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Posts posted by Biziut.3594

  1. 12 minutes ago, Natanoid.9648 said:

    As expected, people in this forum live in another dimension and play another game, they are simple too casual to even detect any bugs and when they do, they think it's a feature lmao.

    Literally go to the bugs/professions section and read guys, it's not that hard, I don't have to just copy past here, you should be able to do this basic thing, right???

    Maybe yeah, I should stop the copium.

    If you expected this than why do you even create this topic? Only to insult other players mr/ms elite or to see your own words without answers?

    Dunno if something changed but when I am discussing something with others and someone ask me for an example, I do not start flaming on them, you are not in the bum den so please start acting like normal human being.

    Lastly let me remind you that forum serves as a place for discussion not as a place for throwing tantrums, so next time if you will feel a need to "vent", go outside and live a little please.


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  2. I throwed original Guild Wars soundtrack into my custom  GW2 soundtrack playlist. Nothing compared to gw1 but it's still awesome expirience to roam new Cantha with old good soundtrack playing. Maybe you should consider creating your own custom soundtrack to help you deal with nostalgia. Maybe it will also make you enjoy gw2 more.

  3. On 12/2/2022 at 1:06 PM, Migraine.5810 said:

    I just started playing again after being gone for 8 years and also noticed some unfriendly and arrogant people now, especially in dungeons. 

    Since I've been gone so long it's obvious that I want to watch the cutscenes since I don't remember everything (and the story in my opinion is a decent part of this game), and people sometimes write "skip cutscenes or get kicked". It's also ironic that the same people are also the ones that won't even greet others when the party is forming.


    I suspect Fueki and Danikat are right, with Steam having access to the game more players of "another type" started to appear.

    I am afraid that it is not that simple. It may be obvious to you but not for others. Most ppls run dungeons for gold/currency, not for story and thay want to finish them as fast as they can. So unless someone wrote in LFG that he is ok with watching cutscenes or gave you premission (If you asked) than you are expected to skip them.

    Best way to aviod such misunderstandings is to (as I mentioned), ask if you can watch cutscenes or create your own LFG with the information that you will be watching them.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Zera Allimatti.2541 said:

    You may be slow at typing, but I'm not. The majority of that instance is NPCs talking.

    And? Seems like the only one that is bothered by it is you so far. There is this nice useful thing called "moving on" try it sometimes, especially since you brought this pretty worthles topic back to life again.

    • Like 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    Permantly 😛

    We cannot let those max 11-15 players  emojis rule the world !

    (secretly i want to see the names of the people, if ele is nerfed again)

    I wouldn't go as far as "the world". Few fragile minds perhaps. xD

    • Confused 1
  6. Ppls afraid of a emoji again? Haven't seen this one for a little while. Have you already started reassuring yourself that everyone who gives you confused face is eighter a troll or lack brain to answer you with a post? Well I am sad to disappoint but most ppls using emotes are eighter too busy to answer or someone else have wrote what they had in mind already so there is no need to write it again.

    But yeah, keep saying that ppls using this emote lacks brain are uninteligent or stupid if that let you sleep at night. It is you who have a problem and can't stand a silly emote to the point you must make a thread about it. xd

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  7. 44 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    Well you wanted raids and you get strikes .

    The old gg (company) knew that few people are going in CM , so they dont have to worry about dificulty and accessibility (wing 6/7).

    I will not allow the old gg to forget about the Sollari incident

    I really do not know what you talking about, and I don't even want to, since you use your old, way overused tactic, that is jumping from topic to topic once you can't defend the claim you are making. I came here to talk about toxicity, not raid sellers or raid economy. If you want to talk about these, go to the topic where ppls are talking about this, unless they chased you away with logic like they usually do.

    Now excuse me, my shift at work is over so I can finally play GW2, instead talking about it.

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  8. 5 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    Well thanks god , the old ggs knew that CM modes will not be populate much , they shoudlnt would have to worry about accessibility and release that content as easy 😛

    Lets see now that raiders tried to ban Sollar over the 51k ele spec , how close are you with the new Raids or LI>gold

    Can you articulate your post better? Coz sorry but i do not understand what you even writing about right now. English mate, english.

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  9. 17 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    We could ban raid selling like WoW + FF14 .

    They alowed it from the start of WoW and changed it after 16 years .

    So we can starve raid sellers this way too .

    We could, carry on convincing Arena to ban raid selling in the topic about raid selling than, coz you kinda missed this thread.

    Just for the God sake use better arguments coz this ones here didn't even managed to convince me, and I do not like content selling eighter. xD

    For TEN YEARS raiders have existed and were working towards game domination even when raids weren't even a thing. Thats a good one. I want to see developers face once they realise the errors of their ways after reading this one.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    Too bad  raiders  spent 10 years telling other  people to get gud and theres no need for an easy raid mode (tried to protect their raid-selling-bissness) . 

    Uuu "Tin foil hat" time! Ahh this pesky raiders and their atrocious buisness.

    You know what? If there weren't ppls willing to pay for carrying throu raids than there would be no raid-selling-buisness. 

    And as Yellow Rainbow actually stated, this game is rather easy, so why not put this little effort to do content themselfs and let raid sellers starve?

    Also this sellers you mentioned really need to suck in their buisness. If I were to sell raids, I would rather tell ppls not to get good instead encouraging them or I wouldn't get many clients don't you agree?

    Edit: 10 years lol xd  this nasty nasty raiders sect, were milking gold from ppls even before a-net came with the idea of raids. Nice.

