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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. @"kratan.4619" said:I've found the reverse actually, the solo gankers trying to pick off zerglings trying to get to their commander are the ones who will not "get better". They sit around in their 1v1 builds trying to catch people who are not optimized for 1v1 combat so they can have easy kills.

    Why would you play outside of zerg with a non roamer build?This same discussion has been around since the start of mmos and the answer is red = dead. The tears just make it sweeter.

  2. I like super rare items or time limited items that never come back. Some uniqueness is cool even if it comes from rng.This game is missing more unique pieces that come from the hardest bosses in the game and have super low drop chance.I used to play a lineage clone where there were super rare items from bosses that the whole server couldn't beat for years. It literary took years for us to get enough people geared, invent tactics and get a stable enough alliance to beat the boss. It was possible to grief during pretty much every activity in the game since nothing was instanced and pvp was possible everywhere. Any time an alliance formed that was able to beat the big bad boss other alliances griefed them so they wouldn't get an edge.And when something this super rare dropped the guild/alliance leader or sub-leaders got them. They were the banner of our guilds/alliance and also front line in castle sieges and everyone was in awe and jealous and we were proud.This was cool and people worked together and guild and alliances had a purpose. In gw2 a random yellow moa mob can drop the best items in the game and no one cares because everyone is entitled to everything and squads look like light shows.

  3. @kanemi.4903 said:

    @Urud.4925 said:I saw that now it's also possible to buy ascended armor at a cheap price, farming the strike missions. There's an asura near the gate of Eye of the North: he sells armor boxes for gold + crystal shards. The price seems quite low. So it should be a good alternative if you prefer to farm strike mission over crafting.

    Since I'm 'new' to the game, and not geared, it's not possible to farm strike mission.And nobody in my Guild seems to run strike missions ;(

    All strike mission besides Boneskinner and Whispers of Jormag are easy and you can easily join groups through lfg. Shiverpeaks (Grothmar) and Forging steel are super easy. Shiverpeaks has a short jumping part in the beggining but as soon as one player overcomes it a shrine opens and you can teleport straight to boss.You can get exotics from the TP for a few gold that you probably already have in your wallet even if new or just sell some stuff from your material storage. This should be enough for strikes.But you will need a lot of shards for full ascended (400 shards just for chest piece) so it might not be the fastest and most fun way to farm strikes.

  4. I think a little bit of everything is best imo. Do the LS4 dailies and the meta events. And while doing these gather the nodes you stumble upon and the normal events and hearths. Domain of Istan, the Palawadan and GH metas are in general one of the best farms once per day and they give ton of kralk also.Ice shards in Bjora are easy to get but to farm them exclusively just to convert them to LS4 currency.? I don't know just feels it will take forever to get 250 of everything and super boring.Map completions are a good advice as most are easy.

  5. @Hannelore.8153 said:The problem is that removing the system would remove a huge chunk of the reason that people play PvP/WvW. The system is intentionally sparse in PvE to encourage playing those game modes for the rewards instead (Transmutation Charges, stat-select armor, etc.).

    Doing those things in PvE is alot harder, but PvE is overall far more lucrative, which is the balance of it.

    I really doubt many players play pvp/wvw for Transmute charges. Sure you will eventually pile loads of them but if you don't like the mode it will probably be a pain in the ass and feel painfully slow. Also I think average pvp players are a different breed and care less about the looks compared to an average player. At least I would prefer to have an option to disable all the flashy skins and effects for a better game play. If a game has a standard skin option where we all look alike I turn it on for a better visual clarity during fights.

    In the end fashion is what funds this game.

  6. @kharmin.7683 said:

    This whole anyone who criticises monetization just doesn't want to spend anything and get everything for free is so tiresome, especially when repeatedly rebuffed.

    But yet, there are many who cry about the loss of ARC because it was free more than its functionality. This is probably why this point keeps coming up. Not saying that you, specifically, are one of those players.

    But imo those are valid complaints. You take away something that is free and start charging for a lesser version of it, you basically take away functionality from players. Especially because GW2 is perfect for such a feature with so much build, weapon and stat combinations. A template function emphasizes the core strengths of the game and once you start using it you just want more and more and can easily fill it to the limit.

  7. Oh I agree and get what they were trying to achieve with this or at least I think so. Only Anet really knows the real data. Maybe they are selling like hot bread.But when you try to sell something that would fit this game very well and people are used to getting for free in other games or even GW franchise it can back fire.

    Anyway this has been beaten to death 100 times over. I really doubt anything will change and even if they do change it, it probably won't have any real effect on revenue. I'll still spam these threads in hope something will happen because this was one thing I wished for since the first day I started playing. And if I wanted to buy a meaningful amount of these templates (gear + build) it would cost me years of playtime of a mmorpg with monthly fee (for 1 qol feature, wth).

