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Posts posted by Zuko.7132

  1. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    @Lighter.5631 said:reason why rev is missed probably because after all these classes nerfed, thief can get more play which pressures rev.

    Rev is in no way okay just because thief exists. After these nerfs to other classes even more so.

    Condi revs OP cuz condi in general is OP especially burning. Power shiro is very strong if ur a great player and if ur not than the build gets destroyed, that's how it should be for the most part and half the reason this games in such a gbage state. Sure few aspects of power rev may be slightly over tuned but that's only aperant again if ur a good player. Look at war I'd argue it's not in a very good state right now, not horrible but not that good either yet u put a okish player on a warrior and a okish player on power rev and who u thinks gonna fare better?This game needs have more classes or builds like power rev and the few others that actually take skill and some brain power to play so why shouldn't they be strong compared to most of the braindead spam fest that a lot of the roster has been turned into lol.

    I'm fine with them being strong compared to braindead spamfest as you put it, but they should be balanced to be equivalent to good players on other classes as well. Power shiro is overtuned. I don't want it gutted, but I do want it brought in line with other top tier builds played by good players. It needs some shaves.

  2. @EremiteAngel.9765 said:I would recommend that more of us watch top streamers play in their Plat 3 / Legendary streams so we wouldn’t be too biased when calling for nerfs based on our own low leveled limited experiences.

    When you have watched enough, you will realise that every class can perform at the highest levels.

    People say nerf Ranger pets!But i watched a Necro fight on equal grounds with Boyce’s ranger. And the Necro arguably won by a whisker, forcing Boyce to retreat. Boyce! One of EU’s strongest! Forced to retreat by a Necro!

    Okay then people say nerf Necro!I watched Naru, one of NA’s strongest, on his Reaper double team a holosmith in a 2 vs 1. The Holo tanked both Naru and his teammate, kited Naru’s Lich burst, and practically 1 vs 2 Naru and his teammate for Long durations. Immortal Holo!

    Then people say nerf Immortal Holo!I watched Shadowfall on his ranger, out-noding an immortal Holo, forcing decaps frequently and even succeed in bursting and killing the Holo after a long fight.

    Then people say nerf rev!I watched Ajax on his warrior stream, 1 vs 2 a ranger and revenant, and almost killed the rev. Forced multiple decaps against both condi/power revs. But I don’t think anyone ever calls to nerf warrior.

    Then people say nerf condi mirage!I watched a power rev kill a top 10 ranked Mirage on stream even though the Mirage later got revenge on the rev too.

    What I’m trying to say is that every class used at the highest levels has viable builds and roles.

    And from what I’ve watched, there are no extremely over performing class that is an outlier.

    Watch more of those high level games and you’ll learn that even those classes that you think are OP, can be countered and beaten in some way.

    Have you ever heard of a significant sample size? I've played zerk staff ele and wiped a team at mid. Doesn't mean staff ele is good. Also great to know one of the best warriors can get decaps and almost a kill in a random 1v2. Warriors, you're all saved.

  3. @Grimjack.8130 said:weakness effect condis as well, jsut in a bit of a different way, since classes cant crit as much they lose out on their on crit condi trait that some have.weakness as a condi is fine, it just needs to be on less skills and traits etc

    It still has a negligible effect due to most topowerful procs being on a 5 or 10 sec icd and effectively reducing crit chance by 50% plus Intel being a thing. You will get your one crit you need.

    I don't want it to affect condi more though. As pointed out resistance and condi removal exist, and overall damage in this game has decreased enough with recent patches.

    It's just inordinately powerful for it's frequency in the game as you said.

    It either should be weaker or less frequent. I recommend letting it still crit while halving power stay and reducing endurance Regen as it currently does.

    That's an easier fix than adjusting frequency on a bajillion skills and traits.

    It's particularly bad now that anet just needed a ton of power coefficients throughout the game.

  4. @RisenHowl.2419 said:While we're at it, do resistance

    Resistance is equally powerful. 100% condi damage reduction vs about 75% physical reduction and 50% Dodge decrease.

    However weakness is much more commonly applied. Either reduce upkeep to match equally powerful tools or decrease strength.

    Weakness is much better power defense than protection. It needs to be treated as such.

  5. Current WeaknessWeakness is a condition that decreases the rate of endurance regeneration by 50% and turns 50% of all hits into glancing blows.Glancing blows cause an attack to deal only 50% of regular damage and lose any critical damage. Glancing affects only direct damage, not damage dealt by conditions.


    Build: PowerAmulet: BerserkerRune: Eagle

    No Weakness:Offensive Stats: Power 2200, Precision 2075, Ferocity 1125 =

    With Weakness:50% of the time: Power 1100, Precision 0, Ferocity 050% of the time: Power 2200, Precision 2075, Ferocity 1125Effective Stats: Power 1650, Precision 1037.5, Ferocity 562.5

    Stat Loss:Effective Stat Loss: 550 power, 1037.5 precision, 562.5 ferocity = 2150Effect on Build: Immense. Capacity to do damage is extremely reduced.

