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Posts posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. @Trise.2865 said:Why not a Fractal?

    @Fenom.9457 said:I’d rather stick with GW2 forever but fractals would be the perfect opportunity to see a pristine Orr. I also want to see more current, recovering orr though I don’t expect to visit anywhere but the shiver peaks and cantha soon (which is fine I love both regions a great deal) the op answered it ⇓ @Cynder.2509 said:

    @BlackBullWings.2734 said:welp it's not impossible, fractals can pretty much cover any historical point in the game :)

    But not everyone, especially those who just want to see the lore, is able to play fractals as groups always demand certain things instead of just chilling and enjoying the game for once.

    i'd love to see the original Orr too the one before the exodus of the gods. given how we have flash back stories (visions of the past) they can make it fit into the game somehow. as for when/where it can be inserted into the game and if it's worth it, that's up to the devs.

    For the visions of the past idea: Yes, it could fit but the freedom of fully exploring it and some other aspects are very limited due to it being an instance.

    personally though i wouldn't mind if it became a fractal or something like visions of the past. but i guess there are people who want it like an explorable/town city without any mobs and that's fine too not everything has to be tied to combat

  2. @zackypooh.6589 said:So I'm a new player and I always struggle to pick a class in mmos, I kinda like them all, and that makes me scared to commit. When looking up info on this game I see allot about druids, fire brands, revenants and mesmers late game jobs in groups and goals but haven't found much on other classes. Can players who are experienced with any class explain to me late game on that class, whats its jobs, how does it work in a team, do I farm by only hitting one button? maybe try to sell me on your favorite class?I know its allot to ask, but I'm lost lol. Thanksps. I have both dlc

    it'll be easier for anyone here to give you a suggestion for a class if you give a preference.

    like say,

    • do you prefer (either aesthetically/functionally) melee? ranged? mixed of both?
    • do you prefer to (primarily) help the group or do damage?
    • do you prefer a relaxed play style or something more engaging/challenging? (like do you like pressing as few keys as possible or are you a concert pianist?)
    • do you prefer pve/pvp/large_scale_pvp?

    if you can answer any or all of those basic questions it's easy enough to narrow down a recommendation :)

  3. @Thornwolf.9721 said:Only because humans have been catered too for so long, I mean really Im sure if you dumped some GOOD faces/hairs/beards/tats/fur-patterns and so on in the little kit we'd have waaaaay more people taking a solid look. (The elonian faces/hairs were made base-line so when you make a human character those options are there, you don't even NEED a make-over kit. So the argument is moot at this stage.)

    part of the reason i think is, the content designers for characters are humans/people (i mean seriously) so there's a lot of references (based on one's own image/others) and you can just google up a photo of a random person's (of a specific race/age_group/gender/etc.) face so there's so much variety to use as a reference once the limits of one's imagination is reached.... the norn and sylvari have it lucky they have human features (for faces for example).

    meanwhile you can only design so many asuran/charr faces before the next new one doesn't look as asuran/charr enough anymore (or doesnt do it justice) i mean they still can do a great job at it, there's still a lot more they can potentially cook up for faces/fur patterns/etc. and we definitely need more customization for non-human races but it's really so much more easier to just design something human-like.

    (like i know some may want it, but a dog/wolf-like face instead of a feline-like face for charr wouldn't be charr in my book)

  4. @lakka.8642 said:How do you fight against a group of mobs, especially a group of ranged mobs?

    use this ⇓

    @Antycypator.9874 said:Critical Strikes -> Take Invigorating Precision, so you can forget about your healing skill.If you play P/P, you can take Deadly Aim (Critical Strikes) — it makes your pistol skills pierce.

    kite and line them up and gun them all down in one or two uses of dual-pistol skill 3 -- depending on what stats you have on your gear (ideally Power+Precision for max burst). Invigorating Precision will heal up little chunks of damage you might've taken (not reliable to heal/sustain you fully at a low level -- level 32)

    slot the utility skill "roll for initiative" for stunbreak and for escaping sticky situations also as a refill for your pistol 3 spammage.

    @lakka.8642 said:I'm on S/P thief and all I know is to use black powder to blind mobs and auto attack them.

    try Sword/Dagger if you must melee, your skill 3 is an evade and helps you survive in aoe situations. or as suggested by @Antycypator.9874 use dagger/dagger, your skill 3 will hit 5 mobs and give evasion frames at the same time.

  5. @Palador.2170 said:

    @"Tukaram.8256" said:Y'all are talking about HoT being nerfed 'more'. Has it been nerfed some already? Honestly I did not enjoy it and have not gone back to it in a couple years. Pretty much got my glider and left. If it has been nerfed, I may go check it out again.

    ~Edit~ but my main issue was not the critter difficulty but the horrid map layout. The multi level map, I can do without.

