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Posts posted by SehferViega.8725

  1. @Cal Cohen.2358



    • Staggering Blow: Reduced power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.01
    • Backbreaker: Reduced power coefficient from 1.5 to 0.01
    • Earthshaker: Reduced power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.01

    Hammer CC skills should keep their power coefficient, at least they should not be able to critically hit.


    • Shield Bash: Reduced power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.01

    Shield Bash is a CC, but it should at least hit for 0,7-1k.


    • To the Limit: Reduced base heal from 9100 to 7735

    This reduction is not enough: around 6500 should be better, considering Vigorous Shouts trait.



    • True Shot: Reduced power coefficient from 2.0 to 1.91. Increased cooldown from 6 seconds to 8 seconds

    True Shot will still be able to hit for around 9k. Too much, reduce the power coefficient more.



    • Surge of the Mists: Reduced power coefficient per strike from 0.18 to 0.001

    The actual total power coefficient (3,24) is really too much, but 0,001 is ridiculous considering that is the most important damage skill with Staff.PvP total power coefficient (1,62) will be perfect. You can remove the Knockback, considering that this skill is also an evade, but keep the skill damage.



    • Pulmonary Impact (from Impacting Disruption): Reduced power coefficient from 2.0 to 0.75

    This trait damage as just been nerfed time ago, the actual damage is pretty fair considering that PI cannot critically hit. Revert this change.


    Reaper Shroud

    • Infusing Terror: Reduced stability duration from 6 seconds to 3 seconds
    • Executioner's Scythe: Reduced power coefficients from 2.0/2.6/3.2 to 0.01/0.015/0.02 (Above 50%/Below 50%/Below 25%). Increased stun duration from 1.5 seconds to 2.5 seconds

    Infusing Terror: revert this change. Reaper is really easy to interrupt, it needs stability or Reaper will never be able to uso is skills while in Reaper Shroud.Executioner's Scythe: remove the stun that is quite useless but keep the damage (tone down the damage, BUT this skill MUST make damage)!!


    Rock Gazelle

    • Charge: Reduced power coefficient from 1.1 to 0.825

    Rock Gazelle's Charge power coefficient need the be toned down more.


    • Troll Unguent: Increased cooldown from 25 seconds to 30 seconds

    This Healing skill is OP right now with High power damage. If you tone down the damage, you can't only increase cooldown by 5 seconds: it's nothing!!Reduce Duration from 8 seconds to 6 seconds will be fine.

  2. @Cal Cohen.2358 said:



    • Staggering Blow: Reduced power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.01
    • Backbreaker: Reduced power coefficient from 1.5 to 0.01
    • Earthshaker: Reduced power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.01

    Hammer CC skills should keep their power coefficient, at least they should not be able to critically hit.


    • Shield Bash: Reduced power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.01

    Shield Bash is a CC, but it should at least hit for 0,7-1k.


    • To the Limit: Reduced base heal from 9100 to 7735

    This reduction is not enough: around 6500 should be better, considering Vigorous Shouts trait.



    • True Shot: Reduced power coefficient from 2.0 to 1.91. Increased cooldown from 6 seconds to 8 seconds

    True Shot will still be able to hit for around 9k. Too much, reduce the power coefficient more.



    • Surge of the Mists: Reduced power coefficient per strike from 0.18 to 0.001

    The actual total power coefficient (3,24) is really too much, but 0,001 is ridiculous considering that is the most important damage skill with Staff.PvP total power coefficient (1,62) will be perfect. You can remove the Knockback, considering that this skill is also an evade, but keep the skill damage.



    • Pulmonary Impact (from Impacting Disruption): Reduced power coefficient from 2.0 to 0.75

    This trait damage as just been nerfed time ago, the actual damage is pretty fair considering that PI cannot critically hit. Revert this change.


    Reaper Shroud

    • Infusing Terror: Reduced stability duration from 6 seconds to 3 seconds
    • Executioner's Scythe: Reduced power coefficients from 2.0/2.6/3.2 to 0.01/0.015/0.02 (Above 50%/Below 50%/Below 25%). Increased stun duration from 1.5 seconds to 2.5 seconds

    Infusing Terror: revert this change. Reaper is really easy to interrupt, it needs stability or Reaper will never be able to uso is skills while in Reaper Shroud.Executioner's Scythe: remove the stun that is quite useless but keep the damage (tone down the damage, BUT this skill MUST make damage)!!


