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Everything posted by Poormany.4507

  1. No word about the expac most players expected after LWS4, poorly implemented and obviously (and unnecessarily) monetized build templates (which were free and unlimited in GW1), no "expansion level content" that was promised in the Saga so far (the prologue seemed far better than both episodes combined so far) - not really surprised by the decline, unfortunately. I used to play several hours everyday and have been a huge fan of the series since GW1, but after all that, I just play a day or two whenever the next episode comes out then go back to other games. Anet really needs to turn it around soon with something actually big to get players back and excited about the game.
  2. Depends on the content. Many events/hero challenges are fairly difficult for 1 -3 casual players, but LW episodes are way too easy and just require spamming 1 most of the time a battle occurs (Icebrood Saga's been a joke so far in terms of story difficulty, and that's with playing a core build ele). Expacs are well balanced imo, but require you to know how to play your class (or just die/res repeatedly until the content is cleared).
  3. What seems most likely to me at this point is: Bangar starts a Charr civil war during episode 3, loses during episodes 3 and 4 (as those are the push-pull map described by Anet), and at the end of episode 4, goes back to Jormag with the Commander giving chase (Both meet Jormag again, as the latter hinted at in the first two episodes), Bangar uses Braham's bow to free Jormag, gets corrupted along with his supporters, and we're left to deal with both Jormag and his additional Frost Legion, going into episode 5. Jormag seems to be playing both sides to go to him for aid, gaining followers either way. Telling the PC to seek his aid against a "terrible threat," which may to be referring to Bangar, while manipulating Bangar into a losing civil war and promising him his aid as a champion would either or both ways benefit Jormag and give him access to large, willing armies of his own, while at the same time distracting and weakening his biggest threats with the civil war.
  4. I liked the ending, but the setup for Bangar's next move seems kinda forced. After all, who would most of Tyria believe, the PC who's helped save the world countless times and helped everyone along the way, or Bangar, who's known for being manipulative and not that great of a guy. Even if Bangar and/or the renegades decide to start a war, they're still way outnumbered, both militarily and in numbers, by Aurene, the rest of the races, the Charr against him (many of the Legion leaders already seem to favor the PC), and the Pact, who have probably largely recovered from Kralk by now. Unless Bangar manages to somehow free and summon Jormag to his side, I don't see him and his supporters as having much of a chance at having a large scale conquest.
  5. I feel like they're doing something between the two options, some LW episodes seem very well done and in general positively received by the community (Icebrood Saga Prologue, A Bug in the System), while others are obviously much lower quality, bordering on bare minimum (Kourna, Episode 1 of the Saga). I really do think they can still recover, but need to do so very soon with an expac or actual expac level features while there is still some hope and hype left in the community.
  6. Too boring and too few mechanics that actually matter. It's way too easy to just AOE spamfest each of the bosses with a group and its not worth repeating that for the rewards that are given. I went "That's it...?" after finishing the Grothmar one and expecting a multi-stage fight, not just a 1-2 minute AOE spamfest while the boss stays in one spot and does his own AOE spamfest. Same for Fraenir in Whisper in the Dark. Kodan one is a little more engaging imo (Haven't tried Boneskinner yet).
  7. Extremely well designed environments that look pretty and are nice to visit just to look at. Plenty of good group content in both PVE and WvW Nice and friendly in-game community that is willing to help other players - one of the best I've seen in an MMO. Mounts that have their own unique uses Jumping puzzles
  8. Pre-GW2 events - probably would end in a really long stalemate, as both sides could simply keep reviving their own and each other's victims, nearby populations, and citizens (Joko).Currently - Most likely Joko's former Awakened, as the unchained Risen don't really have much, if any, leadership or organization, while both the Free Awakened and Joko loyalists have their own leaders. The Awakened also have much more and higher quality resources and populations available from Elona than the risen do from the ruins of Orr.
  9. Cinematic disconnects have been very frequent for me during story missions (most often at the end) for the past ~2 years, which seem to be on Anet's end as all other aspects of the game work fine for me with minimal lag/DCs and I had no problem with cinematics until around when HoT/LWS3 came out. There are various workarounds, such as those posted above, but there's no definite player based solution to this problem atm.
  10. My guess is it depends on what the "terrible things" that Jormag mentions are and if there are any. My personal guesses for the former option would be either DSD becomes a threat to Tyria, possibly shown in the water part of the Saga trailer, or Primordus reawakens, which is likely to be soon based on Jormag's apparent resurgence recently. If its DSD, I think the map will be in the area below Mount Maelstrom, which was updated on the world map shortly after Grothmar was, where we will meet the first DSD minions. If It's Primordus, the map could be anywhere, but may be more Dwarven focused so maybe Deldrimor Front area where the Central Transfer Chamber was in GW1? If there isn't actually a threat and Jormag's just lying to bait the PC/Aurene, I think we'll stay in the Shiverpeaks and keep fighting Jormag or go someplace else entirely to cleanse Aurene if Jormag does get to her (maybe something with the old Forgotten ritual used to cause Glint to regain her free will?).
