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Posts posted by kiroho.4738

  1. 4 hours ago, DeathPanel.8362 said:

    OK let's ignore the extra 10-20% life you get from 235 Vitality.  You don't think being able to auto-rally in PVE every 6 minutes changes game balance in anyway?

    It doesn't work in raids,  strikes, fractals, spvp nor wvw. In otherwords it doesn't work anywhere where the effect would make a difference.
    It only works in open world where it doesn't cause any balancing problem.
    Not to mention that ress-orbs are much more impactfull as they ress you when completely defeated with a barely noticable cooldown. 😉 


    3 hours ago, DeathPanel.8362 said:

    in computer games, involving or relating to the practice of paying to get weapons, abilities, etc. that give you an advantage over players who do not spend money:

    And now think again what you are paying for when buying an expansion. Or right, you don't pay for a weapon or an ability, you pay for the expansion.
    You buy an expansion to play certain content. And ofcourse you are able to gain new abilities and such by playing that content.

    Buying an expansion doesn't give you "an advantage over players who do not spend money".
    It gives you more content.


    2 hours ago, DeathPanel.8362 said:

    Jade Bot by itself giving 235 Vitality isn't out of hand.  But what happens when 2-3 more of these come down later?  Do you think having 100% more life and being able to auto-rally every 2 minutes as a paid feature isn't p2w?

    It would be vertical prograssion, not p2w.

    Is WoW p2w, because you can get a higher level and better equipment when buying the new expansion? Surprise, it's not.


    2 hours ago, DeathPanel.8362 said:

    This is pedantry.  Any paid-for feature that provides a gameplay advantage is P2W.  

    And buying a game itself is p2w as well, because you can play the game, while people who don't buy it can not, right? 🤦‍♂️

    You really need to learn more words than "p2w"...


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  2. 3 hours ago, DeathPanel.8362 said:

    That's not an argument.  What do you call cash-paid features that give you a gameplay advantage?  I'm waiting for an answer.

    That's no argument, because there is nothing to argue about. 😉 

    I suggest you to learn the difference between paid content and p2w first, before calling everything p2w. 🙂 

  3. 6 hours ago, DeathPanel.8362 said:

    I bet those people would sing a different tune if instead of the vitality or exp buff people got instead a 30% all-attribute buff.

    What? People would react different, if instead of a almost non impact change, Anet would implement something that mess up the whole balance of the whole game?
    Don't you say! 😉 

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  4. 2 hours ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

    All of my friends who played GW2 with me since launch have already long quit the game. Housing is something we all wanted at that time. Now what's even the point? I have no friends I can invite over.

    Better late than never. What's your point?


    2 hours ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

    ArenaNet have been way too slow to bring about requested features. Better late than never. But it's still late and a lot of people who wanted housing have already left the game years ago.

    1.) Anet brought requested features all the time in the last 11 years. Saying they are way too slow is in fact wrong.

    2.) That's what happens when you leave a game. The game keeps evolving and you will miss the new stuff. That's absolutely normal.
    And let's be realistic, if you friends won't come back for housing, they didn't leave because of missing housing in the first place.


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  5. 2 hours ago, Quench.7091 said:

    There is a power creep issue for combat that certain perks have provided in the past, like Jade Bot vitality being 235 and it being bad if they were to provide such a thing every expansion. The ones you've listed are good examples of tame perks that nobody would really complain about. It's true that there is a line that the developers can simply choose to not cross. There are things that they can do that won't disrupt the gameplay.

    Let's be honest, even the vitality buff from jade bot didn't cause a noticable power creep. A single balance patch has much more impact.

    However, nobody said is has to be a combat related buff. There are tons of stats to buff and neat effects to give that doesn't affect combat.

  6. On 6/14/2024 at 6:14 AM, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

    Wow ... What a cool person you are!!!! Your friends and family would be so proud of you!!