    Rock Gazelle

    • Charge: Reduced power coefficient from 1.1 to 0.825

    Rock Gazelle's Charge power coefficient need the be toned down more.


    • Troll Unguent: Increased cooldown from 25 seconds to 30 seconds

    This Healing skill is OP right now with High power damage. If you tone down the damage, you can't only increase cooldown by 5 seconds: it's nothing!!Reduce Duration from 8 seconds to 6 seconds will be fine.

  3. @"Cal Cohen.2358" said:Hi Everyone,

    General balance concernsWe’ve read all the feedback and seen the concerns about future metas and the viability of certain professions and specializations after the update. After the patch goes out, we’ll be continuing to iterate as we gather more data and feedback based on actual gameplay. We’re prepared to act quickly in response to anything egregious that pops up, whether it’s an individual build greatly overperforming or a heavy skew of the meta in any particular fashion (unkillable tanks, dominant condition builds pushing out any power builds, etc). Once any major wrinkles are ironed out, we’ll settle back into the faster cadence that we mentioned previously as we work toward improving balance across the board.

    There’s still a lot of work to do, but this update should give us a good starting point to build from and we’re excited to see where things go.-The Systems Team

    Revert Pulmonary Impact (from Impacting Disruption) chnages please!


  4. @KrHome.1920 said:PI procs on an interrupt and can be spammed and stacked. This adds a ton more of utility to the damage. On top of that it is only a trait. And damage inflicting traits are nerfed for all classes to promote active and versatile gameplay (spamming headshots and benefit from that is the opposite of the latter).

    PI need a skill to be interrupted: at least you can stack two (cause initiative cost and of course the necessary condition to interrupt an enemy skill).Spamming Headshot is not a good thing, every decent thief know that, but maybe you're not a thief player.PI is not passive: is an additional effect to an active skill/action (Chill of Death is instead passive: autocast a skill when you hit someone with less then 50% life).Kill entire trait line don't promote versatile gameplay.

    0.75 is even pretty high compared to other classes. For example chill of death (a major master like PI) is nerfed from 1.2 to 0.1 and so basically left with just being a boonstrip every 20 seconds at a specific threshold.

    0,75 means that PI will hit for circa 200-800 in WvW.. in pvp his damage will be lower: who the hell will spend 4 initiative to make 400 damage or less?Chill of Death is a boonremover trait that inflicts Chill and is also a passive trait, PI is only a pure damage trait.

    Killing PI will force no staff Daredevil Thieves to play only Havoc Specialist that is a no sense passive mechanic to increase damage.

    @"RedShark.9548" said:Keep in mind that stability is also going to be nerfed, you will have much more windows in which you can interrupt ppl now.

    StabilityThe biggest point of feedback that we’ve seen on the WvW side of things is the concern about longer cooldowns on stability skills and the effect it will have on large scale engagements. Based on that feedback, we won’t be applying most of these changes in WvW for the initial update. Stability is still something that we want to keep an eye on, but we want to see how everything adjusts before making larger changes to these skills.


    So Stability is not going to be nerfed heavily.

    "Having much window" is not a great advantage cause

    1. Interrupting an enemy always has a cost: initiative if you use Headshot, utilitis if you use Distracting Daggers or Reflexive Strike or Impact Strike.. or your Swipe. So have more windows doesn't necessarily mean more interrupt.
    2. Thief can easily rip/remove stability, so we can create ourself the "windows".
  5. @Yasai.3549 said:Instead of totally removing the player from sight, they become transparent instead.

    They will be untargetable and their player name and tag won't show, but faint silhouettes will be there when the stealthed player moves.

    Yeah, so all the AoE spam classes will be able to hit every single invisible player.

    Will this make Stealth less oppressive?

    Permastealth is not a good thing. But some seconds of invisibility does not create problems, if you know how to play and counter it.. Get better and stop to complain.

  6. @Yasai.3549 said:As someone who HAS complained about PI, YAY!

    PI can hit for upwards of 2k damage on someone, that's kinda crazy damage considering yu can spam Headshot just to proc it.

