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Everything posted by Sampson.2403

  1. @VALARMORGHULIS.9173 So you still think that power shiro rev is still OP (in Solo Q) after the recent nerfs? Is this to say that the might stacks were never the main issue and its more about the ability to phase traverse around and gank people with sword 4 and 5? Often i hear that Revs only truly shine in an organized team environment with support.
  2. I am not sure how this got posted twice. I blame the japanese airport
  3. After the recent nerfs? I see that it's still listed on meta battle near the top.
  4. After the recent nerfs? I see that it's still listed on meta battle near the top.
  5. Please list tEh build that can do 30k damage bursts every 4 seconds with 45% stealth uptime. I'd like to play it. Thanks, that's all, continue the salt now.
  6. heh. Aint no thang but a chicken wang tho. You focusing on the wront parts of tEh game bro. You get obsessed with win streaks and loss streaks that means u aint focused on the game mechanics and improving your strategy. Mindset goes a long way, and yours sir, is in the wrong spot. Grab a bag of weed and a bottle of wine and go hit that ruthless legend title bro and then you can join the club. GO
  7. For everyone saying how "easy and brainless" it is to play stealth glass builds i challenge you to try it yourself and report back on how far you get on the leaderboards.
  8. I'm not saying that it's going to drastically change mesmer in anyway lol, i just want 3 jaunts. Having an extra jaunt is definitely noticeable tho and that's all that I'm after here. Sometimes having something as simple as an extra jaunt can make a mans day.
  9. 3 jaunts is better than 2 jaunts bro. Did did didn't cha no ? It's a QoL thing for harlem globetrotter meme players like myself. 33% bro
  10. I like the traits in GW2 that do X but also reduce the charge on Y. What about tacking on a 20% reduction to deception skill cooldowns on the trait "self deception"? I'll be a 2 minute meZmer for a $10 hoe tho.
  11. Lol, i think [that] the solo/duo que environment inherently breeds toxicity. Your teammates are your potential best men at your weddings when they make great plays and your sworn worst enemies when they make a mistake. As others have said though, the unrivaled PvP/general combat mechanics in this game are what keep me playing.
  12. Mirage was overpowered months ago and has since then received good and bad nerfs. It's time to start reverting back some of the bad nerfs.
  13. I haven't actually seen anyone post a build but knowing warrior probably something like this. Thank you kind sir!
  14. Okay so whose going to post tEh berserker arc divider build so plebs like myself can have a little fun in life. Hm?
  15. What about calling a target to allow a plus 1 teammate, like a rev or thief, to key 'assist target' and get the LoS teleport burst off. I feel like this never gets brought up in any pvp guides.
  16. So now no one is going to think im cool because of my ruthless legend title? (Dude no one ever thought that you were cool) ...harsh
  17. Here's my advice. Sauce n blaze it while u play and then when you wake up the next day you won't remember or care. That's the best way to climb.
  18. OP - regardless of the bug you should definitely play with free camera turned on. Running in one direction while looking in the opposite direction or to the sides, above/below you etc. Is just one of those things that you should be doing in all games like gw2.
  19. So much negativity here but that's nothing new. In 2018 we got the FFA arena which was and still is pretty awesome. Has aNet said whether or not they're going to make another expansion?
  20. OOF - pretty good proof that bots really do exist. Even more funny if they're all mirage.
  21. I have a question about unblockable attacks. If a guardian has aegis up and i mesmer GS sword 2 (mirror blade unblockable) at them, the mirror blade will hit and create the clone, right? Will the aegis buff still be up after this or does it get cleared because it failed to block the attack?
  22. Can someone explain how to avoid the one shot thief vault build? Like against a power mesmer one shot once you know what to look for dodging is easy.
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