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Everything posted by Ronin.4501

  1. Legendaries are placed in your wardrobe, so once you have the Dreamer and use it, it will be available on every character class you have that can use a short-bow. If you've unlocked weapon specializations to allow for every class specialization you can put it on any Ranger, Thief, Revenant, or Engineer. If you don't have the weapon specializations all unlocked yet, you'll still be able to access the Dreamer on any ranger specialization, any thief specialization, any engineer specialization, and the Revenant specialization Renegade. If you're looking for specific builds for those classes, I suggest sites such as https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki, https://snowcrows.com/, and https://guildjen.com/
  2. Are you confusing Memories of Aurene for the memory fragments? The memory fragments are not a physical item but only count towards the achievement and cannot be bought on the Trading Post.
  3. You don't specify which of the variants you are working on, but as Farohna said above I'm going to assume you've already purchased the 4 scales, combined them, and done the next step of purifying the scale (each variant will have you fighting a different world boss; for example if you're after the Kralkatorrik variant you'd need to defeat the Wrathbringer in Thunderhead Peaks, Jormag variant you'd need to defeat the Claw of Jormag in either Frostgorge Sound or Drizzlewood Coast, Primordius variant you'd need to defeat the Megadestroyer in Mount Maelstrom). Once you've gotten the purified scale you'll need to do events in a specific area to earn the fragments for the next step. As you pointed out the wiki is lacking in this information, and unfortunately I can only offer suggestions based on the 3 variants I've worked on. For Kralkatorrik variant memory fragments, I did events in Dragonfall (the meta and the bosses afterwards yield a LOT of fragments). For Jormag variant, doing events in Drizzlewood Coast yields fragments. For Primordius variant, doing events in Draconis Mons/Ember Bay yields fragments. EDIT: I forgot about this page on the wiki, which gives a list of where to collect the various memory fragments: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fragmented_Elder_Dragon_Memory
  4. Problem is you can't do that in EOTM. Well you can, but you fall to your death too lol.
  5. You mean a GW3 brought to you by the same developers who are currently ruining WvW in GW2?? Would you go buy another car from the same guy who previously sold you a car that broke down as you drove it off the lot?
  6. If you recall Anet had to do that in the jumping puzzles back in year 1. The big problem is...the devs that made fixes like that back then are not these devs. In fact I'm not sure the current devs are actually devs. All they seem capable of is turning a dial to nerf this/buff that without making any real changes.
  7. I had edited this into my original post, but I'll put it here again: "OK, seems like a lot of you are taking this post too literally, so let me clarify; I don't actually expect Anet to refund 75 Mystic Coins per Aura. The point I was trying to make is that they really screwed over a lot of players/guilds with this change. They make way too many short-sighted decisions without any input from the community beforehand and really need to start communicating a LOT better in the future before making changes like this." I don't actually expect Anet to refund the Mystic Coins. They're gone. Even if they could be refunded, the coins would just go back into the guild hall treasury and not back to the players who donated them. But for WvW-only focused guilds, the new version of the upgrade definitely isn't worth the cost and would've been something we would have skipped on. (Not every guild wants to fully max out their Guild Halls. Ours was leveled up only as high as necessary to purchase the WvW-specific upgrades). But as someone previously posted, this is yet another lazy change by Anet, which was the intent behind starting this thread. The problem with the Auras, as with so many other changes Anet has made, is that they while they were helpful for a smaller defending force fighting a larger attacking force, they were detrimental when a larger force was defending against a smaller attacking force. Anet always applies a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to WvW, but the problem is with the population imbalances (sometimes severely so) it always ends up screwing over the smaller populations. One simply needs to recall the Oasis event on Desert borderland. It gave an added advantage to the server that completed it first, but overwhelmingly it was always the larger population servers. And Anet wisely made the decision to remove the event. But when it comes to defending, the defenders almost always have some sort of advantage over the attackers when the numbers are roughly equal. But Anet has seen fit to make it so that walls and gates can be neutralized in a matter of seconds. NPC defenders can be killed in under 20s (with the exception of a keep lord) by even a small group of 4-5 players. Anet could have implemented a sliding scale when it came to the Auras where the stats applied went up incrementally as the attackers numbers outnumbered the defenders numbers, or conversely decreased as the defenders outnumbered the attackers. That's the change I would have liked to have seen made.
  8. It's not just the lack of mounts and gliding that make EOTM an awful map. It's the necessity of having STAB at all times on that map so long as enemy players have knockback. If you're in a squad without a lot of STAB or even in a party without permanent STAB you're basically setting yourself up for an easy death. Terrible design flaw.
  9. This 100%. EOTM is an AWFUL map. I'd rather run OS 100x before I go play in EOTM.
  10. The biggest obstacle to this of course is guilds. Players want to be able to play with their friends, regardless of numbers. Sure I could transfer servers and join the team with the most numbers to guarantee I'm going to win, guarantee I'm going to be on the side that rolls over every enemy zerg, but I'd rather play with my friends and have FUN, win or lose.