    In ConclusionWeakness is an extremely powerful anti power tool while also halving endurance regen. It should be treated as such. Either frequency and ease of application needs to be adjusted or strength should be reduced.

    EditI removed the condi case study due to it miscommunicating that I was asking for condi nerfs. It was simply there for reference. I do not want condi nerfs. I simply think weakness needs to be balanced with the understanding that it is an extremely powerful tool.

  6. Elementalist is in a bad place in pvp for two reasons.

    1. Elementalist base stats and active defenses are terrible forcing eles to run survivability amulets, which makes them useless
    2. Elementalists don't do anything better than another profession can and have weak traits.

    How to fix?

    • Give each core trait line a purpose that provides a viable role for ele.
    • Boost Elementalist survivability through trait lines

    FireFire trait line will be focused around might/damage, auras, and boon removal

    • Minor Traits

      1. Burning Precision: 50% Chance on crit to inflict burning for 2 seconds, 3 sec icd per enemy,
      2. Sunspot: Same as before except it now removes a boon from all enemies it hits.
      3. Burning Rage: keep the same, but add burning a foe grants 10 endurance, 5 sec icd
    • Adept

      1. Empowering Aura: Auras grant 200 power, effect does not stack
      2. Extreme Might10 extra Power and Condition Damage per might stack for ele only
      3. Cleansing Flames: Burning an enemy removes a boon, 5 sec icd per enemy
    • Master

      1. Pyromancers Training, keep the same,
      2. Smoothering Auras: keep the same, but add removing a condition from an ally grants 10 endurance
      3. Cauterize: Removing a boon inflicts damage
    • Grandmaster

      1. Burning Strength: Gain 3 stacks of might for 10 seconds when you burn a foe. 2 sec icd. Deal 10% more damage while under the effects of might.
      2. Explosive Purification: Create a fire explosion when striking a burning enemy that deals damage and removes 5 boons from all enemies hit. 15 sec icd.
      3. Powerful Aura: Any aura you grant yourself is granted to nearby allies, auras grant fury and might

    AirAir trait line will be focused on debuffs through vuln and weakness, single target damage, cc, and damage buffs

    • Minor

      1. Zephyr's Speed: Keep the 25% movement speed buff but also add 3 seconds of superspeed upon attuning to air.
      2. Electric Discharge: Keep the Same
      3. Raging Storm: keep the same
    • Adept

      1. Zephyr's boon: Fury grants an extra 10% crit chance
      2. Crippling Weakness: Applying Weakness inflicts cripple and 3 stacks of vuln for 3 seconds
      3. Speedy Demise: Deal 7% more damage while under the effects of superspeed
    • Master

      1. Aeromancers Training: Keep the same
      2. Tempest Defense: Keep the same
      3. Inscription: Keep the same, but add casting a glyph grants a buff to nearby allies that causes their next 3 attacks cast Electric discharge
    • Grandmaster

      1. Fresh air: keep the same
      2. Lighting rod: keep the same, but add electric discharge dazes for 1 second
      3. Bolt to the Heart: Electric discharge now applies 7 stacks of vuln for 10 seconds and Critical hits have a 50% chance to cast electric discharge 3 sec icd, the Electric Discharge applies a five second effect on your target that increases your damage to them by 15%

    EarthEarth trait line will be focused on personal protection, stability, signets, blasts, and condition protection

    • Minor

      1. Protective Blast: Gain Protection for 3 seconds when performing a blast finisher
      2. Earthen Blast: keep the same but is now a blast finisher
      3. Geomancer's defense: Keep the same
    • Adept

      1. Elemental Shielding: keep the same
      2. Earth's embrace: keep the same
      3. Stable Signet: Signets grant 1 stack of stability for four seconds
    • Master

      1. Geomancer's Training: keep the same
      2. Rock Solid: Gain stability on attuning to earth, stability grants 200 toughness
      3. Punishing Blast: Blast finishes cripple and weaken foes for 2 seconds
    • Grandmaster

      1. Stone Heart: Protection reduces critical damage to the elementalist by 33% aoe 5 sec weakness when critically hit, 20 sec icd
      2. Written in Stone: Keep the same
      3. Diamond Skin: Remove a condition when struck while under the effects of protection receive 33% less condition damage while under the effects of protection(3 sec icd)

    WaterWater trait line is focused around support through healing, condition hate, and chill

    • Minor

      1. Soothing Mist: keep the same
      2. Healing Ripple: keep the same
      3. Aquatic Healing: Healing is 15% more effective both to allies and you
    • Adept