  8. @Cyninja.2954 said:Every little thing you mentioned for GW2 is subsidized by the gem store sales they make. You just dislike that one of the items you might desire (or not desire) is not within the free handout package.

    Well yes that is exactly what we are saying. We feel build templates are essential piece of a mmorpg and should be part of a handout package while being subsidized with other gem store purchases.A proper build template system would increase my interest in the game because I like trying new builds but this game just makes it unnecessarily complicated. This new system didn't really improve much because I got what I already had with pve/wvw/pvp system that used to be in place plus a few more for the flavor with clunky interface.

    Gear templates I feel similarly only that it makes more sense that they are not completely free since they provide extra storage space which is a commodity in this game. The price is to high though.

    Now some might say that most don't need and use these templates and are not really incentive to play and spend more for most. Well if that is the case they won't sell much anyway and might as well leave the better and free Arc alone.

  9. I use all mounts. Raptor might be less used than most since I prefer Jackal for short distance land travel but I think functionally it is a tie between them and just a thing of flavor (I think Jackal is 10 % faster but Raptor has a bit faster burst of speed and just a little bit more altitude gain). The engage is cool and animations really fluid.

  10. Making them server side is not an excuse. Its a bad system and this is pretty much it.

    Build templates are common in games and have been a common feature for a long time. GW1 had them, this game had them. Yes there are qol features that they can monetise. Monetising a basic feature for game like this is just bad publicity. Having to spend hundreds of euros to have a real use of them is insane.

    Implementation is lacking. Its either a really bad design which is strange because there is really nothing to design since it is a common feature everywhere, or it is designed in a way to increase money gain. Which is bad and not something anet is known for and people see it as the start of the end (milk the last drops)

  11. I support the idea of a beastiary just because I like to look at it in other games. Not really because of useful info but if it is well done: mobs models and trivia.

    On the topic of farming mobs for mats. It is really not a thing in this game with maybe a few exceptions like leather farm in Lake Doric (ls3 map).

  12. Only Anet knows how well they sell but imo they are way to expensive (both equipment and build). I was really hyped and was sure this will be one time purchase for unlock of infinite templates or at least way way more than what we have available now. If they are to be interesting to me the price should be like 10 or 20% of what they are now. I am not buying any because having a few extra slots is nothing.

  13. @MikeG.6389 said:

    @"Thenme.6491" said:As a player who got access to all living story and never paid for it, i agree that the old living story should come with the expansion packs or at least be cheap. It would have been better if heart of thorns would still cost 10-15$ instead of free and u get the living story season 2 with it. Path of fire should have included season 3 instead of heart of thorns, season 4 should still cost money, and same for seadon 5, but when the xpac comes they should be part of it. Also, due to the story structure, xpacs should require previous xpacs. Otherwise the chronology is ruined. Placing season 1 in season 5 is a disgrace. Srsly, just put it in season1. The maps are allready changed, why not put the tower there, why is it in fractals? U think that black spot is better? Its not as if u returned the map to it's original state

    After all that you will end up with a price that is right about the current price of the whole game with all past LW seasons included, which you can still cut in half if you buy the LW episodes with gems converted from in-game gold.

    You are missing the point of this thread. The price is not the problem, the confusion of the proper chronological order of the story through all the LWs and expansions for new player is. And this is a very common complaint in the "player helping players" forum section.Like I mentioned before, when I bought the game after Pof, if I knew how this works I would actually spend more from the start (would buy ultimate for the gems) than I did. The money is not a problem, you get a lot for it.

  14. The problem GW2 has with raiding is that raids are a side project. Their main focus is on open world and they handle it very well with the big metas. These open world metas also complement the story well, you fight many of the big bosses of the game there.In comparison Wow's raids were the pinnacle of everything. All the main story, everything happening in the world lead to these big famous raid bosses like Illidan or the Lich King and they dropped unique legendary weapons (not only legendary quality wise but literary weapons of legends) . Everyone wanted to fight Arthas since the start of Woltk if not since the start of Wow because of War3. The opening cinematic for Woltk (very cool one also) featured the Lich King, the last boss in the final raid of the expansion. This is why people started raiding.I agree that something like LFR mode would help raiding a lot or at least make the content worthwhile to develop. It also makes sense in a game without real gear progression. In Wow LFR was criticized that it obsoletes previous raids because it is easier to gear up in the current LFR as in older raids so progression became playing the same raid on different difficulties. It was also seen as a free gear handout. Here these complaints are moot because gear is very cheap and available through any content.

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