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Everything posted by Zexanima.7851

  1. What's more "expansion level" than e-specs?I think we just need another round of them. 3 especs for each class would be perfect I would agree with you but I dont think anet sees it that way. So far, "expansion level" has meant masteries that just unlock chests/portals, strike missions, and some new maps. 3 for each profession? That's asking too much for even an expansion.Well, Im asking for just one espec for each class. With the previous ones we will have 3 for each. They can release them as paid content outside of the LW episodes they give out for free. Ah, well, either way. I think (almost) everyone has come to the conclusion "We would really really x100 really like new especs but I doubt it will ever happen". I've found when it come to content releases anet leaves me floating in this pool of doubt and disappointment, so best not to hope for anything in particular. Would you pay for a new round of e-specs? Totally, and (completely personal conjecture) I think a lot of people would. That's not enough though. It's much easier for them to farm the gem store with a few skins every now and then than to work hard on new especs that will probably have a much smaller profit margin. Perhaps the elites wont be available through the gem store and youd have to buy em for hard cash like exapca? Maybe that will make it worth their time? I dunno. I feel like new especs would bring a tsunami of new and returning players.They would know better than us. They have the data on the last two expansions. Either way I wish they would just give us a hard "Yes/No" so were were not left hanging in this constant cloud of hope and uncertainty.
  2. You've peaked my interest, what about these data-mined icons and NPC foreshadowing? :open_mouth:
  3. What's more "expansion level" than e-specs?I think we just need another round of them. 3 especs for each class would be perfect I would agree with you but I dont think anet sees it that way. So far, "expansion level" has meant masteries that just unlock chests/portals, strike missions, and some new maps. 3 for each profession? That's asking too much for even an expansion.Well, Im asking for just one espec for each class. With the previous ones we will have 3 for each. They can release them as paid content outside of the LW episodes they give out for free. Ah, well, either way. I think (almost) everyone has come to the conclusion "We would really really x100 really like new especs but I doubt it will ever happen". I've found when it come to content releases anet leaves me floating in this pool of doubt and disappointment, so best not to hope for anything in particular. Would you pay for a new round of e-specs?Totally, and (completely personal conjecture) I think a lot of people would. That's not enough though. It's much easier for them to farm the gem store with a few skins every now and then than to work hard on new especs that will probably have a much smaller profit margin.
  4. What's more "expansion level" than e-specs?I think we just need another round of them. 3 especs for each class would be perfect I would agree with you but I dont think anet sees it that way. So far, "expansion level" has meant masteries that just unlock chests/portals, strike missions, and some new maps. 3 for each profession? That's asking too much for even an expansion.Well, Im asking for just one espec for each class. With the previous ones we will have 3 for each. They can release them as paid content outside of the LW episodes they give out for free.Ah, well, either way. I think (almost) everyone has come to the conclusion "We would really really x100 really like new especs but I doubt it will ever happen". I've found when it come to content releases anet leaves me floating in this pool of doubt and disappointment, so best not to hope for anything in particular.
  5. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/game-release-notesYou can check for changes here. There have been a lot. How substantial those changes have been? You'll have to decide for yourself.
  6. What's more "expansion level" than e-specs?I think we just need another round of them. 3 especs for each class would be perfect I would agree with you but I dont think anet sees it that way. So far, "expansion level" has meant masteries that just unlock chests/portals, strike missions, and some new maps. 3 for each profession? That's asking too much for even an expansion.
  7. Can't calculate the odds but anet has made no hints that there will ever be any more especs. They said "expansion level content" but that in no way means "especs".
  8. That's an interesting backstory! My first character is actually a sylvari engineer. I never play them anymore though because it I miss what engineer use to be back in vanilla. That's why I decided to challenge myself with this. I think it get pretty good, there is lots of personality in it. I was thinking pyromanic with a flamethrower does that seem a little too cliche?
  9. Was that better for power for warriors tho? Were talking HoT in spvp right? Also im saying condition as a META damage type not having some what viable condition builds. I remember there being a ton of condi berserkers after HoT to the point they had to be nerfed. Between mace/bow you would put out a stupid amount of condi damage.
  10. I was thinking thief but ultimately decided to go engineer since they have a wider multitude of tools for different situations. They also don't have as many evades as thief so positioning and proper kiting will be key. I won't be able to cheese my way through fights and have to think about different ways to approach it.
