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Everything posted by Poormany.4507

  1. Just finished the first Janthir Syntri heart at the camp for the first time and honestly almost fell asleep + logged out doing it. There were so many players just running around aimlessly or camping waiting for events to spawn. The events themselves are extremely repetitive and boring and fill up the heart way, way too slowly. This has got to be the boringest heart in the game as it is. There doesn't seem to be anything other than events to fill the heart, despite the heart text implying there should be.: "Support the kodan camp by completing events and helping with camp tasks." There don't seem to be any "camp tasks" that aren't events from what I saw. The hearts in Lowland Shore were fine, although the progress scaling is off in the Warclaw one (Why does poop duty give three-four times the participation as killing a titan?)
  2. I would love to see the actual homelands and societies of "evil" races like the krait or centaurs, rather than just the military outposts we've seen so far. I think that could lend itself to some interesting storytelling. Show us some krait or centaur children/mothers/fathers/partners rather than just "Krait Nimross #1002" OR "Centaur Archer #2456."
  3. I would love more Visions of the Past because the one we got (Steel and Fire) was really fun to play and had some nice lore in it with the Steel Warband and with the Stone Summit, allowing us to see events our character wouldn't usually get to see and experience. I agree with others though that I need to keep my skills, otherwise it just feels very gimmicky and forced (i.e., the Caithe missions in LWS2 - I loathed having to replay those on alts, likewise for the GW1 Keiran Thackeray missions).
  4. And GW2 does not do this... how? You get over a year's worth of content for like $25-30. That's less than a nice restaurant meal. I think that's very fair, especially compared to other MMOs.
  5. Pareidolia. At first I thought this would be another Dan... 😅
  6. Given Anet's recent theme of going back and reworking key systems in the game that large portions of the playerbase had legitimate gripes about as main expac features (Dailies and Skyscale in SotO, Land spears and Warclaw in JW), I would not be surprised if underwater combat/mechanics and Skimmer/Turtle are the main reworked features in a future underwater expac.
  7. Has this mechanic been used in previous expansions? I honestly do not remember seeing actual flowing water with current physics that moves the player with them anywhere else in previous maps. Hint for a future underwater-based expac? I could see multiple masteries and/or jumping puzzles dealing with flowing water, currents, and water-based player movement.
  8. Same thing as for every other MMO that has a sub... Skip it and play one that doesn't (i.e., GW2) Why exactly will the "next generation of MMORPGs" with sub fees be any different than the older ones with sub fees? I see no difference.
  9. 1. You and I both know that would not end up what happens. If the gemstore's still there and a sub is introduced, they would be forced to put in more and more and increasingly p2w items/skills/weapons/armor/stats more than just convenience or fashion items behind the sub, taking away things players already have. That's how sub games work. 2. As Nilkemia.8507 pointed out, what happens to the storage and character slots that run out? I've seen many sub games literally hold those hostage and prevent you from accessing items/storage on non-sub characters until you resub - forcing you to either resub or quit the game (I easily chose the latter because that's just purely exploitative/unethical). 3. So still holding your storage/characters hostage...? About it just being an addition, again, that's not how sub MMOs work and once they see too few players subbing or sub players complaining about getting too little for their buck, they will always eventually begin to take stuff away from non-sub players or make the game impossibly frustrating to play for non-sub players. I've been playing since GW1 and would quit the moment a sub is introduced.
  10. My guess is Dzalana with Menzies + Shadow Army is next, based on the theme of incursions from the Mists going on in the past two mini-expacs. Balthazar invaded Elona, so it would kind of make sense for his half-brother Menzies to go after Dzalana. Maybe we could even get a proper resolution to the Forged, who got zero mention of their aftermath during/after PoF. The extensive mentions during the prologue of Janthir Wilds + the recent gem store post namedropping the "Dzalana Expanse" (possibly a map name?) makes it seem like Anet's got some kind of focus there and the timing of the latter would be in line with the sixth expac development.
