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Posts posted by Agrippa.1693

  1. 42 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    But, that's the issue. Necromancer's tools are designed for PvP/WvW and suck in PvE.

    The video above just want a powercrept shroud. It's basically suggesting what the devs have been doing for 10 years already. You support this way of "improving" thing and it's fine. I'm pretty sure the devs can continue deliver those kind of tweak for tens of years and still leave the community disappointed.

    Disappointment is human nature. If the Necro gets completely redesigned, people will still be disappointed, maybe they'd be different people, maybe it's always the same (vocal) group ... who knows, I dont't think the devs can ever make everyone happy!


    I actually do think the Reaper is quite nice at the moment, except for one thing .... and that's damage! It just isn't enough at the moment (or ever was imho). So just tweaking numbers would indeed be fine imo.


    48 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    - As it stand, a power reaper does not benefit from a quickness support. Remove the quickness from Reaper's onslaught and increase the AA base attack speed by 25-30%. (It will result in a higher hit rate in group and thus an increase of damage output and at the same time a lower hit rate out of a group which would balance things for solo PvE and competitive modes)

    I agree we could do something with the selfish Quickness, but why the trade-off (as in make it worse in soloplay)??? Is that a Necro (player) thing? It deservers to be buffed! Why not just do that? Just buff it!


    51 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    - The party healer do not know the state of the necromancer's health while he is in shroud. Make some simple UI change by dividing the necromancer's health bar in 2 parallel bars (1 green, 1 red).

    Agreed! That's a good idea!


    52 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    - Reaper still lack damage? Divide decimate defence buff into 0.5% critical chance per vuln stack and 0.5% increased strike damage per vuln stack. (which make 12.5% increase crit chance and strike damage instead of 50% increased crit chance. Even if it look like a huge nerf it would make the trait meta and result in a net increase of reaper's dps at the cost of the loss of survivability granted by the current meta trait soul eater)

    Actually would be a nice idea, indeed, I would go for a crit chance increase of 1% per vuln stack, though! For you could still go with (some) Dragon's gear (i.e. for soloplay) ... not sure about that though, but it is indeed interesting to look at!


    1 hour ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    - Incoming damage kick reaper out of shroud to fast? Have the reaper split incoming damage evenly between LF and health pool and get 50% incoming heal while in shroud. This can be attached to the trait shroud knight.

    Interesting! I'd love to see a change like that, but that's mostly because I like to see changes anyway. But I'm pretty sure there's going to be a lot of people who think otherwise. And I understand them as well: see the beginning of my post, there's nothing wrong with the Reaper atm, except its numbers!

    • Like 2
  2. Imo there's actually a really easy way to decide if you want to do good damage AND have high survivability in OW:

    If you go for Parasitic Contagion go for full Viper.

    If you go for Lingering Curse go for Cele.


    The survivability from Parasitic Contagion is (still) great. But it shines the most the more cDPS you do. Viper is a great choice with that!

    Cele is indeed always a good choice in OW, but synergizes less with Parasitic Contagion than full Viper does. To (somewhat) make up for the lost damage, go for the damage trait: Lingering Curse instead.

  3. On 3/16/2022 at 3:45 PM, Poelala.2830 said:

    Didn’t read but hasn’t necro been a top two choice in all end game content for years? That’s a good thing I think 

    These kind of posts create such a wrong view. It's actually the opposite. Necro has been the top 2 worst choice for I don't know how many years (8 at least) in PvE endgame content. It's only since the Torment change which was 11 may 2021 - so less than a year ago - that the Scourge earned a consistent spot in the top 5 in PvE endgame content, together with Renegade, Firebrand, Druid (still) and Berserker (still). Actually one of the worst classes at the moment (considered by quite a few) has been the most consistently asked-for class in PvE endgame since 2012: The Warrior. (And don't forget the dreaded Ele with it's absolute reign in the early years of the game).

    So if you consider time in the balancing equation, it's only fair that the Necro (and it's specs) takes the crown now, for at least a few more years to come!

