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Posts posted by Quadox.7834

  1. @"Grimjack.8130" said:FA has and always will be degenerate and you never want it to even be close to meta since it'll just kill the game even more like Holo did, remember when POF launch FA weaver could 1 do 15k+ damage with almost no CD since you had 3 different bursts? Arcane Blast hit for 5k on a 12s recharge with 3 charges yeah, please never again.Or Core FA that could kite 90% of the things in the game just whiffing Phoenix until they hit it and 1 shot you since it hit 5 times.

    FA is fun and playable. But you never want it to be really good.

    they sort of managed to fix this a little bit now though by changing the damage on electric discharge (air swap) to vulnerability instead. i dont' think it would be that impossible to "fix" fresh air for example by giving their stuns slightly better animations and putting more a big part of the damage on non-instant skills (phoenix, plasma beam, etcetc)

  2. @Poledra Val.1490 said:People have very short memories, the meta in January was literally close to a collection of one shot builds and the chief among them were thieves literally annhilating people with one or two hits. I am not a huge fan of the current meta either but I would like to look forward and not backward when it comes meta/balance development.

    this is true, the reduction in onehots is nice but neither is the new gameplay of having to spam your wet noodle skills for 5 minutes into a teamfight while barely denting the enemy (unless you are holo...). i guess it's the resustain that is excessive.

  3. @JazzXman.7018 said:

    @"Quadox.7834" said:you dropped this: \sry im not sure i understand what you mean with this

    oh you did this smiley earlier ¯
    /¯ but the left arm didn't appear because of formatting. It happens often so it has become a meme to say "you dropped this: \ "

    also i agree that smth like 40 sec would be good for portal. alternatively lower cd would also be fun.yep or that, even tho i think a little bit more duration helps more for slower specs to get value out of it

    @Yoci.2481 you are right, i totally get you. i know its not easy to follow the footage and the writings at same time and ppl have to watch it like twice (good for baiting views i guess muhaha). but since for me the work with editing audio becomes very much more and my audio quality being low quality i would not do a voice commentary too often. but i would make one for you with a guide topic you would like. dunno what type of guide to do about wvw tho but maybe something about mesmer? you have free choice ;)

    @Leonidrex.5649 yeah mesmer balance is a mess since a longer time now already and it doesnt feel like it will get much better soon :(

    they will prob buff mirage heal skill and nerf ecto, that's what the mesmer lobby (aka helseth misha and maybe some others) have been pushing for i believe.

  4. @Ragnar.4257 said:Mesmer Staff and Deadeye Rifle should both remain non-viable, unless given a signficant re-work. They are fundamentally anti-fun to play against. The same goes for any zoo builds which function just by activating all summons then afk-ing on a node.

    Read carefully. Not saying they are too strong. Saying they are anti-fun. Playing whack-a-mole against rifle deadeye or chasing a phase-retreating mesmer round and round in circles is tedious in the extreme.

    how hard is it to chase a phase retreat on a 12 second cooldown

  5. @Vancho.8750 said:

    @Megametzler.5729 said:Meanwhile me, playing my second game with Healbreaker and no clue about warrior, deciding games left and right with parallel finishing/reviving with banner in plat. :lol:

    Much complex, very tough to play, such challenge. It is extremely forgiving and easy to play. But that does not necessarily mean it is OP.

    It is fine though balancingwise, just some minor tweaks. Maybe FC longer CD or make it not unblockable. Or reduce some of the random condi cleanses on warhorn. But nothing as bad it needs a hotfix in my view.Aegis exists, that is why FC is unblockable, it would be kinda dumb if the whole point of the speck that removes boons be countered by boons. Also before we touch anything lets make the other warrior builds function you know. And from everything Warhorn, really

    ) .

