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Posts posted by necromaniac.7629

  1. @Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497 said:

    @Teratus.2859 said:Functions like shadowstep so requires pathing unlike Mesmer portal and it only has a 5 player limit unlike Mesmer portal so yeah it's a cool new skill but definitely not a replacement for Mes Portal :)

    It doesn't suffer the line of sight issue that plagued Shadow trap though. You can teleport through walls. It also doesn't have the pathing limitation

    But I do like that theif's portal has a few clear advantages over mes and necro. For one, the thief can have it up very quickly. Which makes it a very convient escape utility if you get into a fight and need to GTFO.

    The second is that until the second part is activated, the portal is undetectable.

    So far... one of my favorite uses in PvP for it is... to get into a fight to tip the tides and quickly leave to go across the map.

    Or... when I am leaving a point that I've decapped, I can actually feel a little more useful as a team mate by dropping a portal near a team mate who's going in that direction to rush them to get it capped or to go fight a dude together.

    I do wish they put a radial circle on these portals in the minimap though. It's kinda hard to tell how far 5000 units is.

    yeah i agree100% with everything you said but one more thing is that i wish there was an icon or something(that only you can see) to so you can track the countown of placing the portal entrance.

  2. @necromaniac.7629 said:I don't like the fact that enemies can know if you have portal entrance up, due to the little icon below your name, i just don't like it because i think portals are suppose to be somewhat sneaky, i guess the new thief portal is going to have an icon to identify that you have a portal entrance up too.

    I think it would be also nice if there was a max range indicator or something on the portal so you know if you've gone too far to place the exit, or idk if i'm asking for too much.

  3. I don't like the fact that enemies can know if you have portal entrance up, due to the little icon below your name, i just don't like it because i think portals are suppose to be somewhat sneaky, i guess the new thief portal is going to have an icon to identify that you have a portal entrance up too.

  4. @omgdracula.6345 said:To me this is a change that is more or less pointless. Buffing the range on a skill that is not used in any build in PvP since shadowstep exists. Most thieves would and do take shadowstep over signet for the condi clear. Just add 300 range to swipe. If I am not seeing something that makes this change a better option than shadowstep please enlighten me.

    I don't like the 600 range swipe at all but wouldnt it be weird to increase the range on swipe after they just nerfed it

  5. @necromaniac.7629 said:

    @"PopeUrban.2578" said:

    "I'm rich, you know."Veteran of literally all the wars. Once stole an entire gold plated cave. Leader of lesser mortals. Thinks guns are for entitled brats who wouldn't last ten minutes in the slums of the Salma district.

    Edit: I embedded it

    best one here

    you should put this one gw2 style

  6. @"PopeUrban.2578" said:GjuOFCa.jpg

    "I'm rich, you know."Veteran of literally all the wars. Once stole an entire gold plated cave. Leader of lesser mortals. Thinks guns are for entitled brats who wouldn't last ten minutes in the slums of the Salma district.

    Edit: I embedded it

    best one here

  7. @Zenix.6198 said:

    @"Vague Memory.2817" said:Even the devs must realise now that the complaints about Mes are getting ridiculous. This is the most nerfed class already. Read the skill change notes on the class wiki including core traits. It reads like a massacre. They are not going to redesign what makes a Mes a Mes. There are no Mes topping the leaderboards to my knowledge. That says it all. This obsession with trying to turn Mes into a PvE only class is ludicrous and the devs need to stop pandering to this kind of kitten.

    Not saying I agree with all the "hysteria" concerning mesmers .....but what you are saying might also indicate just how flawed by design that spec really is.Cause apparently you can just slap whatever traits you want on this class and still concoct some annoying BS ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    ahah ture, but what do mean by flawed design? like in terms of some of the wepons usable by the class or...?

  8. @Daishi.6027 said:

    @Daishi.6027 said:Here is a radical idea, maybe you can anticipate the hit and dodge it by knowing he stealth window.