    • Like 3
    • Confused 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    I guess after working his kitten since HoT release to make people accept necromancer as a meta pick in PvE Teapot need a new challenge. That said, his logic is probably that 25k full cDPS scourge would still be pretty useful thanks to epi (as epi don't count for the DPS since it only spread the condition). On another hand, it's unrealistic number since he would have to nerf core to drop to this level of cDPS with scourge which would drop the cDPS of all spec and make a 38k DPS harbinger a sweet dream.

    All this logic is based on balancing around epidemic which isn't something that should be done. If the necromancer is carried by epidemic then epidemic need to be changed not the things that are around epidemic.

    37k cDPS scourge is fine, 37k cDPS scourge + epidemic might not be fine, thought.

    Indeed, this is one of the most major problems. But out-of-the-box skills like Epi, but also things like Portal or even Invisibility are concepts that have the tendency to break stuff, and on the other hand are the staples (sometimes even USP's) of this game. They add that extra bit of spice! I can see why they are reluctant to change it too much.

  5. On 9/25/2021 at 5:01 AM, Asum.4960 said:

    Up until recently, at least in PvE, playing Necromancer was grounds for being kicked from groups for "not being a real class". 

    The recent shift in perception about the profession, although the Torment changes have done well for Scourge, mostly comes down to influencer sheep herding. 


    There are plenty builds out there on other professions that can outperform any Necro build in about any aspect, some even all of them combined.


    As for WvW with it's blob fights, Guardians and Necros will always form the core of that gameplay due to stability and corruptions, almost regardless of the actual performance or other capabilities of those professions, as long as they provide primary access to those mechanics. 


    For PvP, what or how you play doesn't really matter if you want to avoid getting called out or flamed, it's going to happen either way with people lashing out to compensate for their own shortcomings - just have to live and let live. 


    If you enjoy Necro, play Necro. For the first time in almost a decade it's in a good place in all gamemodes since the last few months, that's ruffling some feathers - doesn't make it "OP".


    I mean, WvW will probably never really change, cause if boon tactics stay META, which it pretty much has been forever now, Necro will always be an important counter! Unless you take the boon-hate completely away from the Necro, the Necro will always be a valuable asset in your squad!

    There's obviously also the other way that you could look at this, and that's making boons less important ... but that seems to be a blasphemy view.


    PvP is interesting, because if you look at it from a time perspective, it might actually be the most balanced gamemode of GW2. Every class had it's time to shine at some stage. So did and does Necro, just like all the other classes.

    The biggest issue here imo is really how the Necro is looked at. Now imagine a real-life situation where there's a job opportunity/promotion in which you are highly interested in. And there's 2 more people that are interested in this opportunity: Person A & B.

    Now person A is someone who is incredibly motivated to get into this position, has real good credentials/skills/etc. and in general is just really good at doing his/her (upcoming) job, and will give his/her best to improve him/herself in order to get into that new position.

    Person B is not that good at his/her (upcoming) job (and knows this), but is really good at bringing you personally in a disadvantage. Person B also wants that job, and will do everything in his/her power to make it virtually impossible for you (and person A) to get that job, so he/she has a far better chance to be the winner in the end.

    Now, who would you hate the most???

    Spoiler alert: Person B is the Necro (in PvP at least) 🙂


    In PvE (or at least the endgame) the Necro (and it's specializations) have literally been the worst class that you could pick. And it held this infamous position (absolute bottom of the pack) for 90% of GW2's lifetime (since 2012). Only as of recently, Scourge is actually in a good spot now, mostly because of the torment and Soul Barbs change (May 11, 2021).

    So anyone who looks dirty at the Necro in PvE (endgame) should really first get a history lesson!


