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Everything posted by EdwinLi.1284

  1. I honestly won't be surprised if the Ministry of Purity pulled that kind of stunt to keep the fear of foreigners and other species fresh in the minds of the people. Considering the Commander and whoever will join him/her into Cantha maybe entering Cantha illegally by a certain sky pirate group, it stand to a certain point of view the Ministry of Purity may use such strategy to make Canthans want to maintain the isolation policy until the commander can prove the new Affliction is not brought into Cantha nor created by foreigners.
  2. My best guess it maybe a yearly thing. We got the Synergetics Roller Beetle skin last year and now this year the Synergetics Skimmer skin. If this is true then sadly we may have to wait for next year to see the next Synergetics Mount skin.
  3. I honestly think Anet maybe planning for a hoverbike for the raptor later. Each mount have potential hover-mount style design if we think about it with Raptor and Jackel maybe a hoverbike with both Griffin and Sky scale being a Hover-Jets
  4. Watch them add a high tech skiff. I can see it now with high tech seats and built in holo-computers for those sitting in the boat.
  5. If they are going to continue the story into a new story after Elder Dragon storyline finally ends either in EoD or in LW6, I expect it may focus on the Core region countries beginning expeditions into the lands beyond. Expedition into other regions have been less of a focus for them in current storyline because their focus is all on the war against the Elder Dragon and only time it appears justified for a expedition is to locations suspected to have Elder Dragon activity or know there is Elder Dragon Activity. With Elder Dragon threat gone, it is now a more ideal position for the Core countries to explore the unknown regions beyond Core Tyria, Elona, and Cantha. They may even find other civilizations that developed in their own unique way due to how most Elder Dragons themselves were quite focused only within Core regions, Elona, and assuming Cantha.
  6. Well my best guess from the arts and character clothing design, it is going to be a mix of ancient china and high tech. Clothing wise, it does appear they kept a lot of GW1 style ancient china theme clothing but with GW2 development of Cantha certain people may have added some small jade tech to carry around. That unknown character in the EoD main page is probably a example of what we may expect to see when we enter Cantha. It is a design style I just call Ancient Tech China design which has the designs of buildings, locations, and clothing based around Ancient China designs but mixed tech into it. A theme design choice I see once in a while in certain Chinese Fantasy manhwa.
  7. I am not expecting anything nor expecting to be disappoint since my expectation is always set to zero with GW2 ever since Core Storyline ended with the Zhaitan Arc and they began move away from Destiny Edge to the creation of Dragon's Watch and having them as the Main Character group in Season 1. All we have now is speculation and that is all we can do now but we should never expect speculations to be the facts of what will happen once the actual events of the storyline is finally accessed.
  8. Well in the trailer, Joon did mention centuries of progress. I honestly won't be surprised if she is much older than she looks or have been doing something that may have altered Cantha's past during those 250 years to rapidly progress. That ending scene in the trailer with all that jade tech powering up when she said she will find the future is very suspicious. There is a lot of questions about who Joon is beyond just being the inventor of Jade tech. At this point we just have to wait until EoD release to find out. -------------------------------------- Speaking of design advancements, I don't think appearance wise in Canthan clothing will have much of a change. We see in the EoD website page in Section 06 Ancient Magic a unknown character who has a robotic jade tech arm but his clothing is still Canthan style design close to GW1 design.
  9. While Joon is expect to be the inventor, I don't think her knowledge was a natural one. I suspect the mystery around Joon creating Jade tech involves something beyond just being a genius that got lucky and rapidly advanced Cantha's technology by a huge technology phase. There was talk about the Mists and promised future. This comment interests me because it maybe possible Joon may have gained Jade tech from seeing into a possible future of Cantha and took the knowledge from there. It is a wild theory and probably not true but if Joon been looking into possible futures/alternate timelines, then she could be taking knowledge from those futures/alternate timelines as well. However, I suspect it maybe a outside influence giving her these visions or atleast at first until she got those Jade tech things we see in the trailer. Joon seems almost obsessed with finding the right future in the trailer so it is possible she has been looking into the future. Something they came up with themselves without any outside influence providing them the knowledge.
  10. As the EoD trailer hinted, the rapid expansion of Cantha's technology into jade tech is not quite natural. People say Joon invented Jade tech and rapidly advanced Cantha but the talk about the Mist and centuries of progress maybe a hint Joon obtaining such knowledge may not be so natural. Something is certainly unusal about Cantha's rapid advancement and it appears Joon caused it for a unknown purpose. I suspect there is more than just Joon suddenly invented it and rapidly advance technology by over 700+ years ahead of time.
  11. I honestly think Kits should have been our Weapon Swap button skill so players could switch between the kit and Main weapon using weapon swap. Ya it would have removed Kits from Utility skills and limited Engineer to one kit but in return they could have focused on replacing those kits with Utility skills that would have been Utility skills. Not to mention it would have provided weapon swapping buff things as a possible option to have on their gear as well.
