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Posts posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. @Deeyra.1476 said:Then add some actual security to the game. But there is no time for that. Must add new gemstore items!

    as long as it's server-side security, im fine with it.

    but if it's anything like a root-kit malware like anti-cheat, which requests kernel level OS access like Easy Anti Cheat or BattleEye, then no, i don't want that malware in my system and it's a lazy way/implementation of curbing cheaters (and as usual cheaters find a way to circumvent it) -- also, it makes games unplayable for linux users via wine.

  2. @"Shiyo.3578" said:It seems kind of absurd to me that Katakana/Hiragana isn't supported but some Kanji is, and chinese is.

    GW1, among the many languages it supported, had partial japanese support: no audio but everything in the ui including quests and dialogue is completely translated. seems strange GW2 had less localisation options (even if just partial like GW1). the korean GW1 language option even had audio (alongside the usual EN/DE/FR/ES)

    in englishrULu5BR.png

    in nihongohNLmOBe.png

    but yeah regarding chinese, i think it has to do with the GW2 version being available in china, it makes sense to create support (UI/Naming System/etc.) for the language but leave it disabled in the global version, when they ship updates/content to the China publisher they just re-enable it.

  3. @Mil.3562 said:

    @Yellow Rainbow.6142 said:Why does it bother people so much? Just play your game and let them do whatever they want. It's a game, and anet is okay with it.

    ^This.It's their game, let them do what they want, not like they are hacking or scamming. There are a lot worse problems in the game.

    ⇑yeah, imo the pvp bots and those cheating players using ability exploits in a match are far more worse and deserve more attention from arenanet (and are bigger fish to catch too)

  4. @Dondarrion.2748 said:

    @Galmac.4680 said:Even a 30min timer would be ok!

    Even a 10min timer would be ok!

    How often do you stay in exact one place longer than 10 minutes unless it's to afk farm with those exploits.

    i afk a lot and a lot longer than 10 minutes (and by that i mean alt-tabbing away from gw2 so the game gets no input and starts the afk timer) when waiting for metas for example or taking a break from the game. if it's a meta and it starts at xx:45 and it's still xx:08 on my clock -and- i have nothing better to do then i alt-tab (gw2 thinks i will be afk and start the afk timer) because leaving the map or logging out may lock me out from re-entering or trying to join the populated map with commanders at xx:35 just before the meta begins. so i will afk longer than 10 minutes.

    that said i don't play ranger or necro (very rarely for either), so a change to minion/pet timers wouldn't affect me but if they changed map-wide participation to be cancelled (another solution cooked up by other threads) because you were afk for longer than 10 or 30 minutes then that's not right for any class/profession. 


    @"Smoosh.2718" said:All summons have a 60-120 minute timer before they are removed from the world and need to be resummoned, Turrets, pets, minions.

    no need to put it on a 70+ minute timer... for most open world zones/maps the afk timer seems to be ~60ish minutes, in personal instances (like story or home) it's about 1.5~2hours last i tried to observe. if you tried to afk for a little more than an hour in the open world without any input (including alt-tabbing), the game will definitely kick you back to character select. so your solution already exists sorta.

    the thing is afk farmers are already aware of this as well and they likely do subtle movements (or use a macro to do it) to circumvent the afk timer. even a 10 minute or 30minute minion/pet "kill timer" would do nothing to prevent this.

    what's needed is better action from arenanet because all these automated solutions either already exists or just as easily worked around with by those exploiting. but yeah it's been shown that either there's inaction from arenanet or it's really hard for them to just ban anyone right off or automatically as the risk of (false-positive) flagging someone is high.

  5. @TheMan.2564 said:There is no feasible way for me to poll the entire guild wars 2 populous; such a bold statement should be backed with evidence.

    the only way to get a bigger sample size (for an opinion or whatever in gw2) is to have an actual pop-up poll ingame (before you select a character) that appears as a notification or small window (non-obtrusive)

    but even then there will be people who'll just click ignore/X/hide/dont_remind_me_again and just want to get into playing the game.