  6. 2 hours ago, reddie.5861 said:

    just wanted to say, people all seem to complain how power is lower.

    imagine if u have reaper for dealing raw power dmg?
    why new elites need to put old elites in shadows? deal with it x Elite shines at this Y elite shines at that

    Well it's easy, if u want people to use the new Harbinger power traits at all, it needs to be better, otherwise you would go for Reaper, which has much more survivability. OR, ANet could just redesign the upper-trait line completely ...

  7. After a lot of testing and benchmarking, I come up with the following regarding the Harbinger:

    The GOOD:

    • First and foremost, the design is great, it's filling that much desired role in which the Necro has always been the worst at, pretty much since launch back in 2012. It could (with the right numbers) be the absolute condi king in endgame content, which this class was always deprived off, and so much deserved to be. Obviously the punishing blight element is key here, cause being able to diss out so much DPS without a trade-off, was imo the main reason why Necro was always benching around that dreaded bottom-place, which we Necro players were always quite familiar with.
    • Next to sheer (condi) DPS, it's also filling other much needed gaps like: mobility and even boonshare! Especially on the boonshare, it really looks like this spec is catered to PvE endgame content (like raids, t4 fractals, strikes, etc.)! Again, the one place, where Necro was well famous for underperforming most of its career (since 2012).
    • Blight might not be that great in other content like Open World or PvP/WvW. Which is fine, cause it's not like the other Necro specs are really underperforming in those areas. Also, boonshare could still be a good option in PvP/WvW.
    • Playstyle is a lot different from what we were used to with the other Necro specs. Much more active and fast paced. Again, exactly what the Necro was missing.
    • Survivability! Normally people would put this in the "BAD" section, but I like it! It's a trade-off, you're not supposed to have great DPS and/or utility without a trade-off. And blight ... hampering your survivability a LOT, is actually one of the better designed ones, so far. Thanks ANet.
    • Some don't like it, but I actually do like the simplicity of the trait design. Yes, they feel a bit lacklustre in design, but sometimes simplicity isn't a bad thing. KISS!
    • (Condi) DPS Benchmark!!!! Wow, it literally tops the chart atm with something like 45k DPS at kitty ... Yay, finally a top DPS, which as a first time is actually NOT a bug 🙂. Please ANet ... Pretty PLEASE, keep it there! After so many years being the very bottom of the barrel, they now deserve that first spot ... at least for a while!


    The BAD:

    • POWER DPS .... You have a full traitline dedicated to power DPS augmentation and it's turning out to be terrible. Absolutely no-one will use the upper traitline with numbers and results like that! Reaper is in every regard a better choice ... so is every other Power DPS class, btw. And they all have much better survivability.
    • Elixers are a bit underwhelming at the moment. Maybe because the traits are already simple in design, you don't want to have the utility skills be simple in design as well? And it's definitely very simple in design. Boons, stunbreak, condicleanse ... that's it. Imo ANet should add some more spice to it. Maybe adding some damage to it, or condi's, or maybe combo fields/finishers. And definitely longer durations of the boons. It's kinda low on boon duration at the moment imo. I myself actually only took them along for the added blight.
    • It's a bit of a more mobile spec, but doesn't seem to have that many "avoidance" options available. Yes it has an evade skill now, and it has that one trait (in the terrible upper trait line) that offers stability, but it's still missing blocks, invulns and other real good "avoidance" stuff. I know it's not really supposed to be catered to PvP and WvW where "avoidance" is really important, but also in PvE it's important to have some, and thus remains the ONE big gap in the Necro's arsenal. Whereas many other gaps (like high dps benchmarks, mobility and boonshare) have now been closed with the Harbinger.


    The UGLY:

    • Elixer skill icons ...
    • Why the pirate-hat 😄
    • Like 2
  8. Wow, I really like what I see, and it almost sounds like it's exactly giving that what I've been asking for, for a long time now.

    It almost looks like a more mobileglassypure cDPS spec with some self-inflicting/punishing mechanism. In other words, not the easiest to play class anymore, but in the right hands absolutely devastating. 


