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Posts posted by kiroho.4738

  1. On 3/19/2024 at 5:49 AM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    Give me a single reason why it needs to be a thing. 

    Sharing with other players, doing something together. You know, stuff people do in an MMORPG.
    Each home instance node takes years of even decades to even out the costs. Many people wouldn't even buy them if they weren't able to share them with their friends.
    In other words, being able to share them is a huge selling point for these nodes.

    Now give a reason why it should not be a thing. 🙂 

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  2. 31 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    It's years out if it happens at all.

    Look around in this thread and other forums.

    Even with so few informations and nothing (officially) confirmed at all, so many people act like GW3 will be released next week, or more precisely like GW2 gets shut down tomorrow.

    I saw posts about people thinking it makes no sense anymore to play GW2, people that don't want to buy anything from the gemshop anymore, people that think everything they did in GW2 is meaningless now and so on.

    What do you think will happen, if there is an actual official confirmation/announcement?

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Batalix.2873 said:


    ANet was approached and gave a non-answer, indicating they don't want to talk about it or otherwise blindsided by the announcement.

    Well, they say "there is nothing to confirm at this topic, our teams are working on GW2".

    Sounds pretty clear for me and also fits NCsoft's statement that a potential GW3 is in consideration of being greenlit or not (so far away from active developement or even planning).

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  4. 2 hours ago, Blood.7254 said:

    You don't shuffle around studios for a "maybe" project. Also, Arenanet has already confirmed they are working on a known IP fantasy mmorpg. And people still refuse to connect the dots lol. I give up.

    I mean, at some point Anet even confirmed that the unannounced project has nothing to do with the Guild Wars franchise.

    And Peoply still try to find connections. 😉 

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  5. 28 minutes ago, illuminati.8453 said:

    I would argue that since they haven't closed this thread yet, it leads me to believe there is some truth to GW3 being in development already. 

    NCsoft confirmed that it's not in devolopement.
    Anet has stated that there is nothing to confirm and that all their teams actively work on GW2 expansions.

    No, there is no GW3 in developement already.

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  6. 3 hours ago, Thundabolt.8541 said:

    GW2 is old. Really old. The engine is old, the graphics are old

    The engine gets updated and expanded continuously.
    It's like calling the internet old. Yes, it has a certain age technically, but it's not like the engine is on the same level as it was in 2012.

    The graphic is an odd topic though.
    While old content has old graphics, new content always gets the newest graphics.
    This way the latest expansion has graphics that are modern for 2024.
    PoF has graphics that are modern for 2017.
    Most core Tyria graphics are modern for 2012.

    But tbf, even the core maps are still good to look at.

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  7. 56 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

    gw3 comming

    No, it's not...

    It was mentioned at a shareholders meeting and that's literally it.

    A possible GW3 game is in the review stage, which means Ncsoft will look at it and at some time may decide to greelight or not.

    It's really not more than "hey, what about GW3? - Yeah, we could look at if it makes sense some time".


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  8. On 3/18/2024 at 5:12 AM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    I never thought about putting a Pokémon clone next to an MMO. 

    Well, the topic is not about any pokemon clone.


    19 minutes ago, uberkingkong.8041 said:

    Palworld really does not feel like it has a grind. Its a little thing.

    Oh sweet summer child...

    I don't want to break it for you, but Palworld's whole content is based around grind once you exceed ~lvl 40.

    • Like 4
  9. 7 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    Smoking is an addiction as well and has many adverse effects on the general population.  It's a drain on health care systems and resources and can literally kill people.

    Let's ban smoking.

    Absolutely. It should be banned straight away.

    However, this doesn't work with products that are already integrated in the society for hundreds of years.
    There are hundred thousands of jobs behing the tabacco industry, so it can't be banned from one day to the next without crashing the whole economy.
    That's why contries banning it step by step by increasing the minimum age and banning it from more and more places.

    Sweden is going to be the first smoke-free country in the world next year.
    Finland is banning all kinds of tabacco consumption until 2030.


    A step back to the actual topic, gambling in video games is pretty different. It's not integrated into society for such a long time. It only exist for like 20 years and are even hated by many players. It's far from being accepted by the general public (of players).

    Also economy wise there is no huge industry around video game gambling. Most games use gambling to make extra money, others can switch to different monetization models without closing their whole company. In the end it's not the gaming industry that would get banned, it's only a way of monetization (a dirty, scamy way).

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  10. 19 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    Sounds like I've got more chance of successfully navigating an asteroid field than getting anything good

    Given how much free space usually is in an astroid field, yes navigating through such one shouldn't be that hard and definitely have a better chance for success than the bL chest. 🙂 

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  11. 2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    That's not a hard rule, more like a loose extimation. The actual percentages can vary (sometimes a lot) depending on specific game

    That's why I used quotation marks.

    However 80/20/5 is what fits for most games.


    2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Some games by its very nature are more hardcore - there you will find the percentages rise on the activity side. And there are games that are far more casual in approach, where the percentage for more passive participation would be higher, and active one would drop.

    Actually no.