    You are talking to an ele main, so... don't tell me anything about needing more variety of builds. :lol:

    Also, because on and a half builds have aegis, any other blocking skill may become unusable? Aegis isn't the only blocking skill. I severly disagree with this view.It is also Full counter it counters you fully that is the whole point of it, that is why spellbreaker gets only level one bursts and 2 bars of adrenaline, and over the years the deal is getting worse and worse, cause FC now is basically just a dodge that dazes at this point, imagine if ele got added direct negatives for picking the elites.

    It is also Arcane Blast, not Arcane Tickle. What kind of argument is that? :lol:

    FC is a short CD block, it stuns (not blocking) enemies, it applies a whole bunch of boons and copies conditions, it is a big AoE... how can you say it is just a dazing dodge?

    You also don't know ele very well obviously. Check the disadvantages of attunement swapping on ele's specialisations.The disadvantage is carpal tunnel on ele and has always been. Arcane blast is not a main mechanic that sells the whole spec, a drawback to ele would be that you get only 2 elements to attune to. Full counter by itself is dodge that dazes, the other things are added from the traitline, sorry but the rule is that traits are considered separate from the skill. Also all of warrior traitlines work this way they are directly tied to bursts, there it is nothing new or special. The point of the elite is that it counters and reduces the power of others so when you go up against it you should go in a more technical manner and be patient with your skills.I still don't get it why people do not respect the MAIN mechanic of the spec, like it doesn't do much, I would understand it if it was a full row of several skills but it is a skill that is on 8 second cd if you are running another traitline and it works if you have a resource that is gathered by getting 10 hits by default( which is kitten all for ele but for war is kinda hard).

    @Megametzler.5729 said:Meanwhile me, playing my second game with Healbreaker and no clue about warrior, deciding games left and right with parallel finishing/reviving with banner in plat. :lol:

    Much complex, very tough to play, such challenge. It is extremely forgiving and easy to play. But that does not necessarily mean it is OP.

    It is fine though balancingwise, just some minor tweaks. Maybe FC longer CD or make it not unblockable. Or reduce some of the random condi cleanses on warhorn. But nothing as bad it needs a hotfix in my view.Aegis exists, that is why FC is unblockable, it would be kinda dumb if the whole point of the speck that removes boons be countered by boons. Also before we touch anything lets make the other warrior builds function you know. And from everything Warhorn, really

    ) .

    You are talking to an ele main, so... don't tell me anything about needing more variety of builds. :lol:

    Also, because on and a half builds have aegis, any other blocking skill may become unusable? Aegis isn't the only blocking skill. I severly disagree with this view.It is also Full counter it counters you fully that is the whole point of it, that is why spellbreaker gets only level one bursts and 2 bars of adrenaline, and over the years the deal is getting worse and worse, cause FC now is basically just a dodge that dazes at this point, imagine if ele got added direct negatives for picking the elites.

    It is also Arcane Blast, not Arcane Tickle. What kind of argument is that? :lol:

    FC is a short CD block, it stuns (not blocking) enemies, it applies a whole bunch of boons and copies conditions, it is a big AoE... how can you say it is just a dazing dodge?

    You also don't know ele very well obviously. Check the disadvantages of attunement swapping on ele's specialisations.The disadvantage is carpal tunnel on ele and has always been. Arcane blast is not a main mechanic that sells the whole spec, a drawback to ele would be that you get only 2 elements to attune to. Full counter by itself is dodge that dazes, the other things are added from the traitline, sorry but the rule is that traits are considered separate from the skill. Also all of warrior traitlines work this way they are directly tied to bursts, there it is nothing new or special. The point of the elite is that it counters and reduces the power of others so when you go up against it you should go in a more technical manner and be patient with your skills.I still don't get it why people do not respect the MAIN mechanic of the spec, like it doesn't do much, I would understand it if it was a full row of several skills but it is a skill that is on 8 second cd if you are running another traitline and it works if you have a resource that is gathered by getting 10 hits by default( which is kitten all for ele but for war is kinda hard).

