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Posts posted by flog.3485

  1. @snoow.1694 said:

    @"Infusion.7149" said:This is almost as bad as the suggestion to increase stats on ascended / legendary "because they're hard to get".

    The only thing I could see happening is the addition of provisioner tokens to Tyrian Exchange Vouchers as a timegate reduction. Right now you can sort of get around timegating via Charged Quartz because it drops from Wintersday gifts at roughly 0.25 % (a quarter of a percent).

    Build equipment diversity is more or less at an all time low unless you play WvW: if you want to pay for legendary equipment functionality it's probably better to just buy equipment templates.

    Sure, offering the possibility to do something as simple as change your stats for the price of a new smartphone goes seemingly „too far“ for a few people. Still, ArenaNet will have to come up with new income streams - I am almost certain stat customization for gems will be a thing and I hope they won‘t really care much about the typical „P2W“ mental breakdown from some of the players as soon as they try to capitalize on an idea

    You want stat customization ? That already exists. It is called buying slots of gear templates. You don’t even need legendary gear: all you need to do is to buy the slots with your credit card and equip each slots with a different armor/weapon/trinket set of stats.

    You are concerned about them generating new income streams ? I honestly don’t know why should be. There is plenty of other opportunity for income like the regular skins of mounts, gliders, outfits that are sold directly through the gemstore or obtained through rng with loot boxes. Heck, for next expansion, they could even implement housing. If I were you, I wouldn’t worry.

  2. @Moradorin.6217 said:

    @Moradorin.6217 said:I empathize with you. Im sorry you missed out on the unlocks. Just save them and use them next year. As others have said not all vendors move/remain. Also if they added it back now it would screw with the annual economic changes that occur with jorbreakers and taffy.

    You don’t need to save the holographic weapons in order to get the upgraded skin. Personally I was able to unlock the imbued version of the axe even though I unlocked the holographic skin last year and did not have the holographic weapon with me. It is all account bound.

    Sure, what I was saying is they can wait till next year since the vendor that sells the Imbued versions is gone. till then. Obviously, they could choose the base skin now if they wanted.

    Sorry for the misundestanding. I thought you and the OP were literally saying “oh what a shame you need to give a physical copy of the holographic weapon to the vendor in order to obtain the imbued upgrade”

  3. @Moradorin.6217 said:I empathize with you. Im sorry you missed out on the unlocks. Just save them and use them next year. As others have said not all vendors move/remain. Also if they added it back now it would screw with the annual economic changes that occur with jorbreakers and taffy.

    You don’t need to save the holographic weapons in order to get the upgraded skin. Personally I was able to unlock the imbued version of the axe even though I unlocked the holographic skin last year and did not have the holographic weapon with me. It is all account bound.

  4. @Atomos.7593 said:

    @Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:They don't do it because you can't expect everyone who plays the game to own every piece of content released, meaning you can't designs areas outside of a certain section of the game to require things from previous sections of the game in order to get around.

    This in turn means that, while you can technically add things like bouncing mushrooms, glider updrafts, and other such similar things to all maps after HoT in perpetuity, they can't be used in those maps as a major, or required, mechanic. That results in them getting so watered down to the point of uselessness, as they have to be useless for said content, since you can't expect people to have the prior content, and you are generally not going to bother adding in these things when they won't be meaningful.

    Also, constantly adding every feature ever made to every map made after said mechanic's introduction just leads to a problem of mechanic bloat, and the game becoming too overloaded with features to play.

    And trying to add everything to every map makes all the maps feel samey. Having clear distinction between regions where X mechanics are used, and other regions where Y mechanic is used, creates diversity among the game maps, and keeps things more interesting over the long term.

    Pretty much every MMO I can think of works this same way for these reasons.

    I see bouncing mushrooms and thermal tubes being used all the time in dragonfall to get around quickly. If you haven't unlocked these masteries you can use a springer instead of the bouncing mushroom or a skyscale roost to get a skyscale to take you to the place where the thermal tube would have.

    I disagree. I think a map having more features/mechanics makes it more fun, and adds variety and longevity to it, instead of getting old quickly. There would be more things to explore or try out. That's why dragonfall is one of my favourite maps.

