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Kikk Dorr.5341

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Everything posted by Kikk Dorr.5341

  1. Personally I find the name Willbender to be quite fitting. After being really excited to try out the elite spec, my will was bent. I no longer wanted to touch the spec and was so happy to see it leave the game once the beta had ended.
  2. In low tiers you can kill your enemies with just about any weapon. Hammer is a FUN weapon, but there is no reason you would ever choose it over other weapons for any other purpose. I'd argue that it isn't about making hammer meta, but making it be more than just a fun choice. Admittedly it is used in an LI build, but it shouldn't be evaluated solely from its performance there. One idea i had to help "fix" hammer is to add a second ability to the banish skill where you charge dealing damage through the charge path. This would allow some form of followup to the knockback while also giving hammer some more much needed dps
  3. I have recently noticed that the shields now sit differently on Asura, causing some pretty bad clipping. The gloves I use exaggerate the problem, but my arms still stick through even when I don't use the gloves. Images are done in a preview window for clarity, the issue still occurs in game. https://imgur.com/a/0mRf37m
  4. Definitely not a thought that i've completely ironed out, but just throwing it out there for no real reason other than to get it off my chest. replace sword 4 with the "whirling light" utility skill. Remove animation locks from the virtues Replace the virtue willbender flame trails with willbender flame aoe aura effects. (aoe that follows the player! kinda like gyros) Many more things would need to change, but hey. maybe this is a start? :')
  5. As some one who has mained guardian for most of my time here in Gw2, the Willbender elite spec is tragic. Willbenders are so fast, and with all this speed you are able to teleport into someone's face only to freeze for a few seconds while they backpedal away to safety due to the aftercasts. You can then proceed to caress their faces softly with your OH sword. Luckily, we are able to stay alive for a decent while if we trait into the courage line's immunity from downstate, which means we can spend even more time running around singing the green hills theme tune, only to be downed by the life siphon of a nearby afk necromancer. This needs a rework. Pls.
  6. Guardian traps are a weird thing. They are incredibly gimmicky, and yet extremely strong (when not used like a traditional trap). IMO (as some one who has played DH 'competitively' for a long time) any one who places traps and just waits for people to stumble into them/be pulled into them, is just relying on the gimmick side of the traps. However, when used in conjunction with teleports and pulls (not just tether) it can be really potent and requires a significant amount more skill. Admittedly, it is still very much a case of burst or bust, but bear in mind, DH has the tools to be able to kite and avoid lots of damage. I've shamelessly plugged one of my videos to demonstrate, and yes, this is the "highlight" reel, but it's generally how most of my fights play out. Please note: this is before the balance patch, and with the longbow and retaliation changes, this build has honestly gotten better. TLDR: most people just play a boring 'stand in trap = get wrecked' gimmick (which isn't actually that good), BUT it doesn't have to be that way.
  7. I'm personally quite excited for the steam deck to play my steam library on the go, but! I'm also excited to play Gw2 on it too. Any tech savvy people have any idea on how gw2 will perform in regards to the specs of the steam deck?? (Side note: playing gw2 on a controller may be "odd" but I'm not particularly fussed about that.)
  8. I've been running this build for quite a while now, and it's easily the one that I find to be the most /fun/. I use it for Wvw, PvP, and PvE. The balance patch changes wont really affect this build too much, outside of the buff to longbow 5, and Greatsword 4. There are more competitive builds, but I usually end up sitting around plat 2 with this build in PvP, and I can clear all open world content with ease. for WvW, just watch the gameplay linked :') Build: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PWkAENlNwAZNMHWJW+X1tcA-zVIYRU9fGZKVrQVpwLSY83i+nRA-w Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Bq47Rna8_s&ab_channel=KikkDorr (You'll have to excuse the shameless plug <3)
  9. I've been a huge fan of the Super Adventure Festival since the very first year it came out, however one thing kept bothering me. The weapons weren't color unified (I'll explain in a bit.) The main two cases of this are shown in the super Great sword (Red gems and golden metal) and the 1h sword (Red gems and blue metal). Contrast this with the rest of the set which has silver metal, blue gems, and a red handle (for the most part, bow and shield excluded). When designing an outfit most people when creating a theme aim to have a unified weapon set, this can't be done with the current weapons if you use sword or Great sword. Similar to how Arenanet had changed the lunar new year weapons they should also change the sword and Great sword skins for the original (blue) set. If you see the images I have attached you can see that turning the metal silver, handle red, and gems blue would allow for the Super weapons to finally have a central color theme similar to that of the other super weapon sets (green,red,etc) https://imgur.com/a/4HLJK4j (this was just a quick hue change using photo editing software) I know that any change would be unlikely, but there's no harm in trying.
  10. Any style of footwear that fit well with other armor sets currently in gw2... but.. That don't have horrible toe clipping for Charr and Asura!
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