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Mirage Deception Trait Option Buff

Avion Blade.4869

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To fairly compensate for the mirage having one evade, and using a build or builds that relies on  utilizing the mesmer's elusive, deceptive profession design with the mirage spec, and inspired by Chaotic trait line column 1 bottom option which reduces manipulation recharge by 20%; The following suggestion is to have Self-Deceptive trait option reduce deception cds utility skills by 20%, so that the mirage opens up for builds that improve mobility and face-tanking.


Remember that the stun-breaks in evade has been removed, and mirage is reduced to 1 evade. Mirage suffers a lot from Crowd Control if they are landed with proper timing. Likewise, Mirage can avoid these by timing their evades and relocations using the teleports built into some deception skills. Remember that the mesmer that moves a lot is easy to find, but the one who is patient would be more difficult to deal with.  


If and only If the deceptive trait option in the mirage trait is selected, then the following utilities are affected with regard to cooldown reduction in a WvW (and PvP) Context.


[False Oasis (Heal Skill) (From 25 to 20)

Crystal Sands (From 20 to 16)

Illusionary Ambush (35 to 28)

Mirage Advance (25 to 20)

Sand Through Glass (25 to 20)

Jaunt (Elite) (30 to 24)]


Selecting this option forgoes Renewing Oasis and Riddle of Sand. Renewing Oasis Reduces enemy-to-player condi duration and gives minor healing for a short duration per mirage evade, and riddle of sand provides confusion-to-enemy per ambush attack with shatter skill to reset it. 


Thus, using Self-Deception will buff Mirage's mobility if using the self-deception trait line due to reduced cool-down reduction, and equipping deception skills.


What do you think?

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I disagree and think instead, Self-Deception should spawn a clone regardless if any other clones are active or not. This would improve flow greatly and allow flexibility and new paths/rotations/combos to open up.

GS 1 to start combat, then jaunt on top of enemy (which would create a clone now) into immediate f1 shatter. This is just to illustrate a simple combo.

Realistically, it should be in combat only, however I do think Anet should take the risk and be creative and make it so it can spawn clones out of combat as well. These are just my opinions though, as I play pvp power mirage, and make a lot of use currently with Self-Deception trait in pvp. It's fun opening with mirror blade into jaunt because you get 2 clones now, so jaunt in essence becomes a clone generator as long as your conscious of the 1 clone requirement.

Also with my above combo, if one takes deceptive evasion trait from dueling, during this combo they can dodge, this will be 3 clones now. If infinite horizon is taken, these 3 clones should be doing their ambush, followed by a 3 clone shatter now! This all happens very fast as well.

At the very least however, if they simply tacked on your suggestion and kept the current iteration as is, that would be acceptable too I think!

Edited by Waffles.5632
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Deception already dominates the other adepts by a landslide, it's hardly the one in need of buffing.


Riddle of Sand is absolute garbage. 2 measly confusion stacks only reset on shatter, a shatter on a base 25 base sec cd that s barely worth the cast without perfectly timing clone generation to minimize the clone downtime is by far in greater need of buffing.


And the regen on mirage dodge with 20% less condi duration is pretty bad, it should apply resolution as well. The port on mirage cloak master trait needs an extension in duration as well.

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9 hours ago, Zenith.7301 said:

Deception already dominates the other adepts by a landslide, it's hardly the one in need of buffing.


Riddle of Sand is absolute garbage. 2 measly confusion stacks only reset on shatter, a shatter on a base 25 base sec cd that s barely worth the cast without perfectly timing clone generation to minimize the clone downtime is by far in greater need of buffing.


And the regen on mirage dodge with 20% less condi duration is pretty bad, it should apply resolution as well. The port on mirage cloak master trait needs an extension in duration as well.

The regen is only good for triggering bonuses from chaos tree. Without it, it is indeed garbage.


The main  problem remains to be the mindless nerf one after another without looking at the overall picture. A lot of core memsmer traits have been nerfed because of mirage as well, but what if you are not playing mirage? 


As a mirage in pvp you need 10 times the effort to get the same result as someone playing Necro or Guardian, even then they bring more 

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