    @Solvar.7953 said:I can understand masteries not being available to maps that came before the mastery was introduced, because that would have the potential to throw events of encounters out of balance, and it would be time consuming to revisit all the previous maps and make sure that is not the case. Just look at how mounts are messed up on all maps - bunches of invisible walls, no mount areas, etc.

    I would say having the options in newer maps as a possibility over being a mandate. Has to be organic of course. Not every new map would need that lava tunnels or jumping mushrooms.

    Yeah, some things may not be appropriate all the time. For Drizzlewood Coast though I think it was a missed opportunity since the map has a forest vibe to it. Mushrooms could have easily made sense.

    There are mushrooms in the map.

  5. Personally I think it will more about transporting and carrying items or even players. Just before speaking about the new mastery, they mention mail carrier.

    Other than that, take a look at the Bjora marches event where you are transformed into oxen: we get to drag offerings to the center of the area. That is proof they have been tinkering with this idea of carrying/transporting.

  6. @Lumikki.1725 said:

    @"flog.3485" said:“But only DPS matter in GW2.” /sMore seriously, yes, there is just no way a reasonable balance would ever occur in GW2 if supportive/healing weapons can be played as offensive damage dealers.You are in bigger event, are you using support or damage or trying swap between then all the time? Because if you are doing support, you don't do damage. Are you even gonna get any "good" reward from event if you damage was allmost none existen, because you where supporting? So, why don't players do support in event's allmost at all? Is it because support doesn't really matter that much at all in many situations, because it's really little what you can do?

    I think I just answered in my own question here.

    So, "But only DPS matters in GW2" isn't really much a joke, because it has half truth in it.

    That’s nice but GW2 has more than open world content, and as said after my post, healing actually grants participation. So no worries from OP then, unless he tries to solo everything.

  7. @"Trise.2865" said:"Dear ANet,My support/debuff weapon doesn't do as much damage as my primary damage weapons. Plz fix."


    “But only DPS matter in GW2.” /sMore seriously, yes, there is just no way a reasonable balance would ever occur in GW2 if supportive/healing weapons can be played as offensive damage dealers.

  8. What are the benefits of having transferable disciplines as a player though ? What problems does it really solve ? Why bother with such a mind-numbing change when it come to the spaghetti code for Anet ?

    Other than that, you can have all crafting discipline on one character if you wish to. All it takes is one second and a very minor cost of less than 1 gold to change your crafting disciplines depending on what you need to craft if you are not into that alt-friendly shenanigans.

    All I see is that you may be annoyed of taking 30 seconds of your time switching between characters.

  9. The biggest problem is that most assume raids should be puggable the same way you could pug for an event in open world event.

    And that will never happen because raids will never enter the realms of the to-do list endgame progression.

    The best solution would be to introduce guild content as part of the games to-do list endgame progression so that less players feel like they need to be able to pug pretty much everything in the game. Or introduce end game content that lumps fractals, raids and strike missions altogether so that the incentives to become part of a group and by extension a guild becomes so much high that most players see the benefits of joining a guild, even though there isn’t much reason to join it the first place.

  10. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:Not gonna argue with delusion, the huge population disparity between the two speaks volumes of the quality diference between the two games even when one costs involve a monthly sub lol.Like I said I actually love gw2 as well, 7 yrs player but I see it for what it is- a great casual budget mmo.

    Oh but it’s not only about quality. It is also about the fact that FF14 has a very traditional system, thus less risk in terms development (correct me if I am wrong, they don’t develop tangled depths or dragon stand meta event nor they don’t primarily rely on spawning events across all their map nor they develop mounts with actual physics). It is also a franchise with multiple installments through multiple plateforms that started way before the franchise of guild wars.

    And yet with all this legacy of a famous franchise and their desire to develop a very straight forward MMO they still managed to do bad at launch, just like TESO.

  11. High armor mobs are like the worst honestly, unless it is some end boss of a meta open world event. Better have dangerous mobs with good AI and low health/low armor.From an open world perspective, high armor mobs are too restrictive as well because it forces players to have condi builds to kill it fast enough or it makes very boring fight from a power perspective unless you are invested into some flawless damage rotation, which most aren’t interested in. The thing is, if a mob has high toughness, it cannot be a challenging encounter unless Anet wants to force players to group up though LFG just to be able to progress the map to its meta from an average point of view. High armor boss with challenging mechanics is really only working in end game instanced content.

