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Posts posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. ff14 had dynamic weather along with a day and night cycle and it affected stuff like gathering/fishing or even be a trigger if certain bosses/fates could spawn.

    it'll be nice to have in GW2 as well instead of weather being mostly static or meta/event related (for metas and events they can just do a weather override) sometimes it can be tiring to see the same zone and see the same gloomy/cloudy weather ... could use a bit of sunshine there or in areas where it's always sunny (like Grothmar) could use a lil more rain or some light snowfall.. or like it never rains in Lion's Arch or any of the cities for example (heavy snow for Hoelbrak)

  2. @"Hashberry.4510" said:It’s a shame these players will still get flooded with advice to boost to 80, get the mounts, join a train for hps, etc. Boom the little progression the game has is gone.

    this is fine if, big IF, that person who gave the newbie the advise is willing to guide/join/playwith said newbie all the way and ready to answer all their concerns.

    if they just say "boost to 80, get mounts, join hp train, read snow crows and start endgame" and then forget they existed, then that is the recipe for the confused, overwhelmed, and most likely to quit the game newbie.

  3. steam players, all players actually, should have the freedom to use the level 80 boost if they want to.

    but it should come with a info message popup if the account has no previous record of having a level 80 character (like say if it was a completely new account) that lets the user know what they're skipping (aside from levels, like learning your class from the ground up, etc.), what they should expect as an instant level 80, where to go from there as a brand new level 80 and recommend leveling naturally from level 1-80 if they are in doubt.

  4. if you're connecting from Asia to EU you might get the worst end of the stick, i mean the intermittent lag and issues many EU players are suffering from:

    this thread, https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/110054/eu-servers-a-catastrophe#latest and the many other similar ones in Account&Tech Support and the Bug Forums highlights all the ongoing issues.

    if you're connecting to the US, the servers are a little better but still suffer the same issues just to a lesser degree

  5. they should also put a disclaimer that expansion purchases do not include Living World Season content and must be purchased separately (unless they change these for steam, a good time to do it imo, and introduce an all-inclusive package for HoT+PoF+all LWS) this is so we would have less of "i didn't know i had to buy more story outside of expansions / such a paywall these things are"-posts in the future

  6. @Super Hayes.6890 said:

    @Astyrah.4015 said:they can give the warclaw a horse skin (like a real horse not a silly unicorn bird griffon kinda thing)

    since the warclaw, movement-wise atleast is the closest to an IRL horse: obviously it can't fly or glide and it can't jump super high or hover, it can't canyon jump like the raptor, and it can't blink like the jackal so a horse skin might work for it to satisfy the horse-mount wanting fans. they can just give/change it's engage skill to a horse kick thing or horse jump-stomp for downed enemies.

    Given how the Warclaw functions in PvE this mount would be perfect for a horse skin though it would need non cat like animations to not be weird. I don't want another type of mount but I do want a horse skin for one of the non flying mounts that looks like a basic horse.

    exactly! the warclaw in pve is as basic a mount you can get, and it's the closest candidate for a simple horse skin, movement-wise.

    the other contenders raptor and jackal are possible too but their movement skills make it non-horse-ey .... well atleast i havent see a real horse traverse a canyon or teleport short distances.

  7. @Frostfang.5109 said:Now that skimmer is going underwater, what skins would you like?

    skins i'd be interested it (though im fine with the skimmer stuff we had, especially the new turtle)

    nature/animal:a dolphin one, maybe a shark?, and maybe a sea dragon/serpent thingy (not too big/too small though), a giant jelly fish

    for something non-animal:maybe a submersible vehicle like thing? (those vehicles that can be a sealed boat and a submarine)

  8. @Haiku.7812 said:

    Even if it was a deliberate choice (which, to be honest, I highly doubt due to the attention to design and the initial push to exploration, views, etc), it's really aging really bad really fast.GW2 is built on GW1 code. It was a design choice.

    I Stand corrected then. I still think that's a decision that aged poorly and it's not properly optimized in the first place, not taking proper advantage of multiple cores.Of course we are talking of something a decade old - I thought it was a great game and still think it is - but that's the point, it's a decade old tech.

    we can take Destiny 2 for example, it's engine was based on Destiny 1's which in turn was based off of Halo3/Reach Engine. being an old engine isn't a reason they can't use it as a foundation for a new, more improved engine. 

     but to be honest, we don't need a remaster or a new engine for GW2. the devs just need to update it to use more modern rendering: at the very least, DirectX11 but ideally DirectX12 or Vulkan. that's less work than rebuilding all assets and the whole engine and something more feasible to be included in the upcoming expansion.

    this is a better way to future proof the game because as time passes, more and more older computers get junked or are discarded because not every consumer can take care of their machines properly (laptops most especially) so there will come a time where more and more pcs will be able to take advantages of DirectX12 and DirectX11 and be able to output more performance running under the said renderers vs. DX9.

