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  1. Anet really hasn't done anything with it... it's still the same mess since June, lol. They also made it kind of worse, after nerfing the gluttony tactic... And I don't bother doing it much either tbh, since too many pug groups avoid it entirely. So yea, that's the current fractal meta rn~
  2. I don't even see cm title runs anymore on LFG... people just aren't doing it, not even when it's a daily. And pug cm runs don't get filled nearly as quickly, I had to wait nearly an hour for my exp run group to fill just to do a pug run. The CM needs fix asap.
  3. you are a masochist. if people aren't happy with something that is a recent change, I'm pretty sure it's the definition of a nerf. Anet clearly made something worse in this case that people are not happy with 🤨 Even before the "nerf" it was a brainless spam. But I digress. It's not like I'm arguing to make guardian easier. Mantras before would still be on a CD if you spammed them willy-nilly. I'm arguing against having to kittening recharge them after accidentally spamming them. The folks defending the rollback changes are baffling.
  4. This is ridiculous. It's always 1 step forward and 2 steps back with anet devs sometimes... Guardian was fine when you fixed mantras, why revert back to this nonsense? On top of that, the last balance patch you made tomes just as frustrating to use now. Undo this nerf to mantras, it's so unnecessary. Having mantras go on cd without having to redo them was more ideal.
  5. The only elite I'll give a pass is Scourge. Great condi-uptick and sustain, and good crowd control. Can't complain. Reaper and Harbinger on the other hand, just keep getting treated like dirt in PVE land. Reaper has always been getting the short hand of the stick, to the point where it's just not funny anymore. I stopped complaining cause everyone seems to think that it's a good thing and that reaper deserves it. Majority of the time, these people don't know what they're talking about and probably don't play necro/reaper as much as they like to think they do. Harbinger was good at one point. The first beta was amazing, for once it seemed like necro was actually worth playing again. Then progressively overtime anet did the same thing, neglect necro elite specs per usual in favor of other classes. It's sad, but hey that's the reality I've just come to accept with this class. This thread does a good job at expressing the frustration: (I knew harbinger will be dumpstered) But hey it's not all bad, necro still manages to remain in-between the spotlight somehow. I'm just hoping anet doesn't kill necro all together, especially if they continue this downward trend. Favoritism in MMO's is just an unfortunate conundrum.
  6. So I was going to make a thread on this to see if anyone was experiencing it too, but I see there's already one posted. This animation bug has been around for some time now. It happens on all my classes. At first I thought my graphics card might be malfunctioning or having driver issues. And recently, my guild mates are also complaining about it too.
  7. Probably an unintended bug in relation to the recent update (Hopefully!!!)
  8. you already ruined your own thread with your condescending rhetoric. A healthy debate can oblige a comparison between classes. If you're gonna shut out opinions, then there's nothing to discuss. /endthread
  9. Believe me, I agree with your statement. But the reality is, threads like these only keep popping up because someone out there feels their class is under-performing compared to other classes. You essentially cannot win since everyone wants their damage to be highest, lol.
  10. I disagree with that sentiment... Slightly. Sure, Anet is supposed to step in every now and then and change the playing field. But honestly, sometimes they do go too far. Just look at what they did to soulbeast and chronomancer. You can't sit there and tell us Anet doesn't have such a big influence on what the next meta is going to be lol.
  11. Both of our definitions of what a 'purpose' is are conflicting with each one another 🙂. But I'm only stating on my perspective. Again, I think anet just hasn't figured out how to make Gw2 more socially engaging anymore.
  12. Yes, and you are not surprised by this? A 'CONSTANT' call for buffs must imply that something is off (It's been that way for months). Some people just really love to play reaper, and feel left out /shrug. I doubt people remember any of the OG arenanet staff like Colin Johanson or Mike O'Brian. Johanson' more specifically envisioned Gw2 as a social engaging mmo and was on an endeavor for fairness between all classes. Things just didn't seem to work out that way unfortunately, and the current arenanet staff honestly aren't taking balance seriously in my opinion. I've always been against nerfs for all classes. Thief recently got some decent buffs and are quite good again. Can't say the same for mesmer or warrior though...
  13. I personally never understood this argument. I mean, I understand what you mean. Reaper brings nothing to the table group-wise other than damage. But if that's all reaper brings, wouldn't it make sense for reaper to gain a proper damage buff? Or at least better cd duration to sustain optimal damage. For a class like reaper which doesn't offer any proper group composition other than damage; I personally think damage should be more favorable to that class. Then again, when I play reaper I think more about mechanics. A good reaper takes advantage of utility skills like 'spectral grasp' or 'well of darkness'. Reapers are very good at applying chill and blinds, and for lesser mobs (elites/veterans) it absolutely comes in handy by mitigating unnecessary damage your party/group might take. So I would suggest reapers aren't as selfish as most people think, from another perspective, but that's just my two cents :).
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