    There is just way more benefits to having dangerous mobs with low health/low armor because if it is dangerous enough, it makes the mastery system even more relevant, where players can get a sense of achievement through progression. Other than that, it is in line with the game goal which favors skill over stats.

  12. @Hirosama Nadasaki.6792 said:

    @"JTGuevara.9018" said:Oh hohoho!...I just can't with this community...

    How much
    do you people on these forums even have? I'm soooo sorry that you people can't go on for one day without complaining that your precious build isn't as effective as you would like. Have some kitten patience! No no no...don't do this "muh corona" BS. It's called a
    . Have some kitten respect for people who got laid off from this or has loved ones to consider. Updates are going to take a while, no matter what happens.

    Imagine thinking the pandemic has anything to do with this when their update rhythm now is the same as it was for years, and other developers are doing just fine with the pandemic.The developers just don't care about PvP. They gave it a shot back when we had eSports, it didn't work out, so they gave up on it and keep only a skeleton crew around for it.

    Honestly, chiming in, I really don’t understand why people look back at e-sports days and consider these days like the best. At that time, there was no rework of core trait line, no meaningful balance patches except some minor increase and decrease of cooldowns, no split balance between PvP, WvW and PvE (so good luck getting some meaningful updates), no other game modes except conquest, not much incentive to get some exclusive rewards, no ingame league systems, no legendary rewards and quite a very boring meta let me say imo.

    You think PvP is bad right now because there is only a skeleton crew, let me say that before, there was no skeleton to begin with, hence why e-sports incentives failed before. It might have felt more popular before only because the game was relatively new honestly.

    After all this, let me say that they seem to care more now than ever before.

  13. @Asum.4960 said:

    @Skiravor.1257 said:Honestly, i hear this alot from new players before they quit.

    Does not matter, the veterans want it more difficult, they are not interested in new players or growing the game.

    Because that makes sense.

    The failure there wasn't with HoT, but the core game and leveling experience (in which ~95% of mobs are possible to kill with a single button press) not doing an adequate job to teach players how to play the game, causing them to hit a wall in HoT, not that HoT was or is difficult.Yet HoT was a giant leap in game and content quality and remains the most engaging open world content to this day, even after the unfortunate nerfs.

    Although tbf, if max level expansion content makes people quit the game because it expects it's players to actually learn and play the game, rather than just auto attacking/randomly pressing buttons in random gear with random Traits, then while still ofc unfortunate that's also not that much of a loss if the alternative to that is for the game to be forever stuck in tutorial like zones that don't ever dare to challenge anyone in any way, just hoping to never upset anyone.Which frankly, would most likely make a lot more people quit in boredom way sooner than any badly designed difficulty spike.

    I feel pretty confident in saying HoT retained a lot more players for a lot longer (despite dreadful content draught) than the easy and unengaging (besides one time Story playthrough) PoF did.

    The problem of GW2 is not that it has some hard content (if anything it has way to little of that), it's that the vast majority of the content is so easy it doesn't teach game mechanics or require any skill whatsoever, with very little if any natural progression between the two to bridge the gap.

    +10000 thisPersonally, looking back at HoT early days, the only reason I was able to go through it without much difficulty and no complaints, is because I played some PvP. I certainly did not learn much in core by playing open world and dungeons.

  14. Nah raid dailies are a bad idea. It would be better to have an endgame reward which could potentially make you play raid on a daily basis outside out of the weekly reward and which makes you play raids in conjunction with strike missions for example.

    Imagine if you could upgrade the crystals obtained in SM by participating in raid encounters :)

  15. @Fueki.4753 said:

    @flog.3485 said:Please no, it feels so lame to just buy it from a vendor.@yoni.7015 said:No. It is boring to just buy them.Would you rather have disgustingly low RNG drop rates that rival the invisible shoe box and precursors?

    I hope the emote is not restricted to the big achievement again.Having the choice between doing the achievements or doing a reward track was much better.