      1. Soothing Ice: Keep the Same
      2. Conditional Healing: Heal yourself and allies 2% more for each condition on them or you
      3. Stop, Drop, and Roll: Dodging removes a damaging and non-damaging condition from nearby allies
    • Master

      1. Soothing Disruption: Keep the Same but boons are now aoe
      2. Cool Relief: Foes you chill pulse healing to allies while chilled
      3. Aquamancers training: Keep the same, but remove damage boost and add remove condi from allies on water attune
    • Grandmaster

      1. Cleansing Water: Keep the same
      2. Soothing Power: Soothing Mist is 100% more effective, Healing to allies is 25% more effective
      3. Chilling Vulnerability: Gain frost aura for 4 seconds on attuning to water, Applying chill applies 3 stacks of vulnerablity for 8 seconds, Vulnerability now reduces the damage the enemy deals instead of increasing the damage they take

    ArcaneArcane trait line focuses on boons, evasion, arcanes skills, and random stuff

    • Minor

      1. Arcane Prowess: keep as is
      2. Elemental Attunement: Keep as is
      3. Elemental Enchantment: Keep as is
    • Adept

      1. Renewing stamina: keep as is
      2. Arcane Precision: keep as is
      3. Arcane Abatement: increase healing
    • Master

      1. Arcane Ressurection: Good for support I guess, leave alone.
      2. Elemental Contingency: leave as is
      3. Final Shielding: Leave as is
    • Grandmaster

      1. Evasive Arcana: Leave as is
      2. Elemental Surge: Leave as is
      3. Bountiful Strength: Deal increased damage for each boon you have. Gain 2 endurance when you gain a boon.

    TempestDo tempest stuff better

    • Minor

      1. Singularity: Keep the same
      2. Stable Conduit: Gain stability when starting an overload
      3. Hardy Conduit: Keep the same
    • Adept

      1. Unstable Conduit: keep the same
      2. Latent Stamina: Applying vigor grants 20 stamina, Gain Vigor when starting and completing an overload.
      3. Gale Song: Keep as is, but add shouts grants 3 seconds of quickness and 5 seconds of swiftness
    • Master

      1. Invigorating Torrents: Keep as is
      2. Tempestuous Aria: Reduce shout cooldown by 20% the next attack of allies affected by a shout inflict 3 seconds of cripple and weakness and slow
      3. Speedy Conduit: Overloads are available two seconds earlier and channel 25% faster
    • Grandmaster

      1. Unstoppable Singularity: keep as is, but add overloads grant superspeed and inflict cripple chill and immob for 3 seconds upon completion.
      2. Elemental Bastion: keep as is
      3. Imbued Melodies: Gain 300 concentration, completing an overload grants Protection, aegis, stability, and regen for 3 seconds to allies.

    WeaverDon't really know what to do with this, but I have a few ideas.

    • Woven stride: Gaining swiftness or superspeed removes condis, nix the regen, heal while under the effects of swiftness
    • Boost barrier application all around
  7. @steki.1478 said:

    @"Zuko.7132" said:Elementalist is in a bad place in pvp for two reasons.
    1. Elementalist base stats and active defenses are terrible forcing eles to run survivability amulets, which makes them useless
    2. Elementalists don't do anything better than another profession can and have weak traits.

    How to fix?
    • Give each core trait line a purpose that provides a viable role for ele.
    • Boost Elementalist survivability through trait lines

    Fire trait line will be focused around might/damage, auras, and boon removal, with a bit of endurance regen
    • Minor Traits
      1. Burning Precision: 50% Chance on crit to inflict burning for 2 seconds, 3 sec icd per enemy,
      2. Sunspot: Same as before except it now removes a boon from all enemies it hits.
      3. Burning Rage: keep the same, but add burning a foe grants 10 endurance, 5 sec icd
    • Adept
      1. Empowering Aura: Auras grant 200 power, effect does not stack
      2. Extreme Might10 extra Power and Condition Damage per might stack for ele only
      3. Cleansing Flames: Burning an enemy removes a boon, 5 sec icd per enemy
    • Master
      1. Pyromancers Training, keep the same,
      2. Smoothering Auras: keep the same, but add removing a condition from an ally grants 10 endurance
      3. Cauterize: Removing a boon inflicts damage
    • Grandmaster
      1. Burning Strength: Gain 3 stacks of might for 10 seconds when you burn a foe. 2 sec icd. Deal 10% more damage while under the effects of might.
      2. Explosive Purification: Create a fire explosion when striking a burning enemy that deals damage and removes 5 boons from all enemies hit. 15 sec icd.
      3. Powerful Aura: Any aura you grant yourself is granted to nearby allies, auras grant fury and might

    Air trait line will be focused on vulnerability, cc, mobility, and critical damage

