Forde and Ishgarran also said they took heavy casualties in the war against the Kryptis so the Astral Ward forces are now greatly reduced. They do not have many people now for any larger operations. 

    The Tyrian Alliance also just formed around the beginning of this new expansion in response to the sudden invasion of Kryptis attacks through the course of 1 year (which means SotO only lasted for 1 year timeline wise) and getting people to support the formation of the Alliance is shacky right now since a good amount are either not in support of the Alliance or too busy dealing with their own personal Race politics and issues to send people to support the Alliance. 

    Janthir Wild expansion right now is partly focus on establishing the Alliance by establishing their first real successful support for the Alliance being the Janthir Kodan so they can help build up defenses against the new dangers created as a result of Tyria now becoming very cendense in Magic that it is attracting beings from the Mist and also maybe causing other things that exists in Tyria to act up in different ways.

    And any future threat, let's say hypothetically some threat emerges and attacks Kryta. Kryta will respond with it's own forces and figure out what's going on before they put in a call to the alliance, as they'd want a detailed report of what's going on. Then the others mobilize and move in. 

  3. 47 minutes ago, wolfof.1842 said:

    It is infinite power creep on top of all now.

    Look what airship cannon vs. Zhaitan did to the story in 2012 already.
    So they fixed it and let huge fleet of airships become vulnerable, crash and burn in HoT 2015.

    But now... we teleport on flying islands instead, no more crashing airships!
    Biggest issue now is wizards and jadetech Cantha, not skritt and lower creatures.

    How to make Pact Wizards Jadetech vulnerable to anything again now? 

    Again, I'd love to see where they are just going to teleport the wizards tower or Amnytas anywhere in the world at the drop of a hat. As I recall, such efforts take time and prep. 

    You are massively blowing things out of proportion and forgetting that they will need time to rally any force against a new threat. 

  4. 1 hour ago, wolfof.1842 said:

    Maybe? But why even add huge alliance on top to boost our "good side" more and more?

    5 playable races ally are already enough but Tyria alliance add:

    • Wizard's Court, Astral Ward
    • Dominion of Winds (Tengu)
    • Hylek
    • Itzel
    • Kodan 
    • Humans + Awakened of Elona
    • Humans + Tengu of  Cantha

    Let them deal with own issues at home, have conflicts, not travel to Lion's Arch and form biggest alliance ever...  
    Most important: Wizards have to leave.

    We don't use Charr choppers, airships that could crash.
    We don't use Asura gates we have to transport and set up at location first.

    Instead, we teleport flying wizard cities through all Tyria now...?
    We are invincible. Tyrian alliance.

    I haven't done JW yet but I feel like you are overblowing this? The Tyrian Alliance is basically the Pact, but a general alliance. The Pact wasn't rolfstomping everything it faced either remember? 

    And it had support of all the nations in Central Tyria, support of Ogres, Tengu, Hylek, Skritt, Quaggan, Koden in relevant areas.

    Hell, in IBS we outright had Koden and Ebon Vanguard starting to deploy to help out in fights around Central Tyria. 

  5. 18 minutes ago, wolfof.1842 said:

    All of this "alliance of ... evil groups needed" to raise threat is result of writing yourself in a corner (with United Tyria).

    Easiest solution, scrap Tyria alliance. Not working, differences, disagreements...

    When you add so many powerful groups together, it will be like invincible.
    Safe win every time, no personality, no danger.

    Let different groups go their own ways, have their interests, act like they want. 

    United Tyria put on ice.
    Centaurs find supercharged Leyline crystal, artifact... their Elite units gain extreme strength/size, physical resistance, magic attacks.
    Massive horde with strongest, magical powered leaders underway to Kryta. 

    • 3 maps in Woodland Cascades to stop and shatter Centaur threat forever.
    • Humans with only low support of help (alliance separated)
    • ...

    No need for evil groups to ally. Just give one a huge buff and make less vulnerable to our weapons. 
    Humans (mostly) on their own, Centaurs as threat for Kryta believable again. 

    This isn't warcraft where we all suddenly forget we fought together and go back to being neutral/enemies just so bad guys have a chance at not being stomped instantly in the opening patch.

    Even if you suddenly had Centaurs being super strong and magically charged for random reasons, it would kinda derail everything GW2 has built up.

