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Posts posted by necromaniac.7629

  1. @Drarnor Kunoram.5180 said:

    @necromaniac.7629 said:nah cause it would be weird to determine where exactly the finisher occursEasy on the necromancer.

    that wouldn't be visually logical cause the main animation occurs on the enemy

    Blast finishers have always occurred at the center of the skill's area. Main animation for Unholy Feast is the massive ring spreading from the Necro.

    thats true but consider how big the radius is anyways, its too big for a finished imo

  2. @Jables.4659 said:

    @"necromaniac.7629" said:"Inspiring Distortion: This trait will now also trigger when activating Shatter skill 4" ok so that means mesmer definitely is getting back f4 distortion although they didnt blatantly say it right?

    It doesn't mean that were getting distortion back. They said in the post that they're updating the language in regard to traits that interact with f1-f5 skills to avoid confusion between specs with different names for those skills. They seem to be giving Chrono Illusionary Persona (dry shatters) and doubling down on the removal of distortion. When it says that it will also trigger when activating shatter skill 4, it means exactly that. On Core and Mirage, it activates with distortion. On Chrono, it activates with Cont. Split.

    Ok thanks for the clarification, oh gosh though this chrono spec just getting weirder and weirder lol

  3. @"LadyKitty.6120" said:"Chaos Vortex: Increased the number of targets from 5 to 10."Mightbot Mirage meta here we come! Mirage's already able to keep up pretty much full might for 10 with 60% might duration and after patch, mirage can do that for 10 in full dps build (though using staff which is 60% as good as axe).

    gosh i'm a little excited to see how it goes, the animation might also be changing right

  4. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Leonidrex.5649 said:chrono pve buffs, still bad in pvp.no other pvp changes -> mesmer still the king of being kitten.reroll engi/necro/rev and have fun, im kitten off to play other kitten.

    you could have had a little more positive attitude though since as though the MAIN drama was not being able to shatter with clones but boom, me no get what me want me dont care

    why would I have positive attitude ? hey my class is garbage in pvp, I have waited half a year for it to remain garbage.you see those op as kitten classes? they get buffed, but thats ok. Remain positive, im SUUUURE that if I wait ANOTHER half a year things will be fine.

    But you just sound biased now, every class has it ups and downs, and when mirage was up...it was prob on the same level as rev now or higher so...yeah i understand you but the class isn't unplayable, the more mirage got gutted,the more i started playing chrono more, made a condi chrono build (pvp) and i played the raid one,but now F2 kinda getting nerfed,DISAPPOINTED but atleast i can look forward to the 10 target chaos vortex change. idk, what mesmer builds did you love to play, tell us exactly what you want to do but can't do on mesmer anymore.

  5. @"cptaylor.2670" said:Does anyone like this mechanic? It's always felt kind of clunky to me and the uniqueness of it doesn't really seem to outweigh the fact that it makes the spec inconvenient in nearly all game modes.

    If you had the option would you keep it the way it is or try to get the separate skills baked into one? Other than the velocity increase and curtain on skill 4, what's really the benefit of it anyway?

    well i think it feels clunky based on how fast you are, its clunky when use it but when i watch other people play it, they are smooth.

  6. @Gryxis.6950 said:

    @necromaniac.7629 said:With chrono getting self shatter back i thought MOST of you would have a more positive energy~yikes :# i'll just not interact much on this forum cause its just depressing and bad energy.

    the chrono changes are nice when it comes to power chrono (while they did not help condi chrono in the slightest) and i think we can aknowledge that. That said having no self shatter wasn't the only problem with chrono and new problems are going to arise following this post. Mesmer is already really squishy so a mesmer with no access to distorsion is going to be really easy to focus.

    You also have to remember that chrono wasn't everything wrong with mesmer as of now. Core mesmer is not great and mirage isn't any better, so just buffing chrono is not enough, especially when some classes such as necromancer and engineer, which were already in a decent spots, are getting considerable buffs for every single of their specs. Core mesmer and mirage are going to continue to be lagging behind, and power chrono, while it is going to catch up a bit, is probably still not going to be very strong due to the lack of distorsion, though we'll have to see. So yeah as a power mirage main i'm not really satisfied as i've not been viable in the last 4 months and it seems it's going to keep being that way. Those changes were not enough for any mesmer that is not a power chrono

    I mean they can't fix chrono and mirage or mesmer in general all in the same patch and did you see my previous posts before the one you quoted.

