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Everything posted by Jokuc.3478

  1. "Accept / Reject" feature for Squad merges. It is extremely annoying how random people can merge with a whole squad of 9 players in lfg. Add a timeout if you join and leave a squad or party lfg (fractals) more than 3 times in a row so you can't troll lfg by joining over and over after getting kicked. "Accept / Reject" feature that allows the person hosting lfg to choose if a person on their block-list is allowed to join the group or not / or just straight up make it impossible for blocked players to join a commander that blocked them.
  2. Anet has still not fixed this, I really expected them to fix it with this update but apparently not. You can buy it if you did legendary mode but since they added regular cm afterwards I would assume that they just forgot to update the unlocks and the infus+backpiece are tied to the legendary instead.
  3. You got a link for this statement? ok found it https://www.businesspost.co.kr/BP?command=article_view&num=347188#:~:text=측은 주총 후 “-,길드워3,-프로젝트는 검토 중인
  4. I think it would be good to have some kind of visual or mechanical difference between the Challenge Mode and Legendary Challenge Mode, since it is hard to tell the difference between the two for viewers on twitch or on youtube videos (if not specified) and such. Maybe have him called Legendary Cerus, or some fx that is only shown in Legendary, or if anet decides that regular CM still needs to be tuned down maybe tune the mechanics rather than the hp such that people can actually tell which mode it is they are playing. The top right msg also only says "challenge mode active" before you start the fight regardless of which of the two it is, which is also very unclear.
  5. I think this is a good solution. Make it detonate on your target, not first one it hits. This way you can pierce with it without having the annoying crap of having to blow it up yourself. I still like the ability to blow it up manually, but the fact that the 3rd charge can go right through the targeted enemy is kind of bs.
  6. They're fine for the most part but I really hate pistol 5 because it's so awkward to use. Not only is it really annoying to have to "explode" the projectile even if it hits a target as it would otherwise go right through, but it's hard to know which charge of the skill you are at. 1 2 or 3. I would like there to be some visual indication like a bar split in 3 slices or so that clearly shows you how long you have to wait to get which charge. And about the explosion, if you let it explode by itself the timing is much slower than making it explode manually which is also stupid.
  7. It does not require portals. You can do it perfectly fine without portals, portals just makes it easier. Here's an example of me doing it with no portals.
  8. I completely agree, I just personally don't care about ap (and I would assume most people who actually do this encounter don't do it for ap either) so if removing ap can stop unnecessary commotion I think that could be something to consider.
  9. This. This is not to be understated, they should avoid attaching achievement points to these extremely high end titles or the ap hunters will whine (as already seen in this thread). Plus "unobtainable" (to them) APs is a massive reason for why people who buy clears.
  10. There are no groups that sell htcm for 4 players at a time lol, a 6 man kill was completed once after numerous hours of grind, it's not something you do for a sell run. I know because 1. I sell htcm and 2. the 6 man was completed by members of my guild. Can you carry 4 players that are somewhat new to the encounter if they follow experienced player? Yes, but they still have to execute the mechanics themselves. There are servers dedicated to running htcm which requires log verification to get roles, here we find over 1400 unique players that has killed it, and there's plenty of players who killed it but only use their own discords. If one assumes half of the players with the title have bought it that's still over 2500 players. 2500 is a substantial amount for such an encounter in a game like gw2 where most are very casual. Recently we had a progression event over the weekend in the Void Longue discord and saw hundreds of new players join in to learn about the encounter. There is definitely a demand for this type of content. Yes, Cerus' biggest obstacle is the dps check, but again my point was that people thought ht was too hard for more than 5 groups but it proved to be false once people actually figured out efficient strategies, they just had to put in a lot of time. It will be similar to Febe. You put time into getting comfortable with doing the mechanics efficiently so that you can have higher dps uptime. You put time into practicing your rotation so that you can do more damage. Just like players were able to practice doing mechanics in htcm they can practice doing more dmg in febe cm. Again, I do think that the current hp will be too much if anet wants more than 10 groups to beat it, but 10-15% nerf would most likely have more of an impact that you think. This I kind of agree with though. It does indeed heavily favor cvirt just like many bosses which is a bummer, but that's not so much of an issue with the temple of febe specifically but rather cvirt and the gw2's encounter design in general. They would have to change something such that there is a downside to playing a class with 100% dps uptime at long range because if they only nerf the health pool it's not like people would suddenly start playing non-ranged classes. You'd still play the most efficient option, and the only thing that would change is that the encounter got easier. Also people haven't really tried that many different comps, but as for 2 Heralds that you mention it's not like this is some requirement to beat it. You'd probably be just fine replacing those with Chonomancers.