  11. I would argue that you're the one with an unhealthy mindset if you blindly accept that all game changes are good changes that improve the game. Almost without exception every change Anet has made to the WvW game-mode since 2019 has been bad. They have brought in class specializations that promote game play where skill is irrelevant due to the increasing number of boons almost every class provides. They continually degrade any and all defensive measures, promoting a play style which encourages players to only play in full squad-sized groups that primarily avoid combat and focus on flipping even the most upgraded objectives in a matter of seconds. They introduce changes that seemingly no one in the community has asked for. They seem to think that dumbing down the game mode will bring in more players without recognizing that the players who don't like PvP don't like PvP. And as for the devaluation of Memories of Battle, if you're playing in WvW to make gold, you're playing for the wrong reasons. If you want more gold, either go PvE or whip out your credit card.
  12. If you already have all the crafts on one character there's no real benefit to moving them to another character. Recipes now are account-wide, but this just means if you learn a recipe on any of your characters it will be accessible by any other characters who have access to the craft the recipe was for. Some recipes are craft-specific while others can be accessed by most or all crafting professions. The wiki is the best way to verify this as there are so many recipes now it would difficult to say which are which. And the daily crafting materials are time-gated, meaning you can only craft 1 per day per account. Most everything you craft can be sold, but many of the ascended materials (ie. time-gated ones) are account bound, and unless there was a recent change I'm not aware of, the end-result ascended items you craft (ie. weapons & armor) will also be account bound.
  13. I believe by Daily Crafting the OP is referring to the time-gated items required to craft the Ascended mats.
  14. Actually they do. They're just some of the worst players out there, so they keep making changes to mask just how bad they are...
  15. Exactly!! Not only am I a member of a WvW guild that just purchased these upgrades all within the last month (and the Aura VII upgrade literally 2 days ago), but I have two pocket guilds that I leveled up myself, so I poured a LOT of resources into upgrades that are now essentially meaningless. (PRO TIP: If your guild uses the Isle of Reflection guild hall, do NOT buy the level 40 Further Exploration upgrade. It adds literally nothing in that guild hall despite costing a very large amount of resources)
  16. Point is Anet completely screwed over every guild that purchased these upgrades as they have been extremely devalued with today's update. Do I actually expect Anet to refund the Mystic Coins? No. But considering how expensive most guild upgrades are, I do expect Anet to put a little more thought into their actions, or at least interact more with the community before making their usual poor decisions.
  17. The guild selection you're talking about is only for the World Restructuring betas, which aren't going on currently.
  18. Any guild that was focused on WvW (as all of mine are) absolutely only got those Auras for the buffs. And the aura buff ONLY applied to the team who had the objective claimed. Not the enemy players, so their stats will remain exactly the same. Anet only did this because they hate players who defend objectives. They want the WvW game mode to become nothing more than a karma train where players actively avoid fights. EDIT: Furthermore, many WvW players are in multiple guilds, which allows them to claim up to 5 different objects PER MAP (assuming they were in 5 different guilds that each had the Auras).
  19. Are you really so foolish as to believe every guild that has a guild hall purchased these upgrades when this was first released into the game?? My guild just purchased these upgrades within the last month. If we had known this idiotic change was coming, we would have skipped them entirely.
  20. The new guild WvW Auras are now less than owning Minor Bloodlust. Given that the old version the of the WvW Auras IV-VII included a cost of 100 Mystic Coins in return for +100 buffs to Power/Precision/Vitality/Toughness and the new buffs are only +25 for each stat, seems like a refund of 75 Mystic Coins per buff is in order. EDIT: OK, seems like a lot of you are taking this post too literally, so let me clarify; I don't actually expect Anet to refund 75 Mystic Coins per Aura. The point I was trying to make is that they really screwed over a lot of players/guilds with this change. They make way too many short-sighted decisions without any input from the community beforehand and really need to start communicating a LOT better in the future before making changes like this.
  21. If any squad of 40+ enters the map, the keep/tower lord leaves the objective's circle and goes to the main gate of the keep/tower and hands the squad's commander a key which automatically captures the keep/tower. Also, if at any point the number of defenders falls below the number of attackers in any objective, the defenders automatically die and the keep/tower/camp lord says "Kitten it!" and falls on their sword. I mean this seems to be the direction Anet is taking this game mode, isn't it? Please bring back the pre-2019 devs before this game mode is completely destroyed.
  22. It's dependent on how the commander of the squad set up the squad's settings. If the squad is set up so that uninvited members allowed to join (with a squad member's approval) you'll see that pop-up when someone tries to join.
  23. Like the others said, the best method is salvaging rare items. I usually get 75-80 ectos for every 100 rare items I salvage. So I typically check the Trading Post every time I have 100 rare unidentified gear, and if it sells for more than 75-80 ectos will cost, I sell the gear and buy the ectos. And if the price of 100 gear will net me less than the price of 75-80 ectos, I open the gear and salvage the rare items. Just be sure to use a Mystic Salvage Kit or better.
  24. I worked on HOPE myself years ago and would STRONGLY recommend using some of the tutorials posted on Youtube to help you out. Here are 3 examples I came across:
  25. I went and looked through the Guild Initiative Headquarters and there was no npc with a feature to preview Guild hall decorations. There are simply too many at this point (plus some decorations are so massive you'd need to do it out in the Grand Piazza). I think what you could be remembering is the ability to preview the different guildhalls themselves. There are 3 NPCs available for that (not sure a 4th was added to preview the IoR guild hall). EDIT: Is there a specific guild hall decoration you wanted to preview? I've decorated 2 GHs already and am currently working on a 3rd and would be more than happy to show you around if I've got any of the decorations you'd like to see in place.
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