    You know, blood legion showing up to defend DR against white Mantle specifically to prevent them from destroying "All that Kryta and the legions had built up", and the humans repaying the favor during the civil war. etc.


    centaurs were only a huge threat to Kryta because Kryta was actively being sabotaged from the inside out. Even if we randomly had nobody show up to help out, Kryta is vastly stronger now then it was at start of personal story.

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  6. 6 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

    The is very much untrue. The Centaur War has been going on since 300 AE. Do you really think that Ulgoth and Caudecus are the only things that kept the war going for 1,000 years, when they weren't even a century old?

    The centaurs have been off-and-on warring because Krytans slowly took the land they were living on (and not all entirely to their own fault - Zhaitan, for example, forced Krytans northward; other situations harming relations were insane kings like Oswald Thorn who also soiled relations with the Caromi tengu). And in GW2's time, thanks to Zhaitan and Jormag, the centaurs were extremely limited in the available land they could live in; Ulgoth's hatred over the near genocide during the Modniir's failed instigated assault on the Eye of the North and Caudecus' machinations aside, there would be many motivators to keep the millennia long war going - racism runs deep, and many were hurt by the war. There's bound to be others on both sides who want to see the war continue.

    Of course, in ArenaNet's modern writing, all such things are just the fault of specific conservative villains like Li and Bangar, so simply killing the last of them will surely solve all problems, somehow, I'm certain. Even though such doesn't address the key point of the Tamini's suffering - the lack of land in northern Kryta / southern Woodland Cascades. Modniir's land issues is taken care of by Jormag's death, more or less. Harathi still have their lack of lands from the Maguuma Jungle drying into the Maguuma Wastes, too, though.

    I would argue it is certainly possible for the Centaur War to be more than mere mop-up, though given the power creep of things, it would definitely serve as more of a backdrop to something larger. The best it'd get is the level of charr civil war during original-scope IBS, which means less than half the main focus time.

    Given the last we saw it, the centaurs had learned how to harness and utilize Bloodstone magic thanks to the White Mantle, that knowledge wouldn't necessarily simply vanish, and who knows what additional benefits (or harm) they might have gotten since Mists shenanigans popped up. They do live pretty close to some confirmed mursaat / Wizard architecture, and there are still unaccounted Bloodstones to take note of. Not to mention the idea of remnant villain groups forming an alliance wouldn't be out of the possibility either - not in a Scarlet's Alliances sort of way of mixing two groups that shouldn't mix to get advancements in tech, but more of a Sinister Triad route where you got separate groups working together for mutual benefits of survival. Dominion, centaurs, and remnant Nightmare Court would make an interesting alliance; add in Inquest to the mix if it feels they need a magitech bonus to level the playing field.

    But the Tyrian Alliance - assuming it doesn't fall apart - does feel like it'd be capable of quickly squashing any local territorial threat, truth be told. Kind of makes the smaller plotlines of Centaur War or Foefire ghosts seem... implausible to be a viable issue not quickly dealt with.

    So it might be better to put the Centaur War and Foefire plotlines on the backburner for a hypothetical GW3.

    As said by Draxynnic, The big factors that allowed the Centaurs to go from minor raids and fights to outright being a huge threat are gone. Caudecus isn't sabotaging the Seraph at every turn and removing his own ministry guard forces from key locations to expose Kryta to deep attacks. Ulgoth is dead, and he was the major figure in forcing the other tribes into the war whether they hated kryta or not. The Seraph are stronger then ever, and the internal sabotages are gone. The Centaurs have lost their major leaders in the war side of things and it may be harder for them to rally as a unified force to truly be a threat. Not that the war is actually "Over" per say, but it's a lot less dangerous for Kryta.

    As for bloodstone, I would honest lean toward that group of Centaurs being wiped out alongside the White Mantle at lake Doric, as they were actively raiding and attacking the Seraph and Blood legion forces there. It seemed like they were starting to go mad as well, with all the bloodstone ones being labeled as "Crazed" with their high sage being killed and the other forces likely being wiped out or routed during the counter-attack. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    I'm honestly not sure where you got this idea but its completely, and utterly, incorrect. All that is said in LWS2 is that the ritual needs to be done in a place of power. Rytlok did it in the old duke's cellars, which are far outside what was Ascalon city, and the ritual was working.

    At no point do they say Ascalon City is involved.

    Rytlock did a TEST of the ritual at Barridan's crypts, to see if they were on the right track. The test worked, but sucked the blade into the mists. It only reduced the ghostly presence near Black citadel, thus providing the Charr city with an easier time defending itself and more openings for them to come and go without issue. 

