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  1. Just reported 3 more people afk farming Crocuta Vantage.
  2. Today alone, I've seen every entrance to the Dabiji Hollows camped by groups of AFK Necromancers. I report them but, hours later, they still are there, just AFK farming. Something needs to be done. Having AFKers just picking their noises is a bad image for new players.
  3. Spearmarshal Zaeim SAYS: "And another scout saw a hylek tribe getting harassed by awakened." But the text says: "And another scout saw a heket tribe getting harassed by awakened." Just kind of amused me. 😁
  4. I mean, I went with the one that increases my Condi damage whenever I inflict Weakness, since I'm playing a Harbinger. 🤷‍♂️
  5. The reason I say this is because I have some gryphons skins I absolutely LOVE. But the Skyscale is just flat-out better for moving across the map. It's 'Gryphon 2.0'. So I propose that, any account that has both the Gryphon & the Skyscale unlocked for use, can get skyscale flight using either one. Barring gryphon races, of course; Those are still gryphon-only. Because who's going to use the gryphon to get around when the skyscale does it better? Which means who's going to use gryphon skins when the skyscale has better movement? So why not let us either: Use gryphon skins on the skyscale. Or Let us apply skyscale movement to the gryphon. Again; this is only applicable if the user has both mounts unlocked.
  6. That's why it costs 24; because you need to unlock them in order, meaning you need every step before it. Yeah. I've got every Central Tyria Map MP, and maxed out Pact Commander, but find myself at an impasse; The rest of the MP are behind 'Do achievements you may not be skilled enough to do'. So I only have Legendary Crafting and the other Path to 2 or 3.
  7. Why and how? Not every class has pets or minions to customize. You don't prevents ideas based on 'it would not be fair to everyone'. I would like that, too.
  8. I mean, you can't use a Jade Bot without EoD, and it has skins. 🤷‍♂️
  9. True. But as long as we could get many skins in the world/for achievements; I would be pretty okay with that.
  10. I don't just mean gem shop, either. But options to outfit and customize our Jade Mechs to make them unique, the same way we can outfit or customize our own gear. Just without using Transmutation Charges. Heck; add cosmetic gear for Ranger pets, too! Let people express themselves!
  11. True, but it was also from a time when internet speeds were not half as fast as now.
  12. Why woudl they make their prized MMO's sequel (if they make one) a single player game? And what has been 'bait and switch'? The no sequel that they have not announced and people are making vast assumptions on? Wow, they sure did tell us nothing and then not switch it to something else! 🤦‍♂️ And what you described is literally any MMO/Game as a service's life cycle; It's created ---> People get hyped ----> Game releases ----> 'Post Release' could mean any of a million things (Expansions, DLC, etc) -----> They eventually wind down as they run out of story to tell -----> Game lives on its player base ----> Game eventually closes, because no developer wants to pay server space and maintenance for a dwindling player base. -----> They make a newer game. Congrats on describing the average game cycle in a high-speed internet world, I guess?
  13. The missions tab says I need to unlock PvE missions. The only 3 that it gave me were PvP, WvW, and a Puzzle that requires minimum 6 people.
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