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Posts posted by Zuko.7132

  1. 51 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


    This is just to prevent rating loss for ranked games mind you, to discourage afking. You still lost the game, but this lays the foundations for potential comebacks. 

    I'm sure theres a more consice way of determining the two most generally active players on the team, but if you deduce the game is a wash more often than not doing things that get you top stats will generally be beneficial to your team.

    Its not perfect, but it will keep people from throwing after one bad mid exchange, hopefully.  If theres a better system of metrics that can be used to determine who did the most work, we can revisit that anytime.

    offense should just be changed to neutral node. healing should only count for healing others.

  2. 1 hour ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

    Measured match stats contribution (% of x vs team) for offense, defense, damage, kills etc. Use top atats. The top two people with the most of that pie get no rating loss.


    They do that now, except you don't get rewarded for it. 

    To get rewarded now, you have to opt in to being placed vs premades who really, really care if they lose. Let people who dont wanna do that get their shinies. Let unranked losses be the Black Lion Statuette of opening a black lion chest.

    Which classes cant 1v1, no matter the build?

    Balance passes will need to be done if 1v1 is to be offered, anyway. 


    Top stats don't reward all roles equally.

    Also you can get top offense by 1v1ing on the enemy node the whole game.

    • Thanks 3
  3. 23 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Those are lumped into the 4000 figure already.

    That 4k crit already has all the damage modifiers from elsewhere and the critical damage already factored into it.

    Then ya it would just be 10% more in that case, but that’s more than a 10% increase compared to base damage with that as the only modifier.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, bethekey.8314 said:

    I imagine they also clear your blinds on the Cata, and clear Aegis on you. Even low ticks of damage can have highly impactful positive or negative outcomes. Another example would be Ranger's stunbreak that does tiny dmg, but procs stuns from things like Shocking Aura.

    Ya, it should just do no damage for both.

  5. 51 minutes ago, ArthurDent.9538 said:

    Fighting bs feels like"alright I just landed a bunch of my hard hitting burst skills, he didn't do anything to avoid any of it but is still somehow at 90% health and Im getting real low from their random skill spam counter pressure which they are free to do because they don't need to actively play defensively." It's annoying stupid design please just play spellbreaker it's far more interesting to face.

    Yes. Because the sustain is op and it doesn't rely on active defense instead. Sustain needs to be lowered dramatically and active defenses and damage given to compensate.

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  6. Just now, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

    Agreed. it's good for sidenoding but it probably has issues in teamfights due to the same reasons that make it crumple 2v1. I'll keep that in mind. 

    Ya, but there are also way better options for sidenoding. A good side node build must be able to survive 1vx and have tools that scale against multiple opponents to survive a plus, ie full counter, long block, distortion, stealth, invuln. 

    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

    Eddie is correct. It's obnoxious 1v1; can we not pretend? We can all see how it works in the arena.

    The buffs to unshakable mountain and the ammo cooldowns turned it back into a bunker.

    Thank goodness Dragonscale doesn't -also- give it stability.

    It can be shut down with smart play and loses 2v1 immediately like most reasonably designed specs, but it's def annoying (read: practically immortal) for 1v1 and can sidenode, like a slightly-more-vulnerable, more mobile virtuoso.

    The way it was designed prevents it from being anything else, it seems. Design team really threw balance a rubix cube there. 

    It’s good 1v1, but it is not good in a teamfight due to how it relies on winning slowly through sustain.

    • Like 3
  8. 6 minutes ago, felix.2386 said:

    more like a hard to kill roach that does nothing and can be completely ignored.

    the only use of bladesworn is to have dumb people tunnel vision and waste cooldown on them. if you just ignore it, it will be easy 5v4.

    That’s fair. It just doesn’t do enough consistent damage to be a real threat.

    • Thanks 2
    • Confused 2
  9. Mechanic Overhaul

    1. Make the ability to exit Berserk mode and traits triggering on exiting baseline.
    2. Remove the adrenaline requirement for entering Zerk Mode since it doesn't count as a burst or make it count as a tier 3 burst.


    1. In order for Smash Brawler to be taken over Savage instinct, it needs to be better. Have it reduce the cooldown on berserk mode by 3 seconds instead of increasing duration by 5 for pvp and grant the crit chance at all times.
    2. Burst of Aggression needs to give 2 seconds of fury and resistance baseline. Berserker struggles with fury uptime, and is shutdown too easily by blind and weakness.
    3. Blood Reaction should be based on power and give precision as well as ferocity. Adjust numbers as needed. Zerker desperately needs more crit chance.
    4. Change Bloody Roar to give 1.5 seconds of fury, resistance, and superspeed on primal burst use in addition to damage increase. Zerker is way too easily kited and it's burst is shut down too easily.


    1. Shattering Blow needs to be an AOE circle not stop you from moving and inflict 1 second of daze.
    2. Wild Blow should have a 450 range dash and make your next attack crit.
    3. Outrage should inflict weakness and give you protection for 3 seconds. It's just not worth taking.


    • Like 5
  10. 4 hours ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

    The games snowball too easily these days. Getting kills seems to have more impact than defending nodes. I think they need to increase the bleed out percentages to prevent situations where a down means your ally sits there for 15s just to wait another 15s when dead. Maybe that would make games less volatile, but I’m not sure tbh.

    Players should bleed out much faster.

  11. 8 hours ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

    I once posited that for whatever bizzare reason, Warrior's burst skill is considered part of the power budget of the weapon it's tied too. As in, having a very strong burst skill is "balanced out" by having weaker weapon skills, meaning Warrior has no power budget for what should be our "class mechanic". Glad to see someone else coming to this conclusion. 

    Ya it is bizarre. It’s been a problem for way too long. Just try running longbow or gs with no burst skill. It’s pathetic. There’s a reason everyone runs axe on bs.

    • Like 4
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  12. 2 hours ago, Aaron.1294 said:

    @Zuko.7132 the thing is bladesworn rn is very close to being the most overpowered bunker thing in the entire game, meaning it already is at the playable level, however as everyone can agree (I hope) it should NEVER ever be even close to be viable in this shape or form. If they don't want to change bladesworn at all and leave it as a healing/barrier bot then aswell they can remove it completely from pvp, because it promotes an unhealthy and frustrating passive rotational gameplay in PVP which, again, SHOULD never ever be a thing.

    The barrier buff was also the wrong choice.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Aaron.1294 said:

    @Zuko.7132 the thing is bladesworn rn is very close to being the most overpowered bunker thing in the entire game, meaning it already is at the playable level, however as everyone can agree (I hope) it should NEVER ever be even close to be viable in this shape or form. If they don't want to change bladesworn at all and leave it as a healing/barrier bot then aswell they can remove it completely from pvp, because it promotes an unhealthy and frustrating passive rotational gameplay in PVP which, again, SHOULD never ever be a thing.

    Ya i made a post where I suggested increasing the heal cd to 30 and not have it affected by tactical reload in exchange for some more active defense and damage.

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