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Everything posted by monotony.4931

  1. This thread has some great ideas of how to dispose of her: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/45640/what-is-your-favorite-way-to-cook-an-asura/p1 :p
  2. Engineer does have an F5 skill.... ???. Toss Moa, Orbital Strike, Drop Bandages, Detection Pulse for Scrapper, etc. That's what I said ... ??? !!! Maybe read the post again ... ??? !!! Holosmith doesn't have an elite skill tool belt ability. Maybe Scrapper shouldn't have one neither. Maybe Function Gyro should be bound to F5 with some extra fluff to compensate for the lost skill slot. Maybe no future elite specialisation should have an F5 ability. Makes core stand out. An off topic advice: ... ??? !!! The excessive use of punctuation does not put emphasis on your posts. On the contrary. It makes them look rather silly. ... ??? !!!
  3. Disclaimer: I'm talking about PvP/WvW only. A decent elite condition based Mortar Kit could go a long way in making at least core condition Engineer viable (not competitive mind you, just not cannon fodder). With a decent elite weapon kit you could finally dedicate all your utility slots to survival/sustain. Poor power scaling could make the elite kit uninteresting for Holosmith and Scrapper. Additional fluff on the elite tool belt skill, like a decent condition burst and possibly a stun, would not hurt either. Since Holosmith loses the F5 ability a change like that would not directly impact the current top tier builds . Binding Function Gyro to the F5 ability could open up further possibilities. Since at least thematically the Mortar Kit is a firearm and since the Firearms traits are quite lacklustre, there is also room to replace some of them with specific Mortar Kit traits. The Mortar Kit could basically become a Grenade Kit/Bomb Kit 2.0. That idea is not very fresh and leaves core power Engineer in the dust, but at this point I'd much rather have one decent if uninspired PvP weapon kit over several equally bad alternatives. In short, in order to make core Engineer at least viable the Engineer elite specialisations, which are pure upgrades over the core class, need to lose some fluff. Making core Engineer the go to PvP/WvW condition build and giving only core Engineer access to a 5th tool belt skill ability might be a start.
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