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Everything posted by monotony.4931

  1. I'd pay for a pre specialisations patch (23.6.2015) PvP experience. If the gameplay, like right now, isn'tvery fun, even an overabundance of rewards or meaningless progression aren't going to do much good.
  2. Stealth should absolutely have had a hefty penalty from the getgo, be it impaired movement, increased damage taken, inability to heal or any combination of either. It still strikes me as ludicrous that as a Holosmith I can stealth up and Rocket Boots in someone's face basically unnoticed and then deliver a devastating attack. Or do the opposite and fully resustain at a safe distance. And that's not even talking about the professions that have better access to stealth, greater burst potential and even higher mobility.
  3. ?If we now start balancing the Warclaw for PvE, we could just keep it there.
  4. I Just want steam roll class gone, when you are at a slight disadvantage against holo he no longer has to play well. Just run at you.CC ? no stab.Burst? no passive.You run? i have more mobility.You fight back? turret healed to full.It leads to scenarios where if you give any lead to holo he just runs at you, facetanks everything you throw at him. And the time it takes you to fight back just gets you killed, no risk for him becouse aylmao turret to full heal stealth and other means. I'm one of those fools that for better or worse still plays core Engineer. I am very used to getting my head bashed in. So I definitely agree with all you say. That said, the nerfs are noticeable. Holosmith is weaker than it used to be. But to be fair you now have to pay more attention. That was at least my impression. And I can guarantee you I do not enjoy either of the Engineer expansion specialisations. Were the latest changes enough? No, definitely not. That's why we're up for a big patch in Q1 next year. This is all I really have to say.
  5. I'm a filthy casual so my opinion has obviously got to go ignored, but I actually never enjoyed playing (the Elixir/Tools variant) Holosmith more. The longer cool down on Photon Wall, the reduced upkeep of Stability and the overall lower sustain and range make me feel like my input and my positioning matter more. Timing and ability management also seem way more important than before. It suddenly feels satisfying to pull it off. That is a nice thing. So even if further nerfs still need to happen we are IMHO finally getting somewhere.
  6. It's the opposite for me. I am looking forward to the things ahead. This is especially true since CMC took over. From years of only downloading the patches and doing the story for nostalgic reasons I went slowly back to playing the occasional unranked PvP match again.
  7. It is extremely broken that occasionally Blow Torch connects with a target. This needs to go now.
  8. I do not want weapon swap in our out of combat, I want a PvP viable ranged weapon Kit.
  9. More than anything else, I'd like to see an increased projectile speed. It feels dreadfully slow at the moment. Like throwing Grenades without Grenadier. Oh, and can we have Backdraft back? ?
  10. Damn you. Now I'm all excited. If this is only half true, I just might play GW2 avidly again. Very much looking forward to this. <3
  11. Being a main core Engineer feels sad since 23.6.2015.
  12. I really hope they have the time, energy, devotion and resources to rework all those overperforming abilities. The game used to be great enough to deserve it.
  13. Current Elixir U doesn't make core Engineer viable. The change brings Holosmith down. That's the priority. I guess it sucks for Scrappers but, hey, collateral damage. ?
  14. Since participation in monthly tournaments dropped to an all-time low, the format has been abandoned. ?
  15. I am disappointed that core Engineer does not see any meaningful updates.
  16. I'd play GW2 classic. Probably even buy it. Any build up to the disastrous 23.6.2015 patch.
  17. Ellesee.8297. A legendary name of the mythical but sadly long forgotten past. The Engineer warrior wannabe specialisations are IMHO a disaster. I personally rate them among the most boring specialisations added to the game. A completely ludicrous addition considering the unique design of the core class, especially the kit gameplay.
  18. Greetings from the core Engineer hell.
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