  11. I was thinking Charr. I love the female Charr voice acting. Maybe even run some racial skills since they fit engineer so well. What about a theme though? Tinkerer that love inventing? Explosives maniac (like junkrat)? Obsessed with burning things?
  12. I've decided to give myself a challenge to rekindle my interest in PvE. Level character 1-80100% core Tyria map completionEngineerNo armor/trinketsNo mountsNo food/buffsFollow a theme (i.e. I pick weapons/traits/skills around this theme even if they are not optimal)All I have left to decide is what race should I be and what should my characters theme be. Any suggestions are appreciated!
  13. This is a good way to put it .I've went back to trying to play it and it's not really that bad on it's own but when you stack it up against all the other professions its not even close to on par.
  14. They had said expansion level content with this new LW. I consider expansion level to be new e-specs or at least profession overhauls, content that affects how I play the game (e.g. gliding, mounts), content that affects all modes (new stats, skills, ect) and stuff of that like. The season..er...saga isn't done so I'll wait to throw any complaints/praises out until then but what do you consider to be expansion level? Have they delivered on that yet in your eyes?
  15. It was okay. Not great, not terrible, but okay. Exactly what I hypothesized from the trailer. Still waiting for that "expansions level" content though.
  16. I like the theme idea, I think I'll adapt it. I'll update what the current plan is in the OP
  17. Eh, I enjoy combat in this game as much as exploring. I think core engi is on par with thief as far as difficulty.
  18. This is a good view to have I mean, it's still disappointing when you've invested your time and money into something to see it fall apart. Specially when it's an on going activity you enjoy. Most people cant help but get emotionally invested into something they spend so much time on. Yeah, they have no say in what the devs do but it's not unreasonable for them to be concerned about something they are invested in (emotionally if not monetarily) and want to give suggestions they feel will help (if they are actually good or not).
  19. This sounds like it would be a disaster. What profession would you even use for this? Probably fine with an old fashioned Minion necro. This actually sounds like fun. I still want it to be challenging though haha
  20. This sounds like it would be a disaster. What profession would you even use for this? Try Engineer, with the caveat that you can't use weapons either (kits, turrets and other utilities are a-okay!). Or Just play winionmancer and afk your way to glory.I'm liking this idea. Idk about "no weapon" though. I'd be basically giving up 5 whole skills.
  21. It's not about current rates but what this means to people who spent a lot of time farming them already. Imagine you spent a lot of time farming gold in anticipation for a new legendary. You got 3000g saved! Then, in the same patch they release the legendary they triple the prices of all the mats BUT they also triple gold income. You spent all that time gathering 3k gold and your time had just been devalued by 1/3 basically turning your 3k gold into 1k gold, but you still spent 3k gold amount of time earning it. Yeah but at the exact same time they doubled the gold drop rate and added 15 more chests full of gold and 25 more gold nodes and more events that dropped gold. You can get shards at 4 times the rate easy now so it's at the point where your complaining just to complain and not any logic except I saved these up when I wish I spent those before the change no one knew about. It's like someone crying their 500 snow truffle buy order got filled after the 5 nodes were added and value dropped to 1/4. They adjust stuff all the time. It's not complaining just to complain? Your most valuable asset in life is time. This change throws away 2/3rd's of people's time spent on this and forces them to spend even MORE time to get back to equal value to what they had before. This is perfectly fair to be frustrated about. The difference in your example is that this isn't economic response to some changes around the market. It's an intentional hard coded change made by anet specifically to devalue the currency (people's time) who had spent time farming it before hand so they wouldn't be "stocked up" when the new episode dropped. It's one way to deal with having the same currency across two episodes like this but doesn't feel right from a player and gameplay perspective. Sorry no, it is so easy to get them before and now no one farmed them we got them handed to us. Like I said above it was 150 a day logging into a completed meta opening chests and you act like you farmed them. You could of sat 20 alts in the 3 node room for another 10 per alt per day. Needing the t2 weapon for t3 I get cause that's 150 gold to replace this when they are everywhere from everything is def complaining just to complainWhere are you getting your facts that no one farmed them? Just because they were plentiful people were not farming them? I doubt that. I think you're deliberately avoiding the point though because "you're fine with it so everyone else should be". I'm done talking about this with you.
  22. This sounds like it would be a disaster. What profession would you even use for this?
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