    First thing: PI hits >2000 only against full berserker Elementalist and Reaper. Against Berserker/Marauder thieves you hit around 1700-1900.Against a boonbeast soulbeast it hits for 500-600..

    Second: you can't spam Headshot cause initiative cost. If you are a good thief, you will use it only when necessary. Spam Headshot is self-defeating. You can only spam it when your target has really low life. (and you need to interrupt enemy skill.. that is little different from spamming pistol 4 B) ).

    Third: how could you say 2000 is a crazy damage, when the game is full of skills that hit for 10k-20k?

    Last thing: Pulmonary Impact require skill and timing If you don't want to waste all your initiative and gain nothing. It is a better mechanic then pass your time in stealth and land a single backstab or spam your dodge-vault.

  7. @"Cal Cohen.2358" said:



    • Pulmonary Impact (from Impacting Disruption): Reduced power coefficient from 2.0 to 0.75

    Please, delete this change: nobody complains about PI.

    Pulmonary Impact damage has been nerfed with 2018-03-27 balance patch. Now It hits for 600-2000 and you can't really say it actually need a new tone down of his power coefficient.

    This change would put an end to Impacting Disruption that is one of the distinctive traits of Daredevil (with the possibility to use Staff and the Dodge mechanics).

    Daredevil, 3114 power - Scholar runes, PI damage examples:https://imgur.com/a/TjY7ufr

  8. @Gondolph.7201 said:currently there is a increasing use of thieves in WvW. The tactics is usually the following: 3 thieves are in the (enemies) castle. We tried as a zerg to kill them, but you need approx. 20 min sometimes tro get 2 of them. The stealth disruption trap is almost useless now, since the death-eye is visible for approx. 2-3 sec now. They are almost permanent invisible anyway.So if the zerg does not want to run for hours behind phantoms, the leader finally decides to ignore thieves. and go for fights then. 10 minutes later the castle is fallen. Half of the game mechanics renders obsolete, there is no point anymore in nurturing castles to higher levels, unless the full zerg remains in it.

    that is no fun anymore.

    Permastealth is a broken mechanics.IMHO they should cap at 6 seconds the time you can stay invisible: if you exceed the 6 seconds limit you will get revealed for 4 seconds (so you can not permastealth and 2-3 thieves can no more stack stealth each others).Remove the Detected! effect after marked and rework Shadow Refuge (increasing the healing per pulse for example as trade-off to the loss of invisibility).

  9. @lodjur.1284 said:

    There's no variety now. These changes do so much to increase variet.

    Transform entire specializations into something useless by killing all their traits, increase some cooldown to an ammount of time (5 minutes) that makes the skill/trait useless, kill some spec like Reaper. And you call this increase variety?

    As for zerging, how much variety can there really be to following a tag and pressing 1?

    Kill the damage of half of the skills, now they really need to only press 1-2 keys following a tag.

    This patch overall seems amazing, mobility is going down, invulnerabilities are going down, burst is going down. All of the things that have enabled this toxic meta. WvW participation will go way up.

    Yeah.. now noob player will be able to safely farm their Gift of Battle and Karma without being oneshotted and every noob will try finally WvW!!

  10. @lodjur.1284 said:Nah roaming is gonna be much better imo. High burst, high mobility and high evade uptime is always gonna favor the larger group so winning outnumbered fights will more often be possible now. (this is from a 2-4 group size perspective which often counts as roaming)

    As for solo, I think it's gonna be much better too as a slower TTK generally favors the better player. In addition to that so much time when roaming is spent just hoping to find someone to fight, so that fight taking a bit longer means you spend more time fighting compared to just running around.

    Please explain me how lower damage and higher cooldowns on breackstun and healing will help a solo roamer against a group of 2-4 players.

    Larger group are made by profession that usually doesn't have high mobility and high evade, the only problem with current meta are mounts that allow 50 players squad to move around as fast as a thief.Lower evade, lower mobility, less breakstun: again tell me how this will help outnumbered fights. All these changes only help noob players: less damage, then less you will pay for your mistakes, that's the only true.Again:1) higher cooldowns = less keys you have to press..2) lower damage = less attacks you have to dodge.3) More initiative cost (for thieves) = less skill diversity.. you will only spam THE skill that makes damage.All these mean less skills needed to play.