    and of course, they don't need to cut-off DirectX9 rendering and keep it as a legacy option for people left with older hardware.

    here's an image from reddit:cSsS0sL.png

    all these games have shown performance improvements (on modern hardware that can take advantage of it) after upgrading from DirectX9 to DirectX11 (or in WoW's case DirectX12)

  9. @Yggranya.5201 said:I don't know what race you play, but all the head armor that are not helmets, but accessories just float slightly off asura head and look terrible on charr. They sometimes have been changed to look different on charr, but they still look equally bad, sometimes even worse. My question to everyone is: do they look as bad on humans? (My guess is: no)

    i play male and female human a lot, i do play as asura and sylvari as well but not as much as humans, and from my observation: no, the reading glasses, masks, and the eye-masks on armour and outfits (like Exemplar's Attire) and other non-helmets look fine... they don't look like they're floating but a lot of hairstyles do clip on them (unless they only cover the mouth for example)

  10. @Kichwas.7152 said:

    @Widmo.3186 said:Cool move, but still...

    @Butterfly Kingdom.8349 said:However, please note that you cannot convert an existing Guild Wars 2 account to a Steam account or convert a Steam account to a non-Steam account.Is there a limit of foolishness from ANet side? Cant you act like a normal company, like kakao games which moved to steam with BDO and allowed ppl to log-in through steam? No? I ask for too much?

    Why would you want to hand over 30% of the money from all future transactions between you and your already existing customers to a third party?

    the main reason has been repeated over and over but again simply, some people aren't even existing paying customers and have to go to great lengths or suffer excessive fees using the existing payment methods just to support the game. steam makes it easier by allowing more payment methods and the use of one's currency regardless if regional pricing was implemented or not, just simply being able to pay without an international credit-card is already easier than having to go through many hoops just because you want to help keep GW2 alive and buy your shinies.

    not being able to link/un-link your main account to steam means you either have to make a shopping alt account to gift your main gemstore stuff or start over fresh which means losing everything you've worked for over the years (some which are impossible to obtain again or would take a long time). no one wants to lose years of progress just so they can support a game/company

  11. they can give the warclaw a horse skin (like a real horse not a silly unicorn bird griffon kinda thing)

    since the warclaw, movement-wise atleast is the closest to an IRL horse: obviously it can't fly or glide and it can't jump super high or hover, it can't canyon jump like the raptor, and it can't blink like the jackal so a horse skin might work for it to satisfy the horse-mount wanting fans. they can just give/change it's engage skill to a horse kick thing or horse jump-stomp for downed enemies.

  12. @Raknar.4735 said:TIL FFXIV, ESO, GW2 and PSO2 are on Steam because they‘re unable to gain new players and are soon going to die.Technically speaking the start of development of a game is the beginning of the end ;)

    Thanks and best regards.

    HEY! you forgot Eve Online, BDO (despite being p2w), Albion Online, SWTOR, New World (lol at this but it's not even released yet so Dead on Arrival?)... and the not-so-mmorpgs: Destiny 2, Path of Exile and Warframe, etc. etc. etc.

    yep, all dying and ghost towns

  13. until they address everyone's concerns regarding pricing, use of local currency via steam wallet and lost progress (years) if you migrate to steam by abandoning their main accounts: so far the ideal alternative, with things as they are right now, is that once GW2 launches on steam, you login to GW2 from steam to create an alt account, buy the gems/gemstore stuff you want in your local currency then gift it to your main. this is the only way so far given the little info they released about steam accounts and how you can't convert/link your ArenaNet account to/from it.

    maybe they'll find a way to make it work and allow people to integrate their ArenaNet accounts to their Steam accounts -or- maybe they wont so it's best to just expect nothing more but do hope for the best.

  14. @SeikeNz.3526 said:are they going to remake underwater combat? its very clunky, it need to be more skillful they could give us a new skill tree/build/elite spec only for underwater content.

    like what otto.5684 said, we aren't going to Waterworld but given the skimmer diving and swimming infusions expect them to atleast give these some purpose but it wont be the main focus of the environments. Cantha is very much above water :)

  15. @"Maethendias.1305" said:"infrastructure fixes"

    meanwhile you arent talking about any infrastructure

    this. i was expecting the OP to suggest ArenaNet should ensure the servers are no longer causing lag, the server hardware upgraded, software updated, TP/Gemstore issues resolved... basically IT Infrastructure and backend stuff =)

    but it goes without saying, we need stable servers and no errors popping like mad if we want those steam players to stay. it's a big turnoff for new players and a would likely make GW2 Steam suffer a lot of Mixed~Negative reviews on it's first month if the basics to keeping things stable aren't addressed and sorted out.

    that said, OP:

    a lot of your suggestions, if considered at all, may take time and may not make it on the planned november steam launch

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