    The actual legend is that it requires a human of Doric's lineage, with the crown, and with a specific, or either one of the blades. Ascalon city is literally the epicenter of the foefire, so it makes sense that an actual full cleansing would have to be there. Nothing says it has to be "Any place of power", it has to be specifically in a place of power related to the foefire ghosts. Guess where the single largest place of power is? oh my god, Ascalon city, the epicenter, where the king cast it!

    1 hour ago, EdwinLi.1284 said:

    I think he is confusing the old lore about how Sohothin and Magdaer need to be return to Ascalon City to break the curse. A old lore I think most have forgotten about considering it was the established ingame rumor for NPCs who believed that was the way to break the curse of the Foefire before GW2. It was never follow up on of course since Rytlock went on to attempt ending the Foefire with Sohothin alone and we never seen Magdaer after Eir took it to be repaired.

    Magdaer was originally meant to go to Logan as Eir way to reforge Logan and Rytlock's friendship but they never follow up on it.

    There isn't any old lore that has been removed here. The legend is that it has to be a descendant of Doric, using one of the blades (specific one or either or isn't clarified) and having the complete crown of Ascalon. Only that can truly banish the foefire, is the legend.


    edit: In general I'm approaching this from both a storytelling angle as well as a realistic angle for what Anet can do with the game. We know they are talking about Khan-Ur, not ghosts.

    • Like 1
  8. 29 minutes ago, wolfof.1842 said:

    So we just forget Ascalon, Foefire, Magdaer, human ghosts... throw it all in the trash?

    They can write the story any way they want without changing maps, f. example:

    • First try of ritual fails, only made it worse:
      Ghosts even stronger, higher numbers, spread out and conquer more, far regions of Ascalon. 
      • new Ascalon maps: Regent Valley, Drascir Hinterlands,...
      • Final story instance: Ascalon City
        (like Dragonstorm Arena, instanced)

    Like that you can have instanced story finale in Ascalon City with 10-50 player squad without change of old map.
    now Anet can combine, expand and finish Foefire story. 

    Professional writers, devs can do this better than amateur like me...

    Nobody has said anything about throwing it in the trash. I'm simply pointing out that Anet, post season 1, has expressed a desire that they'd rather introduce a new map then to rebuild another, since they don't phase maps to split populations. We are more likely to explore Ash legion/Blood legion lands and the Khan-ur stuff first.

    Also technically, first try of the ritual succeeded, but sucked Rytlock into the mists and depowered his sword. 


  9. 44 minutes ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    Except the ghosts cover almost all of Ascalon, and there's parts of Ascalon, such as those in the Blazeridge Mountains, that we've never seen. Like Drascir, the original capital of Ascalon, it off the map, and could have ghosts also.

    You could easily do an expansion focused on the Charr, dealing with Bangar, the remnants of the Renegades/Separatists/Dominion, and getting rid of the ghosts, with the final map being around Drascir, and using the ritual to clean up the ghosts there.

    Drascir is just off iron marches. Ghosts cover most of ascalon but are highly concentrated around the great wall.

    The ritual to cleanse the foefire (as it's known) entirely requires it to be in Ascalon city, so they'd have to go there for it. 

    It's far more likely any Charr focused expansions would be entirely in the Ash legion lands which are totally unexplored, or the rest of the blood legion lands up north (or both) and dealing with the Khan-Ur elections. Rather then a drastic event that would take place almost entirely in the core regions of GW2 and rewrite the map there. Yes, they could do like they do for the brand and have it be entirely cleansed but we don't see it, but we weren't involved in cleansing the brand, that was purely Aurene.

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  10. 3 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    Getting rid of the effects of the Foefire wouldn't mess with anything in past maps because all the maps are time locked to whatever release they first came out in. No one questions why the White Mantel are still warring in Lake Doric despite later releases saying they were completely wiped out etc. etc.

    This is completely misinterpreting what I'm saying though.

    Having an expac or major storyline about totally ending the foefire would involve the core Ascalon maps, as that is where foefire ghosts are. Unless one wants them to go "Oh yeah, we finished the anti-foefire ritual off-screen, the ghosts are totally gone" which nobody would enjoy.

    • Confused 1
  11. 6 hours ago, wolfof.1842 said:

    Ok, like I say humans had lot of story in past expansions anyway so then just focus on other races.

