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Posts posted by necromaniac.7629

  1. @AliamRationem.5172 said:This thread is a continuation of a conversation that started in someone else's thread, which is why I wanted to transfer it over here.

    I was asked about energy/corruption sigils...

    Why use a sigil that procs on weapon swap when elementalists don't swap weapons? The answer is that attunement swapping functions as a weapon swap for activating these sigils.

    Why use corruption? The stacks remain as long as you don't go down or leave the map. So this is actually an excellent boost for open world play as it adds a significant amount of condition damage!why use energy sigils on ele though when the icd in 9 secs anyways, smoldering instead fits better

  2. @Danikat.8537 said:When I'm in that situation I go to Wikipedia, or search online for info on the name and see what I can use or adapt to get a name with the same/similar meaning which isn't taken.

    For example I had a charr with a tiger pattern, so I wanted to call her something tiger related, but not actually use the word tiger. I looked tigers up on Wikipedia and found the old species name for Siberian tigers - altaica. I liked the sound of it, so that became her first name. Similarly I've got a sylvari whose colour scheme was inspired by silver birch trees, but I didn't want to call her silver birch. I found the old Irish name for birches was bethe, combined that with the modern Welsh word arian for silver and made that her name.

    You could certainly do something similar with Venus. For example you could use other names for the goddess, other goddesses with similar traits or spheres of influence, or related people and characters from mythology. Or other names for the planet, other mythological or legendary figures associated with the planet etc. Whatever appeals to you or fits your idea of how the name relates to the character.

    I related Venus to the venus fly trap plant, and you know how mesmers are? deceptive & tricky and ya know i also have my mawdrey on my back which is apparently a carnivorous plant so you could view at as an extension of my body to trap? wtf i sound so cringe lol

  3. So guys i need help thinking of a name for my future sylvari mesmer (probably fem not sure), i plan to use aurora+vision , mawdrey and all the phantasm weapon skins on :)I had "Venus" in mind (i know name alrdy taken would find a way to work around that).

  4. @"Black Wolf.7348" said:play the game to get ingame gold, use gold to buy gems and then gems to buy whatever you want. simple, easy and cheap.

    you mean simple, but time-consuming and expensive any way you take it, but i manage to carry along because i play one toon 90% of the time so i get to focus on expenses for one toon. (although i wouldn't mind giving my other few toons attention)

  5. @Danikat.8537 said:The first thing to realise is that you do not need any of that to play GW2.

    Mount skins are purely cosmetic. I completely understand liking them and wanting to use them, but you don't need them. You will never find anything in the game which you cannot do because you're using the default skins.

    Character combinations are almost entirely cosmetic. There are a few things which need a specific profession, race or sex but nothing which needs a set combination of all 3 so you can cover all your options with 9 characters - one of each profession, or add a 10th to cover all the race/sex combinations too. But the vast majority of stuff can be done with just 1 character.

    Cosmetics is a big part of aot of people who play gw2, some people (like myself) would literally not play that one toon for a while unless for example a gem store skin you want is not currently in the gem store, you just become stressed and frustrated especially when you see people with that skin you really want, and you can do nothing but stare at the preview screen...its all apart of the roleplay....mmoRPg, point is, cosmetics is the end-game for alot of people but i get to realize that there are 2 kinds of gw2 players, roleplayers and players...

  6. @Mortifera.6138 said:First of all, you need to pay sub money on mount skins, because the original ones are ugly. After that, the character slots are just too expensive, costing $10 per slot. You realize there are people who want to play every race and sex combination? That's a lot of $10 bills. And with the expansion coming out, we'll need to upgrade our PC hardware. I think Guild Wars 2 is too expensive for me... which is a shame, because this is the best online game.

    I agree with you, they are so many nice mount skins that are expensive, and on top of that most of the time they're not even available to get when you want it just like every freaking gem store skin, for example even black lion glider or outfit tickets for example rotate very rarely in the gemstore, so like whats the point, and character slot expansion should atleast be 100 gems imo, i'm way too poor to afford 800gems for just one 1slot. most people who are disagreeing are probably people who played before expacs came out and had nothing better to spend that amount of gems on.

  7. @otto.5684 said:

    @Laila Lightness.8742 said:It rellies on weak condis like torment and confusion its weaker than condi chrono why would anyone pick this?

    weak condis like torment AND CONFUSION?? when especially confusion cucks any and everything when used right?