    The only thing I don't get is that it looks like a condi dps spec. Scourge is finally setting some good condi benchmarks now, could it receive the nerf-hammer?

  9. 12 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:


    The video your linking isn't a beginner. 


    it's a dude stacking a ton of effects from potions and mount buffs to absorb the first 90% of the fights damage


    Also the fact he was maintaining buffs 100% and executed his burst perfectly proves that wasn't a poor example of a rotation either. 


    You have a warped idea of what a beginner is. Because


    If you have to know what set to wear, it's not beginner friendly

    if you need knowledge of mount buffs and more it's not beginner friendly


    Beginner friendly means a dude with 0 research and brand new to the game it's combat mechanics and doesn't understand how things work


    A beginner doesn't know trailblazer. A beginner won't know how to utilise runes. It wont know where to find builds. And it won't know how to use any of the effects shown in that video.


    11 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    An experienced player soloing one specific champ is not proof ele is an easy OW class, especially for new players. If ele has a beginner friendly option, then it's one of the LEAST beginner friendly options of all the classes. 


    I think here lies the real problem, not if some class is or isn't beginner friendly, but what we see as beginners.

    I hope we both (in the sake of OP's question) aren't talking about first timers that still have to level to 80. Because well, if that's the goal (level 80) and want to reach that as easily as possible, there's only one real profession, and that's warrior. It has the highest innate armor rating AND health pool, and especially that first part is incredibly valuable in the beginning of the game where you probably don't even know what that small yellow bar is above your health globe and you don't get that many DoT's against you yet.

    I hope we're both actually talking about beginners beyond that! 

    And then we're getting both on a different page here.


    You see, I see beginners (in the beyond 80 stage) as people that don't know how to dodge at the right moment, people that can't yet tell telegraphed signs from their opponents/monsters, people that facetank most of the damage and don't do much about positioning or don't even know how to do ranged in the first place (just stand there in the thick of things).


    On the other hand, I don't see any reason for a beyond level 80 beginner to not know what their skills do: it's not such a big time investment to actually read your traits/skills and maybe visit a website like metabattle.com, discretize.eu, etc. or even the forums. I see a lazy person (which a lot of gamers are, nothing wrong with that, btw) but not necessarily a beginner! I know veterans that still don't know what their skills/traits do!!!

    Hell, it's not even that difficult to learn rotations. Mostly half an hour on a golem is enough (to at least get the rythm of it, which is all you need as a beginner). 

    So again, IMO, difficulty of rotations, etc. is not something that makes a class beginner friendly or not. It makes a player lazy if they don't want to invest half an hour of their time into it, but not necessarily a beginner (again beyond level 80). Btw, I'm not judging here, I know a lot of players that don't want to practise rotations, it just mostly takes them longer to complete stuff! If they still enjoy the game that way, who am I to judge.


    Now back to what I see as something a beginner (beyond level 80) cannot do, is mostly about knowing your surroundings/enemies/mechanics and avoiding the damage you could take from them. And if you look at that video, it's especially the things this guy is NOT doing (and is even proud of it: not dodging ones even)! 


    Ow and things like using skill 1 on your Jackal, considering as not beginning friendly ... well, I can then only say we're in a complete different ballpark as what you think is beginner friendly and what I think is.


    I will throw you a bone though, Trailblazer is indeed something you get only when you play the game for more than just a while. But like @Konrad Curze.5130 was stating already, Celestial is probably superior now anyway, so beginners can always go for that now!


    *edit: @Obtena.7952 and @Daddy.8125, it sounds like I'm saying you're wrong when I read it back, but I'm not trying to say that, btw. It's just a difference of opinion on how we see beginners.

    It shows how subjective terms like easy and beginner-friendly are!

  10. Have you clicked this link ... I mean if that's not easy ... then, what is??? The guy isnt even dodging ... doesn't do a perfect rotation and is just facetanking most of the dmg ... and this is before the Elements of Rage buff ... and btw Avatar of Balthazar is considered to be hard content by most players, let alone beginners.