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  12. 5 hours ago, illuminati.8453 said:

    I don't think companies really make sequels to MMOs, so if there is a Guild Wars 3 it will most likely not be an MMO. 

    Everquest 2, Metin 2, Blade & Soul 2, Destiny 2,  Aion 2 (currently in development), Lineage 2, The Division 2, Mortal Online 2, Astonia 2, Astonia 3, The Legend of Mir 2, The Legend of Mir 3, Maple Story 2, Necron2, Phantasy Star Online 2, Priston Tale 2.

    Sequels of MMOs are not as uncommon as you think.


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  13. On 3/20/2024 at 5:55 PM, Antycypator.9874 said:

    Because we're not even fighting these bosses anymore, we're fighting annoying mechanics forcing us to move/stand, be in melee/range or avoid additional AoE.

    Well, that's what game mechanics do -> forcing you to interact.
    That's how games work.

    Unstable Magic Abilities is a proven successful concept, it even turned out to be more successful than the PoF bounties itself.
    I don't see any reason to discontinue this concept.

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  14. 13 hours ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

    Yeah but there is a flaw.  They were only introduced recently, so all those materials and money you need, you only started collecting 2 weeks ago.  And you have 3 months to do it to get the specials.  So long term is effectively 3 months.  If you already knew everything you needed over the last 10 years and have been collecting, it's not as bad.  But I certainly wasn't doing that.

    They were not introduced 2 weeks ago. They were announced together with SoTo almost a year ago.
    We knew through other legendary armor what mats probably were needed and we know since SoTo release that Kryptis Essences are needed.
    People crafted all 3 armor on release day. If you started everything 2 weeks ago, it's your own decision.

    And long term definitely is not limited to 3 month. You can craft the armor whenever you want and take as much time as you want.
    The flaw is in the way you think. The special objective from WV is nothing important, you don't have to do them.
    The are just a neat bonus, nothing else. In the end, it's mere 22g you get from the two legy armor special objectives.

    If you feel urged to craft an obsidian armor piece within the next 3 months, you really should think about why you do that and hopefully you will recognize that the 22g bonus is not there to make you hurry.



    1 hour ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

    So? Not in game, 99% of people do not visit threads.

    Wrong, it's 80%. Check the "80,20,5 rule".

    However, this does not apply for information people seek before they buy something.
    The large majority of people watch trailers or content lists before they choose to buy a game/expansion.


    1 hour ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

    I personally knew nothing about existing either.

    If you buy an expansion without checking what this expansion even contains, it's your own fault, not the seller's...

    The Obsidian Armor was announced long before you could buy the expansion. And it was used to advertise the expansion.


    1 hour ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

    I apparently need all of it to get the required materials.

    You do not.

    I don't know where your "apparently" comes from. By simply adding the costs of all WV items and comparing with how much AA you get from dailies/weeklies, you can clearly see that you do not need a single special objective do buy every item in the vault.
    You don't even need every daily/weekly to do so.

    So yeah, apparently, you are wrong.




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  15. 9 hours ago, Player.2475 said:

    To elaborate why I said WvW armor is basically free:

    Open world: Convergences and rifts give you worse rewards than just mindlessly running around a map and killing random enemies for the most part.

    Raids: Only 2 gold per boss + some trash exotics and ascended, so about a couple dozen for a full clear of w1-4. Magnetite is meh, because even the trades for "discounted" clovers are barely better than just pure gambling once you account for the T6 materials and coins you get back.

    WvW: You are stuck here 13-20 hours a week like it's your part time job so you might as well pop your boosters to get reward tracks faster. Semi-afk playstyle with minimal input still yields you up to 7g/hr worth of T5-6 resources and gear per hour. Reward tracks finish in about 3-4 hours until you hit your weekly skirmish chests, which depending on the reward track gives you a decent amount of gold, map resources, and 2 clovers per completion.

    So as you can see, while slaving away in that god-forsaken gamemode just for the sake of hitting your weekly skirmish cap, you end up making almost twice the amount you need in clovers and material costs.

    Is it efficient? No. Is it soul-crushing? Yes. Could you be making a lot more gold and materials per hours by doing literally anything else with your time, even picking up spare change from the street and converting gems to gold? Possibly! But you have to do it for the tickets anyway, so at least you can find some solace in the fact that while it took you almost 10x more hours of playtime to get the tokens for the WvW equivalent of raid armor, you at least don't have to now go and farm the rest of the materials.

    It's still not free though.
    It's as "free" as the ASSs are when you need them for a gen3 legy.

    You think they are free, because you get them from vendor for almost nothing and don't have to buy them.
    But without the legy and it's cost, you would have sold the kitten and made money.
    Same for the gold you make while farming/waiting for the skirmishing tickets.
    You earn let's say 400g in that time, but instead of having 400g, you have nothing, because you spend them for the legy.

    You end up with less gold than you would have without the legy.

    And as for comparsion with Raid/Open World, it doesn't make any difference if you farm one content all the time (WvW) or multiple contents, but less of each (PvE).

