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Posts posted by Biziut.3594

  1. 46 minutes ago, KrivukasLT.3507 said:

    Imagine asura or human running  towards you menacingly.  I would call exorcist and gtfo of there 😄

    Yes! With their bellies at the top like Samara from The Ring! That would be yet another new fashion meta for pink mustache norn in maid outfits.

    Edit: or was it the girl from The Curse? 

    • Haha 3
  2. Quite the opposite actually, make them too common and you can ress infinitly during Fractal encounters or some events. Game is easy enough as it is, no need to dumping it even more in my opinion. Besides, with EoD there is personal waypoint mastery, so there is already something that makes things easier.

    • Like 3
  3. Don't buy them, it's a waste of money that you can use to buy some nice skin instead for exapmle. Revive Orbs will came to you by themselves eventually, belive me. Also you don't even need them. In OW you have waypoint at every corner, and they are just not worth to waste them in dungeons/easy fractals. Only situations I use them is on some fractals CM's when I die very stupidly, or whole group is dying when boss have few % hp.


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  4. 3 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    Neither raiders nor any other player have the power to allow or disallow it.


    2 hours ago, Jokkerzzz.5471 said:

    ah yes, its raiders fault. i see raiders are the worst that happen in the game because they put effort in the game and because of that you have to put effort if you want something nice, thats not nice!
    having put little effort and comunicate in mmo rpg? unheard of!


    2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    You keep dodging everything you quote, try again.

    Oh shush you. Don't you see that it's literally that 1% of the playerbase called "Raiders" that is responsible for all the hurt and despair in this game? They are literally standing in front of every A-Net employee with AK-40 and [Banana of Penetration] pointed at each of them only to deny the poor, helpless and yet so heroic and supportive OW players that god sent, stat changing, totally unobtainable in other mods while farming camps, golden luxury, that is LEGENDARY ARMOR.

    They do Tequalt.

    They do foraging daily.

    They do "Help Quaggan plant a banana" heart for kitty sake.

    And you monsters dare to say "No!" to them?!



    Good job totally agree with you. ❤️

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  5. I would love to put T3 Heavy Charr armor on my thief, but don't know if that should be a thing to put resources in, and also how would that work. It was mentioned that all weights are made diffrently and it is true, so maybe some gem store feature (so it actually pays off), that would give you little menu under each equipment template to change what weight of armor it can equip. No mix matching. It could bring some money for a-net as some players that plays only they mains would probably buy this and some weight restricted skins from gem store just as fresh bread. (I know i would). But i am no economist to know if it would truly pay off the effort and resources put into it, so just as much as I would like to see it done, I will remain sceptical if this is what the game really needs, at least for now.

  6. I think OP is at the phase of "I was super jelous but I realised i don't want it", "I don't need your kitten skyskale anyway while I have other mounts they are MINE and they are better". Couldn't or didn't want to do quest so nows the time for desperate laugh on all of this players who did. Such is life in denial.

    Of course no ones talking that Skyscale is some ultimate mount, but if OP wouldn't have some imaginary partners to argue with than he would not post this post.

    As for me.

    Answer 1. I really couldn't care less.

    Answer 2. I don't even remember, I grind so many things and it's mostly not a problem when you doing somethinh slowly and for fun.

    For me all mounts have it's purpous, skyscale is more convinient in enviroment where you would need change mounts a lot. He can do many things at once and is not as punishing when you fail jump with rabbit.

    Edit: Also ask all of this ppls coplaining from time to time that maps have too many mobs, why they would love skyscale who can stay in the air so much.


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  7. 3 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

    I see you haven't played GW2, or anything remotely more complex than the API-guided tank-and-spank WoW-clone.

    My my, but he went to fractals more times than you. He have more GOLD coz raids are dead and gives nothing. He dominates you through and through. How are you still standing after that obliberating argument of power and knowledge.

    2 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:


    No, it's auto LFG. You have 0 control over which instance you get placed into (besides choosing the content type aka specific mission). You click a button, the system places you in an instance IT decides on and pairs you with random other players who also pushed that button. You can't get invited into it, you can't in any way affect placing besides trying to manipulate when a new instances get opened to then get placed with similar people (which becomes impossible if a sufficient amount of players were using the system).Try again.