    This right here brings up a good point. For a lot of us (myself included), it's not the difficulty of the events that made us dislike the area. It's the map itself, and getting around in it.

    If they could provide a better/improved mini-map or something else to help you get from Point A to Point B in a better manner, the maps would become "easier" without making the actual events easier. Best of both worlds, I think. Such an improvement could also be applied going forward, allowing more complex maps without the problems that HoT players faced due to those maps, opening up more complex map options for the devs.

    only Tangled Depths is guilty of being multi-leveled to the point where it's annoying (not at all difficult, since you can just google) when trying to get that last POI since you can't remember if it was under ground or above ground but other than that there isn't any issue with how HoT was laid out.

    Auric Basin and Dragon's Stand are pretty "flat" and Verdant Brink is pretty "flat" too just with some bottomless pits of death here and there -- the sky islands on VB isn't much of an issue and is only relevant during night meta or map completion -- and most of VB is made pretty much trivial because of the air-rescue and bond of vigor masteries + skyscale mount


    @"Tukaram.8256" said:Has it been nerfed some already? Honestly I did not enjoy it and have not gone back to it in a couple years. Pretty much got my glider and left. If it has been nerfed, I may go check it out again.

    if the environment is your issue, then sadly, there isn't any fix for it. they most likely wont redesign HoT maps for you and especially not after so many years since HoT launch.

    many mmorpgs i've played only nerfed items/monster/objects(interactables)/stats but never environments unless it was game breaking enough and even then it was just minor landscape changes nothing that adds shortcuts or makes traversing the environment easier (if it was ever complicated/hard). most of environmental "nerfs" have been in the form of invisible walls tbh (so people would stop going out of bounds)

  6. @Raknar.4735 said:Movement:Ducking, crouching, climbing ladders (up AND down, looking at you TERA), climbing terrain/parkour, surfing (+wave mechanics on water that push/pull).

    this got me thinking of another totally unnecessary thing: what about first person view arms/models? we have a first person mode, a fov slider, and action camera. now we just need to finish it off with first person arm+weapons models

  7. @Cynder.2509 said:I don't know but to me Orr always looked quite interesting and I sometimes imagine how it must have been before it sank into the ocean.However as I've heard that there's an entirely huge and expanded lore that takes place even before gw1 it got me interested more and I had an idea.What if we've had a game where we get to experience events that were never ever seen before in any of the two games and that happened before?It would surely be interesting.How are your thought on this?

    i'd love to see the original Orr too the one before the exodus of the gods. given how we have flash back stories (visions of the past) they can make it fit into the game somehow. as for when/where it can be inserted into the game and if it's worth it, that's up to the devs.

  8. @Khisanth.2948 said:

    @Trise.2865 said:China has its own servers, and apparently doesn't like to share. Show NCSoft you can compete with that (good luck, Australia's been trying since launch), and I'm sure they'll listen.

    Chinese laws requires having separate servers so sharing would be illegal there.

    also the chinese publisher (iirc Tencent/WeGame) maintains and pays for those servers not ArenaNet... they licensed gw2 and they get their updates from Anet.

    that said SEA or OCE servers are unlikely... the best Asian and Aussie players can hope for is a West Coast US server. that would atleast give people from said regions about 100~180ms ping (depending on where in asia/oce)

  9. @jokke.6239 said:Mostly I agree, but for GW2, why not?You know you're going to get it anyway, even if it sucks.At least most people who are invested in the game will

    im not sure if it's the same for you but for me it's a special MMORPG-thing when it comes to pre-purchasing. like if it's an MMORPG im currently/already invested at, once an expansion or content pack is available, i usually pre-purchase (if applicable) since i know im going to get it anyway. did it for FF14's Heavensward and Stormblood for example. so i'll likely be pre-purchasing EoD the minute it becomes available for pre-purchase

    but i never do it for any other AAA or indie game (from other genres) that offers pre-release/kickstarter/early access packs (this includes unreleased MMOs). i always wait for a week to a month after launch where there's enough reviews to justify purchasing it or if not, wait for a sale if im interested but can bother to wait.

  10. @Carnius Magius.8091 said:

    @Carnius Magius.8091 said:Bummer. I was hoping Steam would give me a more stable connection. But I'm not going to start over from scratch.

    It'll be the same client and same servers, it wouldn't do anything for your connection either way.

    So Steam will be nothing more than a launcher and a cash collector?

    it's another payment gateway and marketing platform for ArenaNet, ideally to create more paying customers (due to having more payment methods available) and draw in more new players (due to the millions of active users in steam and the exposure gw2 would potentially receive)

    if you break everything down to the basics, yes it's a cash collector... no different to any decision/move made by any company -- the attempt draw in more profit unless it's for charity

  11. @"TheUndefined.1720" said:

    1. Kurzicks / LuxonsGetting to see what happened with these two factions would be really fun coming from GW1. Honestly, those 2 cultures were some of the most unique MMO cultures I've seen yet. I've never seen that sort of gothic look of the Kurzicks or Southern Islander feel of the Luxons in any other game. I think it would be a huge wasted opportunity for them to pass up on putting those designs back into GW2.


    both factions were defeated and united with the empire along with cantha closing it's doors and booting out all non-humans.

