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Everything posted by George.9745

  1. I scream at casuals in crown pavilion when they kill a boss and the rest are over 70% HP
  2. How can you miss the point so badly? I don't get it.
  3. They are already stupidly OP what more do you want? Some people can never have enough..the greed is insane in you
  4. They are indeed down. Hoping for another Bonfire. Those things are awesome for new players, I helped some newbies lvl up faster with the XP boost on it.
  5. Even the compensation reward is RNG in this game. Lmao. Thanks aNet for the free mount. All I did was memeing in LA about your servers and mass suicide from the lighthouse. EZPZ
  6. To those who got the mount skin, gongrats. You deserve it. I also have it.To those who did't, I am sorry, you have been cheated and I feel for you.
  7. Edit: And for those that don't notice. I use sarcasm on purpose. But others that belive the current situation is okay just actually belive that for real ... that some daily login reward (or you could log in and not even get the rward) is worth a lot and means "progress". Bruh please, I spent 1 hour climbinig that tower in LA to lead people with my tag in mass suiciding. I deserve that skin. Stop crying, mmmkay?
  8. Meh, I got my mount so why would I careWell, since you started the thread, more than Arena Net will, because, lets face it, them not admitting their mistakes is as much an Arena Net signature move as is making tone-deaf decisions like this one.There is no point in fighting for the right thing as long as even the affected people don't do it. So again, why should I, who got a mount license for nothing care about those that are affected by the reward system if even those who are affected don't mind being spit in the face? Yes, I started the thread but the people that commented convinced me that I should enjoy it and not have a voice.
  9. Actually, other companies, just give equal compensation to everyone regardless of login state.When this happened in BDO, they gave a reward to everyone, i got that reward even though i had been inactive for months, and just logged in to collect it.Warframe had issues, they gave the same boost to everyone that logged in during a period after the issue. Arena Net's GuildWars 2, gives stuff to the people that actually make the issues worse by trying to play KNOWING there was a problem. I didn't login during that day, because i was forewarned by a friend that did login and realized the rollback had happened, and barely played the day after because the servers were still inconsistent. And for all that, i'll probably get a community boost, which, honestly, is bound to gather dust in my bank with the other dozens of never-used boosts...Honestly, we lost 2 days of play, just in daily logins, that's 4 gold... Lets not speak other stuff... And we get a community boost for our patience, while the impatient ones get a 1000 gems reward. I'd still take the 1000 gems instead of the voucher though, because, lets face it, Arena Net could hardly be more out of touch with this decision. Since that specific reward only works for PoF owners, and a chunk of the playerbase only own HoT or Core game (paid core is the issue specifically). i'm not even going to go into rabbit holes of the servers having been noticeably sluggish since Thursday evening (i've been joking about Amazon sabotaging other games with the upcoming launch of their own), and if or not the rollback could have been avoided. Anyway, this is just another addition to the list of cons for buying the next expansion, along with Mountgate (which lets face it, changed nothing, since Anet is Autistic to their majority base, and the Whales keep on whaling), lack of effective balance (which has improved a bit recently, but still, 2 years to get PoF classes almost right, is too long), the failure to deliver on promises (WvW is still plagued with bandwagoning, and i haven't seen an update on the Worlds rebalance for a while), etc. QFT Meh, I got my mount so why would I care
  10. Was about to, but u guys convinced me I should enjoy this. Stop hating please.
  11. My friend took a day off to grind his scale on monday. He saw the desaster and didn't log in. How is that not lost progress for him? Meanwhile I stood AFK in LA and did mass suicide from the lighthouse. YOU MAKE NO kitten SENSE MATE. He should get the skin, I was just kitten around, he actually lost a whole day dedicated for something in the game. People who logged in actually did lose progress, even if not all of them.If you only think you lose something when you find out others get something, then it's not true. People who actually lost progress and items lost them, independently if others get something or not. Well, I think taking a day off to do something but then not being able to feels like enough of a lost progress. Especially compared with someone who just popped in, did nothing and got compensated. The fairest thing to do would be to compensate only those who lost items and progress, but you realize how difficult would that be? That is why they gave it to everyone who logged in. Because it's the most likely group to have lost progress.US, choosing to not log in didn't lose anything, we chose to not do it. The ones who lost progress or items didn't chose anything. That is why they were compensated. The problem here is saying what "a loss" is reasonably and as fairly as possible. I think that giving eveyone the same (yet smaller) compensation would be less problematic. And by everyone I mean non-EU players too, because the TP is shared, so they were negatively affected too, in a way.Ok guys, you win. I will enjoy my free skin. The rest of you who didn't log in and lost a day of whatever you were working on, please be happy for me. I worked hard on moday, jumped 6 times from the lighthouse in LA to prove my point and finally got my reward. The rest of you, see you at the bonfire. And stop hating on us, we lost the most, ok?
  12. My friend took a day off to grind his scale on monday. He saw the desaster and didn't log in. How is that not lost progress for him? Meanwhile I stood AFK in LA and did mass suicide from the lighthouse. YOU MAKE NO FUCKING SENSE MATE. He should get the skin, I was just fucking around, he actually lost a whole day dedicated for something in the game.
  13. Oh, you duped items and took advantage of the situation making some more proffit? Here, take a free mount skin.Hey you, you didn't log in to not make the situation worse because u checked forums and u also lost progress due to not logging in? Yeah, you can go fuck yourself. Piss off loser. There is no winning situation and no excuse. If u logged in or didn't log in because of the situation, we all lost a day of progress. Wtf is this?
  14. That's truly ridiculous. If anything, they should send out the free mount skin license to everyone who was affected by the rollback, not just those who ignored the issue (knowingly or unknowingly), including the item dupers. Yes, imagine dopling your items, proffiting over this issue and at the end of the day, recieve a free mount skin, those ppl win so much lmfao
  15. Looks like they listened. I didn't get anything and I like it more this way, even if I was logged all the time. Funny how those who got it, brag in LA like some kind of heroes who got compensations for their hard work while it's those who did not log in that were the ones who supported and let the staff do it's job. Whatever. It's not like aNet was ever capable of taking the right decisions for the community. As a game, it's awesome but community wise...sometimes I really feel abandoned by them.
  16. I am one of those who is eligible to get the mount skin. Please aNet, if u see this thread, don't give me anything. I am one of the 500 ppl who just stood AFK in LA and didn't lose anything. Also, people who didn't log in cuz something was wrong are now punished for paying attention and actually supporting you in fixing this. They lost as much progress as the ones who logged in. They didn't log in because they knew the game is in a bad state, not because they had real life stuff to do. Those being said, I don't want any part of this. I do not want your mount skin, I am ok with the bonfire. Have a nice day.
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