    It's not about "being cool". If that's important for you, it's your thing I guess.

    And my family and friends probably would indeed be proud of me if I just ignore such idiots.
    At least prouder than if I did any of the alternatives like dropping down to their level and answer them. Or stop playing that game mode, giving them the power to influence how I do something I like.

  7. On 6/14/2024 at 7:20 AM, DeathPanel.8362 said:

    It's very dangerous to introduce buffs to exclusive paid features like Homestead.  Any kind of buff granted by the Homestead would be a paid to win feature.

    You mean like the offensive/defensive jade bot protocol buff from EoD?
    Or the karma, magic find and skiff buff from EoD?
    Or the speed buff in towns you get from central tyria mastery (which requires at least one expansion)?
    Or the fractal singularity, that also requires a mastery -> expansion?

    There already are dozens of what you call "pay to win" features in the game, since years. And none of them is pay to win. 🙂 

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  8. 59 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    The majority didn't even have a problem with that and offered their idea for what GW3 should release.

    1.) "The majority" is a really hot take. How many people were active in that thread? 20? 50? 100?
    Let's be generous and say 500. That's a fraction of a single percent of the playerbase.
    In other words, your "majority" is nothing.

    2.) Having some ideas for a hypothetical GW3 is a whole different topic than waiting for GW3.
    Look to that thread and count the people who actually write that they are waiting for GW3. I bet your "majority" is at best one person. -> You are pretty much alone with that. 😉 


    59 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    While the regulars , where telling others to go in GW3 reddit sub , rather that demand things from a future game that might or not might be an mmo.

    The "regulars" -> the vast majority of the playerbase - don't even get in touch with reddit, this forum or anything game related aside from the game itself. Just saying.


    59 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    That taught that the vocal minority in the forums , at any capacity they DONT represent the majority

    Before you tell what anything "taughts" you should learn that even the total number of active people in this forum or reddit represent the majority in any way.
    Even if you take all forums about GW2 together and take the total number of users, it will be only about ~20% of the total playerbase. Far from majority. ~80 of the game's population don't get in touch with anyting aside the game itself.

    No matter how many threads you argue with, it will never represent the playerbase.

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  9. 5 hours ago, Kunavi.2407 said:

    Even so, a spear is a melee weapon.

    That's really no argument.

    With Ranger preview they already showed that there is no problem using spear as ranged weapons.
    Underwater some classes use it as ranged weapon as well.
    Not to mention that GW2 is a fantasy game. We use greatswords and hammers as ranged weapons, axes to cast spells and shoot magical blades with daggers.

    By arguing with spear being a melee weapon you literally ignore everything about weapons in GW2, from the very release to the most recent announcement.
    You even ignore GW1, where spears where widely (and only) used as ranged weapons.


    PS: Every class will get a spear, so I think there will be some really nice melee animations included.
    However, Warrior really needs a proper ranged power weapon. An imo Warrior deserves the Paragon treatment after such a long time and with Spellbreaker being literally the successor of the original Paragon class.

    Let them throw that kitten spear. ^^

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  10. 13 hours ago, Hirasaki.6208 said:

    As the title states, the grind for these 2 legendaries are insane and it should be free after completing the required Achievement Collection quests.

    How about a free legy spear with JW as well?

    Oh, and Legy Obsidian armor is also too grindy, this one for free too please.

    And while we are at it, I still could need a second mace and dagger legy. Can we get them for free as well?


    Sorry, that's not how games work.

    • Like 3
  11. 15 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Things that Warrior absolutely, positively does not need ever:

    • A new offhand weapon
    • A new power DPS melee weapon
    • Melee MH pistol (or offhand for that matter...)
    • Extra holes in the head
    • Telegraphed attacks

    How about ally targeting? 😏

    • Haha 2
  12. On 6/9/2024 at 1:41 PM, Kunavi.2407 said:

    Here's to hoping spears on Warrior are actually melee DPS weapons

    Another one?