    Really, people can complain all they like about the difficulty of classes, but when it comes to open world: EVERY single class has their beginner friendly options available!

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  11. 17 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:

    Think I did the entire game in soldiers with my ele to begin with. 


    I boosted my ele as my first character and that gives exotic soldiers which isn't bad. But yeah basically. I think the closest a new player will get to trailblazer is prolly celestial. Which is still decent for a solo ele build. Until they get a full set of bladed armour from HoT content. But by the time u have a full set of that you will have finished HoT. Lol



    My point was never elementalist can't do open world content. I argued against trailblazer ele being the easiest option to solo content with. And provided context to why. 

    I never said it was the absolute easiest option (which is subjective btw, but hey), I said that also Ele's have their faceroll builds when it comes to open world ... just like every other class. Don't forget, open world is generally easy! It's supposed to be, it's the design of the game. Except for maybe soloing HoT champions (which Trailblazer Ele happens to be really good at, btw), most of the content in open world is really beginner friendly, with all classes!!! As long as you know how to play them: which you can actually learn by reading your skills and traits (first of all), know which ones are important (rotations), and then have some practice with it (there's a whole open world for you to do that 🙂). And it really helps if you (as a beginner) don't dive into full Berserker or Viper gear straight away (with the exception of Reaper and to a somewhat lesser extend: Warrior, cause you're capped in DPS, so if you don't want to be useless, going full DPS as in: Berserker gear is the only option).


    @Daddy.8125: I know all Ele mains are really (b***)hurt right now, and I agree they're not in a very good state right now, but this has nothing to de with open world! I actually have the opinion that ANet should not ever balance towards open world, they should balance to the PvE endgame, PvP and WvW.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:


    Im sorry ur statements are incorrect.


    Elementalist Doesnt do more DPS THen other options, this sounds like u've read this off benchmarks. instead of raid averages, if u notice half of eles Benchmarks are done on large hitboxs.. which wildly increases the Damage results because it allows AoEs to get more ticks in but completely irrelevent to a actual Fight.


    Elementalist in Realistic Situations actually does Less DPS then ALOT of options.


    Trailblazers Doesnt make Ele "Easier" when every other class can do the same thing, it still has lowest Defense avaliable.. and even in trailblazers its still sitting with roughly 16k HP..Ele will still require u to use alot of its Active Defense through its rotations to survive.. trailblazer makes every class "Easier". but when u drop the difficulty across the board.. Nothing Becomes "Easier" Comparing them together.


    theres a Reason why when u read tons of topics on Ele.. u see people rerolling from it.. and calling the proffession bad and its not because these players are successful with the class.. trying to say "elementalist is as good as a Necro in open world".. sounds like ur trying to pull the best solo option of ele v the worst build possible of Necro.


    Ele has 4 attunements it'll cycle.. Necro presses 1 button for a second life bar.


    trying to imply that elementalist is Super easy and friendly and someone should go roll one to solo HoT Hero points and champion mobs with... is information that'll likely drive the person to quitting the game. because its simply untrue. because  ur litterally throwing them into the deep end where the effort will be 20 fold.


    Elementalist is never gonna "Faceroll content", im a New player on ele as a first character.. i've totalled over 3000 Deaths and i havent even played long.. because the quantity of times fat fingering the wrong attunement or being too slow reacting to something hasnt Mauled me to death.


    While my Necromancer.. has like 4 deaths and has done all stories too.


    and the funniest thing was i did my necro with Full DPS Raid build.. while i used bulked the Ele out MASSIVELY.. and it'd still felt like my necro was light years ahead.


    this post feels like more of a bitter attack towards the notion that elementalist maybe considered to be harder to play then other Options in the game then anything. these armours are avaliable to everyone. not just ele.. and telling the ele to halve their DPS for the sake of survivability.. something alot of options dont have to do.. seems mental to me.


    go do 36k DPS on ur Scourge in fullDPS WIth 0 survivability issues and Huge Barriers.

    or go lower ur 38k Weaver to 18k DPS to Triple ur survivability.. and still be considered worse


    It rly sounds even here, classes are better the nothers at some content.. samer goes for Raids, same for fractals, same for PvP.. Open world soloing isnt eles strength. not saying it dobnt have any but that aint one of em

    I just have to disagree with you.

