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Antigravity.4083's Achievements

  1. That's the team I meant... This was before I played any of season 5.. I'm playing it now and it's excellentHe meant that the Icebrood Saga episodes are not being done by one team (there are several LS teams working on episodes in sequence). There's no "Icebrood Team". There are several Living Story teams however.Then you can take my statement to indicate all teams working on Living Story content.
  2. I would like to add to this. I enjoy dressing my characters to show off their streamline silhouette... Yes, this. I don't know about adding a button to hide skirts - I'm pretty sure you would need to create new armor skins to make that work anyway - but I do 100% agree that there are a giant number of armors that include skirts, dresses, gowns, or features along those lines. I know from being widely experienced that these types of armor are pretty cool and have a big following, but it would be very, really nice to get some new armors that are along other stylistic lines. I have a single set of heavy armor legs I will wear (Primeval) and pretty much a single set of light armor legs I'll wear (Pajama Pants(?)). I'm a male who always makes female characters. I do that because male characters are usually far to bulky for me to deal with and female character models are much closer to myself as a person, and light narcissism, you know. ANYWAY, it would be really really great to have more styles to choose from. Tomboy, punk, all-business, diesel for the Zarya fans out there - hi five... just-too-bad style for fans of the legendary - whose "Lets rock" line from the movie Aliens is the greatest ever delivered in the history of the Colonial Marines...Well I see that I'm wandering, but really it would be so great to have some armor variety to play with. EDIT: I love the way the forum censor changes certain naughty descriptors to "kitten". This is just-too-cute lol, and I'm a fan
  3. I'll x2 that request on an exo skyscale plus add an exo warclaw skin just to have all mounts covered. Ack! The skyscale isn't in the exo mounts pack?? I was totally looking forward to it since I have that pack and I'm trying to unlock skyscales. sigh... (thumbs through wallet, becomes distracted by moth shortly after)
  4. Yea... I was being careful to pitch it trying to keep that in mind.. also I was trying to be as endearing and entertaining as possible! A legacy habit of mine that still works most of the time! lol Anyways, in an alternate dimension I would recruit Alexis from $chitt's Creek to whine about this until it happened, but alas I have only myself. Fingers crossed lol
  5. Hugely expensive is relative - I made this statement a a relief valve in case someone in a position to know the actual numbers was reading. Assertiveness is best, but I am typically on the submissive side of the fence even when talking about good ideas. Season 5 is extremely high quality - about that of a good theatrical release in my considered opinion. The personal story is no where near that level - and I'm making no criticism here, just pointing out clear fact. I'm interested specifically in this content because it serves two important purposes - it introduces new players to the game and it provides literal direction for their efforts. This type of content guide is critical - vital - where there is such an enormous amount of content available. I can't reasonably advise new players to skip the personal story, and I can't comfortably explain its content is so out of date as to be unrecognizable from the current seasonal content. Mainly I can cross my fingers and hope they stick to the game. I stuck despite having initial doubts - I learned to really love many aspects of it while tagging along with the boyfriend. Without that impetus I probably wouldn't be here to trouble the wide world of the forums. I'm not going to pretend I'm able to advise development, but if the focus is to get as many players as possible to play the game, as it should be if time (production hours available) and money (revenue, budgets, payroll) are limited, then putting the best foot forward during the new player experience should definitely be a focus. Initial content should be as refined as possible and should reflect what a person can expect if they continue to play the game. This doesn't mean there should be no focus on new content for the existing player base, but that cannot be the only focus for a multi-generational franchise, which Guild Wars absolutely is - hi five all involved in that illustrious feat of determination, skill, and grace :)
  6. That's the team I meant... This was before I played any of season 5.. I'm playing it now and it's excellent
  7. That's a good point now that I think of it. I remember being really frustrated trying to find the original Star Wars I remember watching as a tiny child. By the time I started looking literally all I could find anywhere was the grossly corrupted version of the latter day person-whom-I-shall-not-name. Would you say though that polish would be worth it? There's a lot of un-polish going on with what they miraculously pulled together way back then.
  8. Oh yea... I picked the hammer. but forgot all about it I'll have to break out my warrior again to use it! (pictured above dragging someone around the secret dance club in Tangled Depths)
  9. Uh... there's no way to delete a post so I'll use this weird duplicate edit to punt to the next one. Move along, nothing to see here
  10. This is fun... Dragging the boyfriend onto some dance floor: Dragging the boyfriend to some pier: Thinking of dragging the boyfriend somewhere:
  11. Yes, this would be sweet. I mean I already glow at night... and speaking of armor I'm pretty pleased with what I've managed to put together but I could see more options. As it is there's just one chest peice and one leg piece that I will wear unless I'm in my form fitting Haunted Armor outfit lol All salad in sight and any salad encountered in the parking lot out the way to the car I guess ...But it's pretty late; and these are the salad tossing habits of a bygone era. Everything's made to order these days, ofc
  12. Ya, yup. Although it's not hot garbage story wise - I mean the interesting story is the reason I even said anything at-all (monocle emoji). A lot of it is pretty neat, sans some minor vignettes and one or another character that will go un-referenced... Ok then, I think this has been parsed and gamed to my satisfaction and for that I'm thankful :3
  13. You're not including the serious changes to chief leadership and the rest of the team that have come out in the recent past. It's not time to lose hope right now! I generally like the game, but I'll also be re-assessing as things resolve around whatever the vision is changing to. So far I'm a fan
  14. I would be into something like that. How would you tie the existing "Commander" storyline into it though? If a bunch of time and resource were invested into creating a new personal story for EoD you would also have to create a new race to go with it, and that would then have to tie into the original personal story at some point - and there you would definitely need to remaster it to prevent a jarring change of style (and asset quality) from the new content to the original.
  15. I wonder how the engine even handles weather effects, and whether you could teach it new tricks, or trick it into doing something cool with weather I guess. I'm very excited about Destiny 2's new expansion world Europa, a lot because of the new weather system being used there. A total analog is Drytop, one of my favorite maps specifically because I love the weather.. Actually it would be cool to have Drytop style weather events all through the world - maybe not related to map meta but just for visual impact factor
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