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Posts posted by kiroho.4738

  1. 18 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

    No thanks, that’s not necessary 

    By that logic no QoL feature and no redundant source is necessary.

    Getting obsidian shards from pvp/wvw, silver wastes or unbound/volatile magic vendors? Why? That's unnecessary. Just do the Balthazar temple meta chain and buy them at their original source. 🤦‍♂️

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  2. On 9/23/2024 at 2:26 PM, Pifil.5193 said:

    Well, they can't be fully afk otherwise they'd be kicked by the 5 minute timer that ArenaNet put in place so they're there just not that useful.

    Ironically this timer stops when you die. So if you keep dying and ppl keep rezzing you, you can still afk leech as long as you want.


    On 9/23/2024 at 1:11 PM, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

    Active players should just walk away and let the AFKers AFK, give them nothing to leech from, that'll work better than waiting for Anet to something they might never do.

    Actually no, it would not.

    In theory this idea might sound logic, but in practice people are not willing to stop playing the content they want or need just because there is someone afk/leeching.

    Your solution literally means restricting the content you play or in other words letting afk/leeching players dictate what content you are allowed to play.

    And I mean, when you look at it soberly, if players have to choose between playing the game and having leechers getting loot vs. not playing the game how they like and not getting loot themself, nobody will choose the latter option.

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

    Isn't the gold option unlimited?

    If so, there are no timegate. "expensive" isn't a timegate, by definition.

    Nope, it's limited to 300 purchases per week.


    9 hours ago, Randin.5701 said:

    I imagine that part of the reason for the limits is to encourage homestead decorating to serve as a drain on as many different crafting materials as possible, rather than just on one. "I've made all the homestead materials I can with copper ore this week; well, better start buying with iron."

    That's a reason for individual caps, but not for the total cap of 1000 materials per week (plus the gold option).
    If the distribution between mats was the (only) goal, there wouldn't be a cap for the gold option.


    • Confused 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Kelly.7019 said:

    I do wonder now if part of the point of timegated is to keep people out of their homestead so they don't just sit in there all the time.

    Another reason could be slowing the process down to keep players decorating until new update / new decorations come.

    Without timegate some people could finish decorating within one or two weeks and ignore new decorations because "they already are finished".

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    I am confused, though, why the Orrian Oyster tank, which is gathered as a plant, is not auto-collected alongside all the plants. 🤷‍♀️ Does it auto-collect yours, since you also have all the nodes?

    For me it indeed get gathered together with the plants.

    I kept an eye on it because it's weird place. I assumed it gets gathered with the trees (bc of the position), but when checking I saw it gets gathered with the plants.

  6. I currently made an outside kitchen and decorated 3 rooms in the house (2 small ones and the upper half of the main room) and I'm at about 600 placed decorations.

    I already removed the wall and many of the default placed decorations to get the limit down by ~200.

    I would like to decorate all rooms in the house and some stuff outside. I have many ideas for outside. But with only 400 decoratins left, I don't think I can even finish the interior of my house.

  7. I had this occour a few times when gathering plants -> wood -> ores in a row.

    However, I started sharing my home and therefore gather the plant ones at the end of the day (so other players can grab my garden plants).

    Now I gather wood -> ores in a row and plants at the end of the day.  I never had this bug occour since doing so.
    Maybe simply gathering ores first (or second) is the trick?

  8. 12 hours ago, DarkK.7368 said:

    Why all content creators zoom out so much, they dislike their characters so much? I understand a zoom out can make you be more aware of your surroundings, but at the same time it makes you less aware of what's happening near you...

    The character itself is probably the worst indicator of what happens with them aside from positioning.
    You don't look if there is a shield effect on your character to check if you have aegis, you look at your buff bar.
    You don't check your characters animation to see if your skill is finished, you look at your skill- and/or cast bar plus you queue skills.
    And so on.

    As for what happens near you, for dangerous stuff there are telegraphs and bosses and stronger enemies all are larger than normal enemies, so you can see them easier in general.
    Also, when you think of an open world boss fight, you don't really want to zoom in and have your screen cluttered with all the skill effects from 30+ players.

    As for fashion, you can always zoom in if you want to check other players' fashion. I personally do not do that while fighting or doing events.

    • Like 1
  9. 15 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    I think I'd be worried if I saw a raptor running around on fire or a see through turtle made of cosmic dust chomping at the Seitung grasses

    But what if the skins fit? There are a lot of simple mount skins without flames, cosmit dust or other particle effects.

    Having Canthan Cuckoo Springers in Cantha wouldn't be off. Same for having the Kourna Jackrabbit or Savannah Stripetail in Elona.


    As mentioned in my previous comment taking the exact skins probably would lead to performance issues, but in general I don't see a problem with having lower quality versions (like sand lion vs sand lion warclaw skin) of certain gemstore mounts in the game. Except the point that Anet had te recreate their models, which means work.

