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Posts posted by flog.3485

  1. @Drakortha.6974 said:

    @flog.3485 said:In Gw2 base game you were leveling-up. Of course you could afford to get that easy loot that wasn’t even rewarding. Other than that, I need to disagree with you.There were checklist to level-up crafting, there were checklist to gain the rewards from the season 1 content, there were checklist to kill the revamped tequatl and to have a chance to kill the triple trouble wurm and there definitely was checklists in order to craft the first generation of legendaries as well as the rare mystic forge recipies, even though you couldn’t craft the precursor.

    No offense but you seem to be wearing the rose-tinted glasses of discovering the game for the first time.

    Do you mean to say the game has not changed at all since base game and the expectation of the player is also unchanged? Because to me it feels so much different, not just from the base game but even since as recent as LW3. I never had to pay much attention to achievements, they were secondary to the main content. But I feel like the further we go, the more that achievements become the main content.

    The base game having achievements as a side dish is not quite the same as achievements being the main course meal in PoF and onwards. There's nothing Rose tinted about it. And when I say achievements, I also mean checklists and collections. It all falls under the same umbrella..

    That is exactly what I am telling you about. Achievements felt like side dish because you were busy leveling-up, discovering the game for the first time and you were obviously not caring about them because you didn’t reach endgame content.

    I am pointing out that once you got acquainted by the game, the game has pretty much always revolved around achievements and collections for that ap and the many skins you can unlock.Also, in case you haven’t noticed, in the base game, many complained about the lack of endgame and the lack of collection whether it is through the story journal or not and generally of in-game earnable rewards. And frankly Anet has started increasing these rewards heavily, ever since the start of season 2 and not at the start of PoF and onwards, because, guess what, most of the playerbase would have be done with the discovery of core Tyria.

    That is why I say it feels like you are wearing rose-tinted glasses to me.

  2. @"Drakortha.6974" said:Many of you are missing the point I've been trying to make..

    When GW2 was first released one of the main things it was praised for was it's seamless questing in the open world. It was a breath of fresh air after years of World of Warcraft style of questing that MMO's in general had grown accustomed to, where you would be given "check lists" by NPC's that you would need to complete which just felt like tedious busy work. GW2 did something different and it was commended for it.

    In GW2's base game, one minute you would be looking around a new area you just discovered and the next minute you were drawn into a emergent event. Next thing you know you have earned a bunch of XP, loot, and other goodies and it all happened without needing to complete tedious checklists. You were getting kitten done and you didn't even realize it because you were having fun.

    Fast forward 7 years to where we are today and you will see this is no longer the case. Now if you want to progress through the story, gain rewards and unlockables, there are checklists after checklists. And somehow they are actually worse than what other MMO's like WoW offer, because at least with WoW you are given a comprehensive quest log that contains all the information you need to complete your current objectives. But in GW2, you are given very basic directions at best and at worst, no information at all.

    Searching up guides on the Wikipedia is the solution being touted to me over and over again in this thread but you are missing the point I am making. Don't you think that is poor quest design implementation when your players can't find the information they need within the game world but instead need to keep an internet browser open at all times?

    This has become like busy work. GW2 has left behind it's original design philosophy and puts all it's emphasis on gameplay that it was once commended for NOT doing. The Achievement panel acts like our quest log but it's worse than a quest log because it's not fit for that purpose. It's been retrofitted to fit that purpose as a means to pad out playtime and keep you busy for longer but at the cost of any amount of enjoyment in the process. The journey should be just as fulfilling as the destination, which is what GW2 used to feel like.

    Now tell me I am wrong, and that tedium and wikipedia surfing is okay because it makes things more prestigious :/

    And I'm sorry for the long drawn out post, but some of you just don't seem to get it and just infer that I'm lazy or stupid which is simply not the case because I've been with GW2 since the beginning and I know what I'm talking about!!

    In Gw2 base game you were leveling-up. Of course you could afford to get that easy loot that wasn’t even rewarding. Other than that, I need to disagree with you.There were checklist to level-up crafting, there were checklist to gain the rewards from the season 1 content, there were checklist to kill the revamped tequatl and to have a chance to kill the triple trouble wurm and there definitely was checklists in order to craft the first generation of legendaries as well as the rare mystic forge recipies, even though you couldn’t craft the precursor.

    No offense but you seem to be wearing the rose-tinted glasses of discovering the game for the first time.

  3. @Drakortha.6974 said:I'm not saying everything should be obtained on autopilot!

