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Everything posted by Poormany.4507

  1. Based on the way build templates were handled, I would imagine it would cost 300 gems per inspect and be character bound. So no for me. If they did manage to make a decent one in game, I would be fine with a consented DPS check, but a non-consented one would just cause too much toxicity and public noob-calling imo.
  2. As mentioned in the updates we'll be getting a new mount ability for the anniversary. What do you think the new announced ability will be?Based on the icon in the update, I'm thinking maybe underwater skimmer?
  3. Definitely agree that the nearly completed achievements should be able to be hidden individually (at least until you log out). These and "Festival Frequenter" are on mine, and the latter can't even be completed for the next month or so until Festival of the Four Winds.
  4. Some potential ideas for GW3 that I would be interested in: The rest of the continent(s) that have never been visited yet (We've only explored a tiny portion of the global map so far in GW1 and GW2). Maybe an explanation of why the elder dragons weren't interested in those regions to begin with (maybe an even more powerful force prevented them from going or gaining magic there)A prequel with origin stories explaining what exactly happened prior to GW1. There have been plenty of references to ancient races/events (fall of the Jotun, Mursaat leaving due to the elder dragon threat, leaving of the Six, etc.) that have been vaguely mentioned here and there, but nothing concrete has been said about such events. Maybe even make some of those playable races to experience the events firsthand.Dealing with the long-term aftermath of killing the Elder Dragons if magic does collapse/go even more unstable in GW2 if replacements are not found or are not enough to contain the released magic (possibly with another time jump after the events of GW2). Another, even bigger threat could be drawn in by the power vacuum and excess magic from the elder dragon deaths.
  5. It got moved to the Living World Forum section and closed on the Discussion section.
  6. It's much easier to make/program in pre-recorded cutscenes than individualized ones (like the Joko/Aurene one) and, as you said, it doesn't really spoil player enjoyment so it's often just not worth the extra effort doing.
  7. Definitely agree with OP on this one. My main problems with the Saga: The story has been extremely predictable (Possibly because the trailers showed too much while the story is moving at a slow pace each episode) and there have been close to no twists that I did not see coming from the start of each episode based on the trailers, unlike most of the pre-Saga episodes, which often had at least one twist many players did not see coming. The achievements are really grindy (20x or more for events in Bjora), many require competition among players to complete (target shooting in Grothmar), both of which were much less prevalent in prior seasons, which had a lot of more challenging, one-time, more satisfying story-based achievements instead. I stopped bothering with LW achievements after Grothmar because they require almost full completion for the meta, which requires at least one or two heavy grind achievements to be completed, for a very small reward. It is very obvious these were just made to pad playing time, which just makes them seem less worthwhile/satisfying to do. The maps since Bjora, while pretty to look at as usual, are boring and I have no reason to go back to them after finishing map completion. Maybe it's just because I don't feel motivated enough to do the achievements (see above point). On the other hand, the strike mission and prologue were really enjoyable and have repeatable group content that I go back to often.
  8. This is the only thing Anet's said about the new expac, so I'm not expecting an official announcement until 1-2+ years later. "Development is underway on a third Guild Wars 2 expansion. The team is hard at work, and it’s much too soon to talk about any details right now, including features, story, release date, or development timeline. We’ll have to stick to that until we’re ready to reveal more information to the world. When we are ready, you’ll definitely know!"
  9. Old maps are already suffering from lack of players, so adding additional replayable maps would just give players more replayable options to choose from without having much of an effect on old non-replayable maps. Older maps can be temporarily repopulated by methods like weekly/daily reward rotations like they started doing recently.
  10. Large PoF type maps with map wide repeatable and rewardable metas like HoT I'm also expecting to see lots of vertical style maps in Kaineng, based on GW1, but hopefully not as horizontally complicated as Tangled Depths.
  11. As others have said, depends when the restrictions will be lifted, but I can't imagine they can afford to keep releasing episodes without VA (maybe one or two more at most) before players stop buying/playing them. tbh though it would be very entertaining to hear a grunt-off battle between Jormag and the commander and/or Bangar if there is no VA by then. ;)
  12. I doubt we'll see much on Kormir except if we get another plot with the gods, who don't seem particularly relevant right now in the plot. Kormir being heavily involved and helping with killing Abaddon is pretty much canon in GW (even though all she did was body block players ;)), so I really don't think there would be anything about that added in at this point.
  13. Agree with the Bangar/Jormag plot predictions, but I also feel like the "bigger threat" that Jormag has been alluding to will likely come into play, whether it's the DsD, Primordus, or something else. DsD seems far more likely for a Canthan expansion to make it dragon related. I'm guessing it or its minions will show up either right after we defeat Jormag or in a subsequent epilogue episode, similar to how Kralk became more active and attacked Amnoon right after we killed Balthazar at the end of PoF.
  14. I think there is a very small chance for Ryland to turn back at the last minute if he realizes he's been played by Bangar/Jormag and he hasn't been corrupted by Jormag at that point. However, since he ran ahead past an army of clearly corrupted frost legion, including Boneskinners, I don't think he will realize it in time and will likely have to be fought and killed alongside Bangar.