    In PvE confusion is hit and miss. It is good against some stuff and not as much against others, depending on how many attacks they preform. However torment is unquestionably good. I wish that confusion gets the same treatment as torment in PvE. Regardless, mirage is solid in PvE in all respects.

    thats why i said when used right and true

  8. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Laila Lightness.8742 said:It rellies on weak condis like torment and confusion its weaker than condi chrono why would anyone pick this?

    weak condis like torment AND CONFUSION?? when especially confusion cucks any and everything when used right?

    confusion sucks in pve, in groups everything is stunned 100% of the time, and when its not almost all mobs attack SUPER slow anyways.big mobs with breakbars that get broken get stunned, so they dont attack during their vulnerability, aka you will NEVER profit from 50% bonus dmg as they cant attack due to stun.and to top it all off all confusion attacks suck, its only niche is raids where bosses attack super quick. otherwise its meh.

    I know though, it was just a general response to such a general statement, nonetheless i think its a really cool condition with niche uses :)

  9. @"Fractured.3928" said:So, to say first, this is the build I enjoy. I'm not looking to compete in PVP or extreme raiding. I'll definitely take some feedback on the Wells I've chosen if someone has some solid feedback. What I'm really hoping for, what kind of stats, runes, and Sigils should I be looking for on my Chrono? I may have a crappy build, but I'd like to at least make it as good as possible.

    Gameplay wise, I mostly stick with Greatsword. Shattering illusions before I create more. I'll switch to Sword/Pistol during GS cooldown and shoot the pistol a bit (Seriously hope we get dual pistol at some point), but I'll switch back the moment the switch cooldown is done basically. And the reason for the clone spawning signet, I feel busy enough with all my other stuff, that this passive felt solid enough, and my whole build is around spawning illusions/clones.


    pick phantasmal defender and disenchanter over the wells

  10. @Yoci.2481 said:Mesmer has been getting nerfed constantly for over 2 years now. Most people (see poll in the professions section) agree that Mesmer is currently the weakest class in the game. So how did ArenaNet address this? Let's see.

    Chronomancer gets IP back: BuffSplit Second damage change: NeutralRewinder cooldown change: NerfTime Sink daze duration reduction: Nerf (although it may increase interrupt opportunity so maybe neutral?)Continuum Split duration change: NeutralContinuum Split distortion removal: NerfMaster of Fragmentation CS duration: NeutralInspiring Distortion: NeutralFlow of Time alacrity duration: NerfSeize the Moment quickness duration: NeutralMind Spike tooltip change: NeutralPhantasmal Swordsman spawns near target: BuffMirage Retreat loses detarget: NerfChaos Vortex target cap change: BuffCrystal Sands: Buff

    So in total we have 4 buffs and 5 nerfs. If we split it up by elite specs we get this:Core: 1 Buff 0 NerfsChronomancer: 2 Buffs 3 nerfsMirage: 3 Buffs 1 nerf

    So if you play core with sword offhand you get a small buff, but I am not sure it's worth it. We will see. As Chrono you will be happy to get back IP, but you lose some alacrity and very importantly distortion. Also say good bye to F2 spam builds, not that they every really worked in PvP/WvW anyway. Mirage benefited the most on paper, but who really uses Crystal Sands? At least no one uses Mirage Retreat either, so the nerf isn't really felt.

    Mesmer was in a really bad spot in PvP and WvW, with no meta build at all. This patch didn't change that. Most changes are small and cosmetic or touch parts of Mesmer that are irrelevant. The core problems remain unaddressed. Mesmer has no place in a WvW zerg, its core mechanics (phantasms and clones) are neutralized in a zerg fight. Mesmer also has no meta roaming build. The so called duelist profession gets outmaneuvered, outdamaged and outsustained by other classes roaming builds. Similar to that other classes are better at the job in PvP. Currently the only reason to play Mesmer in any of those scenarios is a sentimental attachment to its play style and optics.

    Dear ArenaNet, it's time to turn this ugly maggot of a profession into the pretty butterfly it is supposed to be.

    wow this was well said!

  11. @Curunen.8729 said:

    @Curunen.8729 said:Remember when you used to be able to self reflect staff ambush by proccing evasive mirror or other reflects, lol. Glad that got fixed.

    nope :o

    It was annoying, sometimes getting in the way of your own attacks as well as clones, and also not receiving boons if reflecting them if I recall correctly. :/

    wow didn't realize all that with all the time i spend using staff, guess you can say it was chaotic, Ba dum tss!! :'(

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