    Player's Skills made fights last longer, a fight that last for 20 minutes cause nobody is able to kill the opponent is neither fun: this already happens today in some fights.. with this patch it will be the norm.

  11. I use to solo roaming with my thief..Dagger/Pistol Daredevil will be impossible to play..Sword/Dagger core thief.. same cause all the heavy nerf to AcrobaticsStaff.. well, we will lose the Acrobatics built that is the best..All my favourite build on my fav class will be nuked down in a sigle patch. What will I play? Shadow Arts (untouched) builds?

    How it will suppose a thief will face multiple enemy? And not only a Thief, everyone!..This patch goes in the direction: Damage reduction + Breakstun cooldown increase + lower sustain/healing.. So you will need more time to kill a single player and you will have less opportunity to breaakstun or heal yourself..Now consider a normal solo roaming situation: a 1vs3 in order to capture a camp.. Now If you are a good player and your enemies are average players, you can win the fight.With new patch you will need more time to kill an enemy, if they are 3, well, they could daze/stun you easily. If the fight last too much, the first player you will have killed, will have the time to come back.. camp sentinel will respawn, ect..

    IMHO this patch was born thinking only about Zergs.. Solo roaming players will get only disadvantages.Considering that in Guild Wars 2 the only way to have some 1vs1 against other players is solo roaming ad duells this is a true shame.

  12. @Jugglemonkey.8741 said:PI also, they'd be better off reworking that trait entirely now as others have said. Again though, that's looking at damage numbers as they stand today; PI might be fine in the new meta.

    I use to play D/P Daredevil: with my 3114 Power, PI hits for 600-1950 based on enemy toughness (something that is pretty fair). Reduce the power coefficient by 266% will completly kill this trait: interrupt an enemy means spend initiative or use Swipe and require skills and timing.. I can't really understand this change.

    Also kill Acrobatis trait line seems something that has really no sense. How thief will be supposed to face multiple enemies? Only with stealth?

    Based on these changes, best build will be Trickery+Shadow Arts + Deadeye.. Now 1 malicous Backstab can hit 13k without Assassin's Signet, with 33% damage reduction it still will be a good way to kill enemies. And a Permastealth DE will be quite impossible to be killed, with all these damage reductions + (Flickering Shadows).

    So sad.. I like to play something that requires skills, if you make a mistake, you should pay for it.. we are going in the opposite direction.

  13. @Cal Cohen.2358 said:



    • Feline Grace: Reduced vigor duration from 5 seconds to 3 seconds
    • Endless Stamina: Reduced concentration from 240 to 60
    • Pain Response: Increased cooldown from 40 seconds to 60 seconds
    • Hard to Catch: Increased cooldown from 90 seconds to 300 seconds
    • Instant Reflexes: Increased cooldown from 90 seconds to 300 seconds

    @Cal Cohen.2358 these are the PvP cooldown.. not the WvW cooldown.

    IN WvWPain Response cooldown is 16 seconds.Hard to Catch cooldown is 30 seconds.Instant Reflexes cooldown is 40 seconds.

    Now tell me who the hell will play Acrobatics trait line with your new cooldowns.

    Thief has no place in squad, if not with Daredevil staff build.. now that Staff build will be raized down, and solo roaming with thief will be impossible cause new fantastic damage (50% damage reduction on Dagger autoattack chain, when now, with 3114 power hit for 900-1000.. 33% damage reduction on backstab that hits for 9,5k against full marauder thieves.. how it's a thief suppose to kill a warrior, a guardian an holosmith or a soulbeast?) What will be the place of thieves in your new fantastic version of WvW?

    Pulmonary Impact makes 600-1900 damage.. pretty fair IMO, tell me the point in reduce this damage by 266%.. this will mean 210-715 damage. 210?!? I will have to spend 4 initiative to make 210 damage?

  14. @SoulSin.5682 said:I guess Shadow Art's managed to hide from ArenaNet this time.

    LoL at headshot 2 seconds stun at PvE.

    I am a little sad that PI got nerfed again tough. This skill already cannot crit, going from 2 to 0.75 is just sad.At least keep it at 1.2 or 1.0

    They neither know the damage that PI makes, there is no other reason to that nerf: at this point it was worth canceling the trait and invent something new.