    So, players you fight against announce when they enter stealth and when they come close to you without you knowing they are in stealth? With who do you play? I would love to play against people who announce when they are about to ambush me out of stealth.

    Unless it’s thief no stealth lasts long enough for you to not know your opponent is there, and even with thief you would have a general idea of being stalked. While on point there is more than enough distance for you notice a target approaching. While roaming yourself you should have a general idea, unless you lack map awareness.

    Sorry, but no good player finds it “impossible” to dodge stealth attacks. The game gives you enough tools to discern for yourself.

    Oh my gosh, somone with sense!

  9. @Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

    @"necromaniac.7629" said:

    No my friend, there a re plenty of ways to not instantly die to their bursts, speaking as mesmer myslef, they do manage to get me to atleast 50% hp but as soon as i see that red thing below me i just invul, dodge stealth and re start the fight.

    Wow, so you can "invul, dodge stealth and re start the fight" when you get 1shoted? Could you share what kind of magical skills allow you to do that while you are downed? It would be so interesting to read.

    If you yourself can't manage to counter their bursts why even waste my time explaining anything to you

  10. @Eddbopkins.2630 said:Heres a question for the mesmer players....why is it that every play style requires endless spam of clones.....name one build one play style that mesmer doesn't use clones? You cant cuz its a baaaaaaaaaaadly designed class that has very strong abilities compaired to other classes. Id love to see a build for mesmer that doeant require endless clone spamage. Out of 2 specializations and 7 years the only play style for mesmer is clone creation and useage. Idk do something else maybe?

    This is absolutely ridiculous, there is no mesme without clones and there is no clones wihtout mesmer, simple.

  11. @mortrialus.3062 said:

    @mortrialus.3062 said:People have finally gotten wise to Chaotic Interruption Condi, eh?

    I T B E G I N S

    what you mean?

    The new
    that combines Mantra of Daze with the trait Chaotic Interruption for an extremely potent 1v1 spec that is loaded with a ridiculous amount of interrupts and immobilization.

    Oh did'nt know of that one as yet, imma check it out

    It can 100-0 unprepared players. I think it's why I've suddenly seen more Defense Spellbreakers because it eats the strength ones alive.

    Wow sounds very interesting

  12. @mortrialus.3062 said:

    @mortrialus.3062 said:People have finally gotten wise to Chaotic Interruption Condi, eh?

    I T B E G I N S

    what you mean?

    The new
    that combines Mantra of Daze with the trait Chaotic Interruption for an extremely potent 1v1 spec that is loaded with a ridiculous amount of interrupts and immobilization.

    Oh did'nt know of that one as yet, imma check it out

  13. @DigiQWill.6378 said:

    @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:Lets classify all mesmer player in these categories: 30% of all mesmers who can't play the class, 50% of all mesmers who can play this class (average players) and 20% of all mesmers who can play this class very well.Lets talk only about those 20% of mesmers who can play this class very well.

    Now, lets separate out power mesmers (either core, chrono or mirage, doesn't matter) and condition mesmers (mirage).

    While playing a warrior with +27k HP i was instantly 1shot by power mesmer out of stealth. While it might be extreme case of lucky crits, but still, power mesmer can deal over 27k damage instantly out of stealth. There is no country play to it, there is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent that from happening. It doesn't matter what class you play or how good you play - you will instantly die without any warning. And i don't mean you will have time to dodge once or twice. Nope, it will happen in under 1 sec of time frame. To whom does that sound fun or balanced?

    Now, condition mesmer (mirage) is a bit different. This how average fight against one goes:Step 1: He/she instantly makes clones and breaks your targeting. A good player will act just like clones, so you will have to manually search for the real mesmer. This make take anywhere from 1 to 3 sec.Step 2: Once you find the real mesmer, he/she will enter stealth and make more clones. So, once again you will have to manually search for the real one anywhere from 1 to 3 sec.Step 3: After you find the real one, then she/he will dodge and evade some of you attacks will give that players from 2 to 4 sec of invulnerability.Step 4: After evading some attacks, he/she teleport around (loss of sight, etc) until some abilities goes off cooldown which would be equal of 6-8 of invulnerability.Step 5: Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3.Now, that gives a good mesmer player about 14-28 sec time frame of being untouchable. And during this entire time mesmer ins constantly applying conditions. So, not only you can't do anything to that mesmer, but you also are take about 6-10k damage every single second from conditions applied on you.