    the disadvantage of tempest is that overloading puts your attunement on longer cooldown, the disadvantage to weaver is that you cant quickly access your offhand skills (like magnetic aura and obsi flesh) plus that you get a longer global attunement cooldown.You mean weaver that has 4 second fast hands instead of the default 10 or tempest that has bonus ability that may not be used and still have 10 second cd on weapon skills.Ele does not lose its options when picking its elite, it gets a bit more carpal tunnel but it doesn't get less options, it gets more.

    you do not understand what global cooldown means

  6. @Vancho.8750 said:

    @Megametzler.5729 said:Meanwhile me, playing my second game with Healbreaker and no clue about warrior, deciding games left and right with parallel finishing/reviving with banner in plat. :lol:

    Much complex, very tough to play, such challenge. It is extremely forgiving and easy to play. But that does not necessarily mean it is OP.

    It is fine though balancingwise, just some minor tweaks. Maybe FC longer CD or make it not unblockable. Or reduce some of the random condi cleanses on warhorn. But nothing as bad it needs a hotfix in my view.Aegis exists, that is why FC is unblockable, it would be kinda dumb if the whole point of the speck that removes boons be countered by boons. Also before we touch anything lets make the other warrior builds function you know. And from everything Warhorn, really

    ) .

    You are talking to an ele main, so... don't tell me anything about needing more variety of builds. :lol:

    Also, because on and a half builds have aegis, any other blocking skill may become unusable? Aegis isn't the only blocking skill. I severly disagree with this view.It is also Full counter it counters you fully that is the whole point of it, that is why spellbreaker gets only level one bursts and 2 bars of adrenaline, and over the years the deal is getting worse and worse, cause FC now is basically just a dodge that dazes at this point, imagine if ele got added direct negatives for picking the elites.

    It is also Arcane Blast, not Arcane Tickle. What kind of argument is that? :lol:

    FC is a short CD block, it stuns (not blocking) enemies, it applies a whole bunch of boons and copies conditions, it is a big AoE... how can you say it is just a dazing dodge?

    You also don't know ele very well obviously. Check the disadvantages of attunement swapping on ele's specialisations.The disadvantage is carpal tunnel on ele and has always been. Arcane blast is not a main mechanic that sells the whole spec, a drawback to ele would be that you get only 2 elements to attune to. Full counter by itself is dodge that dazes, the other things are added from the traitline, sorry but the rule is that traits are considered separate from the skill. Also all of warrior traitlines work this way they are directly tied to bursts, there it is nothing new or special. The point of the elite is that it counters and reduces the power of others so when you go up against it you should go in a more technical manner and be patient with your skills.I still don't get it why people do not respect the MAIN mechanic of the spec, like it doesn't do much, I would understand it if it was a full row of several skills but it is a skill that is on 8 second cd if you are running another traitline and it works if you have a resource that is gathered by getting 10 hits by default( which is kitten all for ele but for war is kinda hard).

    @Megametzler.5729 said:Meanwhile me, playing my second game with Healbreaker and no clue about warrior, deciding games left and right with parallel finishing/reviving with banner in plat. :lol:

    Much complex, very tough to play, such challenge. It is extremely forgiving and easy to play. But that does not necessarily mean it is OP.

    It is fine though balancingwise, just some minor tweaks. Maybe FC longer CD or make it not unblockable. Or reduce some of the random condi cleanses on warhorn. But nothing as bad it needs a hotfix in my view.Aegis exists, that is why FC is unblockable, it would be kinda dumb if the whole point of the speck that removes boons be countered by boons. Also before we touch anything lets make the other warrior builds function you know. And from everything Warhorn, really

    ) .

    You are talking to an ele main, so... don't tell me anything about needing more variety of builds. :lol:

    Also, because on and a half builds have aegis, any other blocking skill may become unusable? Aegis isn't the only blocking skill. I severly disagree with this view.It is also Full counter it counters you fully that is the whole point of it, that is why spellbreaker gets only level one bursts and 2 bars of adrenaline, and over the years the deal is getting worse and worse, cause FC now is basically just a dodge that dazes at this point, imagine if ele got added direct negatives for picking the elites.

