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Take My Money, Maybe?

Verdict is Vengence.6912

Take My Money, Maybe?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you pre-purchased End of Dragons? Why or Why not?

    • Yes, because I support Guild Wars 2
    • Yes, I was convinced to buy after seeing the previews of End of Dragons
    • No, I'm waiting for a reason to buy and what is being shown, isn't convincing me yet
    • No, I don't or no longer like Guild Wars 2
    • I'm broke :(

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First I'll play the espec, comment on changes, see if those will be implemented in the final beta and see if general warrior balance will be a thing in release. If all these factors come into play, or most of them, I'll consider buying the expac. I'll probably also get it for the new maps cause I like exploration and Harbinger clicked on me after it's beta ended lol. I'll play that for open world too ig. 

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