  15. This patch is a shame.. permastealth DE will be immortal, roaming is completly death and full trailblaizer/dire build will be the only meta playable..You can't do worse, really.

    With this patch WvW will definitively killed: what will last will be only commanders karma train.

  16. @"Vancho.8750" said:I think that the NErf nerf NErf threads are just a red flag that something is not working properly and needs some looking into, how was it, People might not know what is wrong, but they sure do know that something is off.

    That for sure, I'm the first one that says "there is something wrong in some build/classes".But read some post and tell me why some builds, instead of being balanced, should be "nerfed to the ground, nuked down, cancelled"?Build diversity is part of the fun.

    Condi Mirage, Staff Thief, S/D condi daredevil, rifle Holosmith, Spellbreaker are not so hard to face, If you know what are you doing.. why kill all those builds? Just adjust the traits that create more problems or are a little unfair.Kill a build only creates new and bigger imbalances.

    IMHO anyway, If you don't know where the problem is, you shouldn't ask the destruction of everything that you are unable to easy win.

  17. @Sir Vincent III.1286 said:One year later, I think they should just combine Instant Reflex and Burst of Agility and make the following;

    Instant Agility (Acrobatics) - Increase your reflexes with a burst of agility by gaining evasion and haste while below the health threshold.

    • 60s ICD
    • 2s Evade
    • Lesser Haste
    • Health Threshold: 50%
    • Breaks Stun

    This will free-up a slot in Trickery for something more useful and at the same time will make the Acrobatic trait very useful as an offensive trait.

    No thanks.Instant Reflex is a defensive trait, stop mix defensive and offensive traits to create OP traits.Burst of Agility need only a lower cooldown.

  18. @LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:Why nerf core traits of Condi Thief when the issue is S/D Condi Thief and the type of playstyle it generates? D/D and P/D Condi Thief are NOT overperforming AT ALL and yet a change like this is also a nerf to those underperforming versions of the build with no compensation for those versions of condi thief.

    @sinject.4607 said:On Thief: I want to really stress how wrong a lot of people are about thief in general.

    • Condition daredevil might be annoying but that's all it is in my opinion. Unlike the aforementioned condition mirage, condition daredevil doesn't really have much in the way of sustain and relies too heavily on one or two attacks that can be avoided (steal/infiltrator's strike) leading them to be predictable and easy to manage. Every time thief has gotten a viable condition build it quickly gets nerfed because everyone bemoans the simplicity and ease despite this being chiefly an issue with the core design of condition damage itself... I don't play condition at all, but my main issue is that nerfing condition thief will almost certainly end up nerfing power S/D builds for the billionth time and power S/D is already pretty bad.

    @Stand The Wall.6987 said:teef - remove cripple from skirmishers shot and move it to spotters (remove immob), remove panic strike poison on immob, buff power d/d, make pistol whip evade immediately like it was in the past but replace stun with daze

    I agree with them on what they write about Thief.

    1. Deadly Ambition is not the problem and nerf it is not the solution.
    2. Remove Panic Strike Poison stacks.
    3. Condi S/D Daredevil Thief is not so hard to counter if you have some condi clean and you know how to play.. The only problem is the amount of poison you can stack spamming only 1 skill (Infiltrator's Strike) that is unfair.

    @Cal Cohen.2358 said:Hi again,

    I wanted to swing by with an end-of-day update. I’ve really enjoyed seeing the community’s passion on balance and the overall state of the game. There were other topics that were brought up today, and we will create more specific discussions in the future. I will continue to monitor and gather feedback from the forums so keep posting your thoughts as you have them.

    Going forward we want to keep our mission statement of being more communicative and including the community. So here are our next steps on the balance front:

    There will be more posts going into further detail about our balance plans for the next patches. This will include a list of targeted changes for the next balance update as well as our high-level philosophy and vision for the more impactful patch coming later. We will continue to communicate with the community early and often in order to gather feedback on these changes, which will allow us to have a chance to iterate.

    From the whole systems team, thanks everyone for your passion for competitive gw2 and the feedback you provided today.

