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Everything posted by Capca.1607

  1. I'm 99.99% sure the next spec won't have anything to do with turrets beyond the current ones core has.
  2. It's probably too late for this since it would require a lot of balancing, but I always felt the third spec slot should be boosted when a non-elite is put into it. The traits would either grant higher effects or additional effects depending on the trait. Perhaps Engineer could get something like that, but I see the other classes complaining and demanding it also.
  3. Probably scrapper, if a boss can't kill me in 20 or so seconds, then it can't kill me at all. As a consequence, scrapper is very boring to play in the story. I've auto attacked an encounter just mindlessly shielding and healing because the TV show I was watching was more interesting than that fight.
  4. Thank you! I knew I couldn't be the only person who felt this way.
  5. Thanks for this, though I'm still taking a break from GW2, perhaps forever. The only thing these changes have done is remind me how much ANet has changed my favorite class. I mained Engineer because I loved the idea of a steampunk themed support class using guns and deployables. I never wanted to play either a sword using glass cannon or a hammer toting roadblock. Game designers need to stop with the class bait and switch between early and end game.
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