  11. What do you mean we don't need mythic encounters? That's exactly what players that enjoy hard content have been asking for for years. Nerfing this by 35% would in my opinion remove a lot of the excitement of the fight. If 60 million hp was removed it would eventually get farmed by playing a safer comp once people get comfortable with the mechanics cause the dps check isn't tight anymore. Yes it would still be tight for the average strike enjoyer, but for players that speed kill instanced content such as myself, we'd already know we have the dps so the thrill of a dps check is completely removed. Again, the current hp might be a bit too much, but 35% nerf is too big of a nerf if they want to preserve it as an encounter that tests guilds like SC.
  12. A challenge mode encounter is supposed to be challenging, content for players that want something extra. It's not meant to be "accessible to all" or even "accessible for most". Because reality is that most gw2 players barely even know the basics of their class and struggle on Boneskinner. Assuming gw2 has ~50k daily concurrent players your 0.0001% claim literally means 5 people. In its current state, the dps check for Febe is so tough that I would estimate around 10 groups or max 100 different players have what it takes to beat it within a few months of trying. There's currently 10-15 different groups that have reached sub 40% already, and a lot of hardcore guilds haven't even gone at it yet. A 10% nerf and the stack reduction at the last phase as I suggested would open up for way more groups to beat it, definitely more than 500 players within a year. People said HTCM was too hard and would only be beaten by 5 groups or whatever when it came out too, but now there's like 5000 players that has beat it. Anyway, I think it's completely fair that the game has a few encounters than only a few thousand people will ever beat. It's not a completely different encounter from normal mode, which is perfectly accessible to all.
  13. It might be a bit too tight with the hp or chaotic at the 10% phase, but please don't nerf it so much that it's not super difficult anymore. Honestly, something like -10% hp and 2 empowered stacks per slam at the last 10% phase instead of 3 is the most you should do to keep it super high end but still beatable by more than 10 groups. And fix the empowered walls stealing boons from pets/clones bug.
  14. It's not "crap compared to eod pof hot" ...it's just crap. Why do I think it's crap? Stupid story that makes no sense, copy paste assets, copy paste animations, copy paste map areas, horribly designed maps, horribly designed mobs, boring convergences, boring rift hunting, not enough instanced content, unbalancing mounts. Soto had some nice characters in the story and new weapons is nice, but that's about it. The story is stupid because it silly that these wizard people have been there all along hunting monsters ...but nobody ever noticed or found out? The entire reason for the monsters to exist in the first place is stupid and I don't understand why they didn't just get inspired by the story from gw1 and put us into the realm of torment. That was all I was hoping for and they didn't give it to us, very sad. Copy paste is the main theme of the expansion. The entire story is just an excuse for them to be able to copy paste assets to create the new maps and monsters. Let's be honest, that's probably why they did it. All the monsters are just retextured, all the buildings and trees and rocks are things we've seen before. It doesn't feel like we're exploring something new. Fighting a weird looking flesh blob that I can clearly tell is just a big toad feels awful. The maps are poorly designed because they are awful to traverse and they all rely too heavily on the skyscale. If they wanted one sky map that's cool but having all of them be skyscale maps is extremely lame. Furthermore, there's no sense of exploration in these maps. No hidden areas, no easter eggs, nothing cool to find or new non-combat activities to enjoy like in pof/hot. Hot and pof maps are filled with cool little things in them to do, just take Desert Highlands for example with the dwarf mines. Awesome stuff. While the newest map has a cool theme, it feels very empty and unfinished, and looks the same everywhere. The only thing you can do there is to do the meta event that not only is boring but also runs way too frequently, effectively turning all the maps into 24/7 event zones. Personally I prefer the map to be a zone that meta events can occur in, not a 24/7 war zone like more recent maps anet have made. The rifts were promised to be the big main content of the expansion. But turns out they are just PoF bounties but 100 times more boring. The skyscale is now op and I feel forced to use it everywhere. I really don't understand how people can defend this. Soto is an embarrassment of an expansion in my book. I am convinced that anet needs to hire some new folks at the studio if they intend to do something good like hot/pof ever again. LW4 was way better than Soto and it was free at release. I would rather pay 2x the price of HoT for a HoT-quality expansion, than paying half the price of Soto for a Soto-quality expansion.