  12. @Hesione.9412 said:

    @"AliamRationem.5172" said:[snip]We started with arcdps, we got Taco and other nonsense, what's next? Now, you might ask "well, what problem could you have with taco now?". Well, let's see. We do guild race and few people who can't bother to actually play the game, they pop up taco and steamroll through race. Other people get discouraged, because they feel no point in doing this if some people basically cheat and second, they feel like they are being a burden, because people are waiting for them to finish. And people as they are, even casuals, are often saying "bruh, just install taco, makes it easy". Well no kitten kitten it makes easy. What's the point in playing the game if you are going to have it on outopilot?

    Good grief, running Taco is cheating, specifically in guild mission races?

    I can follow the arguments for and against DPS meters - and both sides have valid points - but none of this is cheating.

    DPS meters are the thin edge of the wedge that will cause most players to cheat?

    I return you all now to your regularly scheduled vigorous debate about DPS meters.

    wow this topic and the debating has gone down so far even taco got involved now. people should just agree to disagree

  13. @Roche.7491 said:

    @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Maxed out with what? The extra goodies are often something you can only get via the pre-order.Such as: Exclusive Title, access to Beta weekends, Exclusive Mini-pet, etc.

    Maxed out might mean character slots I imagine, but otherwise different things float peoples boats more than others.

    Meaning maxed out main character:Equipment TabBuild TemplateStorage Build TabBag StorageBank StorageCharacter SlotArmistice PassRecharging teleportWorld boss portalDervish & Dreamwalker skins

    Dunno what more do we get from preorder/ultimate edition

    they can atleast increase the maximum shared inventory slots from 24 to 30? (or whatever number they deem, i can't really see a pattern) they've been increasing the max every expansion so far


  14. @Taril.8619 said:

    @"KAipurge.2147" said:long boring several day time gated rng based grind for the newer mounts.

    "Long" - I did the Skyscale in 3 days. Which funnily enough, is exactly how much it's timegated. Griffon and Beetle are only gated by having the events required pop (Which is at best an hour wait)

    "RNG" - Uhh... Exactly what part of any mount acquisition is RNG?

    "Grind" - It honestly sounds like you've never actually experienced an actual grind if you think that GW2's mounts require a "Grind". At worst, there's what? Getting the 250 of each LW4 currency? That's not even that bad can easily get it in a few hours depending on how many characters you have at level 80.

    exactly. the "grind" for mounts or anything in gw2 is laughable... especially if you played mmorpgs from the early 2000's / late 90's, nothing was handed out like candy, you had to work for it (or be incredibly rich -- which you also had to work for) and it was rewarding if you finished.

    so the "grind" in gw2 is fine. it's reasonable and it's not harsh compared to the grind of MMORPGs of the past (which is understandable as life/work/student/family/etc. demands have increased since the last decade, so people have generally less time to focus on many aspects in their daily life)

    "grinding" is an inherent part of MMORPGs -- being able to unlock and clear all content within the hour is what makes people bored and stop playing an MMORPG because there's nothing to do. "grinding" in MMORPGs is also why Shooters, MOBAs and BRs, games that are easy to pickup and put down frequently, are popular with the younger generation of gamers (who are generally much more impatient) or people who have little time (because of family/work) since they are all games where there's no grinding at all and you start at a level playing field with everyone at every match/game -- instant gratification at the cost of meaningful persistence/progression.

    • Like 1
  15. @Smattyshmin.7586 said:I wanted to share just in case anyone else was in a similar situation.TLDR: If you need to run GW2 on less than acceptable machines, try out GEforce now. It's pretty sweet. Thank you ArenaNet for letting Nividia make your game available for streaming.

    @maddoctor.2738 said:I tried Guild Wars 2 on GeForce Now myself and it does work very well. Now if someone wants to pay or not is another story, but at 5$ a month it is way less expensive than getting a comparable gaming rig

    curious. since gw2 is an online game, where the original setup is:[user's PC] ⇒ [internet Provider] ⇒ [Game Server]and you go to a setup looking like:[user's PC] ⇒ [internet Provider] ⇒ [Nvidia's Servers/Stream Server] ⇒ [Game Server]

    my concern is, for GW2 specifically, how's the latency? are your pings the same with or without the streaming service? is there input lag?