    Why are you mentioning low RNG drop rates ? The person I responded to never mentioned that as well. If it is tied to achievement aka the episode final reward, then it can’t be RNG. Why are you complaining about emotes being tied to the major achievement now ? Because you can’t get it by only participating in open world and story despite this season developing more than just story and open world ?

  16. @Excursion.9752 said:Looks like it could be good. As long as the rewards are not ridiculous to get. Stop tying the major rewards to achievements. Put the items on the maps vendors and call it a day. If not then please make it available via reward track.

    Please no, it feels so lame to just buy it from a vendor.

    Edit: Kudos for Anet for all the hard work put in despite the virus and the voice acting. Can’t wait to play no quarter ?

  17. @thepenmonster.3621 said:

    @Linthenius.3704 said:But the bosses typically end up being more of a bullet hell simulator then actual boss fights at times. Also damage sponges when solo.

    I've always felt the bosses to be the least worth-the-effort parts of the game. The ones where you
    throw some landscape trash at them for your five second window of damage? Why did I master all of these skills for 80 levels just to wind up throwing rocks? Then the big insult of the insta-rez when you get downed because they designed the attacks to negate the all important dodges that are the hallmark of the game. And don't even get me started with the CC on the adds! Imagine the screaming if the competitive players had knockdowns or immobs that lasted that long.

    And then they bug and you have to leave the instance and do it all over again.

    What kind of “attacks that negates dodges” are you talking about ?. Never encountered that personally. Are you sure you are not timing it wrong ?

    Edit: other than that I don’t really understand the complaint about environmental objects. They have been in the game since the beginning (yes even in core) and they also more freedom of what build to use.

  18. @Linthenius.3704 said:Not trying to complain about difficulty. But the bosses typically end up being more of a bullet hell simulator then actual boss fights at times. Also damage sponges when solo. Is that just how they are designed to encourage bringing groups?

    Well it depends. What kind of builds are you running ? Does it have some synergy that makes sense? Are you at least in exotics ? Personally I have never had any problem with the health of enemies in living chapter.

  19. @Stajan.4581 said:How much gold do you think you can make in a day running around doing all the profit things, the answer is about 20g on average you could get lucking in fractals but just your basic stuff you are looking at 20 gold minimum now from my example 20 gold will get you 1/10 of the gold you need just for the blood. That means that you need to spend 2 weeks just doing that stuff over and over again to get enough gold to buy the blood you need. This is the issue bring drop rates up have the materials you need drop more often. This will bring the prices of legendaries down which will allow for casuals to buy them. Unless you are one of the guilds or members of one of these guilds with all the super rich kitten players, who are sercumventing the TP than spending that kind of time just to get one component you need to make another component you need is to much. They need to redo the legendaries and make them easier to get. The time for legendaries are a stats symbol is over, no one care if you get a legendary and the only one that should care is you. But if you want one and cant get one because of these reasons than you know what I am saying. The need to be easier to get either by drops easier to make or cheaper to buy. This again will allow casual players to afford them and it was sink these big ticket rich guilds and players because the horde them as currancy. It needs to be better balanced to all casuals the same chance as the not so casuals and the self proclaimed elites

    Don’t understand why legendaries should be made cheaper so that casuals can buy them. The point of the game is to allow anyone to get end game rewards by spending as many time as they want/need because it doesn’t make you grind gear/weapons that would become irrelevant with a power creep update like in WoW.Whether someone gets one legendary in the matter of one month or one year is totally fine. The point is that any post 80 rewards is objectively still valuable because all the game will offer is skins.In a similar token, I am personally looking forward to craft mawdrey because I never got the time to do so in the past. Other than that, I could also log in to guild wars and try to get my hand on some rare skin/expensive armor that I never bothered to craft when I was actively playing guild wars.

    That is the beauty of this franchise.

  20. You shatter your clones if you are sure that can summon clones afterwards (2 at the very least, 1 more coming from a phantasm). Other than I would make sure to first use your dodges before you sacrifice your clones.

    The only time I would shatter without making sure that you can resummon is when you need to do some breakbar damages, so if you see the breakbar of any random mob close to be replenished, I would advise to keep the clones up, use your sword ambushes and then press the f3.

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