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Posts posted by Biziut.3594

  1. Well, It has been seen by enormous number of 68 ppls. I bet this poor, sad, lonely sods with only 2 coppers and [Unstable Rag] to wipe their poor tears off, that are worth more than their accounts, are really glad. Unless they still laughing or reading this wall of text, but wait... You deleted it, guess our gw2 elite gold baron isn't that benelovent after all.

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  2. Such a wall of text only to brag about how much imaginary gold you have made in online game? It is kind o wierd to get so obsessed with a game, so I advice causion not to get addicted, unless tou already are. Don,t know if I should laugh or be worry since this post seems to be so seroius while talking about so meaningless things.

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  3. Arena Net I beg you writing this on my knees, I know you will have to repair SAB bugged armor soon but please, please, please, It's April's Fool soon, could you give us some novelity like bobblehead lab or aviator box that would turn us into looooong version of ourselves? I will be able to throw my irl money on it! (For those who don't know yet, preview second version of new SAB chestpiece on light charr).

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  4. To be honest with you I like Rytlock, Eir and Caithe becouse of that. They have their flaws and they are not perfect, and in opposite to Braham, a-net got us a good explanation why they acted like they did. Caithe was in love with Faolain and this love clouded her judgement, Eir left Braham out of feeling of duty to end the dragons that were threating the norn, Rytlock was shown at the beginning like a true blood legion soldier a true "Drill Sergeant" and later as we get to know him he's not a simple stereothypical charr, he cares about his son, he felt shame about all Balthazar buisness and was afrait to tell anyone. It was his mistake but if there were no mistakes made then there wouldn't be any story.

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  5. Not to mention millions of plot holes. They could actually throw up a decent ending insctnce, with some dialogues filling up this holes. Like what is happening to norn women that were captured by Jormag, how are charr high ranks looking now and how Crecia became imperator while not even beeing related to the blood branch of Khan-Ur family, how it is possible that Braham reverted to his normal form after dragons deaths and if spirits are so powerful to revert dragons corruption or at least shield from it than why they didn't shield other norn that were corrupted by Jormag while fighting against his champions, not to mention how he and Ryland even survived the blast that tore apart both elder dragons. So many questions and all we get is YEEEY you killed next two dragons now you can close the game and never come back when expansion is released! I am starting to feel like i am playing old Mario Bros... Go to some place, Kill a dragon, Save the princess (Braham). No lore, no fun gameplay (just compare this whole Dragonstorm to Dragon Stand or at least Dragonfall), and even new eye infusion seem to be impossible to drop.

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  6. So, in latest "chatting with Bangar" achivment part, Crecia is trying to communicate with Jormag and she introduces herself as Imperator Crecia Stoneglow. As far as i know only decendants of the original Khan-Ur's Blood Legion cub can take the seat of Blood Legion imperator. So can it be Crecia is related to Bangar bloodline somehow, or there are no releatives left to take this position traditionally, or charrs suddenly do not care about the tradition anymore, or this is just a plot hole? What are your thoughts?

  7. Few realistic looking pistols. I would love to see Desert Eagle and some Western revolvers without all those gloving parts. Also I would love to see some new makover options for races other than humans. They had stolen wintersday to be Diviniti's Reach only let them not steal horns for our charrs , ears for our asuras , tatoos for our norns and (whatever special part they have) for our sylvries !!!

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