    1. Zephyr's Speed: Keep the 25% movement speed buff but also add 3 seconds of superspeed upon attuning to air.
    2. Electric Discharge: Keep the Same
    3. Raging Storm: keep the same
    • Adept
      1. Zephyr's boon: Fury grants an extra 10% crit chance
      2. Crippling Weakness: Applying Weakness inflicts cripple and 3 stacks of vuln for 3 seconds
      3. Speedy Demise: Deal 7% more damage while under the effects of superspeed
    • Master
      1. Aeromancers Training: Keep the same
      2. Tempest Defense: Keep the same
      3. Inscription: Keep the same, but add casting a glyph grants a buff to nearby allies that causes their next 3 attacks cast Electric discharge
    • Grandmaster
      1. Fresh air: keep the same
      2. Lighting rod: keep the same, but add electric discharge dazes for 1 second
      3. Bolt to the Heart: Electric discharge now applies 7 stacks of vuln for 10 seconds and Critical hits have a 50% chance to cast electric discharge 3 sec icd, the Electric Discharge applies a five second effect on your target that increases your damage to them by 15%

    Earth trait line will be focused on personal protection, stability, signets, blasts, and condition protection
    • Minor
      1. Protective Blast: Gain Protection for 3 seconds when performing a blast finisher
      2. Earthen Blast: keep the same but is now a blast finisher
      3. Geomancer's defense: Keep the same
    • Adept
      1. Elemental Shielding: keep the same
      2. Earth's embrace: keep the same
      3. Stable Signet: Signets grant 1 stack of stability for four seconds
    • Master
      1. Geomancer's Training: keep the same
      2. Rock Solid: Gain stability on attuning to earth, stability grants 200 toughness
      3. Punishing Blast: Blast finishes cripple and weaken foes for 2 seconds
    • Grandmaster
      1. Stone Heart: Protection reduces critical damage to the elementalist by 50%
      2. Written in Stone: Keep the same
      3. Diamond Skin: Remove a condition when struck while under the effects of protection receive 33% less condition damage while under the effects of protection(3 sec icd)

    Water trait line is focused around support through healing, condition hate, and chill
    • Minor
      1. Soothing Mist: keep the same
      2. Healing Ripple: keep the same
      3. Aquatic Healing: Healing is 15% more effective both to allies and you
    • Adept
      1. Soothing Ice: Keep the Same
      2. Conditional Healing: Heal yourself and allies 2% more for each condition on them or you
      3. Stop, Drop, and Roll: Dodging removes a damaging and non-damaging condition from nearby allies
    • Master
      1. Soothing Disruption: Keep the Same but boons are now aoe
      2. Cool Relief: Foes you chill pulse healing to allies while chilled
      3. Aquamancers training: Keep the same, but changed damage boost to remove condition from allies on attuning to water
    • Grandmaster
      1. Cleansing Water: Keep the same
      2. Soothing Power: Soothing Mist is 100% more effective, Healing to allies is 25% more effective
      3. Chilling Vulnerability: Gain frost aura for 4 seconds on attuning to water, Applying chill applies 3 stacks of vulnerablity for 8 seconds, Vulnerability now reduces the damage the enemy deals instead of increasing the damage they take

    Arcane trait line focuses on boons, evasion, arcanes skills, and random stuff
    • Minor
      1. Arcane Prowess: keep as is
      2. Elemental Attunement: Keep as is
      3. Elemental Enchantment: Keep as is
    • Adept
      1. Renewing stamina: keep as is
      2. Arcane Precision: keep as is
      3. Arcane Abatement: increase healing
    • Master
      1. Arcane Ressurection: Good for support i guess, leave alone.
      2. Elemental Contingency: leave as is
      3. Final Shielding: Leave as is
    • Grandmaster
      1. Evasive Arcana: Leave as is
      2. Elemental Surge: Leave as is
      3. Bountiful Strenght: Deal increased damage for each boon you have. Gain 2 endurance when you gain a boon.

    Why these changes?

    These changes to the fire trait line give the elementalist three roles to invest in, with added endurance regen for active defense.
    1. Boon Removal
    2. Offensive buffs and condition removal through auras
    3. General damage through percent damage boosts and improved and faster might that frees ele from rotation to compensate for having to take survivability amulets

    1. High single target damage through stat boosts
    2. Playstyle focused around cc and debuffs with some extra damage thrown in
    3. Fresh air is still viable, but now with the revised Bolt to the Heart, air can be a good choice for a damage boost for builds that don't focus on cc or fresh air

    1. Provides great personal survivability but offers little to allies
    2. Can focus on stability, protection, or dealing with condis depending on your needs

    1. Offers greater support options to hopefully bring elementalist back as a top tier support especially if combined with aura traits in fire line
    2. Can focus on aoe condition removal or improved healing or debuffing enemies

    Arcane is alright in my opinion, didn't change much. Biggest change was giving a bit of survivability through evades to make bountiful power worth a choice and give an option for more active defense and damage avoidance at the expensive of the utility offered by the other two gm traits.