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  11. 5 hours ago, Yellow Rainbow.6142 said:

    It's not about me. It really doesn't matter to me if content is challenging to you or not. I find all pve content much more easier than game I am used to play.

    So it's not about game difficulty suddenly. Ok.

    5 hours ago, Yellow Rainbow.6142 said:


    I just don't like when people call casual, all names including trash player or lazy player or whatever the elite class think that they are somehow superior to other gamers.

    Agree, that calling ppl names is bad, but why do you think it's always raiders who are swearing on other ppls. It's not like casuals can't be toxic eighter, but no you separeted ppls into two groups and it's always the raiders who are toxic. Not just Toxic ppls in general no matter of the content they play. It is always the raiders. 

    Also this...


    On 11/23/2022 at 1:22 AM, Yellow Rainbow.6142 said:


    Toxic Raiders : Learn to play, up your dps and bring boon.


    ..is not name calling, it is someone giving an advice and you gave this example yourself.

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  12. 1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    It's convenient to make that "casual - rider" divided here, but that's not even what it is, it's more about "players understanding the game's mechanics - players not understanding the game's mechanics" divide. The situation you're trying to outline here also goes "a bit" different, where the players weren't exactly being told to simply "l2p", but instead got provided with direct -and not exactly hard- ways to improve their gameplay and subsequentially (or even completely separately) increase their success rate. Then the response is what you're trying to do here: WOAH, YOU'RE HELPING TELLIKG ME WHAT TO DO?! SO TOXIC!  But explaining the game's mechanics isn't toxic, you're free to do whatever you want with the informations you get though 🤷‍♂️

    Yeah but why using logic. This is better. xD

    Player that know mechanics of the game + Giving advice how to improve = Toxic Raider. (No matter if said person even touched raids)

    • Like 3
  13. 2 hours ago, Yellow Rainbow.6142 said:

    If You want game challenge then play pvp?

    Pve is not challenging to me. I got my "envoy herald" 3 years ago. I am surprised you find this game pve challenging lol.

    And, Yes I do play other game for little bit challenge, like soul games.

    Can you pick a line? In one post you defend the claim that meta is too hard in this one you are saying game is easy peasy and that you are pro. 

    So? How it's gonna be?


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  14. 8 hours ago, Yellow Rainbow.6142 said:

    Casuals : DE meta too hard, nerf it Anet.

    Toxic Raiders : Learn to play, up your dps and bring boon.

    Casuals : thank you anet for giving us mech.

    Toxic Raiders : Oh no, these casuals are doing almost as much as dps as we elite with our elite class. Nerf Mech Anet.

    Yeah, I know how that went 🙂

    One don't need to be raider nor toxic to state that someones dps is low.

    Also it's pretty silly to compare ppls lacking dps after playing for x time and balance between classes. Like how?

    If you can't overcome game challange or need to be carried than you should get better or change build.

    If profession is so broken to the point that game pose no challange than there is problem with the balance.

    If you want game without challange go play on some private server or other game where its normal.

    • Like 3
  15. 10 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:


    How can you disagree with some, saying that HE, personally, would like something.   Theres nothing to disagree with if someone says, "i like it". I didnt even say that i like the idea of new servers or anything. I just said: "i would love open world pvp" and then i hid under my table because i knew that those mean mean "confused emojis" were coming my way, for openly admitting i enjoy pvp, outside of the pvp forums.

    i actually think its funny how unwelcoming the whole of PvE community is towards those few people left in the game that actually enjoy pvp.

    Well, can you tell me what would I want for dinner, since apperently you can read ppls minds. Like why the hell someone would give you confused emoji only becouse you like PvP.

    Think about it is not hard. What is more likely? That ppls use disagreeing emote under your post to show thay are disagreeing with the idea you support or (for some reason unknown) to somehow stalk and grief you for liking certain game mode.

    Also really? Emotes on some forum make you feel opressed. I don't mean to be rude but you might want to speak with some doctor about it. It is not healthy to be that oversensitive. I know it from my own expirience so again, I do not mean to be rude.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    i would actually love Openworld PvP 😅


    *hides under his desk because he already sees the hatetrain coming his way*


    Edit: So it begins... people spamming confused because i said i like pvp.....



    No need to be over dramatic. Confused for most = disagree. And it is perfectly normal and fair for ppls to be able to express their opinions, just as you are expressing yours. The thing that is not normal are ppls that let this silly emotes get to their heads.

    As for the idea itself, I bet no one would be against new maps. Even if it would be redesigned OW maps to fit WvW structure. Tho personally I would love to see a new one.

    The thing that is wrong in this idea are additional servers that would seperate the playerbase. After all A-net had reason to make megaserver. Why would they undo megaserver and split playerbase for the sake of copying a thing that can be fitted into WvW.


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  17. 1 hour ago, Nash.2681 said:

     (unless you consider removing dishonest people from the squad after explaining them why they get removed as toxic).

    Nope you understood me correctly, I was in a hurry so I might choose words poorly.

    As for the other part yeah, my thoughts exacly, also why is it always ppls with no raids cleared claiming that all raid community is toxic. 

    • Like 2
  18. 2 hours ago, Nash.2681 said:


    His imagination.

    But honestly, I never had a problem with toxicity in raids. Only ppls that had that problem were ppls not honest about their kp and not knowing the mechs even tho lfg required it.  Edit: and this lying kind of folk fully deserve a kick.

    • Like 4
  19. It's not about...

    2 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:


    ... by the reactions you get we can assume that it's simply bad idea. Becouse like others already mentioned we have WvW for this exact reason. So in my opinion it would be waste of resources that could be put into reviving and improving WvW.

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