    @Cal Cohen.2358 please consider the feedback from players that are at least able to argue.Post like "nerf! Nerf! Nerf it to the ground! Cancel that build! No more...!" are good to let people vent, but they are dangerous to the game itself.

    Builds diversity is one of the pillars of this game: we have 9 classes, 27 specializations (core and 2 elite each class), different weapon sets and different gear stats.. how sad is the game when the playable builds are only one or two per class?

    You talk about "including the community", well I hope it will happen.. in the right way.Have good job and a nice day!

  19. @"Cal Cohen.2358" said:

    This is really the crux of a lot of things we want to address. Boons vs corrupts, damage vs healing, stability vs cc, among so many other things. These are all in the state of being extremely powerful as a way to counter the other side being extremely powerful, and are all things that we want to address moving forward. It's important to keep these balanced against each other, but we want the power level to come down.

    1. You have to choose carefully which traits and skills revise: the risk is to kill the game.. lot of players have left GW2 tired and disappointed cause months and months of no sense changes and patch notes.

    Take for example Dagger/Pistol power Daredevil classic build (with dash dodge, DA, Trickery and DD): before PoF release its damage was much higher than the current damage: now a backstab makes from 5,5k to 9k.. before PoF you could reach 12-13k.. With same gear and runes, If you switch to Deadeye your Malicious Backstab makes 10-17k..

    I used this example just to say: not all build and classes need their power level to tone down. You have to act on the right levers.

    1. When you think about WvW, please keep in mind the difference between zerg builds and roaming builds.. Don't kill roaming!
  20. @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:

    Very near future release note:

    • Deadly Ambition: The internal cooldown of this trait has been increased from 5 to 10 seconds in PvP only. The stacks of poison has been decreased from 2 to 1 in PvP only.We're not sure it's enough but hopefully a good start.

    As a main Thief (I play power builds and not condi S/D daredevil): this change is absolutely wrong and harmful.When you want to balance a build you should focus on the problem:

    1. Daredevil condi S/D build was a problem until July 10 2018 balance patch (when you nerfed Potent Poison, Uncatchable, Bewildering Ambush and Lotus Training all together) and at that time Deadly Ambition had not yet been added to the game.
    2. Deadly ambition works fine by itself (in fact nobody complains about core condi D/P or Daredevil D/D, which both use Deadly ambition), the problem is the interaction between Deadly ambition (+Potent Poison) and Panic Strike (+Potent Poison). Nerf hard Deadly ambition will only kill builds diveristy, without solve the true problem.
    3. The true problem of condi thieves currently is the no sense amount of poison they can stack and this is true for all the condi build that can spam immobilize (thanks to Panic Strike): Condi DE (with Spotter's Shot + Panic Strike + Deadly Ambition + Leeching Venoms), Condi S/D Daredevil (Infiltrator's Strike + Panic Strike + Deadly Ambition), Condi Shadow Arts P/D (Body Shot + Panic Strike + Deadly Ambition + Leeching Venoms). If you do some accounts, you'll see that, in the short term, Deadly Ambition has a minor result that Panic Strike in term of damage.

    @Jekkt.6045 said:s/d + sb condi daredevil:many people dislike this build quite a lot but i actually think its power level is fine. what i don't like about this build is that it operates with way less skills than power s/d and d/p that have to use multiple skills to deal damage while condi mainly uses infiltrator's strike.

    @"Falan.1839" said:Daredevil: The Condition variant is a bit easier to kill, but still has a very high dodge uptime. The problem here is that it does very high pressure on essentialle passive/instant effects like sword 2 and dodge. It basically doesnt ever have to use AA, or other sword skills, just the Sword 2 port, dodge and and occasional steal provide for tons of condition pressure that gets constantly reapplied.

    This is what I was talking about: why spam Infiltrator's Strike? Of course not cause Deadly Ambition (that works with every attack) but cause Panic Strike.

    1. The simplest and most effective solution will be restore the old Panic Strike trait removing the two poison stacks that PS applies. In this way you will tone down the initial burst combo damage (-2 poison stacks) and you'll prevent the Infiltrator's Strike spam achieving both the nerf of Condi Daredevil S/D and the keeping of S/D power mechanics.

    Please, try to test what I wrote!! Good job and have a nice day!

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