    By increasing the strength of trait lines, Ele will now be able to compensate for its inferior stats and lack of defense. Furthermore, since each trait line focuses on excelling at certain roles, ele will be able to perform certain roles such as boon hate or support at a competitive level.

    I see some issues, but I also like some trait-merge suggestions and additional efects on traits like sunspot, stop drop & roll, lightning rod (might be a bit too strong with no icd though) etc.

    Some major traits focus on same thing (in both your suggestions and game currently), which should be avoided (for example all air GM traits are damage focused, leaving no place for potential mobility, CC, vuln or support traits; similar with water GMs who have no offensive alternative).

    Core ele has terrible aura application, there's no need for more than one aura improvement trait per spec, like the current one in fire (cleanse on application + detonation). Buffing with auras should be tempest's job, half of its traits are worthless anyway.

    You have no viable traits for condi builds.

    I'd also like to mention that ele is class with lowest amount of base stats, so it needs to have additional stats through traits (a lot of classes have such traits regardless of their base stat dominance, on top of semi easy uptime of both stat buffs and certain boons, most notably might). Weaver and tempest do a decent job with their minor traits, but they are elite specs, not core. Current first minor traits on core specs are quite good, they are just very hard to upkeep and they still cant compare to some traits on other classes (warr gets 1k toughness from one trait).

    The reason why ele is weak as "solo" class is due to weak base values on skills. The reason why ele has biggest damage potential in game is because lots of skills scale incredibly well with power. Ele cant buff itself to reach high numbers on its own. Even if it could buff itself, ele cant invest everything into offense due to fragile nature. That's why we need passive self buffs with easier uptime, or just higher base damage/heal values on skills.

    As far as condi goes, ele doesn't have a viable condi weapon set. We can get some nice hybrid damage, but sole condi will always be inferior which is why I don't have much condi stuff. I tried to compensate for the low base stats with the improved might, faster might stacking, and percent damage increases in fire, which should apply even if not attuned to fire. I gave air some flat damage modifiers as well as stat increases or damage increase through vuln or procced attacks which should also help. In earth i enabled more frequent and improved prot as well as a toughness boost which is possible while under stab. For water I made the healing boost also apply to the ele for the minor trait.

  8. @steki.1478 said:

    I see some issues, but I also like some trait-merge suggestions and additional efects on traits like sunspot, stop drop & roll, lightning rod (might be a bit too strong with no icd though) etc.

    Some major traits focus on same thing (in both your suggestions and game currently), which should be avoided (for example all air GM traits are damage focused, leaving no place for potential mobility, CC, vuln or support traits; similar with water GMs who have no offensive alternative).

    Core ele has terrible aura application, there's no need for more than one aura improvement trait per spec, like the current one in fire (cleanse on application + detonation). Buffing with auras should be tempest's job, half of its traits are worthless anyway.

    You have no viable traits for condi builds.

    Well as far as air GM goes, they all support different playstyles. One does focus on cc and debuffing with weakness, and the other through vulnerability application, while fresh air is pure damage and utility. I think air in general should be a damage line, plus the mobility through superspeed is already there. Just different choices on how to do damage with different choices being superior for different weaponsets. I see your point, but I think traitlines such as water and air should have a general theme such as damage or support but different ways to implement that support or damage where the optimal one varies based on your weapon choice and the enemy comp. For example in water, there are straight healing options, condition removal options, or debuffing the enemy options.

    As far as auras go, with these new traits a d/d core elementalist Elementalist running water fire arcane would get 4 seconds of aura uptime from attuning to water, 4 from attuning to fire, the frost aura on crit, lightning aura from air 3, frost aura from water 4, and fire aura from earth 3 in fire field, which would all be aoe, remove conditions, grant vigor, grant fury, grant might, and grant 200 power to allies, so i don't think auras would be too bad for core under this. Auras are certainly better with tempest, but the fire traitline is the only one that's actually dedicated to auras and then only with one trait in each choice. The frost auras in water serve other purposes such as cleansing condi and inflicting chill for healing and damage reduction.

  9. @Stallic.2397 said:

    @Zuko.7132 said:Elementalist is in a bad place in pvp for two reasons.
    1. Elementalist base stats and active defenses are terrible forcing eles to run survivability amulets, which makes them useless
    2. Elementalists don't do anything better than another profession can and have weak traits.