    Warrior has by far the most weapons among all classes and yet only two ranged ones, Longbow and Rifle. Even Pistol is melee.
    Longbow is fine for condi, but Rifle sucks hard.

    In other words, from the 17 land weapons Warrior can use, there is no viable (or even okayish) ranged power weapon.

    From the 17 weapons 9 are melee power dps weapons. That's more than the half. And all of them are viable.

    9 viable melee power weapons vs. 1 sucking ranged one.


    Yeah, I don't think Warrior needs more melee options.


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  13. 9 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

    Because the general population decided to complain about underwater combat ad nauseum.

    Welp, pointing that out doesn't change the situation, we can't make it undone.

    Plus people had a point after all. Aside from the underwater fractal, which came a month later, there were no content update and nothing for underwater combat after release.
    From Release Pov the UW content was okay, but Anet didn't continue caring about it.

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  14. On 6/5/2024 at 10:53 PM, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

    After all the "Staffs aren't Spears" essays

    That needs essays? You told everything about the topic to say in only four words. 😄


    On 6/5/2024 at 10:53 PM, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

    we've come to "can we get Staff skins as Spears skins."

    Makes sense though. There aren't many spear skins after all.


    However, I don't think any skill will be transfered/copied from or to spear (or any other weapon). Anet already started adding spear to new weapon sets again.
    The new Dragon Bash set includes a spear as well as the new BL Ticket set.

    PS. Has anyone noticed that the new BL Ticket set has no collection anymore? Normally BL Ticket sets have a collection that gives you 7 BL Tickets when unlocking the whole set.

  15. Since the blog post says "you can play the story in two ways; as open world events and as 10 man raid instance" I think it will be similar to strikes, but with open world instead of story.

    Maybe it's a meta event in open world and changed to less inbetween and more focus on challenging bosses for the raid.


    PS. There were/are speculations whether the new raid takes place in the expansion scenario or somewhere else (Raisu Palace in Cantha for example).
    With Anet saying it's story can be played in open world too, I think it's proven that the raid will take place in JW region.

  16. On 6/9/2024 at 2:49 AM, Ashen.2907 said:

    Reading comprehension. Nowhere in my post does it say that I spend $1000 every month on GW2. In fact it states that I do not spend $1000 every month.



    On 6/8/2024 at 4:34 AM, Ashen.2907 said:

    I am not demanding anything but I am also no longer spending $600 - $1,000 per month across multiple accounts either.

    Reading comprehension *Cough*


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  17. 10 hours ago, StraightPath.3972 said:

    Janthir Wilds looks epic (sides maybe some 2012 Kessex Hills waterfall assets), but therein lies the whole problem:

    How do you know? We barely have seen anything yet.


    10 hours ago, StraightPath.3972 said:

    It's extremly unfit for GW2.

    How do you know? We barely have seen anything yet.


    10 hours ago, StraightPath.3972 said:

    The very name - Janthir WILDS tells the story.

    It tells nothing. 😉 


    10 hours ago, StraightPath.3972 said:


    Skyscale has nothing to do with the nex expansion.
    Warclaw will be the featured mount.


    10 hours ago, StraightPath.3972 said:

    The very gameplay of current day GW2 kills off the very theme of your xpac!



    10 hours ago, StraightPath.3972 said:

    If you want it to be wild, dangerous, primal, you need to curb down the MMO aspect.



    10 hours ago, StraightPath.3972 said:

    Less max players on map, some restrictions on mounts that trivialize everything , ranging from getting a vista
    to getting a date with that hot redhair, which you know you'll regret later..

    Less features, less variety, more restrictions. That will kill an expansion. lol. 😐


    10 hours ago, StraightPath.3972 said:

    I like being on the map and doing events with a group of players, but not whole kitten blobs of them.

    Than an MMO is the wrong genre for you.
    What you are looking for are coop multiplayer games.



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