  11. Definitely hovering skyscale, but I don't really see the point of this survey, as no solution of this kind would ever be implemented in GW2. People pay gems for mount skins (partly for others to see), so if mounts were hideable as proposed, mount skin sales, which are really popular/profitable atm, would drop.
  12. This. You have to be on the same map or it doesn't work. This, too, although I assume very few people make that mistake. It's the last mission. We were standing right next to each other on the Bjora Marches Map in the same instance. How do I make a party instead of a squad from LFG?
  13. I was trying do do the most recent LW story step, The Invitation with a LFG party, but we could not figure out how to enter the instance together. We were next to each other in Bjora Marches, but when one of us went in, no notification would show for the rest of the team to join. Anyone have any advice? Thanks!
  14. Jade Sea, now that it's melted or almost melted completely back to its original form and how the Luxons have resettled the region. Large cave system map with plenty of tunnels to explore and maybe even an underground civilization. Something similar to The Time Hub that was going to be in the cancelled Utopia Expansion to GW1.
  15. Agreed - pretty sure players who don't care about the gem store will just click the flashing icon and then immediately click out of the store when it stops flashing before the actual store even loads. What I'm even more confused about is why they put the effort and resources into changing the lion icon of the gem store...
  16. I would not want this at all. Current Anet would monetize every other aspect of the original game (Skills, heroes, build templates, etc.). Also it doesn't seem economically strategic at all, since both GW1 and GW2 are still currently running so players can play whichever one they want, so will likely not be done.
  17. Having the exact same issues with achievements - Can't get enough people for the bounties. I've tried using LFG and mentor tag and only 2-3 other players show up in 30 minutes and the bounty fails most of the time. They really should scale these bounties and events down to need only 2-4 casuals minimum to be doable or just remove the wait time on failed bounties. Waiting for hours to get a team of 5+ players on dead maps (especially during non-peak hours, which many players are restricted to) is just frustrating and a waste of everyone already in the group's time.
  18. How would GW1 benefit chinese bots??? And why would anyone affected?There is no trade post you know. If it was free to play, people could bot much, much easier and the game would need frequent bot bans (not going to happen with GW1 at this point). Playing GW1 with mass-botting is a pain, as anyone who played JQ and FA prior to the bot ban a year or two ago, or seen mass bot farming in GW1 would know. Most of these bots were Chinese based and negatively impacted both the gameplay and economy of GW1.
  19. Items that are too annoying for me to get, such as those that require once a day materials (charged quartz crystal, Skyscale food, Growth Lamps, etc.) Cheap weapon and armor skins that I needed for the skin collection achievement
  20. Most people who wanted build templates (not loadouts), myself included, were expecting a system similar to GW1 and/or the now blocked ArcDPS plugin: easy to understand and use, no cluttered/complicated interface, and most importantly unlimited and free template storage. We didn't get any of that, hence many people are justifiably upset and want other options and/or for the current system to get a major revamp. The current system seemed to have been rushed out for quick monetization without making sure it is up to quality and player expectations/feedback.
  21. 1 - It's not a subscription based game, so I can log in and out freely whenever I want and not feel like I am wasting money (not) doing so.2 - It's not pay to win, as most other MMOs are (gemstore is all cosmetic or shortcut type items, rather than OP gear/skills), although I am slightly worried about the direction Anet's going in this regard after the build template release.3 - I've been playing as a casual since after EOTN got released and still have plenty of fun stuff to do in both GW1 and GW2.
  22. It really helps for me, personally, to be zoomed out more when using the beetle so I can switch direction faster and bump into fewer obstacles.
  23. Depends largely on how active the competing teams are, when people are playing, and the internet connection - I only get lag when there's two or three large (30-40+ each) blobs fighting each other, but that's uncommon for me since I don't play at peak hours.
  24. Really not a fan of the speed reduction in owned territories; the main reason I use Warclaw is to get to the actual fights, not gank random roamers in my own territories.
  25. Interesting that they used the word 'scry'. The Scrying Pool in the Eye of the North- not too terribly far off from the Bjora Marches- was used to relive a character's past back in GW1, with the help of objects recovered from various sites. Also curious that this is coming right after an episode where we hear about a norn-specific way of viewing past events... not sure what to make of that yet. This and the recently datamined updates by thatshaman to the Eye of the North do suggest we'll be going back there during the Saga.
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