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  10. On 9/15/2024 at 4:06 AM, andreiblue.8231 said:

    I mean we could, for example, have had in Janthir Lowlands a POI full of honey flowers and some friendly hummingbirds nearby (skimmer skin), or in the mountains some of the goat skins from gem shop as mobs (warclaw skin).

    Not sure if that's the reason, but in general environment animals, NPCs and such often have a lower quality than player character and the stuff players use.
    That's simply for performance reasons. The more high quality models and textures you see, the more performance you need. For default NPCs, animals and stuff that you either only see every once in a while or that can be found all over a map it's better to use a lower (but still good) quality.

    Now, gemstore mounts are very detailed and have a high quality. In addition many of them have particle effects. If you give all warclaws on the first JW map this skin for example, the whole map probably would be more laggy.

    When you look at skins like the Sand Lion Warclaw one, you can see that they are more detailed than the NPC/Ranger pet one and has an a sandy particle effect.


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  11. 14 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    If it was doable to move home instance nodes at will, they would have implemented the option

    Eh... what?... Where does that come from? Movable instance nodes never was the topic we talked about...

    Did you even read what I (and you) wrote? I talked about interactable decorations such as beds and books / bookshelfs. You know, the topic of this thread.


    14 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    It would be too much work that cannot be achieved within the time frame of a mini expansion, because then you wouldn't have any other contents.

    People said the same about homesteads themself. 😉 



    • Confused 1
  12. 30 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    The Homestead model is an exact copy of Guild Halls (decoration) and Home Instances (gathering nodes), and it cannot be technically improved, because it is still the same engine.

    1) As already said, interactive decorations are a thing since years. It's no problem at all.

    2.) "It can't be imporved because it's still the same engine" is the wrongest argument you could bring into this discussion.
    Technically it's still "the same engine" as GW1 and yet you see how extremely different GW2 is to GW1.
    You seem to forget that the engine itself - as it's their own one - can be improved and changed as well. It's literally what they do all the time. Be it for making HoT legy armor having movable parts, for the mount system, for enabling low gravity in a single fractal, for enabling flying in general and and and.

    The engine ist just another piece of software. "It's the same engine as they had 9 years ago" is simply nonesense. It's like saying the game is the same as it was 12 years ago.

  13. On 8/27/2024 at 8:46 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

    I doubt this will happen, since the Homestead is a copy&paste of the Guild Hall decoration model.

    Seems like you haven't checked out homestead decoration mode yet.
    The homestead decoration system is a heavy improvement compared to the old guild hall one. It's even that much better that they replaced the old guild hall system with the homestead one.

    Further interactable decorations are a thing since years in guild halls and we also have a lot of them in homesteads.
    It neither was a problem with the old guild hall decoration system nor with the new homestead one.

    Not to mention that interactable versions of some beds (see moon base and kodan village) as well as interactable book objects (see Astralarium) already exist.

    • Confused 1
  14. 12 minutes ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

    But if you look at the achievements for exploring all parts of the JW maps, there's only one more step to that achievement, not two. Just like with SotO and Inner Nayos. I'm hoping for 2, though.

    Anet first planned to release one map on update 2 and expand it on update 3.

    They later changed that to releasing two separated maps on update 2 and 3.

    The achievement seems to be just an oversight. They simply haven't updated the achievement for the 4th map (yet).

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  15. 21 hours ago, Logos.5603 said:



    "He spent 100g for a more efficient glider because he didn't have the Griffon masteries done. I take him to some IBS strikes for easy ascended gear. We kill the boss then are presented with three large, shiny chests... That he can't open. Killed the boss. No masteries so no loot."

    Clearly there is some effort being put. He spent 100g, did some strikes, killed a boss, etc. Not exactly taking about getting "free stuff" here or getting stuff with "no effort."

     "A large portion of Mastery Points are the ability to press "F" on things. Mount masteries are even worse for locking baseline features behind another time gate. Even the masteries that make sense, like "Crystal Champion" that give additional abilities to mounts, could have been fun quests to unlock the new skills. Instead, it's more time gated Mastery Point shenanigans that kills player expectations."
    They are talking about completing fun quests to unlock the skills. Again, completing a quest is not exactly taking about getting "free stuff" here or getting stuff with "no effort."

    "Even when players achieve big milestones, like getting their griffon/ or x, they can't relish in the accomplishment due to having to continue to grind for the masteries tied to said achievement. It's akin to crossing the finish line only to have to run another lap. Yeah you did it, but the stands are empty and the lights are off now. Yeah you got your fishing pole, but you need to grind for 20-30 hours so you can cast farther than 5ft."

    Here they are clearly taking about already having spent effort in getting X, and having to do MORE to really get the full enjoyment.

    Perhaps y'all need to be more charitable, or read more closely.

    Dude, stop this eye kittening text highlighting....

    It's worse than capslock...

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