  15. There's still a bug where the empowered walls steal boons from pets like druid pet or mesmer clones. This needs to be fixed..
  16. Unless the last 10% phase has something new and crazy it should be possible, but way out of reach for most players. DPS check is extremely tight even for hardcore guilds.
  17. It's not the same. Nobody ever thought htcm was impossible cause of the dps check. The reason ht was "unbeatable" at the start was cause Zhaitan fear was bugged for the first 2 days, and after that it was just that the mechanics made it very easy to wipe, people just needed to get used to it and get a clean run. This is completely different, Cerus just has too much health, it's not even about the mechanics.
  18. Yep absolutely. I do not understand why ANet has not done this yet. One of the reasons why Herald is so dominant is because the 600 range 360 degrees application just can't be beaten. I'd preferably see Herald's range go down to 500, but that's not gonna happen and to be honest stacking meta could use some loosening up. I definitely don't want the cones to be removed though. Right now we have a 180 radius area of quickness application plus the 450 range of the cone that needs to be aimed. I think it would be fair with a base radius increase from 180 to 240, and a cone range increase from 450 to 500. Would make qfb feel so much better to play. ..If they revert the Unrelenting Criticism change though, cause missing out on the quickness from heal mantra because you need to run the axe trait to do dmg feels horrible as a support 💩
  19. I really hope anet reconsiders the harsh Mirage nerfs. It is strong right now, but these nerfs are way too much. DPS Mirage is already such an inconvenient class to play for most encounters it's barely even worth playing it if you can't play it really well, and playing it well is very hard. Looking at the spread of damage on wingman makes this very apparent, especially if you compare to condi virtuoso which is easy to play, has giga cleave, fully ranged, doesn't rely on 100% regeneration, and doesn't have forced rng movement. I don't understand what anet is thinking with this one, why would anyone ever play mirage when cvirt is better in almost every way? Didn't they already admit this two years ago? So you previously said that moving forward, balance will be made with actual encounter performance in mind, and not just golem benchmarks or top logs of encounters where the build performs well (such as SH, Largos, Cairn, Dark Ai) ..and now you're doing the same mistake again? 46k is a bit high yes, but -6k nerf? Really? That <1% playrate is going to drop to <0,5%. Changes like these make it look like you actually don't do any math on what the new numbers on encounters will be and just lower some random numbers here and there and hope it'll be in a good spot. Come on anet. --- Having said that I think that 42k being the new normal for a good condi dps build is stupid, purge the power creep or rebalance some older bosses.
  20. I think it's fair to argue that qfb should be buffed instead of herald being nerfed, but I personally think the game has become too easy and laid-back with boon application so I would much rather see nerfs than buffs. edit: actually when it comes to nerfing herald I would prefer if they just got rid of most of the free boon duration you get and force you to take some diviner gear, the large range is ok I guess, stacking meta is kinda lame. The main issue for me is just that it's too easy to keep 100% of every boon nowadays.
  21. You are not misreading, but you are misunderstanding. The reason why this enables you to run another off-hand is because previously when Tor4 was proced by crits, this meant that the intervals of activation is rather inconsistent, so if you swapped to another weaponset you could still get procs from the trait and miss out on potential Tor4 fireballs if you're not running torch on the second set. But now, because they made it consistent by just giving you 2 throws, it's always going to be thrown in sync with the actual skill itself, meaning that you are free to swap to a second weaponset with another offhand (like a pistol or focus) without feeling like you're missing out on Tor4 procs as long as you swap back to torch set again when it comes back off cd.
  22. Depending on how much additional burning you got from Radiant Fire, the change to Firebrand there might actually be a nerf instead of a buff because you don't get the crit procs anymore. We'll have to see what the numbers look like, it's a good change overall but I hope anet follows up with tuning it depending on how the new numbers look like. I think the changes overall are good, I hope the mirage nerfs won't affect the damage too much and it ends up killing the class in pugs again, it's already quite the rare sight even if the dmg potential is really good. I'm surprised and once again disappointed how they haven't nerfed the boon access of quickness herald. Herald is so strong with its 600 range 360 degrees quickness application with almost no boon duration that playing quickness firebrand is actually trolling. Reminder fb mantras only have 180 range base and 450 for the cone that needs to be aimed. Lastly I hope they fix the Vindi dodge bug. Getting 2.5k extra damage from a bug is a bit much and it has been left in the game for too long. If the dmg difference was like ~700 dps I wouldn't mind it as much because it actually requires some skill to pull off, but with such a large difference it has to go.
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