  6. @Thornwolf.9721 said:And the 2014 launch was so horrendously bad that the game nearly died, had to drop its required sub-fee and had to basically change the core of the game. ESO now is vastly different to ESO then, they had to do something because their community brought them to task. ESO has only grown in recent time to be major competition to WoW where guild wars 2 held that spot. Whats interesting is both Final fantasy online and ESO FAILED at launch and went back, looked over the issues and addressed them to ensure a successful future. Guild wars 2 did much the opposite as at launch it was a HUGE success and then just sat still, and did nothing new really even though the expansions expanded upon what the foundation was nothing has changed. What guild wars 2 did well then, is what it does well now and what it suffered from then it suffers from more now. There has been no evolution, outside of power-creep and the attempt to reign it in despite the fact that every attempt keeps dragging the game into more and more tedious gameplay.

    1. Guild wars 2 has not moved forward, if anything it feels less like the 2012 game and more like an earlier build of it.
    2. Latency also doesn't help
    3. Cosmetically only lately have we gotten decent looking gear, since launch we've gotten turds in that department.
    4. Other games continue to add more and more things, from skill-lines to classes and even races.. Guild wars 2 adds E-specs which honestly seem to have added problems and not solutions (They never truly offer a new theme, thus are just linked to what is there and are not interesting outside of interactions with core. which eventually ends up nerfed into oblivion.)
    5. We continue to suffer from problems that have no business still existing, seven years later.
    6. The PvE endgame is kind of underwhelming, when compared to the competition.
    7. PvP and WvW the two most engaging modes usually for new players, have been abandoned and left to rot. So players see no point in doing it because there is nothing there worth chasing; MOST gamers need a carrot on a stick to do the content. Thats where the game begins to fall flat
    8. There is no meaningful progression of any-kind after ascended/legendary, you're done. Retire that character and make a new one.... thats not engaging gameplay. Nor is it re-playable or enjoyable.
    9. The trinity's lack of existence means most classes feel samey with different colors.
    10. The community NEVER holds them to task, rather we turn on one another and new players get caught in the middle and as it is? The drama will chase people off.

    lol not here to argue just wanted to point out that before gw2, elder scrolls had a following that was on par with GW1's

    1-2-3-4, agree somewhat and it feels like if gw2 was moving forward it wasn't doing so as much as other games in the genre. but that could also be either the studio's unwillingness to coordinate with the community to improve the game step-by-step or they are playing it safe or both. the cosmetics we have is ok, i don't like all the shiny neon lights we tend to get but whenever we get cool/plain looking armour in-game im happy. the lag is just.. i don't know what to say about it anymore lol.

    6-7-8, well that's how gw2 designed their way of horizontal progression at some point everyone is equal and will stay equal, gear-wise (whether it be pve/pvp/wvw) and it's just your skill as a player that matters. in vertical progression games after you get BiS (and everyone in your raid or in pvp gets the BiS) it's no different than GW2.. just that the cycle repeats every 5 to 7 months at a time whenever a new patch raises the max powerlevel/itemlevel, that's not enjoyable for some people... for some, not having your gear go obsolete and not having to farm/grind/craft/work for a new set or chase a new carrot-on-stick is better than going through the cycle -- that's the kind of players gw2 attracts mostly (not saying gw's gearing is superior than the others btw it was just the design choice)

    9, yeah.. (back to topic), like i mentioned earlier to another person, i don't mind not having a trinity in gw2, there are pros and cons to it, but i wouldn't mind it either if they actually reworked everything and gave us actual tanks-healers-dps (like in ff14/wow) though that's going to be a hell lotta re-working to do and is very unlikely

    10, there's always going to be someone who has their ideal vision for the game and for some reason i see more people here on the official forums disagree with one another compared to the gw2 reddit for example

  7. @Astralporing.1957 said:

