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Everything posted by Poormany.4507

  1. I do thick we'll go back to Cantha eventually but don't think so for next expac (maybe expac 4 or 5), since we just had a human centered expac and two LW seasons. I would rather expect the Charr homelands/eastern Ascalon next since we haven't gotten much lore on Charr so far and based on the recent map updates and expansion in those regions. Second most likely area for me would be the Unending Ocean if they decide to go for an underwater expac with Bubbles, since it makes sense storywise to deal with it next, but I would still expect a LW season or two before that, so maybe if that's what the next LW season is about.
  2. Yeah, this was a problem for me too, had to wait for almost a week to get the achievement for this one, and waited for 1-2 hours each day.
  3. Since the update today, my game's been stalling at the loading screen after I select any character, loads for ~15 minutes without showing any map completion icons and then gets a server connection lost error (Code=7:11:3:191:101). Worked fine before the update, and I've tried restarting my PC, no luck.
  4. I would rather have the constant disconnects before/after cutscenes fixed that have been an issue for several months to a year now. Can barely get through any instances that have any cutscene (or dialogue for PS) without having the cinematic icon show up over my head and DC, often at the end of an instance (particularly The Departing mission). I do not think it is an issue on my end since I had no issues prior to around a year ago on the same PC and connection, and it almost never DCs outside of these specific conditions and runs perfectly otherwise.
  5. Been having this issue for months and it only happens on this same mission. At least once per character, I get disconnected either after the first fight, right before the cutscene, or at the end after entering the portal, right after the cutscene before the dialogue.
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