  12. Well the sky being different is expect, for me atleast, since GW1 Shing Jea Island had a thing where certain areas were trapped in a 24/7 gloomy cloudy sky which would have darkened a lot of coloring and made the atmosphere different from spots where sky was clearer. However, this is partly the fault of limitations in GW1 era due to day and night cycle and weather cycle not implamented into the game. That aside.... For those who don't want to play GW1 but want to get a look at Shing Jea Island back in GW1 here is good video covering each location of the Island.
  13. to be fair, Elona should have gotten zero advancement in technology due to Joko hindering any attempt to advance in their technology so the people can remain easily controlled. It is quite easy to keep Elona the same atmosphere as GW1 with slight changes to the region when their society should have obtained zero progress in advancement and only changes is the addition of Joko's undead army designed buildings and a few new towns and maybe one or two new cities. By design, Elona should have gotten the least change in GW2 due to Joko's influence which they did represent since many people in Elona are still using GW1 style building designs, clothing, daily life methods, and their level of technology. Mounts being introduced in Elona is something outside of Joko's influence since it is common for cultures to adopted animals into aiding them in some shape or form.
  14. Is it because they made the grass too green and added a lot of green jade color and paintings on building and etc around Shing Jea Islands? I remember back in GW1 there was signs of attempt to design the island to have a lot more plants if they could but graphics and limits of GW1 engine and computer system of that era probably limited how much they could have added into the Shing Jea Island. GW2 graphic style of trying to reflect paintings made 3d could have also affected the coloring of places as well which I know certain people will not like since the painting art style would make certain aspect of color way too bright. The Plant life around Shing Jea Island is not a issue for me anyways since it is how I imaged Shing Jea Island to be like if GW1 never had their graphic limits but ya the buildings has a bit too much emphasis on green jade coloring. They can tone down the green brightness a bit but guess they had a lot of focus on certain ancient china building designs. https://i.pinimg.com/600x315/52/fe/3f/52fe3fc046740996feca5f81f8c295d3.jpg
  15. I am speaking beyond just kits Kits because Mace was such a ideal melee weapon of choice for Engineer theme weapons since the beginning. Mace weapon is often reflected as a one-handed hammer used to build things in certain games or entertainment which we see some Engineer NPCs do use their building hammers as maces. Only guess I have was because they had ideals for Mace to originally be tool kit but decided to move everything to tool kit, they did not want Mace to clash with tool kit, or they were not considering maces during that time. However, these are only guesses since we don't know what was being discussed during the development of Engineer. Core Engineer design with their trait tree had signs that the developers expect Engineer to have some possible build without using Kits during Core GW2 days since they have a tree focused on Main Weapons but we all know how they went with everything focused on Kits and rarely use Main Weapon except for certain moments.
  16. I honestly do never understood why they never gave Mace as a core melee weapon since GW2 began. It was such a obvious option to provide for a engineer and goes well with the Shield as the off-hand. Not to mention a potential Power weapon option to act as Pistol's Condition weapon option. Either way I say they did well with the Mace for Machinist since it is designed to be useable for both Power and Condition builds. Hopefully they learn from this and make future Elite Specs more viable for both Power and Condition build options.
  17. It is just the name I call the entire Kaineng city as a whole since names always gets mixed up back in GW1 days between Kaineng City and Kaineng Center. There was a lot of ground to cover back then after all. Now with the city probably expanding upward, we have to add in probably New Kaineng and Old Kaineng to the list of things to determine what area of Kaineng City as a whole we are talking about.
  18. They called it New Kaineng so most likely old Kaineng still exists but if they continued building upward as we know well in GW1 was their thing when they expanded the city by building over the older parts of Cantha city then Old Kaineng should still be there but maybe under New Kaineng. I think that is a very important factor in the trailer we need to keep a eye on. The rapid advancement of Cantha is obviously been greatly influenced by a outside influence that is giving them knowledge way ahead of their time. We don't know who or what it is yet but we just now he or she exists due to EoD trailer. I personally think it maybe something beyond in the Mists.
  19. We need to include the effects of asura tech left behind in GW1 as well. I suspect the golem design being close to GW1 golem is a bit more than just because reasons. Asura tech was left behind in cantha during gw1 and if they studied them then there would have been a technology advancement skip due to how advance the gw1 golem were still back in GW1.
  20. In advance sorry for two separate posts for two different comments but currently typing on my phone. That aside... Note quite as it is still relevant because not all aspect of the sea was turned into magical jade. Only the water was affected which leaves a lot of minerals and other things mixed into the jade which will need to be separated to make it pure magical jade. It is why mining in the right spot is important since the locations are most likely containing more higher concentration of jade that does not have a lot of minerals and other things mixed into it.
  21. As I said I am not trying to be rude towards him nor insult him on his choices. It has always been the best option to not buy something you won't like. However, I also support the ideal that we can't really judge a book by their cover since experiencing something and seeing something usually are difference experiences and sometime they may like it if given a chance. Both options have risks since a person may not like the experience but sometimes we never really know for certain ourselves until we actually experience the thing.
