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Posts posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. @lysico.1297 said:I rather have perm stealth.. Only one ability and longer (30 sec) refresh

    not saying it's a bad idea but having perm stealth tied to a long/30s cooldown might break Rifle DE's current pve rotation and may require a rework of Death's Judgement (maybe make it a non-stealth skill again or make it more powerful to account for less frequent stealthing) or it may end up not being used at all if not adjusted

  2. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:This^ cant believe people actually want to run around on thief with a kitten torch lmao seriously? What u gonna go explore some caves? Awesome

    lol! yeah im not to keen with the idea of having a focus, torch or warhorn for thief. but i can tolerate having a torch offhand to be a arsonist-ish class/spec. shields as an offhand wouldn't be too bad on a thief too but they have to look like bucklers or small shields to kinda make sense... having a big kite shield or tower shield on a thief is just... not so thief-y

    @AikijinX.6258 said:I'm hoping for offhand sword, or greatsword.

    yup this. i prefer thief to get an offhand sword espec next expansion but wouldn't mind a greatsword or a longbow one too

  3. i'll only be fine with adding open world PvP (in PvE zones) in all of GW2 or on the new expansion if and only if:

    1. you have a pvp toggle like in GTA Online (Passive Mode On/Off) and should default to PVP-OFF upon entering the map/zone.
    2. there are no Map/PvE achievements tied to it. wvw already has this somewhat.
    3. not required for pve/story progression.

    as said previously by other commenters, WvW already exists for people who want mixed PvE+PvP, or sPvP for people who want arena battles. no need to mix it on PvE areas.

    the best they can do to satisfy these people who want PvP in PvE is to create a new WvW map for the PvP loving community of gw2.

    as for player duels, that's something i want since sometimes i want to kill time with friends while waiting for something or when bored. it can be simple as right-clicking another player/friend and selecting "Request Duel" + put some check box on the Options UI for auto-declining duel requests.

  4. @ASP.8093 said:Kneel itself is a 1500-range rangefinder; select a target and then look at the red bar under the skill.

    Compared to Steal, Mark:

    • Doesn't teleport you (either a blessing or a curse, depending on the build and situation)
    • Has a cast time (!!)
    • Gives you a different kind of stolen skill, generally a bit weaker but also much more consistent (boon for you, condition for them, stealth if at >5 malice)
    • Benefits from the unique Deadeye mechanics that instantly reset it when you kill your marked prey


    @Taril.8619 said:Or look at the blue ring that shows you your range limit while kneeling...

    yeah kneel is a range finder too as is the blue ring but when you're far away it's sorta awkward to kneel on and off to check if you're within range, ofcourse it's also just easier to run to midrange where most of the people are (this is what i do mostly when playing deadeye rifle, since being at 1500 range has the inconvenience of the boss being out of range by just moving slightly off)

    just wanted to add thief into this thread since i didnt see it being mentioned yet :p

  5. daredevil's swipe (F1) is just the same as thief's steal (F1) they just changed the name. fuction is similar if im not mistaken.EDIT: the range is different. so that's the tradefoff my bad

    deadeye trades off the free shadowstep/gapcloser (Steal/F1) for a "ranged steal" (if running a Rifle build this isnt a tradeoff since F1/Mark will act as a range finder where you know you're exactly at 1500range if you're far away and attempting to close in on an enemy prior to engaging kneel)

  6. @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:Did I not say "Let's not get into that"? :lol:

    A Tengu related collection would be great, but I'd be perfectly willing to fork out for them too.

    i know i know! lol but yeah something like that would be nice.

    [ actually there's a lot of un-obtainable content like other weapons and armour only npcs have been able to use that Anet could recycle (maybe just a simple retexture since the assets are already there) and then made available via collections ]

  7. @Severo.7091 said:

    @"Jarilo.6204" said:does someone even read this?

    I never see any CM's on these forums. It's like a ghost town. I did see a tumbleweed though.

    they do read it see:

    @Tyler Bearce.3427 said:Hi everyone, I'm one of the curators of the gemstore and I just wanted to pop in and let you guys know that we do actually read through these posts periodically.