    It is also Arcane Blast, not Arcane Tickle. What kind of argument is that? :lol:

    FC is a short CD block, it stuns (not blocking) enemies, it applies a whole bunch of boons and copies conditions, it is a big AoE... how can you say it is just a dazing dodge?

    You also don't know ele very well obviously. Check the disadvantages of attunement swapping on ele's specialisations.The disadvantage is carpal tunnel on ele and has always been. Arcane blast is not a main mechanic that sells the whole spec, a drawback to ele would be that you get only 2 elements to attune to. Full counter by itself is dodge that dazes, the other things are added from the traitline, sorry but the rule is that traits are considered separate from the skill. Also all of warrior traitlines work this way they are directly tied to bursts, there it is nothing new or special. The point of the elite is that it counters and reduces the power of others so when you go up against it you should go in a more technical manner and be patient with your skills.I still don't get it why people do not respect the MAIN mechanic of the spec, like it doesn't do much, I would understand it if it was a full row of several skills but it is a skill that is on 8 second cd if you are running another traitline and it works if you have a resource that is gathered by getting 10 hits by default( which is kitten all for ele but for war is kinda hard).

    the disadvantage of tempest is that overloading puts your attunement on longer cooldown, the disadvantage to weaver is that you cant quickly access your offhand skills (like magnetic aura and obsi flesh) plus that you get a longer global attunement cooldown.

  7. @Vancho.8750 said:

    @"Yasai.3549" said:Mfw people actually start complaining about HEALER WARRIOR, something so far away from what Warrior is originally archetyped as, discovered only because the Profession got dumpstered so hard in the other aspects.

    Gosh, people really will cry nerf about every bloody thing.

    discovered only because it is the best AND easiest support in the game*People knew about it from WvW way way long before that, but still ran bruiser till it couldn't match anything anymore.

    discovered in context basically means "top teams started running it"

  8. @Yasai.3549 said:Mfw people actually start complaining about HEALER WARRIOR, something so far away from what Warrior is originally archetyped as, discovered only because the Profession got dumpstered so hard in the other aspects.

    Gosh, people really will cry nerf about every bloody thing.

    discovered only because it is the best AND easiest support in the game*

  9. @"dubidubidubidu.5308" said:you also can run domi duelling mirage instead illusion for interrupt, its what i play. its bit harder to pull off but you get more outplay options and combos in return with deceptive evasion trait and ih sword clone ambushes (it traits simple dmg/cd reduction for utility more or less when going from illusion to duelling, esp when using de instead superior complex). i also made a combo guide and always add a lot of combo and general gameplay explanations into the pvp montages. in case you are interested in watching any footage. in the end just take the build fits your playstyle the most.

    for chrono interrupt i run this one (didnt test in 2v2 until now but for conquest it is too slow to be rly viable in my opinion, good for wvw tho): http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiwAEx/lNwoYJsLWJOqKVtSA-z5IWKZGClmA9GBdXAOOA

    Did your main get banned or what?

  10. @Adamixos.6785 said:I agree with the above sentiments. Removing CC damage from Warrior was a massive blunder and a sign of a complete misunderstanding of how that class funtions. CC that deals damage was 90% of the strength of the reactive gameplay of Spellbreaker, and now the only viable build for the espec in pvp (and in WvW too) is shout healer. That just feels wrong from a design perspective.

    I won't beg Anet to go back on their CC philosophy, but they really should. CC damage was decidedly not the problem. If CC is an issue, people should take stun breakers and stability.

    but they also nerfed stun breaks and stability

  11. i play mes and while it's not great, it could be worse.

    biggest three problems are prob:

    • holo is broken at the high end (too much value)
    • guard is broken at the low end (too much value for low effort)
    • thief (but that's tradition at this point)

    kalla ren is obviously OP for team vs team but it is slow and doesn't shred through the weaker players on the team as quickly so it isn't as big of a problem for soloq.

    in general i prefer this over the pre-february patch though.

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