    You can't say that mounts are just optional content that can be ignored. What's going to happen when the End of Dragons Expansion releases and in those new maps, Anet have decided to make many of the Mastery points and other areas accessible only by a Skyscale or a Roller Beetle? Will you tell me it's optional content then?

    The way we acquired the first 4 mounts (Jackal, etc) was perfectly well done. It wasn't grindy busy work, you completed a quest and you got the mount - so you can get on with it and enjoy the rest of the content.

    They will never lock you out of content just because you don’t have a skyscale or a beetle. Worst case scenario they will make it possible to “rent” the mount. Have you played any festival ? Have you done any race in core Tyrian ?

    No need to overreact.

  4. @Drakortha.6974 said:

    @Ashantara.8731 said:You want a reward without effort. Where's the fun in that?

    I was expecting this type of response.

    This is Living World story content I'm not trying to get a Legendary here. It's tiresome busy work for content that should be more casual and relaxing. Where's the fun in that?

    But it is legendary. It is an end of season mount that is tied to the legendary collection vision just like aurora was an end of season reward for season 3.

    I mean, even the beetle mount asked you to step outside Kourna.

  5. The problem is that the OP thinks mystic coins are supposed to be easy come by, when it is very much supposed to be a long term goal. Considering the dwindling prices of mats in general, it is only natural that the prices of mystic is steadily rising.

    That said, I think it would be amazing, if in the near/distant future, there was way to gain a mystic coin per day through endgame content.You could unlock a NPC in the guild hall that would trade you a mystic coin for doing your daily tier 4 fractals, a daily set of three strike missions and one raid encounter. For example, at the price of one guild commendation, you could purchase one object that you could keep in your inventory that would record your daily activity and that you give back to the NPC to get a mystic coin.

  6. LFR won’t change anything in Guild wars 2. The game is not made to make you play open world just so that you can advance to raids and frankly easy raids in Gw2 would be the equivalent of having more strike misions.

    At this point, what they really need to do in EoD, if they have any interest to have more players in raids and 10 man content in general, is to basically reproduce what they did with the start of of the Icebrood saga: have tuned-up version in strikes of some bosses that players battle in open world and design a reward scheme that involves playing both content extensively. Just need one closed instance for one 10 man boss fight and throughout a map you could find up to 5 of these instances.Other than that maybe they could add a reason for guilds to play the existing raid content outside of the weekly clear.

  7. As always they won’t do it because of balance nightmare.There is no point of talking about some potential if you can’t list what real benefits this idea will have. And no, saying it could open up diversity in build craft will not actually make build craft any better. You could end up having a way more choices to make and actually figure out that the number of viable or meta builds hasn’t changed, this will in fact complicate the game even more.

    Worst in case in scenario: you could end up having professions for which opening up the specs will create new viable and/or meta build at the expense of other professions for which this change reduces the number of viable/meta builds because of some balance patch that take into account these new build opportunities.

    Once they are done with this batch of elite specs, I would rather have Anet add new classes with three specialization lines if they ever create more expansions after the upcoming EoD.

  8. @ReignOfDeath.9385 said:I am for a perma flying mount , you guys are thinking too small, as you can see Anet has added mounts with various expansions. Look at HOT = Gliding and bouncing mushrooms to get around, POF introduced the other mounts, each area is purpose build to accommodate the new mounts and bring new ways to explore the maps.You guys are talking as if a new player has an option of jumping straight to a air mount thus invalidating all the other mounts. Anet has implemented progression systems to earn all of these, now yes I know you may choose to do POF, then do the other stuff first with a boosted 80 , but so what? It is that players choice.I love the formula that they have implemented and apparently so do many of you, so let me ask this, why couldn't Anet introduce a perma flyer with a whole new region specifically designed for flying mounts ? they already have certain areas blocked off the all mounts, they could do the same for a real flyer. There are so many possibilities, I for one believe that it would be awesome. For those of you that still disagree maybe Anet could implement a requirement of having to finish all current campaign's before unlocking a flyer, For me personally after unlocking it I would love to be able to fly around everywhere because I have earned that right, and that wont stop me from using my other mounts from time to time when the mood arises.

    You already have perma-flying mounts. You just switch between griffon and skyscale.

  9. @JTGuevara.9018 said:@"subversiontwo.7501"

    First off, I will just address your name. You have a massive post, so I will just address it in general. As far as my argument being "baffling", it is simple enough to me. Maybe I should reiterate it? Here it is. I'm just going to be transparent about this.

