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Everything posted by monotony.4931

  1. Not really. Decentlly coordinated players always used to chain their CC to force kills. Once they pinned you down it was virtually impossible to get away. Now that CC does not obliterate you anymore it's actually much better. Good CC is followed up by damage. Bad CC isn't. Got to love this patch. <3 Edited a typo.
  2. In the meantime I'm having a great time playing my Berserker - sometimes Demolisher - amulet core Engineer. For the first time in 5 years I can run a build like that. I don't keel over instantaneously when I'm being targeted. With the very limited condition removal I have I can even deal with those "undying" bunkers. Sometimes I need to disengage but that happens against any other build too. Reducing the performance of elite specialisations was the only move. For the second biggest balance patch in the history of GW the result isn't half bad. Of course there were going to be outliers. I did not expect less. And even after those will have been addressed, there is going to be META builds that are better adjusted to the sPvP environment. The way it's going though, non optimised builds are finally not going to be dead weight. That is a win any way you spin it. And that is why I want to see the current trend being followed through. I'm off to enjoying my god mode Berserker amulet condition damage bruiser. ?
  3. Please Arena Net do never ever undo the latest balance patch. Before the 25th WvW was a uninspired slug fest. The damage was so high a random attack could take out a large chunk of an opponent's health. The damage was also too easy to land because your CC also did hit hard and in some occasions made you immune to retaliation (not the boon). All this combined made delivering damage so easy that the game boiled down to executing as fast as possible the most efficient rotation regardless of situation and encounter. That is the very definition of a stale game play.
  4. In before: You forum warriors want to play god mode bruisers! :p
  5. IMHO ruin is the wrong word but I can't help but feel that it is a geniuenly unfun profession to deal with: stealth, high evade uptime, teleportation, very few telegraphs, a resource system that allows multiple use of the same ability. It's basically everything you don't want to deal with (and yes I'm aware not every Thief build can do all of that at once, but the elements are there). That said, there's definitely a place for the profession archetype and even if it isn't my cup of tea I can see the appeal.
  6. Horay for the ooze! Nay for the Rampage ooze. In PvP I actually like Tornado better. Launching people around indiscriminately is just fun.
  7. I hope not. We ain't nearly done nerfing yet. Undoing 5 years of mistakes takes a lot of time.
  8. I completely disagree. CC, setting up and exploiting openers for bursts, resurrecting and supporting allies, stomping, peeling, conserving CDs and dodges, etc. - it all starts to matter again. The times of mindlessly executing the same basic be-all and end-all combos are luckily over and will hopefully never return.
  9. Yes, all the PvP changes should carry over to WvW. As large scale and 1v1 balance are both chimerical, we should settle for what is possible : small scale balance.
  10. This is overwhelming. I'm confused. Much love.<3 <3 <3
  11. Credit where credit is due. This is a different Arena Net. Good job. Keep it up. <3 <3 <3
  12. What is happening to Arena Net? I am confused. Overwhelmed by love. <3 <3 <3
  13. No, do not revert this change at any cost. PvP needs as much as possible a level playing field.
  14. I completely agree with Sunshine.5014.
  15. This. It's also still very useful to setup a burst and for "corpse play" which, thanks to this patch, is actually important again.
  16. Thats wrong. In PvP Engineer is doing better than ever. It hasn't been this useful since 2015. If you mean the wannabe Warrior specialisations that killed the core Engineer game play, then yes, they got lowered in usefulness. Like every other specialisation too.
  17. Right now PvP is the best it's been in years.
  18. Yeah its still weak vs mobile classes. Aoe classes and ones with a lot of burst CC do well against them. The one you are talking about is spectral walk yes When i tested i went with spectral walk wurn and lich because enemies love to stick to you like glue, and getting away is quite tough. I even tried to hug the pillar in order to attempt to get away and avoid the aoes and failed to counter rev. Necro is very very slow( Like guardian i hear) has very few ports and has a couple access to swiftness. They lack invulns evades and the like,so they are forced to take blows. It seems like its quite hard to do a lot of damage outside shroud and or the lich. Just bc they do well against you doesn't mean they do well against necro I'm done talking you trying to antagonize me. I'm trying to prove a point: core necros are fairly slow have 2 evades so sticking to them like glue. Go back to playing guardian mr guardian. Mate, you are legit defending the most broken class in the game rn I mean, the longer people think that core necro is op the more time I have to farm them The way people build/play core necro right now is not that hard to shut down. EXACTLY!! they are weak vs the same amount of stuff. Necro is weak vs the same things mobility and also cc big bursts. There are plenty of classes that are powerful in burst. I saw weaver with fairly decent size bursts revs warriors with rifles also rangers with pets and bow, and also Reapers. Reapers also end core cause they can pull you in and chill you and start smacking you, since they do better in melee range. He's acting as if necro's have no weakness, they got the same exact kind of weaknesses, its just they also got a few st rengths that when combined as well with support become really powerful in 2V2 which shouldn't be even bothered to mentioned as 5v5 is the official. Necros have also always been vulnerable to being overrun. The difference is, necros might be a bit to strong in application of prot and beefiness of shroud. Boi, you are clueless. "Weak to mobility" - what does that even mean? A lack of mobility is not punishable if you can facetank 2 or more enemies on node without even bothering if your team is helping you or not. Then again you have speed thanks to WH 5 and Spectral Walk and even a port (two if you consider Shroud 2) which may not allow you to be everywhere on map but to disengage if you are pressured. Stack builds, ez game. "CC big bursts" - wut? I already wrote a few sentences about it but you did not even picked them up. I don't care about convincing you or whatever but I think it's hilarious how you are trying to defend broken mechanics (broken in context of the state of the game) with buzzwords like mobility or CC. I think this build is too rewarding for the low effort put in, too forgiving for mistakes made, and in some ways insusceptible for opposing plays. In my opinion it is undebatable that some skills, traits, mechanics, and their synergies are in need of an adjustment or even rework. And yes, I still don't see a weakness or 'counter' to the SR/DM bunker build besides mirroring or trying to outrotate it (good luck with pugs or more than one of them in the other team). It's actually disheartening to see all the people going on about how strong core necro is. Yes, it needs adjusting. Mainly lich AA coefficient and fear from death. No, it's not unbeatable. No, it can't 1v2 unless the two are clueless. Yes, CC. will. shut. it down. Don't just spam your CC skills, take advantage of their long cast times and interrupt key skills. Avoid fears if you can help it. Pressure them hard in shroud. Its like since they don't melt in 2 seconds people see them as un-killable. What Zexanima said. Instead of jumping in and blowing all your CDs immediately, use them to counter the Necromancer. CC the channeled shroud skills, interrupt the heal, soft CC the Lich and LoS, use your mobility to disengage, swap targets, etc. Necromancer is undeniably strong but adjusting your own approach goes a long way.
  19. Quoting this for emphasis because it is a 100% accurate. What we have today is way closer to what an ability based game should feel like. CDs, stomping, "corpse play", cleaving, peeling, etc. it all matters again. The game play does not revolve around a basic, unavoidable damage rotation anymore that downs anyone who can't answer in kind. You now have to plan your actions carefully. It feels great. I want more of this.
  20. No. Remove food buffs, PvE items, cap gear at Exotic level of strength and, foremost, adjust the problematic abilities instead. If anything, the latest patch showed that GW's PvP needs less of everything and not more. That is especially true for unremovable status effects.
  21. Nah, reduce the sustain of the problematic specialisations instead.
  22. -500 Power and Condition Damage on Firebrand. They're healers after all :# ;)
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