    How to fix?
    • Give each core trait line a purpose that provides a viable role for ele.
    • Boost Elementalist survivability through trait lines

    Fire trait line will be focused around might/damage, auras, and boon removal
    • Minor Traits
      1. Burning Precision: 50% Chance on crit to inflict burning for 2 seconds, 3 sec icd per enemy,
      2. Sunspot: Same as before except it now removes a boon from all enemies it hits.
      3. Burning Rage: keep the same, but add burning a foe grants 10 endurance, 5 sec icd
    • Adept
      1. Empowering Aura: Auras grant 200 power, effect does not stack
      2. Extreme Might10 extra Power and Condition Damage per might stack for ele only
      3. Cleansing Flames: Burning an enemy removes a boon, 5 sec icd per enemy
    • Master
      1. Pyromancers Training, keep the same,
      2. Smoothering Auras: keep the same, but add removing a condition from an ally grants 10 endurance
      3. Cauterize: Removing a boon inflicts damage
    • Grandmaster
      1. Burning Strength: Gain 3 stacks of might for 10 seconds when you burn a foe. 2 sec icd. Deal 10% more damage while under the effects of might.
      2. Explosive Purification: Create a fire explosion when striking a burning enemy that deals damage and removes 5 boons from all enemies hit. 15 sec icd.
      3. Powerful Aura: Any aura you grant yourself is granted to nearby allies, auras grant fury and might

    Air trait line will be focused on vulnerability, cc, mobility, and critical damage

    1. Zephyr's Speed: Keep the 25% movement speed buff but also add 3 seconds of superspeed upon attuning to air.
    2. Electric Discharge: Keep the Same
    3. Raging Storm: keep the same
    • Adept
      1. Zephyr's boon: Fury grants an extra 10% crit chance
      2. Crippling Weakness: Applying Weakness inflicts cripple and 3 stacks of vuln for 3 seconds
      3. Speedy Demise: Deal 7% more damage while under the effects of superspeed
    • Master
      1. Aeromancers Training: Keep the same
      2. Tempest Defense: Keep the same
      3. Inscription: Keep the same, but add casting a glyph grants a buff to nearby allies that causes their next 3 attacks cast Electric discharge
    • Grandmaster
      1. Fresh air: keep the same
      2. Lighting rod: keep the same, but add electric discharge dazes for 1 second
      3. Bolt to the Heart: Electric discharge now applies 7 stacks of vuln for 10 seconds and Critical hits have a 50% chance to cast electric discharge 3 sec icd, the Electric Discharge applies a five second effect on your target that increases your damage to them by 15%

    Earth trait line will be focused on personal protection, stability, signets, blasts, and condition protection
    • Minor
      1. Protective Blast: Gain Protection for 3 seconds when performing a blast finisher
      2. Earthen Blast: keep the same but is now a blast finisher
      3. Geomancer's defense: Keep the same
    • Adept
      1. Elemental Shielding: keep the same
      2. Earth's embrace: keep the same
      3. Stable Signet: Signets grant 1 stack of stability for four seconds
    • Master
      1. Geomancer's Training: keep the same
      2. Rock Solid: Gain stability on attuning to earth, stability grants 200 toughness
      3. Punishing Blast: Blast finishes cripple and weaken foes for 2 seconds
    • Grandmaster
      1. Stone Heart: Protection reduces critical damage to the elementalist by 33%
      2. Written in Stone: Keep the same
      3. Diamond Skin: Remove a condition when struck while under the effects of protection receive 33% less condition damage while under the effects of protection(3 sec icd)

    Water trait line is focused around support through healing, condition hate, and chill
    • Minor
      1. Soothing Mist: keep the same
      2. Healing Ripple: keep the same
      3. Aquatic Healing: Healing is 15% more effective both to allies and you
    • Adept
      1. Soothing Ice: Keep the Same
      2. Conditional Healing: Heal yourself and allies 2% more for each condition on them or you
      3. Stop, Drop, and Roll: Dodging removes a damaging and non-damaging condition from nearby allies
    • Master
      1. Soothing Disruption: Keep the Same but boons are now aoe
      2. Cool Relief: Foes you chill pulse healing to allies while chilled
      3. Aquamancers training: Keep the same, but changed damage boost to remove condition from allies on attuning to water
    • Grandmaster
      1. Cleansing Water: Keep the same
      2. Soothing Power: Soothing Mist is 100% more effective, Healing to allies is 25% more effective
      3. Chilling Vulnerability: Gain frost aura for 4 seconds on attuning to water, Applying chill applies 3 stacks of vulnerablity for 8 seconds, Vulnerability now reduces the damage the enemy deals instead of increasing the damage they take

    Arcane trait line focuses on boons, evasion, arcanes skills, and random stuff
    • Minor
      1. Arcane Prowess: keep as is
      2. Elemental Attunement: Keep as is
      3. Elemental Enchantment: Keep as is
    • Adept
      1. Renewing stamina: keep as is
      2. Arcane Precision: keep as is
      3. Arcane Abatement: increase healing
    • Master
      1. Arcane Ressurection: Good for support i guess, leave alone.
      2. Elemental Contingency: leave as is
      3. Final Shielding: Leave as is
    • Grandmaster
      1. Evasive Arcana: Leave as is
      2. Elemental Surge: Leave as is
      3. Bountiful Strenght: Deal increased damage for each boon you have. Gain 2 endurance when you gain a boon.

