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Posts posted by Biziut.3594

  1. 16 minutes ago, Yugo.1290 said:

    Nothing wrong with this security. If you dont like it simply stop playing.  It is added as a safety net. 

    Nothing wrong with speaking his mind eighter, I don't see why would you recommend him/her to leave a game over it, it is a reasonable sugesstion to make. I would choose toogle, so one can decide if they want additional security or not.

    Btw, are you playing necro? Coz you did great job reviving this post only to write that someone should quit the game just becouse he proposed some qol lol.

    • Thanks 4
  2. I would rather see new map and some love given to WvW than making open world PvP. Gods know WvW have been forgotten for way too long.

    As for second idea you can already do that. Pay some money monthly to buy gems and for them you can buy any skin you like.

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  3. Yeah, becouse someone...

    12 hours ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    Yeah  the devs in other games forbit also any raid selling with gold , so lets do that , they know best !


    (By doing this action we remove the part of the raiders that wants to make money (gold) , and we can focus the part that want to be loved like Teapot ,while if they go in other games they will be the 57th guild that killed the Lich King.

    Hopefully they will play ball and they dont try to shapes the OW community in their likes ... i prefer a community tht attracts the "good part" from very mmo 😛)

    ...as always needed to turn another unrelated topic into yet another manifesto of how he hate raids and is jelous of this fugly lege armor.

    10 minutes ago, slpr.2647 said:

    ya'll should start your own thread, because what yall goin on about now aint got nothin' to do with the OP 

    I agree with you, but I think it will take a Moderator to stop Killthehealersoffandgimmefreelegearmor and his never ending crusade for free loot. And even after they stop it, he will pop up in yet another thread soon enough. Even if it will be about what colours are in fashion this antumn in divinitys reach. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, SuavePuppy.2809 said:

    I refuse to believe this is ignorance and just has to be bait at this point

    I know right? It must be. He plays 50% of the game content and is pretending to know it better than players that play 100% of it even after so many proofs and arguments it just must be a troll. No one is that ignorant.

    Like with this level arguments all those ppls wasted to throw in his way, I belive even Scarlet could be convinced to ba a good girl from now on. 

  5. 43 minutes ago, LuRkEr.9462 said:

    People just want everything handed to them now days. Its really not that hard to do some questing to get it. 

    But he have a life! A-Net should give him a mount for free, hand a bag of 10k gold and beg him to play.

    This argument always gets me, to get a skyscale one need to live in the basement and be afraid of light, becouse working person with good social life is totally unable to do it.

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  6. 2 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:


    so it's not the opposite

    it's within reason, actually, since the person is posting on gw2 forums and therefore obviously cares about the game enough to have some semblance of hype

    By "almost" I meant 7,5. So yes it's pretty much the opposite, but anyway you gave me your answer. So let's sum it up. You call low score opinions no matter if they are argumented or not, "review bombing". But when someone gives high score without argument It's totally normal.

    There is a name for such person you know?

    Also tell me who cares about the game more, someone who is not afraid to criticise it so the devs know that something may be wrong or someone who mindlesly consume the product bcs your totally valid not to destroy argument...

    2 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

     since the person is posting on gw2 forums and therefore obviously cares about the game enough to have some semblance of hype

    So only becouse I play the game and write on forum, I just must be hyped for every update. Yeah totally valid argument.

    So yeah live your dream that every player life depends on this scrapped content, I may refrain from answering you any further tho, since you already showed your true colors, my curiosity is satisfied. ^^

    Edit: the word describing such person is "hypocrisy", you may want to look it up. 😘

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  7. 4 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

    When you give a hyperbolic reply, you usually have to give a reason why. It's common sense, I don't need to ask for why.

    Person that gave 0, gave tou the argument. Person that gave 2 didn't and both are review bombing in your opinion. So how about this one...


    8 hours ago, TGMChrist.2678 said:

    On a scale of 1-10, my hype scale for Battle for Lion's Arch is between 7-8. ☺️

    no argument, just a number from a scale almost opposite to 2. Is that review bombing as well?

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  8. 1 hour ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    Hey, that's no mean feat.  I can outrun a centaur, but not all of the time.


    2 hours ago, soul.9651 said:

    For outrunning them

    I know right? Implement it into the game and the new meta will be pop up. Superspeed Engi... only charr... coz four paws run. 