    That was on July 9th. That was the only time I have seen a CM on these boards since I joined.

    afaik there's no actual community manager since the last one left. and yeah regarding the gemstore curator reading this thread, well we may never know for sure if they still do, maybe they stopped reading maybe they still do, but still.. they don't have to reply yes or acknowledge every single post/suggestion here, just a once in a blue moon post like what was posted in july

    if anything, i'd rather they reply to or create a post about the ongoing lag issues (and constant error codes) in EU and US for example :)

  8. @Severo.7091 said:

    @"Jarilo.6204" said:does someone even read this?

    I never see any CM's on these forums. It's like a ghost town. I did see a tumbleweed though.

    they do read it see: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1287401/#Comment_1287401

    @Tyler Bearce.3427 said:Hi everyone, I'm one of the curators of the gemstore and I just wanted to pop in and let you guys know that we do actually read through these posts periodically.

  9. @"jokke.6239" said:There's plenty of weapons that have effects that aren't legendaries, and not even only black lion weapon skins.Legendary weapon still have footprints, character aura, alternative skill animations, and (subjective) the best looking effects

    i mean i dont mind if we get weapon effect customisation for weapons... if they ever release a few i'd probably even buy the ones i like, if there are any... but yeah it's a "if they did, " ... it's not something i really want in the game right now

  10. @Khisanth.2948 said:The biggest problem is that PoE was designed to support these and other things as part of its business model. On the other hand GW2 is just suffering from neglect. Btw PoE2 is gettin dyeable weapons on top of this :p

    yeah im waiting for PoE2, wish we could get dyeable weapons here in gw2 as well.

    @Khisanth.2948 said:

    @"Astyrah.4015" said:i'd rather have the ability to dye weapons (either all or just upcoming ones)

    i wouldn't mind having weapon effects you can attach to regular weapons though...as long as they are not as expensive as Path of Exile's store lol

    Prices are hard to compare when you compare how things work.
    • PoE lets you move these around freely
    • GW2 would require transmutation charges
    • PoE, Each copy can only be applied to one thing at a time but switching between characters is pretty easy
    • GW2, can be applied to as many things at once as you want

    The weapon effect prices also have quite the range. From $1.50 all the way to $28.GGG also has an unusual stance on price changes. There are items in the store from the early days which are very much overpriced and GGG agrees it is overpriced but they have left the prices unchanged because the people who bought at the previous price would be upset that the items are not available for much less(these sort of complaints have shown up on the GW2 forums more than a few times ...). I also assume all prices are set with the daily deal discount in mind.

    yeah they do have some stuff that's reasonably priced just that some are priced way too high for what i think is reasonable for cosmetic microtransactions. i mean, based on what you provided... 28 dollars (for a weapon effect) is almost/close to what you'd pay for, for PoF (+HoT) deluxe edition with discounts... a lot of the PoE mtx just aren't for me, though i did buy a lot of QoL stuff from them like the premium, currency & large stash tabs, some cheap pets, etc. etc.

    EDIT: yeah pof is 33 dollars on dlgamer as of this writing: https://www.dlgamer.com/us/games/buy-guild-wars-2-path-of-fire-deluxe-43837

  11. i'd rather have the ability to dye weapons (either all or just upcoming ones)

    i wouldn't mind having weapon effects you can attach to regular weapons though...as long as they are not as expensive as Path of Exile's store lol

    but yeah as said on this comment, it's already on legendaries

    @lokh.2695 said:Have you heard about Legendary Weapons?

    legs would lose one of the things that make them unique/special compared to most weapons (there are some gemstore stuff with subtle effects but these number a few)

  12. @Garn.7502 said:Just curious. I bet everyone has thought about it already. Would it be a good idea or a bad idea if the devs made something that can change your level 80 character's class? I know there are character slots and you can have multiple toons with different classes.

    one good use for a class change consumable or a race change consumable is if you want to keep the character's birthday age

    i would want a class changer thing, if it's properly implemented:

    1. upon use, all equipment is unequipped and moved to a withdraw-only (cannot deposit items) temporary bank tab (or tabs if using multiple equipment templates are present). this tab will disappear once all items have been taken out.
    2. all hero points spent will be refunded (resetting every trait/etc. back to 0) and return to the unspent counter
    3. all character-bound equipment and build templates (equipped or otherwise) are reset to blanks
    4. all utility skill slots and the elite skill slot is set to blank. heal skill is set to the initial heal skill
    5. a database-backup/snapshot (1 week expire) of your character is created when the process is initiated to save it's before state. this is so incase of any issues, customer service/gms can revert you back with ease

    i may have forgotten something else that's critical when transitioning a class to another but more or less that should take care of most potential issues that could arise.

