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  1. Nobody force u to do anything. They give u x3 the points that u need to buy ALL the wizards vault. just do the legendary armor and stop complaining. Ty
  2. This is truly false; ascended items in fractals come in dozens. Every week I get 2 or 3 boxes of ascended weapons or armor dropping for me in fractals, avg of 6 rings daily and like 4 accesories weekly. But you don't even have an account on KPme, which makes me think you don't even have Tier 4, buddy. The high drop rate of ascended items comes from Tier 4 dailies; the lower the tier, the fewer chances. And even if you're Tier 4, you probably haven't even touched a CM, which also has a high probability of ascended drops. Honestly, if you've gotten as few ascended items as you claim in 9 years (of which you've probably played only 1 or 2k hours), doing fractals, it means you haven't done many. As an example: On the day they released the legendary armory on July 12, 2022, I salvaged over 1800 ascended items live on Twitch, ALL obtained in fractals and raids over 4 years. And I emphasize the live part because my story has evidence, unlike your fictitious magic find tale. About your story about the "magic find" reset is false. In 11 years, over 24,000 hours of gameplay, being a founder, leader, and officer in many communities, running Discords and formerly community forums with thousands of people discussing Guild Wars 2, never has anyone mentioned a magic find reset. But you, a "random dude" as you called another player who responded to you, with only 9,000 achievement points (which shows how little you've played the game. Even though you never focus on earning achievements, I don't either; I don't like it. But if you don't do it and play for 9 years and have only that amount, I'm sure you don't have many hours), conveniently had 7 resets that no one else has ever had in this game. No, you're not so special as to be the only one out of 16 million players with just a few hundred hours. Nobody believes your story because it's false. That's it. You're simply upset with the game because in your limited hours, you've hardly got anything you like, and you vent by saying nonsense about the game. I'd also wager that you're not engaging in the necessary content where you could get what you're looking for that isn't "useless drops." PS: About this "with the extreme costs involved via luck gobbling" The exact cost is, at current prices, between 10,000 and 10,500 gold by buying and salvaging ectos to go from 0% to 100%. But you also have to consider that, with the number of ectoplasms you have to salvage to achieve this, by salvaging, apart from luck, you would get about 77,000 tier 6 dusts in return, which, after selling them, would give you approximately 9,800 gold after trading post taxes. A cost of between 200 and 700 gold to have your luck at its maximum. That's not even considering that if you use those dusts to make T5 to T6 conversions, it would actually end up giving you approximately 15,500 gold, a huge profit. Therefore, I don't see the high cost anywhere; you literally make money by doing it. And since I know you'll be thinking at this point about commenting something like "but not everyone has 10,000 gold to increase magic find," don't worry, I'll answer it now: You don't need it, you salvage a few ectos, make conversions, sell them, and congratulations, you recover with profits to buy more ectos and salvage them, and so on in a loop until you raise your magic find. But if you still think it's too much work, don't worry, don't do that, you can recover that cost of between 200 and 700 gold and then some by making a third-generation legendary and selling it, it takes approximately 16 hours. But if you still think about saying something about the cost of making the legendary, wait a moment and I'll answer you: It's not necessary, sell the Gift of Jade Mastery, it's paid 650 gold for it in overflow. There you have it, your luck at its maximum without losing gold or even with profits so that you can make legendaries and not complain because you didn't get ascended items in the 41 fractals you've done. And about this, the truth is that I don't know anything, but from what I read in the comments, they say you're exaggerating what the news says. Anyway, it doesn't matter, just another demonstration that on the internet, there's evidence for everything. Except for your MF reset that only happened to you and probably to people who are your friends because they won't make you look bad by calling you a liar, but outside your circle, nobody. Unbelievable. PS2: Don't waste your time replying to me. The truth is, every time I enter the forum, I find someone inventing a story because they're upset with the game, which disgusts me, and I don't come back to the forum for months. So I don't think I'll read your response either. Feel free to make up whatever story you want to try to validate the initial invent; I won't read it, other players will respond to you, but as I said, it's better not to waste your time. Responding to me is like talking to a wall; you won't get anywhere with your words because I won't read them. Good luck, and I hope you get over the anger you have towards the game for making up stories and can enjoy it again like the rest of us do.
  3. This is not for your stats 🙂
  4. The best thing about Guild Wars 2 objectively is its combat, which is very deep thanks to the boons and the quickness and alacrity system, making it unique and versatile. Saying that you want it to be removed demonstrates that you have less than 100 hours of playtime or that Guild Wars 2 isn't your thing. Go to play singleplayers.
  5. You compare Gyala Map with an expansion with: - Biggest reward improvements in 11 years of GW2 - Fractal + Cm - Strike + Cm - New weapons for all classes - Weapon master - New Legendary armor set - 3 maps - The lore what we are waiting to know something about since 18 years ago - New masteries for Skyscale - New freature: Relics Yes, you've definitely just proven that you complain just for the sake of complaining. This concludes our interaction. Goodbye and take care.
  6. The expansion costs $25 and gives you hundreds or thousands of hours of gameplay. Are you really going to decide whether to buy an expansion based on something like a legendary relic? I don't think so.
  7. Are you speaking about you did RMT to buy the full set? Or why are u speaking about dollars cost... In gems conversion is like 130$ so you only can get that price doing RMT. Thats illegal and you can be perma banned for that. Anyway, things change. You paid to have all the runes in one place, and it will remain that way because the runes don't disappear, they just change. If you don't like it, that's how it is. As compensation, you'll get to access to the legendary relic earlier, but if you have such little interest in playing the game and playing content to unlock more things in the game, maybe you should reconsider. The issue you're talking about doesn't exist for 95% of the players, only the 5% who make noise in the forums.
  8. Yes, you will need SOTO and probably all expansions to do achievements since they said you will have relics exclusive from expansions and u wont get them without paying SOTO, HoT+PoF and EoD
  9. The cost of the legendary runes are not controlled by arenanet, are controlled by the trading post. Will be cheaper if we cant use charms and symbols to make profit and we stop buying them. Not because arenanet say "some people are sad because they will have to do other legendary doing content 2-3 days and paying the gold equivalent to a 10h fishing in crystal oasis"
  10. OMEGA WHAT THE kitten, take a handkerchief pls, omega what the kitten post
  11. Thanks for 3min gameplay after 10 years wait 🙂
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