    2 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    25 LI for killing the introduction boss.

    Hell yeah! Throw free havaiian pizza on the top and I am in! XD

    • Haha 1
  9. 1 hour ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

    Lmao took the time to say 2 without providing any reason for such an extreme low, ok buddy

    Pardon me but I don't see "Give a reason as to why you give this grade and not the other". You asked for a number, they gave it. Simple as that, but if you prefer lying to yourself that everyone must be hyped for scrapped content that supposed to be in game for around 8 years now instead of getting new fresh one, than who am I to judge.

    Just reminding that your lack of respect for other ppls opinion is rude, and I wouldn't be surprised if some ppls will treat you the same in return, if they even bother to answer your topics since you don't care about all the answers anyway.

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  10. 6 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

    Of course they're review bombing. They're still playing the game, I don't believe they're honest about having 0 hype for the next episode.


    Accurate and honest my quaggan.

    First person played it already and didn't like it back then so I totally understand why he/she is not excited for playing it again. Second one if you didn't noticed gave it 2 not 0. So how many points one need to give to be valid in your opinion? 

    It's not only wrong to think that every single low score opinion is review bombing, it's also straight up rude. This ppls put their time to answer your question, even if you don't agree, you should at the very least show some respect.

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  11. 56 minutes ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:


    Such extreme lows.. and people wonder how stuff gets review bombed.

    Just becouse someone have other opinion than you, doesn't mean it's review bombing. Are you working for Amazon Studios perhaps? They seems to think the same after releasing this abomination of a series called rings of powah.

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  12. 4 hours ago, Bakeneko.5826 said:

    healtank, qtank, push is covered by support class, etc., etc. just because someone has extra role to do, doesn't they they don't have primary role.

    Than gz with figuring out who will do encpunter specific mechanics when all you will get will be this...

    5 hours ago, JPUlisses.8756 said:




    - ok finally we have 6 dps. Who is going to do pylons?

    - (silence)

    - well... kitten.


    - Great! Sabetha! Who will do cannons?

    - (silence)

    - Kitten! Not again.

    So as you can see dear, Matthew had probably some other thing in mind, coz there are way more roles than you are aware of and those not only would be hard (if not impossible) to fit into auto LFG, but also pretty pointless since LFG we have now works perfectly fine when it comes to creating, and customising groups.

    Edit: also of course push, tank, ect. will have to do something else as well. But remember we are talking bout auto LFG. So Tank, push and the rest of the roles will have to be specified or you will end up with support that can't do this additional roles.

    • Like 3
  13. 12 hours ago, Cynder.2509 said:

    How about git gud and learn the mechanics beforehand and KNOW your role, rotation, build and class? It's not hard. 

    Oh, my. And look whos talking, a guy that some time ago started to verbally abusing a total stranger (that happened to be my friend), only becouse he had more legendaries than you have.

    As much as I can agree that Sunqua do not need a nerf, hearing it from you is a total hypocrasy.

    Edit: Lol, I even still have a screenshots from your tantrum back than.

    • Confused 3
  14. 1 hour ago, Doggie.3184 said:

    Yes. Heals as well and Tank for raids.. These are the "Holy Trinity" archtypes they created which surprisingly end up larger than the original with 4-5 roles instead of 3, lol. Anet tried to avoid it when they released but ended up expanding it.

    Not only tanks for raids. HK, Kiters, Pylons, Dispel, Claim, Protect, some bosses need specified dps like VG, 1-3, 2-4, Mortar, Reflect, BoonSteal, pusher, warg, Tower, off-tank, orb thrower, greens, lamp... Have I forget something? Thats why auto LFG is this game is pretty pointless in my opinion. It would be a waste of dev's time that could be put elswhere. Like upgrading templates to distinguish mounts gliders and outfits for example since we are at QOL's.

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  15. I wish we could get Magdaer as the mix of legendary weapon (material and gold sink of normal lege) + Quest and story like Caladbolg.

    Just make it fit into some other weapons so all chars can get use from it just like Caladbolg weapons.

    And maybe change of style, kinda like Aurene weapons but not with 7 dragons, 3 styles like in GW1. Fiery, Icy, Vampiric/Bloody.

    Ehh, one can always dream...

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