    @Thornwolf.9721 said:ESO and elder scrolls are not NEARLY as popular as GW1 was, GW1 was WoW's big competition back in the day.You're vastly overestimating GW1 popularity. Yes, it was popular, but it was never comparable to WoW (the only people that ever thought it was a competition to WoW were some of the GW1 players, but it was never anything more than a wishful thinking). And, unless you have some hard numbers (which i doubt), i'm also quite sure that you're either seriously underestimating ESO (which is doing quite well lately, from what i heard), or overestimating GW1 population.

    iirc Skyrim was huge when it came out in 2011~2012 and the same fans were very much hyped for ESO at around 2014 launch

  8. @VocalThought.9835 said:One thing that comes to mind is ANet bringing to the next Expansion, Heroes. Although this game enjoys the use of group play, I think they will incorporate the heroes they had in GW1 where players can recruit NPC characters to adventure with or maybe they will make it possible where you can use your alts to do pvp stuff

    i doubt they'd do this -- atleast not until GW2 is nearing it's end of life or the last planned expansion gets released. End of Dragons / Expansion 3 is no where stated to be the last/final expansion, in fact the devs even mentioned they're moving on from the dragon-conflict after this upcoming expansion, hence the title. so our story doesn't end there. not yet atleast. so having NPCs replace players wont be a thing anytime soon not until the game sees a very very steep decline in player numbers brought about by either a newer game/mmorpg by ArenaNet or some other game from another studio that would replace GW2 for many of it's current players.

  9. @Pifil.5193 said:

    @Seymourx.1372 said:I don't understand why you want to have your account on Steam. For me it's just the opportunity to bring some new players

    Steam sells by countries currency so its a big deal to people who aren't American.

    Yeah Steam can sell in the regional currency if the selling company (ArenaNet in this case) wants to do that. They have to opt in.

    But it's worth noting that ArenaNet's current payment provider (Digital River) could also do that if ArenaNet wanted them to.

    They may offer regional pricing on Steam but may not.

    yeah that's one big boon when going to steam regional pricing... and they other is ease of payment. with many different payment methods available tailored to the region of the account holder so, regional pricing or not, steam is still a better platform for non-NA/non-EU players who can't pay via international credit card or paypal. it's enough to convert current players who aren't buying gems via real money to actual paying customers (though sadly we can't link steam and arenanet accounts so if you want to continue your main account's progress on steam you have to resort to creating an alt shopping account on steam to gift your main whatever gemstore things you want and continue playing on the regular client)

  10. @kharmin.7683 said:How many newer games are based on 10+ year old spaghetti code, built in-house by devs who are no longer with the company?

    this is a non-issue if the original programmers left decent documentation along with the source code (i mean in practise that's what you should be doing anyway)... but that's a big if ... and if they didn't, well... oh well... =)

  11. @Shao.7236 said:If you /really/ want to have a F2P mount access, it might as well be the Warclaw since it has the least use out of all the others and feels generic, however should still be locked behind WvW for players to unlock.

    @"jokke.6239" said:Edit: But I do actually like the idea of F2P player being able to unlock warclaw. That would probably be the best way to not encourage people to boost to lvl 80 for mounts. A mix of that and limited mount rentals on say only starter maps or some other place would be a great solution in my opinon. I still think it would be a good idea to let people experience the mounts with restrictions.Or another ideaMaybe have the mount rental actually be a quest NPC in the starting maps, and after you have gone on an adventure/quest trying the mounts you get a dialougue"These mounts await you in the Path of Fire expansion, for now start your quest to unlock a Warclaw mount"Or whatever. If that should be tied to WvW is also a discussion worth having.

    But yeah, steam release is right around the corner, so probably not very possible to happen before then

    i believe it's better to adjust warclaw so it's unlockable on f2p-wvw, if you give it as a rental/testdrive mount on core tyria pve as well, it's also another advertising for wvw. should steam bring in a lot of newbies, then it should be a good push to bring lots and lots of new players into wvw and on the side, maybe satisfy those pvp-hungry players (for awhile) who keep posting here about adding openworld pvp to pve zones because they ran out of sheep to kill in wvw.