    You're playing the (Trailblazer) Ele wrong then. I recommend the Tempest, cause in my experience they tend to be a bit easier. Although Weaver, once you know the rhythm of the rotation you'll be amazed how much AoE damage you can do in open world. And the best thing about it is, which a LOT of people don't even know but is statistically proven when gw2raidar was still a thing: the condi Weaver actually has quite a forgiving rotation! Sure there are some key skills (like Weave Self), but missing a beat is not that punishing like say: "the Necro using that 1 button as a second life bar" which will plummet its already lowest DPS output.


    But back to the topic at hand. Although I have quite some experience in raiding with all classes, cause well ... my main has never actually been really welcome in raids in the first place, so you'll start to learn other professions really well!!!

    I think the OP wants to know about open world and beginner friendly classes. And the only real answer is this: all classes have their builds (especially if you're open to different stat combinations than the ones set in stone) that shine in open world ... EVEN Eles!


    Just have a look at this page:


    It's not a coincidence that Ele has the most 5-star rated builds on this page!

  13. On 6/13/2021 at 6:51 AM, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

    The only profession I wouldn't recommend for new players solo is elementalist.  That's the only one that's actually hard to play.  I mean, it's fun, but it is also hard.

    Stigma's are hard to get rid of, but full Trailblaizer gear says hi! It doesn't get much easier in open world with a full Trailblazer Ele (doesn't matter which spec, it's all faceroll!).


    For some kind of reason, people only think there's only 2 stat combinations in this game: Berserker and Viper, but open your eyes: Trailblazer and Marauder (and such) are really good alternatives for the so called "difficult classes" out there. It's not for nothing that their max damage cap is significantly higher compared to the so called "beginner friendly" classes!

    Which actually makes every single class beginner friendly. You just have to think out of the box!


    My 2 cents, though: Marauder Daredevil (or any Thief for that matter) with Invigorating Precision. You heal crazy amounts pretty much every time you do damage (cause Marauder gear gives you the extra precision which synergizes really well with Invigorating Precision) and still do a LOT of damage! And the extra vitality from Marauder is so you hardly ever get one-shotted! And oh yeah: mobility ... it's a breeze! (compared to the Necro you were getting tired of)




  14. I see quite a lot of people that are probably not REAL Necro players!
    Marauder is a good choice for pretty much every other profession out there (especially in open world), but Reaper is the one big exception to that rule! Reaper should have enough Precision to maximize its critical chance to 100% quite easily (in many occasions (especially in Fractals, for instance)). And everything above 100% is useless!!

    Furthermore, Reaper has the lowest (power) damage cap compared to all other professions. That's why other professions are pretty much "allowed" to go a bit more for defence (with Marauder gear) compared to a Reaper. A Reaper is "supposed" to go full Berserker for a reason! Anyway, you can always put "training wheels" on if you really want to be a bit more defensive, but I would then go for Valkyrie, and definitely NOT Marauder. But again, it would be a good idea to eventually throw these "training wheels" off!!


    Btw: it's obviously quite negligible, but there's always the option to go for 'Berserker+Valkyrie' stat on Trinkets. You get a tiny bit of Vitality in return for a tiny bit of Precision (which is again, not really needed for the Reaper). It might help a little bit for you!

    • Like 1
  15. Hmm, to make it even worse, it's not even consistent!