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  16. On 3/15/2024 at 4:05 PM, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

    Wow, just like real life, I just realized my game character is poor too with only 700g.

    So I guess unless 500g is chump change for you, don't go for legendary sets.

    Legendary items ing eneral are expensive, yes.

    They are endgame long term projects after all.


    2 hours ago, Player.2475 said:

    *Laughs in WvW armor that cost less than 400g to craft, less than 200g almost free if you count the rewards you get in the 4 weeks of playing 13-20 hours of WvW for the skirmish tickets*

    It's 470-500g per WvW/PvP piece. 🙂 

    As for the rewards you get while playing for skirmishing tickets, playing and get more than one needed material or gold at the same time is not unique to WvW. It actually happens almost everywhere. Doing raids for LI -> you get gold/loot as well. Doing rifts or convergences for Kryptis Essences -> you get gold/loot as well. Doing map completion for gen1 weapons -> you get gold and loot while doing that.


    1 hour ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

    You can not write that 🤣. Also do not forget PvP armor. Both is cheaper and faster than PvE. Open world leggy armor is kind of killed for any "new" player with research notes. Better to do PvP or WvW leggy armor with gen3 leggy weapons since you get that nice PvE finisher.

    PvP/WvW armor is cheaper than the Obsidian armor, but they are slower due to time gates.

    Raid armor is both cheaper and faster.

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  17. Obsidian armor currently cost 500-650g per piece (including the ectos at the current price).

    That's a good price for legendary armor.
    It's a bit more expensive than the raid, sPvP and WvW armor (which cost 450-500g per piece), but therefore you don't have to deal with raids and competitive game modes.

    Spending 50-150g more is a good trade off.

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  18. 2 minutes ago, Zigg E.1086 said:

    You know how you fixed that instead of moving the Glider abilities and not needing to use action key use the unused 7-0 to throw the item for the event that is in only one area vs changing somethign already astablished. How can someone think Oo we need a space for our even action. But where we put it? I know move the glider to the used area then put the new command where the glider abilites where. Not new abilit in un used area.

    The problem is very simple:
    There are items from events that can be thrown with skill 1. Bloodstone Fen skills uses skill 1 (and 2-5).
    Two skills that use skill 1.

    How to solve this problem? Also very easy:
    a) Replace the glider skill(s).
    b) Replace all throw skills.

    What's the pros and cons?

    Pro: Glider skills stay the same as on 2 previous maps.
    Con: Throw skills are not at the same spot as on dozens of previous maps.

    Pro: Throw skills stay the same as etablished over 11 years.
    Con: Glider skills -that require an older expansion + LS episode - on 3 Soto Expansion maps are not at the same spot as on 2 previous maps. One of them barely populated anymore.


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  19. 45 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

    Isn't autoloot an essential part of AFK farming? Gotta have masteries for that.

    People can just use a macro for that.
    Macros are used by some of them for spaming skill 1  as well.


    59 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    Eventually it drops to zero.

    The scavenger protocol does not have and DR, so with that one afk farmers and botters will always make profit.

    As for normal loot, it takes very long until you won't get anything. And hopping to another spot after a day or two no problem.

  20. 3 hours ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

    I have absolutely no idea why people expected expansion specific relic access without owning the expansion. No legendary works like that.

    You are wrong. All legendaries work like that. Except for the relic.

    "All attribute combinations are available to Legendary equipment regardless of whether or not an expansion is owned, except in the case of the legendary relic."

    Original source:
    "Legendary equipment will still have all attribute combinations available regardless of expansion ownership."


    49 minutes ago, Surelia.2651 said:

    If you did read the original announcement about relics in July, you would have seen they did specifically explain: "If you have Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure, you’ll be able to acquire expansion relics."    That part seems pretty clear to me.  

    As in, what happens if I don't have SotO then?  No expansion relics.

    What you missed is the context.

    The part you quoted has nothing to do with legendary relics. That part is about the aquisition of normal relics.
    The part about legendary relics comes later in that blogpost and there is nothing about any such limitations.

    There is no blogpost that could let you think the legendary relic requires Soto for the soto relic effects.
    As you see in the upper part of my comment, no other legendary work like this.
    And more importantly, Anet even confirmed that the legendary relic will give access to all soto relic effects. OP quoted that part:

    "Legendary relics will come with all Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure relic effects unlocked, will still be freely swappable between existing relic effects, and will still be able to be equipped simultaneously on multiple characters."

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  21. 14 hours ago, MithranArkanere.8957 said:

    That would only be done in competitive modes.  Their ultra-wide screens would still be able to ultra-wide see everyone in PvE for as far as the servers allow. 
    Do you think it would be fair to eliminate the fog of war in StarCraft for those with machines capable of rendering the whole map at the same time?  Of course not. Everyone gets to see the same amount of battlefield at the same time. 
    Complaining about things like having the same render distances, view scopes, and fog of war in a competitive mode is really, really absurd.

    Okay, so 400 ping, 20 FPS, lowest graphic settings and a low render distance for everyone in sPvP and WvW ist your solution?

    I bet this will make both game modes so much more attractive. 😉

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