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  13. @Taril.8619 said:Pistol/PistolTwin Shot - Shoot with both pistols. 2x damage.Barrage - Shoot with both pistols twice. 4x damage.Focused Shot - Fire both pistols and gain Might. 1x damage. 2x Might 5s.

    i kinda want this one for pistol/pistol. currently when you auto/1 with it, feels kinda off not using both guns when the auto could very well be using both (i mean it's working as intended but yeah...)

  14. @whoeverxwins.1279 said:One thing HoT does do is demand you remember that dodge you learn at level 4, then rarely use. When there are AOE marks and sniper trails on the ground it means MOVE. Not many professions can stand there and just take it, if any.

    even those line trails that the flying wyverns leave behind on the islands at the last part of DS meta can easily down any profession if they were caught unaware

  15. @Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:

    @ProtoGunner.4953 said:This isn't even a JP, it's just some minor platforming. The game is full with this stuff. You can't expect a game for everyone...

    And it serves no purpose in the story whatsoever, so what's the point of adding it? Stuff like this should be entirely optional, not a dexterity check for a story instance.

    what Anet could do is that they could make jumping puzzles in story missions like an alternative route

    like there's 2 paths to where the objective is, 1 is a jumping puzzle with no enemies/traps on it and another is a simple hallway/hillclimb with mobs you can kill or skip with stealth/etc.

    that way people like the OP can just kill enemies and get to the goal or some people who are more dextrous or whatever can just do the JP route and skip the killing, they can just adjust the length of both routes by making it so doing the jp or killing mobs would take roughly the same amount of time to get where they need to be.

  16. @AdamWarlord.6782 said:

    1. Its very hard to see, hate the map design and how dark it is in 70% of the places.
    2. Lags way too much on my mid end laptop.
    3. Floor mobs are wayy too overpowered and feel like boss mobs.
    4. Hence because of the same reason above, VERY hard to level up the masteries.
    5. Why do masteries you ask? Because there are wayy too many hero points and other aspects of the completion of HoT, which require doing them. Which sucks.
    6. I can't Solo 50% of the hero points, being a max reaper.
    8. I actually start to rage(sorry for caps above) playing guild wars 2, which is 90% of the time fun, except when i play HoT.
    9. And due to the above reasons i mentioned above, I actually can feel better playing DARK SOULS than HoT.
    1. Jungles (AB and TD) shouldn't be bright as day under the canopies of trees unless there's a big clearing. Verdant Brink and Dragon's Stand are well~decently lit
    2. Try toning down Shadows and Character Model Limit :)
    3. Try not to engage more than 1 pack at a time or do 1 enemy at a time, avoid the line trails from snipers, don't attack those veteran bristlebacks if you aren't sure how to fight it etc. etc... know your class' limits and utilize your CC abilities and dodges when/if possible
    4. It's very easy to level up masteries (assuming you have the mastery points) in HoT, just join META trains in AB, DS and TD (or do the story until the end of Season 3)... and even if you wont farm them, just going to them when you feel like it to earn some gold will earn you decent exp as well
    5. Look out for strongboxes and try to gold every adventure (these can be solo'd and most have no mobs or enemies to deal with unless you stray off-course)
    6. More than half of the hero points in HoT are group events if im not mistaken, thus you need atleast 1 or 2 other people to do them. They are solo-able btw but it requires you to be very very very good at your chosen class (there's no shame or harm in being average~decent btw).
    7. Lots of people do this toxic bacon HP with a full group spamming aoe heals. It's always been like that since i started playing. Just join an HP train
    8. It's ok to express your feelings =)
    9. Dark Souls is fun. but GW2 HoT is fun as well, maybe it just hasn't grown into you yet.

    that said, as others mentioned HoT is very much trivialised with Mounts.. a cluster of Pocket Raptors for example is nothing when you can bunch em up together and CC them with the Raptor Mount's fully mastered attack for nearly half their HP... then you just aoe them and they're dead.

    and finally i think HoT is okay no need to nerf it. you can definitely go through it alone if you go really careful and avoid things you think your class can't handle but if you want to be safe, bring a friend or two along with your exploring in HoT or join a big group (HP Train) to do map completion! (it's an mmorpg after all~)

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