  16. technically it would work (like most races, skritt are fully modelled and have most player animations) but making the existing armour sets and some weapons work on the generic skritt seleton/frame would be a lot of work -- this goes mostly for any of the existing non-playable races, maybe less so for kodans (assuming kodan male == female for playermodels&armour if they became playable)

    EDIT: then there's voice acting... and a starter city... some race specific gear, etc etc. it's possible but a lot of work really

  17. @"TheMan.2564" said:facts soo many people would buy just think of the money

    the many kinds of swimwear are already worn by some npcs so all that's left is just to make them useable for players (acquire by collection or gemstore), we even have a school uniform town clothing that never made it into the game, it even had complete gemstore description (which was datamined way way back) -- all of these wouldn't cost the devs resources since they're already made.. just a matter of enabling them.

    though honestly with this and the other swimsuit thread, i'd rather have more modern/present looking armour/weapon sets and outfits instead of all the shiny/neon junk we've been getting.. something that wouldn't trigger people who're more conservative with the fashion wars... the immersion ship already sunk anyway so no use arguing for "but muh immersion!"

    modern looking weapons like this datamined commando rifle [&Cr0gAAA=] from way back https://gyazo.com/fd672d3e4e1ea75341f6934b84a4dded would be nice as well.

  18. @Linken.6345 said:

    @"Smoosh.2718" said:The mobs here appear to respawn every 40s. these mobs drop 1 silver 4 magic and chance for T6 materials. Aproximately 7 mobs spawn on this spot providing the player with 7s + 28 magic and potentially 91s in T6.

    Over the course of 60m this player who has not touched his keyboard has now earnt the following:1.05g Silver from raw gold drops420 magicX amount of karmaX amount of spirit shardsUp to 13.6g from T6 drops

    So if said player stays an entire night without playing and farms this same spot all night long for 10 hours.. you can see a problem. By allowing this you are allowing other companies/players to exploit this opotunity and create farming accounts.

    Don't picture this as a long term player, picture this as a NEW player. What impression does it give you when you run into a blob of players like this?Bots? Dead support system? RTM ("Oh i can buy gold with real money from gold sellers?!")? Cheating is ok? Using bots to play is ok? ITs a mobile like game designed to be played by not playing?

    Picture that you are going into this area for the first time and running into this:

    Rewards from 1 Fanged Iboga:

    I never even been to that spot I get the poi and move away to next place for my map completion.Witch is probably why the bots hide over there, so I doubt new players will even notice that particular spot.

    newer/steam players wouldn't even be in season 4 istan right away (atleast not for like 1~3 weeks to a few months assuming they'll buy season 4 for the story, which they'll want to do in the proper order and not just for the meta events or mounts) at the very least they might jump into drizzlewood coast right away from level 80 or whatever the new map is if a new episode is out by then.

  19. @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @"Healix.5819" said:They have no reason to create a DX12 mod themselves when one already exists.

    Like the Action Camera I guess? Someone created a mod providing an excellent action camera mode to the game and it didn't take Anet long to implement similar functionality inside the game. And let's not forget build templates that existed as a mod, until Anet decided to make their own. The "it already exists" argument is rather weak, especially considering how an Anet created DX12 version would have a check box in the settings to active/deactivate it AND provide all the shaders beforehand, without the need of a separate download and/or a lengthy re-compile. And obviously it wouldn't stop working after every update, or at the very least not work on the latest episode zone.

    ⇑ this. doesnt mean that a mod exists, that arenanet wont make an inhouse version out of it if it checks all the right boxes. arcdps (due to how sensitive and controversial parsers can get among the community) and stuff like taco (due to it basically spoiling the whole completion system) and other similar mods are exceptions to this.

    @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @"Obtena.7952" said:Well, that's absurd. No one is saying new games can't be developed with higher requirements. What is important here is that if you are a customer of a game and you purchase that gaming service, the provider better think VERY hard about the consequences of providing an upgrade to that service if it has a negative impact on customers that purchased that service based on it's

    The changes to the game already have a negative impact on customers that purchased the original service, as is evident by the rapid deterioration of performance of Guild Wars 2 in the last few years.

    on games/mmorpgs that optimised for newer hardware, such as by implementing dx11 or dx12 -- (by doing this take note they didn't remaster, nor did they "upgrade" the engine -- "tune up" is a better word for it) -- like Final Fantasy 14, TERA, World of Warcraft, etc., they all included a separate .exe or a setting you can flip in-game or in the launcher to revert to the "legacy" / "compatibility" mode (like still being able to play a game on dx9 when the dx11 version is main or in WoW's case using dx11 if you don't have dx12 compatible hardware) so these games all took into account people with older hardware who wouldn't benefit from these new changes. meanwhile people with more modern hardware will be able to utilise the newer apis and instructions and output better performance.

    for the whole player-base, literally no one loses and no one gets less performance.

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