  11. The game engine. It would pretty much have to be overhauled to allow these kinds of complex movement to the point that starting from scratch may be the easier option.
  12. They specifically said they are reserving staff for QOL fixes and fixes to old content for the new mini-expac format. Orr maps should definitely be on that list of fixes as many of the events there have been bugged since launch and are becoming more and more required by newer collections.
  13. tbf, it can become very annoying to get kicked from meta maps due to the new AFK timer when the main meta map gets full and the meta only happens every x hours, especially if you've been waiting for the meta for a while on that map. Kind of like getting disconnected at the end of story instances or right before the meta due to connectivity issues.
  14. I actually predicted wall walking/acrobatics as a feature for GW2 in the past for EoD (that obviously didn't happen!), so I would like that feature. Implementing full movement physics seems like the next logical step in the GW universe, especially to remain competitive with current games: GW1: Only flat surface movement, No jumping or swimming or flight. GW2: 3D motion + Swimming/flight, minimal realistic physical movement mechanics GW3: GW2 motion + advanced physics mechanics like wall/ladder/rope climbing, (combat) acrobatics, individual body part damage + effects, etc.
  15. I can definitely see this new afk timer feature being abused by trolls if I'm understanding the way it works. I can already see the trolls gleefully throwing snowballs or using tonic skills to spam-hit AFK people in DR or LA to put them into combat and get kicked to login, who are most likely just looking stuff up on the Wiki, causing them to have to annoyingly reload the map each time. 5 minutes just seems way too strict of a timer for me, when most of the AFK farmers are doing so for hours to days on end. 15 or 20 minutes seems much more reasonable imo.
  16. Why not? An MMO that is 60% developed is much, much less likely to have its plug pulled than one at 1-5%.
  17. So... basically unreasonable anxiety. If there's a GW3 being actively developed (and that's already a huge if for alternative explanations others have already given), it would be far from "just a possibility" because the development would already be in place and the decision to start it would have already been made months/years ago (i.e., no point being anxious about it because it's a done deal). Anet (or any company with any business sense) would/will never give an answer to the question of whether a sequel product is coming out until it's substantially in development to the point that it has little to no chance of being a flop, as it would just cause them to lose profits/players from their current game/product (i.e., GW2) with no reward. One exec (supposedly) giving a greenlight to a GW3 does not count as substantial development, as it would still have a very high chance of having the plug pulled.
  18. I like this idea. Some other possible fun skimmer skills could be something like creating a bubble shield/barrier in front of you (kind of like those Forged mages do on land) or creating waves to knock enemies back. I definitely feel like those would come with an underwater revamp update though, which does seem likely to happen since they seem to be going after "commonly asked player QOL features" as main (mini)-expac features nowadays and an underwater revamp has been requested just about as much (if not more) so than player housing.
  19. And then he got nerfed to a talking snowman... I wonder if he'll ever get a follow up tbh.
  20. I really hope they give better reasons for not just "sending up a flare and calling in the Pact" than we got in SotO ("Oh noes, the shady secret wizards' club who are doing dangerous live experiments/torture on people for unknown benefits will get revealed! Nope, can't let that happen. Let's just trust this unknown demon lady's voice in my head instead cuz I'm the Wayfinder now 🤪").
  21. 1) what does this have anything to do with LW monetization? 2) How exactly do you know the details of homesteads before they've even been announced?
  22. That's because free LW was way too generous (and only if you logged in at the right time) and economically unsustainable, and Anet realized this and started charging for their content updates.
  23. That or The Long Way Around 😉 Disagree with OP though. While I support more options in the WV (possibly with a AA cap), as others have said, I don't think removing specific content from the WV will help anyone. The "Rift Hunts are braindead content" argument makes no sense and can be applied to literally any other type of content in the game. You can just as easily say "jumping puzzles are braindead content" just because some players just mesmer portal straight through them, while others, like myself, enjoy actually doing them and would hate for them to be removed from WV.
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