    When played by a player who mastered this class, then there is nearly nothing other players can do to deal with mesmer. You will either be instantly killed or have to fight someone who you can't touch and who deals tons of damage on you while itself being safe from anything.The main point i am trying to make that mesmer isn't overtuned (or under powered, how some mesmers claim they are while instantly killing other players from stealth). The main point is this: mesmer is broken class in every step of its design, and that cause great problems when skilled players abuse this class. New/unskilled players and average players doesn't even matter, because they can't abuse the state of this class how skilled players can. While there are other classes who perform better in the hands of average players (because mesmer is quite complex class compared to most other classes), but that's not an excuse for keeping this essentially broken class in this state.And it could be fixed very easily in three steps:1) Remove stealth from all abilities and traits;2) Remove ability to break the targeting;3) Reduce amount of clones summoned from any abilities to 1.

    With these three simple fixes every single issue with mesmer would be instantly solved: no more instant kills from stealth and no more armies of clones putting constant pressure on you while you don't even know where the real mesmer went.

    Your "solutions" are hilarious (excepted that last one which I do agree). Where do you get those insane numbers from? I duel good Mesmers all day long, yet the maximum one can stack invulnerability+evading effects on itself is a maximum of 4 seconds.

    Calling invulnerability for the time it takes you to learn where the player is simply a lack of knowledge from you - in no way should Mesmers suffer from your subjective thoughts because you think they are hard to play against.

    And I want to know how did you get 27k hp on Warrior in PvP while thinking you'd be viable. And I would like to know what makes you think you can't evade a burst from stealth. When you get hit by a stun or daze, click that "Oh kitten" button all warriors seem to carry, that being shield stance. You just need to get better at quickly following a stun break and that shield stance of yours. And if you don't carry a shield... well then, you should learn to recognize the very clear sound all Mesmer Stealth skills have, be it Decoy, The Prestige or Mass Insivisibility.

    Mesmers were nerf well enough already. Not played at high ranks when it comes to structured PvP (mAt levels) and has one of the lowest winrates right now (if I remember correctly, Ben mentionned it was around 45% - right besides Elementalist. I don't remember where he said that though).

    While disguising your argument behind the "Ah only good players can play Mesmer correctly, thus making this class only performing but it doesn't mean it is less broken in the right hands", the same could be saod from all classes. Good warriors can 3v1 rather easily. Would that mean that warriors are now broken? I'll let you think.

    Oh my gosh so true, he made it sound like there is absolutely no way you can survive mesmer burst..

  14. @Regon Phoenix.8215 said:There is no country play to it, there is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent that from happening. It doesn't matter what class you play or how good you play - you will instantly die without any warning. And i don't mean you will have time to dodge once or twice. Nope, it will happen in under 1 sec of time frame. To whom does that sound fun or balanced?

    No my friend, there a re plenty of ways to not instantly die to their bursts, speaking as mesmer myslef, they do manage to get me to atleast 50% hp but as soon as i see that red thing below me i just invul, dodge stealth and re start the fight.

  15. Aurora only is great, the balls a little iffy for me but whatever, Aurora plus Vision is just mesmerizing i love pretty little bubbles, the triple stack could have been better with regards to the floating turd looking thing,but you know i know some people don't really care how they look, they just like the hype of having the three of them :/

  16. Never managed to have trouble with ranger cause when they are pew-pewing I just mirror immediately but when they make their attacks un-blockable I just evade, hide among clones, stealth, port all over the place (just confuse them)Oh and I try to not be in their line of sight

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