  12. @"jwhite.7012" said:However, there is a trinity in this game- regardless of what people might think. You can heal pretty insane amounts of dmg. And tank mechanics are based off toughness

    and like my 2nd post to this thead (on the 2nd page), it's not the same kind of trinity as you see in ffxiv or wow. it's a unique kind of trinity that's brought about by the introduction of raids.

    the boss focusing aggro on the "tank" based on toughness is mostly confined to raids so basically the roles can be narrowed down to "support" and "pure dps" unlike in other holy trinity mmorpgs, tanks/healer/dps applies to pretty much everywhere even in pvp

  13. @"jokke.6239" said:It's true that new players might see the new mounts on other players, but many will just assume that it's your standard mounts. But if they got to actually try out Guild Wars 2's awesome mounts, would be a great selling point for many I think.It's such a unique addition to the game.Best mounts ever created in a game.

    im neither for or against having mount rentals on core tyria zones but here are some of my takes on it (to compromise with the "pof mounts would get devalued" crowd):

    1. mount rental npcs should be limited to 1 or 2 per zone (at the southern and northern parts of the zone for example).

    2. the rental mounts shouldn't be any of the pof-pve mounts but something "lesser" like the warclaw or a good time to add a horse mount ( see this thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/69138/horse-mounts-discussion#latest )

    3. the said rental mount shouldn't have the movement ability of any of the terrestrial pve mounts (raptor, jackal, springer, rollerbeetle) or the special feature of other mounts (flying, gliding, hovering on water/diving). it's a basic as can be mount that just provides a movement speed boost over running and swiftness. the mount engage can be a small radius aoe with no CC ability of any kind

    oh and yeah, i agree, gw2 has the best mounts in any mmorpg i've tried :)

  14. @jwhite.7012 said:Targeted heals when you have a squad of 50? No thanks.

    if you ever healed in ffxiv (or similar games) that 50 person squad (for example) would be split into about 5 parties with 1 to 3 healers each party and you'll mostly be focusing on your tank for direct heals and just throwing an aoe-regen on your dps since they shouldn't be taking any damage anyway unless it's a raidwide damage phase where you aoe-heal (but for a large radius). if it ever happened in gw2 (which is very unlikely, and i don't mind it not happening) you wouldn't have 50 or 49 players of the squad lumping into party 1, commanders would definitely recruit a minimum amount of tanks and healers and split the whole squad into parties. but yeah if it happened then i'll finally roll a healer class as i mentioned in my first reply to this thread

  15. @Infusion.7149 said:

    @"kharmin.7683" said:Or, perhaps, new players can purchase LW2/3 with gems once they get to that point in the story.

    New players wont have enough gold to cover all that by that time.Right , because Arenanet is launching on steam (which gets a 30% cut) to get players' gold. :/

    If they are good at marketing they'll produce a $60+ steam "complete pack" with HOT+POF and the LS2/LS3/LS4/IBS eventually before the expansion launches just to have an even newer release date on steam. The "free to play" is just a hook to get people started.

    well the wiki does say the head of global marketing left arenanet on march 2020: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mike_Silbowitz

    whoever is in charge now is probably also the reason why gw2 went to steam (basically some shifts in the marketing direction). so let's wait and see what kind of packages the steam version is going to come with. hopefully they do create a "Complete Pack" for all seasons 2 to 4 and both expansions (ibs isn't complete yet come the november launch so i doubt it could be included initially, eventually maybe -- if this kind of package deal happens at all)

  16. @Fueki.4753 said:You should just choose whatever you feel like is most fun to you.

    ⇑this. OP @Kanimae.1735 , try both builds and see which plays more naturally (and more fun) for you.

    what you can do is create both an engineer and a warrior get both to level 2 and hop on the PvP lobby, from there you can set them both to the builds (you get insta-scaled to 80 in pvp and the pvp lobby) you mentioned and you can test the said builds on the dummy golems in the lobby. see how either plays for you and then decide. this goes for any builds the other have linked here as well. try them all out. this is one way to preview a class/build to see if it's a match for your playstyle

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