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Everything posted by Popel.1468

  1. How about this: All Anti-projectile walls are destroyed if player who placed them are Disabled? Just like Shield5 of a guardian.
  2. I am referring to all blasting fire which doesn't blast fire.
  3. Why blasting fire doesn't blast fire?
  4. You need to place AoE where your target is, or turn on in option tickbox which allow to place AoE automatically under selected target.
  5. So if untamed have same amount of skills, people complain about it because it require quicker fingers to properly use? No offence to any rangers, but >majority< of rangers play like majority of minion masters.
  6. ah my wrong... Obviously they couldn't have revive mechanic in exchange having swap.
  7. Am I missing something, or untamed have more skills than ele?
  8. I guess best solution would be to allow SB swap pets, but their skills would have to share CD both: unmerged and merged
  9. Yea, I remember that - but I didn't played (liked) back than Ele - Still can get a clue about dropping mic from hand to hand, and what it should mean xD It probably was (andis) to deep for my shallow perception 😄
  10. Hah, nono. I myself won't touch it as these "arrows" move with speed of a turtle. I am just trying to find a reason of existence of this skill. (but I like this Arcane Power nonthenless :D(on paper)) Thanks though for input.
  11. That the point. Is isn't that better to use frost bow for cc which have 30 sec cd, and after it can be dropped, waited CD, and picking another before its gone(which is more often than focus)? I perceive "Arcane Power" more like "Starting Crank", but it's also shared with 5 allies, but I don't know numbers how much it would benefit. Like for eg in comparison with Assassin's Signet. I did few testing's and: Berserker+Schoolar gave as fallow (No boons): Without Arcane Power: 11903 With Arcane Power: 14279 With Arcane Power(but instead Besrerk I put Valk): 14492 This numbers are sums of 2 spells: Burning Speed (Blast Only) + Fire Grab This make my want to have Catalyst ult 😄
  12. Rangers can become a druid with option to wear staffs - and they also got nature magic traits tree. Staff give them on all 4 first skills 1200 range. They have permanent pets which just add up to have a more relaxing exp.
  13. I am going to take a shower. I can't read you any longer.
  14. Frost bow isn't worth for its 5th skill? Likewise, Arcane Power with Elemental Surge Trait(for eg in earth atu for CC)?
  15. so what about those "grayed" flicking conditions?
  16. Which utility skills are mostly used, and which rarely? (excluding lightening flash)
  17. By the way, I can cast MS from ~2400 so do you as well.
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