  15. I'm guessing the PC is going to get a derogatory title in Cantha, which most likely views them as a major threat and a traitor for helping/associating with non-human races and/or being nonhuman. Similar to how Braham is known as "Vowbreaker" among many of the Norn.
  16. I feel like Aurene will show back up in the story by the time we reach Jormag (possibly to save the PC from being icebrooded or killed by Bangar and/or Jormag). It was heavily hinted in the Fraenir's speech in episode 1 that Jormag is using the PC to get to Aurene, and so far, we're doing just that: heading directly for Jormag after Bangar. So maybe at the end of next episode or, less likely, the one after, when the PC is likely to catch up with Bangar where Jormag is.
  17. Yes to underwater mount - This is the only major mount type left that is not ingame yet and is likely to be made eventually, maybe even before Cantha. No to fishing - Many players, including myself, are just not interested in fishing in any form (see the many other threads on the topic) as it just seems very unnecessary as a system apart from roleplaying, which could easily be covered with an emote or single gemstore item.
  18. Tbf: we saw only a small portion of Cantha hundreds of years ago. And the description of "primarily" existing on the mainland inherently holds the option to exist anywhere else besides the mainland. Just, not in the same numbers as in the mainland. Since we saw so little of Cantha, it'd be like saying that not seeing wolves (or any other NPC) in a starting area of any region means they can't exist in any of the later maps of the region. There's just simply nothing eliminating the possibility or even making it extremely unlikely since so much of Cantha went unexplored by the PC. It means that the vast majority of Cantha can hold absolutely anything A-net would want to be there, in almost any proportions, and it wouldn't be lore breaking. This is true... but I actually kinda like the idea of stumbling acrossed the un-buried skeletons and destroyed settlements at some point. Showing just how far cantha's leaders went to exterminate the non-humans. Would really set up the emperor to be a enemy.... hopefully then we can have a human enemy who is around longer than like a small appearance in one, and an episode where they went nuts Coughs in CaudecusIf we're going to Shing-Jea, as the concept art suggests, we'll probably see the ruins of Aerie (the main Tengu settlement on Shing-Jea in GW1 that was evacuated at the end of Winds of Change), as that was almost certainly destroyed afterwards. I do think there is a possibility that we'll see some kind of Hylek variant or other races in areas that were not explored in GW1 or other inaccessible areas that were not able to be settled by humans (maybe even beneath the now melted Jade Sea?). I would expect for at least a few of the original races in Cantha to have evaded capture by going into hiding.
  19. Haven't you seen the trees and bushes in Bjora Marches that grow to full height in less than a second just so the Kodan can chop them down? ;)
  20. Agreed - the recent achievements have also made me lose much interest in even bothering with achievements at all. The ones in the Saga are not even mostly difficult, just extremely time gated and grindy. The worst ones for me are the ones that require you to compete with other players for completion (i.e. many of the newest strike mission ones) and the ones that require you to do the same exact events 25+ times.
  21. Metas I can usually find people for, but random map events that are required for achievements are definitely a problem for me and others I've played with (Kourna cannon achievement, Willowdread, etc.). 2-3 causal players stand little chance at doing many of these, and that's usually the number of players I can get without waiting for hours or days at a time. Daily maps do help, but require players to be available on those specific days, which many are not. I would be in favor of scaling down map events and, if they are not as often played, metas, after several LW episodes pass by and the player population in those maps decreases, so players who did not complete all the achievements shortly after their release can still get them done without waiting hours or days.
  22. I really doubt Tengu would be made to go through the regular Personal Story, HoT, PoF, or the LW seasons in between/after them. It would just be a really crazy large amount of dialogue, including unique lines, to add (unless they just use a voice filter or something, but even then it would look very weird lorewise since there's no Tengu in Destiny's Edge, the Pact, or Dragon's Watch). I think if there is a new Tengu race, it would either start in Cantha/Dominion of Winds with entirely new level 1-80 areas/story, or, more likely, it would just start immediately with a level 80 character jumping into the expac story. As for how Tengu players could be the "commander," I think Tengu characters could have an intro cinematic after character creation, where its explained how they became a commander among the Tengu, which would work lorewise, as the current PC isn't even the "Pact" commander anymore.
  23. We haven't seen much, if any, of Primordus actually corrupting any living thing, as much as making destroyers straight out of lava modeled based on living things. The Stone Summit we saw in the strike mission seemingly did a ritual to try to prevent them from undergoing the change to stone that all dwarves underwent, that apparently went wrong and they got corrupted that way. There hasn't been any indication that Primordus seeks to corrupt living things, rather than just destroy them entirely, but maybe we'll see more on Primordus later.
  24. I've been stuck at the same amount for the combo achievement for months despite playing regularly on my fire ele and longbow ranger. Is there any easy method/profession to do this achievement with? Thanks!
  25. The big cats are definitely still up, just saw the one in DR. Make sure your'e using the tonic you were mailed to see them.
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