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Everything posted by Sampson.2403

  1. Yeah ill def try to use it more often. Revenant is a hard class to play.
  2. Everyone at the top of the leaderboards that I've played with deserves to be there. They're light years ahead of everyone else in mechanical skill and playing spvp, so if they need to do some win trading to secure positions because of an inherently broken leaderboard system, that's fine by me.
  3. They should just remove downstate from ffa arena.
  4. @Vancho.8750 Sure maybe they thrive for the first fight but after that?
  5. @Zexanima.7851 In general i would agree with your logic but not on this specific case. Power shatter mesmer has already been nerfed a lot in this past year. I think that it's in a good spot now where its still fun and rewarding to play but not overpowered or toxic. This game will get dull really fast if you put constraints on build flexibility. As long as there is counter play to builds that go full glass or full tank, then I don't see the problem.
  6. One shot builds like mantra mes are balanced by the fact that they're not remotely viable in any competitive environment. Take away the ability to make all in builds like this then you're just removing build flexibility from the game. Who here has actually played one shot mantra mes lately? I have. You literally get farmed by so many classes (especially a thief or condi mes) once they know that ur running a one shot build. And that's how it should be. Farm me or I'll farm your necros etc. - plenty of counterplay there, just dont let the mantra mes free cast. Have map awareness or get punished for not having it. Case in point - MLGKorno farmed me yesterday so badly while i was playing mantra mes. I've never been farmed that hard b4 in a game. He just ignored my teammates and waited for me to spawn and cut me off from doing anything the entire game. He kept tabs on me like i was a Tijuana hooker. It was pretty awful and glorious at the same time. It also made me realize how much i suck. Oof.
  7. Just curious how often people try and use burst of strength as a boost before a burst in pvp. It feels slow and clunky to use and i rarely feel like i take advantage of the 15% damage increase after i use it.
  8. How would removing shiro f2s damage (or ability to crit) change anything? Like out of all things to complain about with Rev, THAT is what some people want to remove? Im missing something because the people in this thread asking for that are good players.
  9. Could you explain exactly how "the" Rev burst rotation goes? I've gotten leaderboard playing Rev but i just made up my own style and have no idea how far off i am from what the cool kids are doing.
  10. Okay i tried out the holo build and what a joke. At least learning and playing Rev required brain power to be a god.
  11. So the static discharge build that everyone speaks of is just this Elixer Rifle build but instead of power wrench, use static discharge? Super confusing considering that there's a build called static discharge. You veterans must consider us plebs! We want to get into the game harder, please be more clear! We're not in the know zone, these forums are all we got. Enlighten us. xD
  12. Are you talking about this build for Holo? https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Holosmith_-_Static_Discharge I hear lots about "Holo static discharge" and this is all i can find which is like in their archive section. Provided the link that i posted above is correct, why isn't this one posted as meta anymore ? Meanwhile there are, like what, 3 to 4 other holo builds posted instead, yet this static discharge one is getting all the hype?
  13. Just open up the chat log on any day of the week during an sPvP match and look at how toxic it is. Multiply that cancer by 100 and that's what you would get with voice chat. RARELY is anything positive or constructive ever said. You see, playing ranked gw2 sPvP is inherently toxic. You don't choose your teammates, yet your individual rating is heavily influenced by them. This is exacerbated by the low sPvP population which makes it so skill / motivation among team members varies greatly. Forcing tryhard pro players to team up with pve farmers and everything in between. You blend all of this together and you get a glorious toxic blend of psycho rage chat. Again, I would love to see this toxicity upgraded with voice chat for entertainment purposes, but it won't happen.
  14. Lol i would love for this to be implemented even though it's a terrible idea. I really get a kick out of the toxicity.
  15. Does superspeed max out your speed bonus while in combat or can rising momentum bring it up even further? (Since they stack)
  16. Any good videos that show how to kite around on the various sPvP maps? Every now n again I see players do some ridiculous kiting up areas of the map that I never even knew you could get to. And it is really effective.
  17. Let us minimize the que pop up after you select accept and map so i can finish my fights in the ffa arena oofsters.
  18. Did anyone else have to Google the word ostensibly from the post above?
  19. In some scenarios though, doesn't the team composition all need to be meta builds for any individual meta build to truly shine? Like a scourge without support isn't very "meta" but on the otherhand, a spellbreaker is always the best side noder for most team setups.
  20. Happened to me tonight too. Good to know that other accounts work. I have an extra account that i made from the time that i was suspended for a week for creating a cool guild name xD.
  21. Ohhh whoopsie i see the version history now answering everything. Thx
  22. Thx. Fyi - Wiki says that it doesn't stack with others. Only the highest movement boon applies So the max is 50% right.Swiftness is 33%.Super speed is 100%.
  23. Do you get 5% increased movement speed for each point? Or do the maximum points (i think its 10 stacks) equal a total of 5%?
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