    Look at this:

    • Charr. Ascalon. Sohothin. Magdaer:
      "It is said that if either Magdaer or Sohothin returns to Ascalon City in the hands of the rightful king of Ascalon, then the Ascalonian spirits will finally be put to rest."
      In 1325 AE, Eir Stegalkin retrieved Magdaer from the Ascalonian Catacombs, intending to have it reforged for Logan Thackeray. The sword has not been seen since.

    Like... what?! This is major history of human and Charr right in the capital of playable race. 

    Save Ascalon, reverse the foefire curse. If this is not enough for a mini expansion I don't know what is. 

    So why we deal with random wizards and monsters or White Mantle again in middle of nowhere, instead of major story of a playable race in their capital region?

    As said, Anet is very, very much loath to go do what happened to Kessex Hills/LA again where they have several different "versions" of the map active at once or are directly changing a core map.

    Banishing the foefire is a huge story beat that would affect basically the entire Ascalon map, besides Fields of Ruin and Fireheart Rise. Anet does not what to do a "Guild wars 2, cataclysm" and make a release that either rebuilds an entire region in GW2, or split the population with a huge chunk of the playerbase on "Old, ghost ascalon" or "New, cleansed ascalon" and unable to help each other.

  12. 3 hours ago, wolfof.1842 said:

    Who of Anet ever said Centaur war is over? They had centaurs in the trailer and wanted continue the story but Icebrood Saga was cut short in middle to work on End of Dragons. So they needed finish for all Dragons (Jormag + Primordus) in DRMs quickly instead.

    GW2 wiki also says: "In days gone by, the centaurs were spread across Tyria, but with the unification of the tribes they are now mainly found in Kryta with suggestions that they stage their attacks from the Woodland Cascades. "

    Did we explore Woodland Cascades yet? Did the main story have chapter about end of centaur war?

    The driving individuals of the centaur war are dead. Caudecus sabotaging the Seraph and fueling Centaur hate, and the war chief Ugolth who was forcing the other tribes to partake in the war.

    The war may not "Be over" officially, but it is very much a far cry from what it was at the start of the personal story.

  13. From memory, as I haven't touched JW yet. Caudecus was a full member of the White Mantle, but he wanted things done his way, his beliefs. He sabotaged Xera purely because she was a rival, and he did not want his shot at the throne to be usurped by another member being the one to bring back the Mursaat.

    • Like 1
  14. 4 hours ago, wolfof.1842 said:

    then we just leave main playable races hang there without main story? I think many players are interested about them, see Icebrood Civil War and Charr.

    Stuff happens... random wizards reveal on flying islands teleporting around, fight creatures that just show up one day? 

    Tyria is big, has many known races and important plots ready there.
    It is all wasted when they never write about it: Charr, Asura, Sylvari...

    The thing is, unless you are doing stories in the middle of Kryta, we aren't going to really see a ton. Anet has  leaned toward "We aren't going to have 3 different storylines affecting the world in the same spot." so yeah, we may not see as much about what the Rata Sum or Black Citadel populations are doing, they are going forward.

  15. 4 hours ago, Laken.9018 said:

    Another big part of it is as we move away from Tyria, The Order has less reason to be present and thier narrative function often gets used by other groups or they can't turn up
    In Elona it's the Order of Shadows

    It is implied IIRC that the OoW was very limited in Elona because OoS kept blocking them, or outright killing them around path of fire event time.

  16. 5 hours ago, Mic.1897 said:

    How did this help with anything in the story though?

    At this point it seems like the Whispers is all just an idea but no actual impact on the world... at all lol

    If you can, without inside knowledge, point at something and go "It was order of whispers!" that defeats their entire point. Seriously, a chunk of the npcs in order of whispers wiki page are just regular clothing (even other orders) characters hanging out in various places keeping an eye on things.

    The ones in order of whispers armor and weapons? They want you see them. It means you don't see the other agents around you.

  17. 4 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

    Eh, the fighting for spoils and resources is still kind of there. Was part of the WvW Rush dialogue at least. It's just not at the forefront as it was back before megaservers, when the your server's ranking in WvW determined some minor bonuses in gathering materials, etc.

    I mean the original angle of "Oh the multiverse of tyria is fighting for resources to fight the dragons!" part isn't a thing anymore, and outside of minor gameplay elements, has never been mentioned.

    So we get loot and resources sure, but it's more of a generalized "Lion's Arch is bringing in some stuff" vs an active campaign that benefitted the Pact and the battle against Elder Dragons and otherwise.