    It's kinda like all of this ppls that thinks communism system is a good idea. Show them the liveng, breathing example it isn't and they still going "But this isn't the REAL communism or REAL Auto-LFG". I am dead. xd

    • Haha 2
  8. 19 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    Dadda , me hungry 😛


    I simply cannot be belive , why you simply hate the idea

    For example this what you wrote :
    "And so they will rant and scorn all of this ppls that actually put effort into creating the squad that have a high chance to clear the wing only becouse they cannot be one of them.

    Too lazy to play and learn, but never too lazy to waste time on another pointless rant about imaginary toxic elitists."


    I see a thread where you say justifiable to the casuals to start their own group.

    Ok , me -the -toddler , i am  telling you to  create an auto-lfg .

    And now people are hating me (snif) (except Sobx , which is cool , she tries to protect her friends )

    Oh no no no no. You are not getting me into this dear. See? Even now your comparing of my previous post doesn't make any sense. My post was about ppls complaining and giving toxic elitist tag to everyone that dare to make LFG with their own requirements. It don't have no, zero, 0, null connection to your big derailment of a post about Auto-LFG. Others already pointed out, it already failed, it will probably never be a thing. Why? Coz it DO NOT WORK. But it work in PvP. Yes and it would maybe work on dungeons (on strikes it already failed) but there is no need since there is normal LFG that do things better. So if you won't tell me how and what would Auto-LFG do better than normal LFG than sorry but i promise this will be my last response directed at you.

    Other thing that I am considering that your english writing skills seems to be lacking sometimes, it can be the case that you simply do not understand what we are writing to you. Becouse after so many posts with all of this arguments only a person without language skills would not understant it.

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  9. @Cyninja.2954 , @Sobx.1758 , I tried to reason with him already, I cannot help but feel you are wasting your time for a troll. It's like talking to a brick wall, worse even. The arguments he use are not even arguments, just the diffrent phrases from totally diffrent topics glued together. Like what Auto-LFG have to do with Boneskinner and players cheesing it.

    It's like trying to explain to one year old kid why it shouldn't eat all small items. It is wrong, but little one won't really understand you. It might be the same case like he is wearing +9 Armor of logic resistance, enchanted with Superior runes of Ignorance.

    • Like 6
  10. 22 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    And the other 9 people ? They wont be forced to look the lfg every 1min ?

    They will see your group once they open LFG, or they will open their own, with the same one button you did open yours, or they will join a group of another guy who also opened a group with said button and single phrase. It's really not a black magic. 

    22 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    Maybe you haven't tried the  tactic of Teapot , where they dropped their Healing turrets and blasted it 


    As for Teapot I'll make sure to look it up, I would be glad if you could provide me with a link or someone who also is taking part in this discussion to take voice and answer you on this one, coz as I said, I didn't try it myself yet and I hoestly admit that I dont have knowledge to speak about it.

    For now i see it like that.

    If this run contained 2 engis with heal turrets than they were the Healers. (Yes mechanist can heal and give alac)

    If this run contained much more engis with some build that was able to keep them alive and kill the boss, than it's time to nerf engi unless you want to see 10 engi only in LFG. ^^

    As for me, I love and play only my thief from release so you can imagine that I's rather join 2heal/alac/quick squad than broken one class run.

    EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj425cNmaWk&ab_channel=MightyTeapot

    Is that it? By the setup of this squad is it's usuall meta formation. Two heal/quick brands in each group, four mechs all of them can provide alac and heal, and some other classes as dps. Nothing unusuall that would say "this engis are totally not healers, they do dps and full run relies olny on their own healing skills"



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  11. 3 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    All welcome = > is 13 types

    And the other 9 , wont need to check every 1 min the lfg

    But you don't need to check on anything once you post your LFG. You can go do whatever it is you like to do in GW2 while your squad/group is filling.

    5 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    If a content , needs tank and healers , then it failed and we better move to CM temple mode (survival .Why are we having this 2014 Hot pre-raid conversations...Why we must balance around dps meter to remove the cheesefactor ? You did it with the scourges....)

    Maybe HT CM don't need a tank but like hell i am going to belive that this encounter don't need healers. Seriously send me a video or other prove that someone did HT CM without healers. Or admit that by your logic it is a failed content. ^^  "If a content , needs tank and healers , then it failed and we better move to CM temple mode".


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