    Guilds should not be given any more power in this game. A potential influx of guilds aided by the implementation of an alliance system will not magically fix WvW, specially at this point. The fact that PUGs are toxic and mean at times are not a viable argument for guilds taking control for this game mode. Period. End of. Guilds are not "the server", as you claim, they are a part of the server, they are in the server. Guilds are no more important than PUGs and everyone else. That is ALL that I have said.

    I really cannot make this any more clearer than that.

    Such nonsense honestly.Of course guilds should be given the power to organize WvW. You will never have a good balanced WvW system if guilds are given so much less power and Pugs are being permanently transferred from one server to another with the server-linking matchup.And frankly, this whole WvW alliance system isn’t only about WvW, it is also about guilds in general.Truth is guilds in general pretty much needs a strong overhaul because even in PvE, guilds are pointless and there are barely an endgame goal. And the thing is you need guilds in PvE to organize the less popular and needed events as much as you guilds in WvW to pop-up a tag just so that some Pugs can take part in WvW general activity.That is also why they haven’t released the Alliance system imo: as much as it is cool to have guilds being a strong driving force in the hypothetical Alliance system, it won’t do any good to the game if the incentive to join one in the first place isn’t there.

  10. You won’t get higher number of players playing raids unless you literally force them to play easy mode because the main storyline is locked behind it.

    The problem is that this philosophy of game structure is very much what guild wars 2 never wanted to have. Simple as that.

    If you want more players raiding through easy mode, following guild wars 2 system, then the raids need to be forced down in some way and have good enough rewards that are competitive in comparison to fractals yet not better than what normal raid rewards offer.

    At this point, it would be better if this “easy mode” was provided through the guild system, where this easy mode would provide rewards that are needed in order to further upgrade the guild hall as well as offer extra rewards for running the challenge motes of normal raids as a guild.

    When it comes to the “easy mode”, I think it would be a waste of time for devs to find further ways of making the boss easier by reducing the mechanics of the fight.The best would be to use existing gear enrichments like fractal infusion (using new guild content rewards that allow you to transform these infusion) to get raid specific bonus attributes that makes the fight way easier and that are only used in these easy mode raid instances.

    Obviously it would force players to get ascended gear but since ascended is already required for fractals and there are multiple sources of ascended gear available, it really wouldn’t be a problem.

    tl;drMake easy mode raid mandatory for new guild content and rewards by first requiring players to get ascended gear.

  11. @Randulf.7614 said:I'm not in favour of adding too much newer stuff to old maps. It just results in a mess. EVentually you end up with many timelines in a single map which is just bizarre

    Maybe but this time around, killing destroyers in core maps won’t feel any different than saving the skritts from a little invasion of destroyers or saving that little kid from destroyers near the border of the Dominion on Winds.

  12. What is stopping the game from defending Gunnars’ Hold against minions of Primordius though ?I mean, I would say that most of the people watching the trailer assumed that the army of Jormag was going to be the big nemesis that we would be fighting, but nothing in the trailer truly suggests that.

    We could have been baited hard and considering the last time the hero fought a lieutenant of primordius was not too far off from gunnars’ hold and the hall of monument (with dwarves as well), we could be finishing the saga with a new map in two episodes around this area.

  13. Honestly I think people give way too much credit to combo field. Relying on combo field to survive in open world with the example of the dark field won’t actually matter since there is no direct correlation between the combo field that you proc and the stats of your armor. Please correct me if I am wrong though.The only effective fields so far that feel important to the game are the fire field to gain might (mostly in the past), the light fields to remove conditions and the dark fields to apply blind and increase the duration stealth with thieves.

    That said, it would be awesome if the combo fields were far more prevalent in instanced content. Other than that if they made the combo field far more prevalent everywhere, making them important towards the gear that you have for example, then you really shouldn’t be able to proc the fields from you allies imo.

  14. @Fueki.4753 said:

    @Kalythsu.8350 said:That_Shaman revealed that there would be at least one other map (and I think this map will be divided into 4, one quarter for each chapter)


    I wonder if they've found a way to make maps even larger now and this episode is going to be twice the size of our current living story maps? Would be pretty neat to see even larger maps in Cantha, especially now that we have such a variation in movement and mounts. Not to mention how little of Cantha could be highly vertical and how small it could leave some of those maps feeling.

    Perhaps we'll be looking at the area surrounding Eye of The North?It could just be a core-sized map split into four releases.

    Dry Top and the Silverwastes weren't released as whole maps, but stretched over multiple episodes as well,despite not being much bigger (if at all) than other maps.

    They will never be able to release core-sized map now that we have mounts.

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