    8 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    I think there's also a degree of "whatever side you're on is the real Tyria, while the invaders are demons or something." Similar to how a lot of open world events maintain a fiction that you're the real Commander slash Wayfinder, even if you're surrounded by other players who are also being treated as the Commander from their perspective, while from your perspective they're a mass of Pact soldiers, Astral Ward, or whatever you'd expect allied forces to be in the circumstances.

    One way to look at it is the other armies are just fractal soldiers. 

    Another possible head-canon one could use is they are different guilds/military units using the Mist War as an active training ground on sieges and open warfare, though high risk given how deadly fractals are in general.

  18. 6 hours ago, joshisanonymous.5270 said:

    Back in the day, the Mist War made sense because each world was a discrete server. You were never gonna PvE with people from other worlds and such. Since converting to a megaserver structure, how is the Mist War now explained? I mean, everyone's in the same place all the time now, technically. There are no longer discrete worlds -- I mean, there are discrete instances, but those potentially collapse into one instance depending on population -- and no need to meet in an in between Mist place, and outside of the Mists, everyone helps each other out.

    The actual lore of the Mists war/WvW has changed over time. Currently the actual lore is that the Mist war zones are basically massive scale fractals, warzones that go back and forth until eventually just resetting back to a default state before resuming all over again.

    The whole "Gathering resources for your world" bit hasn't been mentioned in a long time in any real way, and the megaserver out of universe side of things was made so that low pop servers would have equal chances to earn loot and get events done. Back in season 1 there was a real disparity between the high pop and low pop servers, because the former would be able to do the limited time world bosses or events much more often successfully.

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  19. 3 hours ago, joshisanonymous.5270 said:

    You should maybe just avoid this section of the forums. It seems to be bothering you.

    I've said this about several people who seem to frequent these forums specifically just to not like GW2 or be unhappy. Nobody is forcing him to continue to read and post in the place that actively makes him not have a good time.

    • Confused 1
  20. 5 hours ago, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

    While the dream is constantly swelling with experiences, it isn't getting any more sorted. The dreamers get their random mix of facts, emotions and memories - but it isn't guaranteed to make sense. 

    Even worse - it isn't even guaranteed to work. Just as the sylvari npc in south Kessex tells us: she can't even remember her dream. 

    Btw, most questions like this or how the society works are actually answered by npc (ambient) dialogue. Spend some time in the grove or Caledon. 

    Or they get dreams and information about places that they have no idea where it is because they know OF it, but don't know the name or location. Like the one who got a Wyld hunt to care for the forever tree. "I dreamed of a stone forest, and wasn't sure if I'd ever find it until I started hearing stories about a giant petrified forest in Cantha"


    The thing the Firstborn have is status but also practical experience. They know what the other races are like, what traveling is like around the world. They communicate more easily with the pale tree then anybody else before the Pale tree's avatar came to be. While they are leaders, it's not like they are kings or nobles, just respected for their experience.

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  21. 39 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    Yeah the scale thing applies across the whole game (and to most other games too). But even allowing for that there's things we don't see at all, like shipments of food coming into the city or people coordinating the distribution and sale. Oddly enough the one place we do get a direct reference to that is Hoelbrak, where you can meet Kolijn Johansson, the city's Trade Administrator, but realistically all the cities (including the Grove) would have equivalents.

    (It's a bit off-topic but even knowing games almost always do that, and why the in-game Dragon Brand was a bit of a let-down after reading Ghosts of Ascalon. Of course I didn't expect, and wouldn't want, whole zones of it, but being able to cross on foot in about 30 seconds without any enemies coming near me was anticlimatic.)

    Kolijn probably is visible because it's part of how Hoelbrek is a cultural evolution for the Norn, so it's a bit unusual currently. The whole network of lodges being small towns linked to Heolbrek is also new. DR, Rata Sum, and Black Citadel we'd just expect such a role to be filled naturally.

    Though the dragonbrand part, yeah that's why I have told people that the Dragonbrand of path of fire and season 4 is actually more lore accurate then the rest of it. How it's all like that, constant storms and just being in it is being in serious danger.

  22. 1 hour ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:


    I'm not sure whether to be impressed at this level of detail, or disturbed that this is something they actually thought needed to be specified.

    pretty sure it was a Q and A session and somebody asked about it in relation to if Sylvari needed to actually eat and such.

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