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Guild selection implications?


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I currently have two guild options:


1.  My personal guild, which consists of only me.

2. A 500 player PvE guild that I never see people playing WvW in.


I originally picked my personal guild to represent.  I can't un-represent.  I have to represent one of these two guilds.  Will my personal guild and/or PvE guild get matched "equally" against a 500 player WvW guild?  Or is participation taken into account?

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General representation isn't the same as being in a WvW guild. You'll select your WvW guild separately from representation, although it makes some WvW guilds will require representation still.


Only the players who play WvW on the PvE guild will be taken into account. If five players play WvW, it'll be a 5man guild as far as Alliances are concerned, so it'll be gathered together with other guilds from the Alliance and then purely from metrics which have yet to be determined (most likely to include timezone, etc.).


The one gotcha is that more guildies could start playing WvW in the middle of a season.


Not being in a dedicated, large WvW guild doesn't mean anything for an individual player unless you're already dependant on guild-based gameplay in WvW. If you just PUG squads then its no big deal.


Hope this helps.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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On 9/21/2021 at 11:07 PM, sostronk.8167 said:

I currently have two guild options:


1.  My personal guild, which consists of only me.

2. A 500 player PvE guild that I never see people playing WvW in.


I originally picked my personal guild to represent.  I can't un-represent.  I have to represent one of these two guilds.  Will my personal guild and/or PvE guild get matched "equally" against a 500 player WvW guild?  Or is participation taken into account?

It's still World vs World, not Guild vs Guild. Your guild will be placed in a Team, as will the 500 player WvW guilds. That team will be made up of guilds and individual players and all of them will be roughly equal in size. I don't know the actual numbers but lets say a team is 1,000 people, that 500 player guild will be grouped with 500 other people, either smaller guilds or individuals. Your 1 player guild will be grouped with 999 other people, either guilds or individuals. So both Teams will be the same size, but yours may have more people who don't already know each other.

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Because you will choose one guild for your alliance, I think all the other WvW guilds that you're in and you DIDN'T choose, will still be available for you to claim with. 

That's how it currently works. I know someone who is in a guild that has members on multiple servers and they have fun removing guild claims from one another. Imagine happening this on a far larger scale.

Edited by Svarty.8019
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8 hours ago, Svarty.8019 said:


Because you will choose one guild for your alliance, I think all the other WvW guilds that you're in and you DIDN'T choose, will still be available for you to claim with. 

That's how it currently works. I know someone who is in a guild that has members on multiple servers and they have fun removing guild claims from one another. Imagine happening this on a far larger scale.

I've done that and it is pretty fun, although I felt oddly guilty attacking a keep my guild had claimed. (When I asked the leader afterwards they said it's fine, it's not a WvW guild and they just claim it if no one else does for the bonuses.)


I've also had fights where my guild members were on the opposite side and we ended up seeking each other out, it was kind of like a much smaller scale version of when an Anet tag appears and everyone goes for it.


The only time it's been a problem is when a few of them were using guild chat to talk tactics for defending Stonemist and I eventually decided I should tell them one of the attackers (me) could also read it and pass the info on to the rest of the squad. 😁

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On 9/23/2021 at 1:14 AM, Svarty.8019 said:


Because you will choose one guild for your alliance, I think all the other WvW guilds that you're in and you DIDN'T choose, will still be available for you to claim with. 

That's how it currently works. I know someone who is in a guild that has members on multiple servers and they have fun removing guild claims from one another. Imagine happening this on a far larger scale.

I can see this becoming the new status quo...

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