    Why these changes?

    These changes to the fire trait line give the elementalist three roles to invest in, with added endurance regen for active defense.
    1. Boon Removal
    2. Offensive buffs and condition removal through auras
    3. General damage through percent damage boosts and improved and faster might that frees ele from rotation to compensate for having to take survivability amulets

    1. High single target damage through stat boosts
    2. Playstyle focused around cc and debuffs with some extra damage thrown in
    3. Fresh air is still viable, but now with the revised Bolt to the Heart, air can be a good choice for a damage boost for builds that don't focus on cc or fresh air

    1. Provides great personal survivability but offers little to allies
    2. Can focus on stability, protection, or dealing with condis depending on your needs

    1. Offers greater support options to hopefully bring elementalist back as a top tier support especially if combined with aura traits in fire line
    2. Can focus on aoe condition removal or improved healing or debuffing enemies

    Arcane is alright in my opinion, didn't change much. Biggest change was giving a bit of survivability through evades to make bountiful power worth a choice and give an option for more active defense and damage avoidance at the expensive of the utility offered by the other two gm traits.

    By increasing the strength of trait lines, Ele will now be able to compensate for its inferior stats and lack of defense. Furthermore, since each trait line focuses on excelling at certain roles, ele will be able to perform certain roles such as boon hate or support at a competitive level.

    Great ideas for improving Core Ele. I like how you replaced a lot of useless traits that most ele's don't use. Also, a lot of the changes now effects Ele as a whole, instead of just one attunement at a time. Fire has the best ideas, cause as of right now, that trait is pretty useless.

    This is coming from a sPvP perspective: For Earth, Stone Heart currently reduces crits all together. Even though you have to camp in Earth. I would rather camp then reduce the protection to only 33% reduction.

    For Water, a lot of people used cleansing wave when I last checked. I wonder what's the response for replacing that one.

    The cleanse on water swap was merged with the water cooldown trait to replace the damage boost, cause damage boost in water is dumb. I hear that, but I don't like the idea of having to camp earth to make use of it. Perhaps 33% is a bit weak though. Maybe 40 or 50 or an added aoe weakness on crit with an icd. A lot of ele is based on rotations so having earth as a reactive panic button doesn't work for rotation builds.

  10. Elementalist is in a bad place in pvp for two reasons.

    1. Elementalist base stats and active defenses are terrible forcing eles to run survivability amulets, which makes them useless
    2. Elementalists don't do anything better than another profession can and have weak traits.

    How to fix?

    • Give each core trait line a purpose that provides a viable role for ele.
    • Boost Elementalist survivability through trait lines

    FireFire trait line will be focused around might/damage, auras, and boon removal

    • Minor Traits

      1. Burning Precision: 50% Chance on crit to inflict burning for 2 seconds, 3 sec icd per enemy,
      2. Sunspot: Same as before except it now removes a boon from all enemies it hits.
      3. Burning Rage: keep the same, but add burning a foe grants 10 endurance, 5 sec icd
    • Adept

      1. Empowering Aura: Auras grant 200 power, effect does not stack
      2. Extreme Might10 extra Power and Condition Damage per might stack for ele only
      3. Cleansing Flames: Burning an enemy removes a boon, 5 sec icd per enemy
    • Master

      1. Pyromancers Training, keep the same,
      2. Smoothering Auras: keep the same, but add removing a condition from an ally grants 10 endurance
      3. Cauterize: Removing a boon inflicts damage
    • Grandmaster

      1. Burning Strength: Gain 3 stacks of might for 10 seconds when you burn a foe. 2 sec icd. Deal 10% more damage while under the effects of might.
      2. Explosive Purification: Create a fire explosion when striking a burning enemy that deals damage and removes 5 boons from all enemies hit. 15 sec icd.
      3. Powerful Aura: Any aura you grant yourself is granted to nearby allies, auras grant fury and might

    AirAir trait line will be focused on vulnerability, cc, mobility, and critical damage

    • Minor

      1. Zephyr's Speed: Keep the 25% movement speed buff but also add 3 seconds of superspeed upon attuning to air.
      2. Electric Discharge: Keep the Same
      3. Raging Storm: keep the same
    • Adept

      1. Zephyr's boon: Fury grants an extra 10% crit chance
      2. Crippling Weakness: Applying Weakness inflicts cripple and 3 stacks of vuln for 3 seconds
      3. Speedy Demise: Deal 7% more damage while under the effects of superspeed
    • Master