  22. yep it really is a mixture of lighting, location, and design choice. In more older videos we can see both blueish and green color based on location. However, the design choice is quite important because jade does not start out as green as certain people think it does when it is found raw. Which is why I do hope they get the Jade sea right in the game and not make it all pure green since raw jade is not that color until it goes through a refinement process. It needs to go through a refinement process to reach the green look we see it as both in real world accessories and in the game's appearance for Jade tech. Not to mention how much Jade a person get out of a raw jade is based on their purity. Only very pure jades is when people will see more green when found raw. The greener the jade the more valuable it is since it means the jade is more pure and has less impurities. Jade mining does require a lot of work around to get to spots where the more pure jades are because impure jades don't hold much value. In GW2 case, most likely the pure jades are just better magic conductors for Jade tech but it should still be a lot of work just to find proper pure jades when mining it among all the impure jades.
  23. It was the lighting, location, and design choice. Darker areas and spots with less jade mining had the jade look more blue-ish but areas with more light and had jade being mined had the jade show off more green but a bit of blue can still be seen. They actually had certain area mix the blue-ish and green jades as well. I think the designers back then were trying to emphasize on the raw jade appearance and refined jade appearance. Raw jade is not as green as people will say it is since it needs to be refined into the green jade look. The Green Jade we see being used by Machinist and in the Jade Tech we see in the EoD trailer are actually the refined form of jade which is why it is so bright green since any impurities have been removed and magically energy inside them is probably making them brighter. Raw Jade is a bit mix of blue and green (other colors as well based on location where it is formed) based on how it was formed before being discovered. ---------------------------------- This is quite important because it is a detail I think not many noticed being the location being mined in GW1 for Jade is most likely chosen to have more green jade because these locations had higher amount of jade purity. The greener the jade the purer it was so ideally, these locations will be targets of jade mining. They even worked around locations that had high impure jades in the location they were mining the jades. This does go back to GW2 being that the Jade we see in Jade tech is all pure green which means they must have gone through refinement process to remove impurities to be pure green jade. Raw Jade that have not been mined and not gone through refinement process should be a bit more impure by appearance thus should keep a more blue-ish appearance but with a slight hint of green while a bit noticeably green if it is more pure when raw. We do see what looks like a factory in one of the Arts for EoD. It is possible the factory shown could be a Jade refinery to convert raw jades to refined jades.
  24. Honestly, I was expect a Longbow or Shortbow elite spec ever since the reveal of the 1st set of Elite Spec. Tech arrows is such a ideal Engineer Elite Spec option. It would be a ideal weapon of choice for a Trap type Engineer Elite Spec to a point they may go the Rambo theme with it. However, my desire is more on a Greatsword Elite Spec as the option for maybe a Elite Spec focus on modifying Main Weapons so the Main Weapon skills changes based on Elite Spec mechanic choices and potentially a Wrist Launcher to change up toolbelt functions in unique ways to go with the Main Weapon skill choices. It would be nice to introduce a Elite Spec that acts as a option to focus less on Kits and more on Main Weapons by providing the ability to change Main Weapon skills based on the Elite Spec Mechanic. Of course effort to provide new skills for the core main weapons will be required as well due to the Elite Spec theme of Modifying Main Weapons for new skills based on how the Main Weapon is modified. The Wrist Launcher skills can be based on either Utility skills like toolbelts or based on the Main Weapon and Offhand weapon they are not using in their 2nd Main Weapon Slot with F5 button acting as the switch between toolbelts and Wrist launcher skills in toolbelt skill slots. -------------------------------------------------------- There is a lot of potential Engineer has with possible Elite Specs that can diverge from the norm of depending on Kits to be effective. One of this is the ability to modify Main Weapons and is something I think Engineer should have gotten since GW2 core release partly due to how Engineer lacks the ability to switch Main Weapons and that it would have been a unique mechanic for Engineer with their Main Weapons. We seen Main Weapon modified as a set in Elementalists with their F1 to F4 skill but with Engineer it has the potential to have the mechanic to switch out their Main Weapon skills individually instead with a certain selection of weapon skills based on what Main Weapon and Off-hand weapon players use.
  25. In honesty, I feel you are only playing now out of hope the game may take a direction you prefer rather than you actually enjoying the game. I really don't know what you are even looking for in GW2 currently nor when was the last time you actually enjoyed GW2 and the content it released. Ever consider just stop playing GW2 and move on since it is not taking the direction you would have prefered both gameplay and lore wise or atleast return once something creates enough interests? Forcing yourself to continue playing the game when you no longer enjoy it (which I don't know when was the last time you actually enjoyed GW2) is harmful because you're just building up anger for each thing you are disappointed with. However, that is just my opinion since I don't stick around games that has long lost my interests due to difference of preference with how the developers want to develop the game.
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