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Alize.4756's Achievements

  1. Shut the front door, really?? TIL! I hate that stupid heart lol
  2. It's utter bs that we will lose a function on our legendary runes and will have to craft another legendary item to get the functionally back. IDGAF if it means I'm further in whatever achievement crafting hoopla for this new relic because I have 7 runes today. I shouldn't have to craft another item to regain the functionality.
  3. What happens if the KDR also tied? It can happen and I think it actually did last week if I remember what I saw right before reset on Friday lol
  4. They did play though, queued maps all week unlike prior weeks, so anet is still drunk AF
  5. I have no idea how SoR is still showing medium, we just had 3 guilds transfer in last weekend lol
  6. Good riddance DragonBrand I will not miss you a single iota!
  7. Seriously, what the f anet. SoR and DB are currently linked and at the bottom of T4 so you link us AGAIN? Thanks for another crap 2 months of WvW jagoffs.
  8. No, I just know how to play my class well and tag a lot because of it.
  9. Tonight my guild was playing on Sanctum of Rall borderlands when two people from the opposing team kept forcing themselves into our squad. Our squad was private and set to not allow anyone to join. We dropped squad, had someone else start squad privately, with the same closed settings, and they forced themselves in again. This happened multiple times, to the point we had to drop squad completely for a bit. Never at any point did the commander get asked if the people could join, they just showed up in closed squad without being invited. I reported one of them under the spam option, we really need a text box in game to explain why we're reporting someone.
  10. Welp, now i don't crash every 5-10 more like every 20ish...
  11. I've crashed 3 times. First was when my catalyst was loading LA. 2nd was catalyst in LA on turtle, 3rd was on a non beta toon in Armistice. A new build was recently released, maybe it fixed it, maybe it didn't. I'll know in a few minutes here LOL! I am running DX11 so IDK if that's coming into play.
  12. If I were to make a slumbering conflux into conflux, already having a conflux, would they both go into the armory?
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