      1. Aeromancers Training: Keep the same
      2. Tempest Defense: Keep the same
      3. Inscription: Keep the same, but add casting a glyph grants a buff to nearby allies that causes their next 3 attacks cast Electric discharge
    • Grandmaster

      1. Fresh air: keep the same
      2. Lighting rod: keep the same, but add electric discharge dazes for 1 second
      3. Bolt to the Heart: Electric discharge now applies 7 stacks of vuln for 10 seconds and Critical hits have a 50% chance to cast electric discharge 3 sec icd, the Electric Discharge applies a five second effect on your target that increases your damage to them by 15%

    EarthEarth trait line will be focused on personal protection, stability, signets, blasts, and condition protection

    • Minor

      1. Protective Blast: Gain Protection for 3 seconds when performing a blast finisher
      2. Earthen Blast: keep the same but is now a blast finisher
      3. Geomancer's defense: Keep the same
    • Adept

      1. Elemental Shielding: keep the same
      2. Earth's embrace: keep the same
      3. Stable Signet: Signets grant 1 stack of stability for four seconds
    • Master

      1. Geomancer's Training: keep the same
      2. Rock Solid: Gain stability on attuning to earth, stability grants 200 toughness
      3. Punishing Blast: Blast finishes cripple and weaken foes for 2 seconds
    • Grandmaster

      1. Stone Heart: Protection reduces critical damage to the elementalist by 33% aoe 5 sec weakness when critically hit, 20 sec icd
      2. Written in Stone: Keep the same
      3. Diamond Skin: Remove a condition when struck while under the effects of protection receive 33% less condition damage while under the effects of protection(3 sec icd)

    WaterWater trait line is focused around support through healing, condition hate, and chill

    • Minor

      1. Soothing Mist: keep the same
      2. Healing Ripple: keep the same
      3. Aquatic Healing: Healing is 15% more effective both to allies and you
    • Adept

      1. Soothing Ice: Keep the Same
      2. Conditional Healing: Heal yourself and allies 2% more for each condition on them or you
      3. Stop, Drop, and Roll: Dodging removes a damaging and non-damaging condition from nearby allies
    • Master

      1. Soothing Disruption: Keep the Same but boons are now aoe
      2. Cool Relief: Foes you chill pulse healing to allies while chilled
      3. Aquamancers training: Keep the same, but remove damage boost and add remove condi from allies on water attune
    • Grandmaster

      1. Cleansing Water: Keep the same
      2. Soothing Power: Soothing Mist is 100% more effective, Healing to allies is 25% more effective
      3. Chilling Vulnerability: Gain frost aura for 4 seconds on attuning to water, Applying chill applies 3 stacks of vulnerablity for 8 seconds, Vulnerability now reduces the damage the enemy deals instead of increasing the damage they take

    ArcaneArcane trait line focuses on boons, evasion, arcanes skills, and random stuff

    • Minor

      1. Arcane Prowess: keep as is
      2. Elemental Attunement: Keep as is
      3. Elemental Enchantment: Keep as is
    • Adept

      1. Renewing stamina: keep as is
      2. Arcane Precision: keep as is
      3. Arcane Abatement: increase healing
    • Master

      1. Arcane Ressurection: Good for support I guess, leave alone.
      2. Elemental Contingency: leave as is
      3. Final Shielding: Leave as is
    • Grandmaster

      1. Evasive Arcana: Leave as is
      2. Elemental Surge: Leave as is
      3. Bountiful Strength: Deal increased damage for each boon you have. Gain 2 endurance when you gain a boon.

    TempestDo tempest stuff better

    • Minor

      1. Singularity: Keep the same
      2. Stable Conduit: Gain stability when starting an overload
      3. Hardy Conduit: Keep the same
    • Adept

      1. Unstable Conduit: keep the same
      2. Latent Stamina: Applying vigor grants 20 stamina, Gain Vigor when starting and completing an overload.
      3. Gale Song: Keep as is, but add shouts grants 3 seconds of quickness and 5 seconds of swiftness
    • Master

      1. Invigorating Torrents: Keep as is
      2. Tempestuous Aria: Reduce shout cooldown by 20% the next attack of allies affected by a shout inflict 3 seconds of cripple and weakness and slow
      3. Speedy Conduit: Overloads are available two seconds earlier and channel 25% faster
    • Grandmaster

      1. Unstoppable Singularity: keep as is, but add overloads grant superspeed and inflict cripple chill and immob for 3 seconds upon completion.
      2. Elemental Bastion: keep as is
      3. Imbued Melodies: Gain 300 concentration, completing an overload grants Protection, aegis, stability, and regen for 3 seconds to allies.

    WeaverDon't really know what to do with this, but I have a few ideas.

    • Woven stride: Gaining swiftness or superspeed removes condis, nix the regen, heal while under the effects of swiftness
    • Boost barrier application all around
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