    I tried it about 100 times (using the reset skills mechanism midfight)

    Around 80% of the time I end up with 5 stacks of bleeding om me, but the other 20% I ended up with the single stack of poison still on me. I tried different timings (sometimes with big gaps between them), with or without quickness, but I don't see any clear consistencies there, except that Torment was always transferred (for me, at least). So real randomness, is also NOT the case! Pfff

  16. As far as I know, it's actually quite complex.

    I think you have to press F5 (shroud) precisely in the aftercast of the 2nd BiP. Then and only then you get the right 2 condi's to transfer (Torment and Bleed). 

    I haven't tested it yet, but if you pause the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zW9vqxZnp_w video at the exact right timing around 5 3/4th of a second, you see F5 is already in recharge, whereas BiP isnt yet, and it still transfers the right conditions.


    The reason behind it, I don't really know, but I guess it has to do something with the fact that Plague Sending works on your first attack (or first strike damage), whereas it can already be activated beforehand ... But again, not entirely sure how it exactly works though


  17. I always thought the next e-spec would be the absolute Condi King the Necro so much deserves and was expected to be by many people, but never really was!

    But, this last patch did buff the Necro (especially Scourge) quite a lot in that matter, so I'm a bit confused now what's going to be next?!?

    - Maybe a vampire theme where you deal a LOT of damage, but it comes with a (significant) cost.

    - Maybe a real Minion Master, where minions are baked into the espec (like Dadnir is also mentioning).

    - Maybe a completely new playstyle experience, like a Wraith where you control your material self, but also your ghostly self. (How... I don't know, but not comparable to a pet or illusion/clone, but really a 2nd necromancer with different skills!)

  18. Hmmm, I'm actually really excited about these changes. I guess condi builds are going to be (more of) a thing in the PvE endgame, again!! Which is really nice. Also: Necro (probably Scourge the most), who was wildly underperforming (especially) in condi dmg in the PvE endgame will definitely get a major boost by these changes!


    What I do wonder now though: is how the new elite spec will pan out then. I really thought it HAD to become a condi king, for we didnt have one, so far (sure: Scourge is/was nice, but mostly support, and when taken for condi, pretty much outshined by all other professions).

  19. @Obtena.7952 said:

    @Obtena.7952 said:See, this is where you have to understand that what sets GW2 from it's peers is that relative to THOSE game, the threshold is low.Except it isn't. Those other games with content tuned-up higher (relatively) than in gw2? Those are also games where balance of impact between skill and gear is shifted massively away from skill compared to gw2.

    OK ... I'm not debating how skill and gear interact here compared to other games. GW2 allows players to choose from a wide range of builds that they can be successful with. Many other MMO's don't. Success threshold is low and this is why you can take "
    40% less DPS
    " builds and win. If you did that in other games, you would be crushed.

    This is just not true! Have you played any other MMO's?Just like in GW2, when you hit endgame content in pretty much any other MMO, you have a very wide range of viable builds available! Not to mention the fact, that pretty much every MMO has some sort of a carry option/buying success option out there, so if you look at it from that point of view, you can be successful with literally anything / any build in any MMO! So, the argument of being able to be successful in GW2 (or any other game for that matter) is a non argument.

    Optimal or near optimal builds on the other hand: I don't know if there's any other game out there that's worse than GW2 at the moment, or if that's possible, even! I mean: GW2 has only a handful (near) optimal builds in the endgame (not even 1 in every single class!), whereas, I don't know any other MMO out there that has at least twice the amount of that, or far more common, around 10x the amount of very close to optimal builds available.

    Btw: I think I see where you might be confused: builds are something different than for instance a character level or gear level, or gated content. That has nothing to do with builds. As far as I know, you have to be level 80 to get into raids in GW2 as well. It's just gated like that! But once you hit that (gear) level and can open that gate in any MMO, builds are going to matter, and really, you would be surprised how many viable builds there are in any MMO, just like there is in GW2.

    So again, we can talk a lot about the viability of builds on these forums (i.e. can you be successful with a build, or not), but it's just talking about the weather, it doesn't get you anywhere and is only mildly interesting to talk about, imo. (near) Optimal builds, on the other hand, is a very painful topic here in GW2!

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