  7. @LisaJ.4582 said:Who has this pass and do you like it? I maybe want to upgrade to the deluxe edition to get access to it.I didn't really see the point at first but now I feel like I just need to try it first haha.Does it support going back to your previous location too or is that only Mistlock and Bastion?

    its convenience just like any other pass, doesn't support going back to previous location

  8. @Leonidrex.5649 said:chrono pve buffs, still bad in pvp.no other pvp changes -> mesmer still the king of being kitten.reroll engi/necro/rev and have fun, im kitten off to play other kitten.

    you could have had a little more positive attitude though since as though the MAIN drama was not being able to shatter with clones but boom, me no get what me want me dont care

  9. So some things that stood out for me is that there will now be a maximum of 7 seconds to CS which is pretty pog, condi chrono kinda getting f***ed lol and chaos vortex now 10 targets poggers!! (staff mirage is like my most played build on mesmer ).So those were major for me, the little stuff i see is that mind rack has even a weirder way of doing its damage (cause if you noticed mind wrack's dmg is not instant when you're not close to the target) the notes said it strikes twice idk if that means yourself is the first strike then your clones is? "Inspiring Distortion: This trait will now also trigger when activating Shatter skill 4" ok so that means mesmer definitely is getting back f4 distortion although they didnt blatantly say it right? cause this is what Inspiring Distortion is:Grant aegis to other nearby allies whenever you give yourself distortion. Anyways, the sword 5 fix is nice, mirage retreat...literally had to wiki it cause i forgot what it was but oh! just remembered, its still trash! lol and crystal sands fix is good..it felt so clunky.

  10. @Dadnir.5038 said:

    @"necromaniac.7629" said:well atleast necro is 100% viable in every game mode compared to other classes :)

    Every profession is 100% viable in every gamemode. Not every profession is able to be optimale in every gamemode. The necromancer isn't more "viable" than other profession, the necromancer lack the ability to specialize in any aspect which limit both it's potential strength and weakness. On another hand, other profession have the ability to specialize letting them truly trade-off defense for offense (and vice versa) in order to maximize their potential. In the grand scheme of thing, the profession that have the ability to maximize it's potential will find easier to add it's strength to an organized group in a "controled environment". While a profession that can't specialize will appear strong individually but end up lackluster in an organized group. (And this is the plight the necromancer have been in since HoT, before HoT it was worse.)

    I said that as a mesmer main...so yeah. Reaper great in pvp,Core necro great in pvp, Reaper great in raids, Scourge great in raids, every specialization of the class great in wvw and reaper is offmeta in fracs. So i guess i'm just biased that mesmer can't say the same most of these scenarios, i just don't see any problem with the class.

  11. @Toku.5972 said:An inexpensive Open World starting point is Staff/Staff w/Rabid gear. You can purchase all of it as Exotics on the auction house without spending too much gold, and it will be able to easily solo most Champions (and even some Legendaries). This is probably the most bang for your buck in open world. It excels against durable, dangerous targets, and is weaker to smaller groups of trash mobs (because they die too quickly to get condition damage ticking on them). It is sustained damage, and has very little burst. Trailblazer is better than Rabid, but you can't buy it from the trading post and it is considerably expensive to craft.

    Full Rabid gear. Krait Runes. Two Staves. Energy and Malice Sigils in both.Dueling 1-2-3Chaos 2-2-3MIrage 2-2-1

    Skills - Mirror or Mantra of Resolve, Signet of Domination, Signet of Midnight, Filler Skill (I usually run Illusionary Ambush for Target Swapping with 3 clones, but Crystal Sands is technically better dps. You could also run Feedback, or Null Field, or Mantra of Distraction or whatever other utility skill you need), and Jaunt.

    right on, def most beginner friendly build although seems like they removed from meta battle cause i was gonna link it

  12. @Vavume.8065 said:

    @necromaniac.7629 said:Quite unfortunate for you but thats just kinda closed-box kinda thinking imo and if you notice almost every elite spec has some sort of unique profession aura, if anything i would try to take great advantage of them. I think aura is minimal anyways, just don't merge while out of combat and when merged in combat it doesn't even matter cause alot of visual effects/ skill animations/ just everything basically will just look out-shadow it and will look like a visual mess. I sort of have the same problem with mesmer and the mirage dodge animation but i love it so much i try to make a look based off it.

    We live on different planets... your logic is alien to me.Well you sound close-minded for someone who cares about fashion wars. I have thought about stuff like this all the while, i'm not gonna make some green aura hinder my creative fashion sense, ice-themed slb with aura looks dumb? fine. make a ice-themed reaper or something, aura is the least of the problem considering how expensive fashion wars can be.

  13. @deadgo.4683 said:Im new Playing mesmer can someone recommend a build pls

    First decide what game mode, then try to theory craft (play around with it) yourself by READING you skills and traits, try to look for synergy between everything and all of this depends if you either want to do Power or Condition Damage (the two sources of damage on the game) ...basically just learn the basics of the class. Then you can utilize sites like metabattle.com and watch youtube vids on what you wanna know. Also the wiki is your best friend.

  14. @mikdepadua.8376 said:If that auto attack projectile was a bit faster and staff 3 was changed to deal burning or confusion it'd be a good utility weapon while still having enough offensive pressure for condi builds. Would be nice if Mesmers could transmute Staff 4 too to spread random condis in an aoe, i mean it makes sense because eles can transmute the 4 elements because that's the magic they specialize in while mesmer specialize in chaos magic.

    I don't agree with your first line, the fact that staff's projectile is homing; meaning it tracks the target makes up greatly for the slowness,and i don't think the making staff 3 do burning or confusion makes sense really since 1 and ambush already does burning and there is already a torch phantasm that does both of those conditions anyway,the vulnerability is enough pressure also considering you're running dueling so they even do a good amount of bleeding. Post PoF staff ambush actually did confusion along with torment but that was changed like a month later considering it was probably way too strong.

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