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Everything posted by freakcoco.4287

  1. Don't be mean. You know how hard to find a "GOOD" engi clips now day. The troll try their best, but it is pretty hilarious to see someone shoot oneself in the foot.
  2. Zero Reflect build, ez gg.... This must be the most disgusting thing in pvp.(copy paste is fun)
  3. I miss my mortar scrapper, it's 2.7k per hit + quickness before...
  4. I'm the clip mech, and everytime I play/record my mech game , I will get some commit like mech op, IA bot OP, something like that ... It's no joke However when I play holo , the commit will be like "holo damage too strong ...100 to 0 CC..... too OP" , and I play scrapper the commit will be like "Stop post noob build, scrapper for noob play". The most funny part is ele/mes clip always get positive commit or "Please link build".....🤣
  5. I feel there have some troll try to destroy engineer now day.... I will try to keep the post up coz the problem still there( not a duplicate post )
  6. You are wrong. This is official forum, and Troll still OP as F*CK. The skill is a thing but Troll boost it up. I assume you skill level = 100, if Troll Play it , then you skill level = 100 - 99999 = -∞. If you play scrapper socal scores = 100 -99999 = -∞ coz ppl hate scrapper. Why does Anet do nothing to the hater? Just like Teapot say: "That just not fun! just not good to have like that's no way to have you class using like 70% of your resource to use 1 skill" There have no fun a pvp game with 2 Troll, like monkey fight, the best way to deal with trollers is copy what it's say .
  7. The Zerg inaccurately believed to commit mass suicide by jumping off hill, they are at real risk from climate change.
  8. First I want to thank you , you provide a new player perspective . There has nothing wrong to be a newbie, I pretty sure all of we are bad when we try a new thing. I think "matchmaking system" and "Glicko2 rating" is the problem. The Glicko2 rating is a 1v1 rating system , multiple comparisons problem is not no it's hypothesis, and GW2 use arithmetic mean to compose the rating level , and whether that is outlier or not , the weights is one, when a newbie input you will be the outlier and mean to it and there will get no fair fight. Matchmaking system is bad... It just bad, it not base on skill(win rate), it have 5 factor, one of it is skill , and that is not the most important factor, the most important is time and what class is you cruurent matching, other factor is play time and party size, skill will decay in sec , whatever skill level it will put you in in 3 min no matter what rating are you , I don't know but It worse than random... source: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_Matchmaking_Algorithm
  9. Scrapper vs mech https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxiI8aQ9cz0KYnZRbXgnuwa8QtB5mouPzW DH vs mech https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxNNuFAFJSinf3gFolEcc7jVk8amDmlHFj harbinger vs mech https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxnGNPEXY7THYzg644n5t-IZg304Mgg6rt You don't even need be good to kill mech....
  10. I'm not try to buff it. I just want make it easier to play.
  11. I mean .... engi have no weapon swap, it's not zero cost.
  12. Then you know the problem is not no AED, there have lot of disengage/defence skill on engi utility slot , and Elixir S have 48 recharge time...
  13. I mean .... whatever they trigger AED or not , a ordinary dps/duelist can brute it down . Engi squishy as kitten.
  14. It work on most of situation for nade , but fast with range indicator is very useful on something you must cast on right point ( like function gyro when you need to help teammate ). Mortar velocity speed still too slow for a normal projectile and Instant cast + retargeting cannot help it.
  15. Quick is important for Grenade/Mortar scrapper in wvw/pvp, not because DPS. It's that Grenade/Mortar are super hard to land, 1 sec activation time and slow projectile. Since the patch take heal/cleanse,/superspeed/stab,/projectilehate/stealth/quickness away from Scrapper. I think it is time to fix the problem. Reduce Grenade/Mortar cast time and increase velocity speed , or do something let we don't need to predict 2 ~ 3 sec to land skill. Bizgurk.5639 mentioned that you can use "Instant cast + Allow skill retargeting" to make nade easier to land, but the tips is not working when I try to use mortar scrapper. You may say I'm a newbie and a expert can predict enemy to land the skill, but I think there have lot of newbie in pvp/wvw need help, and that's why mech are so popular . fast with range indicator + Allow skill retargeting Instant cast + Allow skill retargeting
  16. Vindicator is still the best heal in wvw , scrapper cannot compare with the 100% heal output ( Medical Dispersion Field is 7% output heal... and there is main output heal source for scrapper....) .
  17. Did you ever try sup vindicator? Then you know why there have no sup engi ...... 100% heal output and 70% project reflection cover time . It feel better then a unnerfed sup scrapper, and engi got nerf .
  18. Since ppl don't know how to deal with AED. The easiest way to counter AED is ignore it . clip 1 engi die coz it random spam rockboot. https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxr3cfp5HlXEwPy55_cB-dUggJbSq5AsNI clip 2 engi successfully escape https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx4XzTC0j2tZ-VPbyIyKjTKS_sLuIB3FuR There reason why engi can survive/disengage is not sustain. It's mobility, try to bake the rockboot CD or holo heat capacity, and you will be fine.
  19. I'm checking "pvp matchmaking algorithm" from wiki, and that not just try to match average rating group, there have 5 components for match roster (time/rating/number of games played/roster size/profession), and skill rating is one of the factors but the most important factors is time and profession, all those factors make for classification stable, it make player classification in the same group( a lost team will group together again and again fight with win team...), I don't know why but I think the matchmaking are worse then random, change rating system will not fix matchmaking coz that is not principal components for a match .
  20. Glicko2 is a 1v1 rating system,how can it work on multiple comparisons problem since gw2 pvp is a 5v5 game? Also it is a rating system not a matchmaking system, chess use swiss-system matchmaking and glicko to rating. Even if Glicko rating system work well , matches quality won't go up when we have a nono matchmaking system.
  21. I don't know where is the hate coming from? It is not about Engi performance (It's bad, that make it humorous), but also skill skill ceiling (Holo is not a low skill ceiling class). They treating Engi like a punching bag. Why can't they just ask for some buff for their love?
  22. I'm a Engi main, and when the meta change tempest pop up, I immediately take my hammer scrapper back. I don't know why rifle engie became a thing , lot of ppl like it or hate it. It performance not good as any engi build but ppl still love it, And then balance patch has come, the fire rate has be Increase but the DPS still low as usual. Everyone mad about that patch, It's a PVE patch but you can see how may ppl keep spamming "ENGI OP! PLS NERF" in PVP . I don't know where is the fury came from. Nowadays, Mech not even good at PVE (yeah, 27k dps auto build is simple but not good as averages dps build) and ppl still complaint about it, I just feel sad. I guess next patch when the engi finally death in any game mode ppl will start complaint about "ELE OP! PLS NERF", there have some hater are starting spamming that, and maybe that's balance work.
  23. I'm the "no range option engi" , and there have 3 engi in the match, me/ hitro/ zyn.... I'm the worst engi in the match but that is not "bronze tier" game.
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